ATs and Genders
I haven't noticed any particular breakdown like that. I generally make mine according to concept -- if a female tank fits the concept, so be it.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
When I think of Tanks and Brutes, I always think they're male
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
i thought i had more males as melees and more females as ranged or buffer characters, but a quick look at the numbers really doesn't bear it out. its more really that i like playing certian at's so there are too few tanks, stalkers, trollers and blasters to draw anything out of and so many scrapps, defenders, brutes and doms that it becomes a data overload. i made only female veats, and only a male kheld, but again, small numbers dont give much data. the one tendency i have is to avoid making "finesse" based female melee characters, that is a trope that is pretty well worn with stuff like alias, buffy and serenity, so if i have a female who mixes it up in close combat, i tend to dodge the trope and make them heavy smashers. i do have only female defenders, i guess there is that, though my corrs are mostly male.
i add the usual caveat that most of my females look human, whereas my males are usually monsters, so you could see some flexibility with gender roles there, men may be from mars, but where are trolls, angels, dragons and robots from? (yes, i know giving genders to robots is cheating, but most have some biological component that makes them one or the other) they tend to come from concepts themselves so they have their own themes that are independent of specific gender roles.
I play almost exclusively female characters, and I've played every AT. I don't play a lot of Blasters, though.
While I do tend to think of Brutes/Tankers as male, looking over my characters on Virtue shows a fairly even distribution of male and female characters over the AT's. Well, except for my three male Inv tanks who skew the numbers a bit, although there's a good chance one or two of them will be shipped out the next time we get free server transfers (if there's a next time).
So while I might think of certain AT's as male or female, my characters don't really follow that sort of pattern in practice.
Well, I tend to see a lot of female toons.
and i mean A LOT. but funny enough, a friend of my has one toon who seems to personify the concept of the scrapper AT pretty well, so I tend to imagine scrappers as females by default.
I myself, due to the high female population of my RP community, I tend to roll almost only men in a somewhat empty act to attempt to balance it out.
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Most of my characters are female, and I've also played every AT at least once. My male characters are 2 brutes and a controller. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I've made a female brute. Female and Brute don't really go together in my head.
It could be I watched too much anime like Bubblegum Crisis when I was younger, though.
Well, I'm pretty sure most people think of Arachnos Widow characters as mostly female.
An MMO closure is definitely not a joke, and I have no intention of making light of it. And it can be a tough and emotional thing for players to go through, speaking from personal experience. And I know that it's often much harder on the developers than on the publisher. However, I also know that it doesn't necessarily turn you into a sad, depressed sack of tears for the rest of your life. People can move past it, and heal.

Hm. There are some skews I see...a lot of the suport types are female, the frontliners skew male. Not a rule of thumb, but it happens. Strangely enough, I tend to be a bit contrary on that, with my female knight tank, pipe-wrench wielding lady brute, and female frankenstein brute. Likewise, my support types skew male.
Hm. I can count on my hand the number of stone tanks I've seen that are female.
Slight adjustment on my part.
![]() Hm. There are some skews I see...a lot of the suport types are female, the frontliners skew male. Not a rule of thumb, but it happens. Strangely enough, I tend to be a bit contrary on that, with my female knight tank, pipe-wrench wielding lady brute, and female frankenstein brute. Likewise, my support types skew male. Hm. I can count on my hand the number of stone tanks I've seen that are female. |
What do they do? Bore the enemies to death?
My squishies tend to be either female or non-human (mainly insects) while my Brutes/Tankers tend to be maxed out huge builds. I do have a female Tanker though, who looks like an amazon from that Snu-Snu planet on Futurama
Out of my current line-up:
Brute = Male (Huge)
Mastermind = Female
Corruptor = Male (Android)
Dominator = Female
Stalker #1 = Male (mutated thorny plant)
Stalker #2 = Female
Well, I'm pretty sure most people think of Arachnos Widow characters as mostly female.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
My own lineup is almost exclusively;
Toons I made the first year of playing: Male
Everyone else: female
Except my crabs are males and my namesake is male.
I think there are gender preconceptions, but enough people play against them that there's a good mix. My first main character concept was for a tiny girl with a big axe, which plays a bit against type but isn't unheard of. I tried to compensate by making a Huge ill/emp troller of max size, who is also entertaining, but most of my characters have been female regardless of AT.
One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.
AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED
Most of my characters are female, and I've also played every AT at least once. My male characters are 2 brutes and a controller. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I've made a female brute. Female and Brute don't really go together in my head.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I never bothered to notice a pattern with gender and AT. I tend to mix things up.
I normally start with a concept, like a look or a name, and then pick the AT based on the powers I think they would have.
I think I have more female scrappers than male.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I see a lot of female Scrappers.
... but that's because I'm always looking at my characters.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I've seen a couple as in male+female of stone brutes who play together. It was odd.
What do they do? Bore the enemies to death? |
<enemy commits hari-kari after first slide of a bunch of rocks in formalwear>
For what it's worth, my main is a defender who may be either male or female, depending on which twin is in charge. I don't make enough melee characters to really have a valid sample, but my other characters are a pretty even mix, I think.
The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.
When I think of Tanks and Brutes, I always think they're male
![]() |
And then have a complete paddy when we stereotype girls.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Most of my characters are male. Generally, when I make a female toon it's because something about the background or name suggests/requires it. As an example, I had planned to make a WP/Ice tank named Taiga Tiger. That name was taken, but Taiga Tigress was free.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Considering I'm finally on winter break and my mind doesn't have to think about school right now
. Do you have any gender preconceptions or stereotypes for ATs? I for one see a lot of male Scrappers and a lot of female Defenders. What about you?
Virtue: @Santorican
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