Inherent fitness made endurance problems at lower levels worse
Why is that?
It's very simple really. 1) You can now take more attacks and defensive powers sooner. (You know, Those things that use up endurance) 2) You have the same number of enhancements to spread over more powers, reducing the amount of endurance reduction enhancements you can slot. (Well, you know, since it is almost a requirement on all AT's to slot 2 ACC enhancements on every attack if you hope to, you know, like, hit anything at all.) 3) Stamina, slotted with low level enhancements does little to overcome the drain added by #1 and #2 It really evens out at higher levels, but the endurance problem for low level characters has only been exacerbated by inherent fitness. Now, everyone tell me why I'm wrong. |
2. 2 ACC is overkill with 'Beginner's Luck', the ToHit bonus that low level toons have. Change it to 1 ACC / 1 EndRedux and take that uber attack chain.
3. When you hit level 17, let your older characters gift your newbie with Miracle +Recharge.20 in Health. It's only 150 mil.

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Why is that?
It's very simple really. 1) You can now take more attacks and defensive powers sooner. (You know, Those things that use up endurance) 2) You have the same number of enhancements to spread over more powers, reducing the amount of endurance reduction enhancements you can slot. (Well, you know, since it is almost a requirement on all AT's to slot 2 ACC enhancements on every attack if you hope to, you know, like, hit anything at all.) 3) Stamina, slotted with low level enhancements does little to overcome the drain added by #1 and #2 It really evens out at higher levels, but the endurance problem for low level characters has only been exacerbated by inherent fitness. Now, everyone tell me why I'm wrong. |
It's true: if you pick expensive powers and use them all the time, it doesn't matter if you have Stamina or not. So don't use them all the time until you can get some more slots into them to reduce the endurance cost.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
1) You can now take more attacks and defensive powers sooner. (You know, Those things that use up endurance)
2) You have the same number of enhancements to spread over more powers, reducing the amount of endurance reduction enhancements you can slot. (Well, you know, since it is almost a requirement on all AT's to slot 2 ACC enhancements on every attack if you hope to, you know, like, hit anything at all.) 3) Stamina, slotted with low level enhancements does little to overcome the drain added by #1 and #2 |
#1) Pick other types of powers instead. As mentioned above, an extra Recall Friend on the team never hurts. You wont even need to add slots to it, letting you keep more EndReduction in your attacks if you want. If it doesn't fit into your overall build, you can always respec out of it later. The idea is to get through the lower levels the best way you can, and then do what you really want later on when you have more resources. Don't try to cram your whole build into your first choices. You can pick up the "extras" along the way as well.
#2) Don't add slots to the Inherent Fitness at low levels. That will give you the enhancement slots to put whatever you want into your other powers. Treat Inherent Stamina as a free slot for a little extra boost, and that's it. Add your extra slots later when they will be more effective.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Stamina didn't make the low level endurance issues worse. Poor decision-making made the low level endurance issues worse.
I am not at all clear on how adding more endurance recovery could be rationally seen as making the problem of low end recovery worse. I could understand if at some threshold people said it didn't make any difference, but worse?
I am playing my lowbies the same way I played them before I19. Sure, some of them do have another attack or armor that they didn't have, but it's not that much more... and when I play the same way as I did before, I have a much, much easier time with endurance. If you play like you're all SO'd out with end cost in every power, you might have problems, but... don't play that way until you do. At least for me, problem solved.
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Why is that?
It's very simple really. 1) You can now take more attacks and defensive powers sooner. (You know, Those things that use up endurance) 2) You have the same number of enhancements to spread over more powers, reducing the amount of endurance reduction enhancements you can slot. (Well, you know, since it is almost a requirement on all AT's to slot 2 ACC enhancements on every attack if you hope to, you know, like, hit anything at all.) 3) Stamina, slotted with low level enhancements does little to overcome the drain added by #1 and #2 It really evens out at higher levels, but the endurance problem for low level characters has only been exacerbated by inherent fitness. Now, everyone tell me why I'm wrong. |
I would pull a quote from Lady Sadako about how wrong you are, but that would be insulting a character I made in her honor.
You see, those of us who never thought that Stamina was a mandatory power at any level, have no problems with the lower level Endurance usage. Because we, you know, learned to actually manage our Endurance.
There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
Stamina didn't make the low level endurance issues worse. Poor decision-making made the low level endurance issues worse.
Simplest solution. Don't add any slots to those 4 powers until later. The single free slot that comes with each power already makes a huge difference at low levels.
Most players prefer working on a Travel power pool first and didn't even bother with Fitness until after level 14 because Stamina didn't open up until 20. So most people are used to playing without that set at low levels and appreciate the boost the single slots in Fitness gives them at low levels.
No one is forced to make stupid power/slotting choices. They have the option of making intelligent ones instead. If you find taking too many attack/defensive powers detrimental then don't choose them. There are other powers you can take that you can leave one slotted.
Teleport Friend
Teleport Foe
Grant Invisibility
Aid Other
Just to name a few. This isn't rocket science. Or as more blunt people might say, learn to play.
Top men in the field of science have discovered a direct correlation between people that don't like inherent Fitness and people that spend way too much time door sitting in AE missions.
Uhhh pre level 20? Expensive powers? Yea maybe only very specific ats like fire perhaps, and if you are trying to constantly attack of course your going to run out of end, but I have yet run into any issues with end on many alts I have tried.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Top men in the field of science have discovered a direct correlation between people that don't like inherent Fitness and people that spend way too much time door sitting in AE missions.

Wow. Just wow.
I really hope this is just a troll post.
"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
Stamina didn't make the low level endurance issues worse. Poor decision-making made the low level endurance issues worse. Stamina just gave you a false sense of security over what you could get away with.
It's true: if you pick expensive powers and use them all the time, it doesn't matter if you have Stamina or not. So don't use them all the time until you can get some more slots into them to reduce the endurance cost. |
Also very true, and I'm sigging that, lol.
@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor
It's true!
Just like the King Size bag of candy made my tummy ache!!
Also, I have never two slotted accuracy... That explains why I never ever hit anything!!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Forbin, I hope you don't mind, but I just have to borrow this for my sig, hehe. Its just too funny, and sadly its probably so right.
![]() ![]() |
Be my guest. It's not often I say something people like.

Is the OP actually blaming Inherent Fitness for his poor character build?
atlest he's not asking for more slots..
I said it before and I will say it again to many insults on these forums even though most will deny it, some of you are being way to rude, the op could be simply confused but no, everyone is to busy looking for a weakness and attack it, its easy to do behind a keyboard, and espically when everyone is attacking at the same time.
Just being so hard on the op, we all make mistakes we all get confused the only ones trolling here are you.
It is funny how some of you appear quite intelligent but at the same time have no patience and jump to conclusions and go just as low as everyone else, true intelligence never jumps to conclusions and understands that patience and wisdom also needs to be used.
I said it before and I will say it again to many insults on these forums even though most will deny it, some of you are being way to rude, the op could be simply confused but no, everyone is to busy looking for a weakness and attack it, its easy to do behind a keyboard, and espically when everyone is attacking at the same time.
Just being so hard on the op, we all make mistakes we all get confused the only ones trolling here are you. It is funny how some of you appear quite intelligent but at the same time have no patience and jump to conclusions and go just as low as everyone else, true intelligence never jumps to conclusions and understands that patience and wisdom also needs to be used. |
When someone is saying that an inherent, automatic recovery boost of atlest 25% is making their character perform WORSE then not having an inherent, automatic recovery boost of atlest 25%, then it is really hard not to jump to conclusions, and assume the OP is just blowing smoke out of their nether regions.
When someone is saying that an inherent, automatic recovery boost of atlest 25% is making their character perform WORSE then not having an inherent, automatic recovery boost of atlest 25%, then it is really hard not to jump to conclusions, and assume the OP is just blowing smoke out of their nether regions.
*runs around flailing like a muppet*
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Why is that?
It's very simple really.
1) You can now take more attacks and defensive powers sooner. (You know, Those things that use up endurance)
2) You have the same number of enhancements to spread over more powers, reducing the amount of endurance reduction enhancements you can slot. (Well, you know, since it is almost a requirement on all AT's to slot 2 ACC enhancements on every attack if you hope to, you know, like, hit anything at all.)
3) Stamina, slotted with low level enhancements does little to overcome the drain added by #1 and #2
It really evens out at higher levels, but the endurance problem for low level characters has only been exacerbated by inherent fitness.
Now, everyone tell me why I'm wrong.