Sexism in Costume Choices?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The tummy's ok, but the arms are awful - they look like male arms grafted onto her body.
So if that's the look you're after, then I think you'll probably have to wait for a Halloween booster pack
Actually, its hard to be certain, but there's a thing that should look similar to her, and thats all I'll say.



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
Actually, its hard to be certain, but there's a thing that should look similar to her, and thats all I'll say.
Frankenstein's monster?

She would have had perfect arms until she decided to pump them up into man-arms.
The She-Hulk look isn't something people are born with - it's something they choose to do to their bodies, so there's nothing wrong with criticizing it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Actually not true. Some people have naturally bulkier arms than some. Or other parts are, y'know, different or unique, as humans all are.

I for one have incredibly feminine eyelashes apparently. I also have very pronounced veins on my hands, much like is shown in that picture.

Also, you'd critiscise them because of choices they make? Because you decree they are wrong, or something? Isn't that attempted suppression of free will, choice and a little thing people call democray?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Actually not true. Some people have naturally bulkier arms than some. Or other parts are, y'know, different or unique, as humans all are.
Comic artist Nina Matsumoto's blog has a post about the diversity of body types in Olympic athletes as a reference for comic artists. There's a wide range of body shapes and sizes presented. Keep in mind every one of those people in the photos is an Olympic athlete, not simply an average person off the street.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The tummy's ok, but the arms are awful - they look like male arms grafted onto her body.
You're welcome to hold that opinion, but I don't think we should decide what does or doesn't get made available in the costume creator based on what you personally find attractive. Or on what any other player finds attractive. The goal is to give us a large range of options, and we can decide for ourselves whether we think our characters are attractive.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
You're welcome to hold that opinion, but I don't think we should decide what does or doesn't get made available in the costume creator based on what you personally find attractive. Or on what any other player finds attractive. The goal is to give us a large range of options and we can decide for ourselves whether we think our characters are attractive.
Slight correction.

The goal is to give us a large range of options that people will actually use. Options that aren't appealing to a large percentage of people add no value to said large percentage of people. When you've got a choice of developing something that serves ten or ten thousand, you go for the broader audience.

For that reason, its perfectly valid to express one's likes or dislikes. It lets the devs get a sense of something popularity.

For my own interests, though, I'd prefer a 'muscled' female look that was a bit toned down from the examples given here using the male abs. The shadowing in that one makes them look too cut-- the kind of thing you'd only see at bodybuilding competitions. I'd prefer more of the muscle definition you may find on an Olympic triathete.

Techbot_alpha's photo is close. I'm not a fan of the bulging vein, but the shoulder bredth would still be changable via the character creator and the rest of the muscle tone and definition is solid without being exaggerated.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Options that aren't appealing to a large percentage of people add no value to said large percentage of people. When you've got a choice of developing something that serves ten or ten thousand, you go for the broader audience.
And people don't really seem to be falling over themselves in the rush to demand these man-woman monsters

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



more pics of hot buff chicks please.



the toes on Jessica Howard are gross.

They look like someone sewed hands on where her feet should be, and then sawed the thumbs off.

Jessica Aldrich though, I would totally wrap my arms around her waist, my legs around here thighs and climb her like a tree.



The girls in this pics are not too muscled, but I think they look awesome.
I think is hot and healthy those fit bodies, but I dont like when is too much and they look like bodybuilders, in a non natural way (steroids):

Jessica Biel (She is very sporty and really beautiful)

Random fit girl from google

I would like to be able to create characters this curvy. Like Desdemona or Mother Mayhem. The bodies and slides of the character creator are a bit squared to me... We need more polygons and better textures.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That makes a nice change from the usual porn pictures that a lot of male illustrators use as body and pose references.
the artist/hack known as Greg Land is the only comic book artist i'm familiar with who uses actual porn poses for hero comics.

Porn Star bodies are always a fantasy-style that real world people are trying to recreate and have been in comics far far before porn became so easy to get or so's called Idealized Human Shape.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
The goal is to give us a large range of options that people will actually use. Options that aren't appealing to a large percentage of people add no value to said large percentage of people. When you've got a choice of developing something that serves ten or ten thousand, you go for the broader audience.
I disagree with the conclusions that this assertion leads to. Yes, it's usually a good idea to cater to as many people as you can, but that's not always the smart thing to do, because then you'll be remaking the same thing over and over and over again with no variety or expansion. It's been very clear that people like detailed tech pieces. Yes, we get it, they're good. Can we have something else now? There's no point in focusing on things we have triplicates of when we can focus on concepts that cannot even be made.

Having an expansive costume editor is crucial, in my opinion. People will only ever make what the editor allows them to make, and concepts that don't apply will be left by the wayside. That doesn't mean that people won't make these other concepts if and when they become available. A lot of the time people will actually make things they didn't think they'd like just because they were inspired by someone else's costume or just a piece they ran across tabbing through the editor.


To point, I feel there's little point in adding a more muscular texture for females if it isn't, in fact, more muscular. "Toned" is what the current skin texture is. Yes, it has a flat belly, but it has very pronounced back muscles. If we do indeed get such a thing, I'd like it to be more distinct and more different from the one we have right now so as to enable a broader spectrum of characters. I realise not everyone will like that, but then not everyone liked the Wedding pack, and not everyone likes Enforcer pieces, and, of course, not everyone likes the animal pieces we've seen so far.

Personally, I like Tech's pic the best so far simply because it's the only one that isn't trying to pretend it's really still a photoshoot skinny model that's just a little bit more toned to appease people like me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Now, there's good reason to also offer a token oddity or two that, even if it is extremely rarely used, it demonstrates the breadth of options available to you... but even the value of this has to be weighed against the loss of development time for more popular items.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It's been very clear that people like detailed tech pieces. Yes, we get it, they're good. Can we have something else now? There's no point in focusing on things we have triplicates of when we can focus on concepts that cannot even be made.
Bah, there will never be enough tech pieces until we get a good box/cube shaped tech costume set like this.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Bah, there will never be enough tech pieces until we get a good box/cube shaped tech costume set like this.
Sure you don't mean this?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.