Lord Recluse Flattened Me




Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
Oh come on, you've never had a buffing defender in your team before? Those pylons are buffing defenders, nothing more.
I wish my defenders were that sturdy.



Originally Posted by SteelMountain View Post
I just attempted my first STF this last weekend, and my experience trying to tank Lord Recluse was not pleasant. Basically, he kicked my a$$. All I can think of doing differently is loading up on tier 3 purples to floor his To-Hit while the rest of the team takes down the buff towers, especially the red one.
Yeah even stone tanks with Granite need help. Did you have a dedicated Emp healer on you keeping you alive while the towers were taken out? If not than you were doomed to fail no matter what kind of build you have as far as I can tell.

It comes down to can your build survive with a dedicated healer on you? Not can you tank Recluse by yourself. Because I don't think you can.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
It comes down to can your build survive with a dedicated healer on you? Not can you tank Recluse by yourself. Because I don't think you can.
My Dark Armor tank can do this all by his lonesome. I have met many tanks that can. Takes a few inspirations, but you don't need an empath.

And there are no healers.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Yeah, you don't need an emp. I've tanked LR on my Fire/SD Scrapper with just kin heals. Although, an emp is the best dedicated support toon you could get for it.




Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Yeah even stone tanks with Granite need help. Did you have a dedicated Emp healer on you keeping you alive while the towers were taken out? If not than you were doomed to fail no matter what kind of build you have as far as I can tell.

It comes down to can your build survive with a dedicated healer on you? Not can you tank Recluse by yourself. Because I don't think you can.
A decent Stone tanker build can easily solo tank LR with only a half dozen inspirations. A good Invuln build can do it with a few medium purples and 3-4 large oranges. Both should carry 2-3 big greens for emergencies and the Invuln will want a couple of big blues in case LR's end drain hits.

I've done it many times with both tanks; it's nearly a cakewalk with the Stone; just eat a medium purple per minute until the red tower drops and from that point you're golden. It's harder with Invuln but still quite doable as my 50+ runs with CMA prove, push your defense to 75% until the blue tower dies and eat a couple of big oranges for the alpha and keep one per minute active until the red tower dies.

On my Stone/Fire tanker I don't need or really want a dedicated support teammate; I'd rather that they all were working on the towers to take them down as fast as possible. All I need is about 5 inspirations until the red and blue towers go down, and I've done it with no inspirations a few times.

My Inv/Stone tanker can do it unassisted but if we have an emp I'll probably have him keeping a distant eye on me... baring extreme bad luck with the RNG I should be able to take care of myself and about 3/4 of the time I don't have any support and usually don't need it.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



ha...I remember when the STF first came out and I tanked him w/ my Invul/Fire...I was all like "ha, I'm capped to s/l damage, he won't hurt me that bad." Then I get to the actual fight..."OH MY GOD WHY ARE HIS SMASH/LETHAL HURTING SO MUCH!?"



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Yeah even stone tanks with Granite need help. Did you have a dedicated Emp healer on you keeping you alive while the towers were taken out? If not than you were doomed to fail no matter what kind of build you have as far as I can tell.

It comes down to can your build survive with a dedicated healer on you? Not can you tank Recluse by yourself. Because I don't think you can.


Tanks do it, Brutes do it, even educated Scrappers do it.

(If you've read entire threads or spent time on the forums and have a flexible definition of Tanking then you should establish that no one anything is needed.)

Let's do it, lets fall in pugs.


He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I severely DISLIKE when people say "I can solo LR on my tank....with inspirations".
I know what people mean when they say that but in this game, soloing with inspirations isn't really soloing.

I mean, take purples for example. You eat 2 big purples and usually that's more defense than one good defender can give you. You eat 2 big oranges and that's usually a LOT more than most defenders can give you.
Having a full tray of inspirations (while being a clever play, no doubt about that!) is like having your own pocket (or more than one) defender. You will get defense, resistance, heals, endurance.....it's exactly the same of what a defender can give you..

So, saying "I soloed LR....with inspirations" doesn't really mean anything really. EVERYONE can do that. Hell, I suppose a blaster CAN also tank LR then if he used a million inspirations on his tray to get to the res and def cap, with a million more inpirations on his email.
(I am exagerating but I think you guys can see my point)

And what would that prove? That your blaster is tough? Or that the INSPIRATIONS is what really made that possible?

So please, with all due respect, don't say that you can Tank LR solo....with inspirations.
I know it's true to the letter but in spirit, in this game....it isn't.

PS - Just one minor thing. I don't mean people shouldn't use inspirations against LR. That's not my point. I use inspirations against him. Hell, I think he was designed with that in mind.
I just think that it's a lot different soloing LR and soloing LR with inspirations. Like, it's kinda like the Ritki Pylon thread for scrappers, you can be soloing but if you eat inspirations to keep you going (red, or blues or greens, whatever) it doesn't really prove anything.



Originally Posted by Bio_Flame View Post
I severely DISLIKE when people say "I can solo LR on my tank....with inspirations".
I know what people mean when they say that but in this game, soloing with inspirations isn't really soloing.
Well, then we can just disagree on that. Inspirations just shower down upon us and they are meant to be used. I considering using them as still 'soloing'.

Now, when someone says they soloed an AV with just a shivan and an HVAS, THEN I don't call it soloing any more.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Now, when someone says they soloed an AV with just a shivan and an HVAS, THEN I don't call it soloing any more.
As far as the Devs are concerned it is though, because you are not with another player.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Bio_Flame View Post
I severely DISLIKE when people say "I can solo LR on my tank....with inspirations".
I know what people mean when they say that but in this game, soloing with inspirations isn't really soloing.

So please, with all due respect, don't say that you can Tank LR solo....with inspirations.
I know it's true to the letter but in spirit, in this game....it isn't.
First, inspirations are not limitless. If it takes you four purples and eight oranges to cap defense/resist, and four greens for the hits that get through to be able to tank him, you'll last sixty seconds.

A blaster can and has tanked Recluse long enough for the towers to fall. I'm aware of several successful all blaster MoSTFs. If you can survive him with inspirations long enough, then that's bloody solo tanking Recluse. And it's damned impressive no matter how you look at it.

But fine. Let's follow your logic. If you can't solo tank him without inspirations (tools the game has given you to accomplish a task), you can't really solo him. Same goes for Accolade powers like Eye of the Magus. Those aren't really your character doing anything. You know, come to think of it, set bonuses aren't really your character either. So unless you can solo tank him on SOs alone, then you can't really solo tank Recluse. In fact, why should you need enhanced powers at all. To truly solo tank Recluse, you should be able to do it on your powers alone, unenhanced.

Obviously I'm stretching this to make a bloody point. These are all tools of the game available to your character. My tank needs one large purple inspiration active until the blue tower is down, which on a good team means I need one large purple inspiration.

I can solo tank Lord Recluse, thank you very much.

His towers are nothing more than huge inspirations that don't expire. I don't think it's fair to say we're cheating to use our own.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Dude, I don't claim you can't tank LR, I just think that saying you soloed him with inspirations isn't quite "soloing" him.
If not, everyone can solo almost everything, including Blasters tanking LR.
And I don't think you need to get defensive, I am not trying to diminish your accomplishments. I also tanked LR on my Ice, my Granite, abd my Inv, all of them "with inspirations".

All in all, I think my thing about "soloing with inspirations" comes back from the good old days, when we used to say that Regen"solo tanking Hamidon" meant really that, Tanking Hamidon without any outside help or any inspirations at all.
I must say that the Scrapper Pylon Challenge also kinda like says what I did, soloing with no inspirations.

It's only a minor nitpick, really. No offense meant.



Originally Posted by Bio_Flame View Post
I severely DISLIKE when people say "I can solo LR on my tank....with inspirations".
I know what people mean when they say that but in this game, soloing with inspirations isn't really soloing.
That really has to be one of the sillier things I've heard on the Forums recently. Inspirations are there to be used; there there for a temporary boost to get past things that are too tough to do unaided. We're not talking about a Scrapper RWZ challenge here, we're talking about being able to efficiently handle one of the toughest portions of one of the toughest TF's in the game.

I mean, take purples for example. You eat 2 big purples and usually that's more defense than one good defender can give you. You eat 2 big oranges and that's usually a LOT more than most defenders can give you.
Having a full tray of inspirations (while being a clever play, no doubt about that!) is like having your own pocket (or more than one) defender. You will get defense, resistance, heals, endurance.....it's exactly the same of what a defender can give you..

So, saying "I soloed LR....with inspirations" doesn't really mean anything really. EVERYONE can do that. Hell, I suppose a blaster CAN also tank LR then if he used a million inspirations on his tray to get to the res and def cap, with a million more inpirations on his email.
(I am exagerating but I think you guys can see my point)

And what would that prove? That your blaster is tough? Or that the INSPIRATIONS is what really made that possible?

So please, with all due respect, don't say that you can Tank LR solo....with inspirations.
I know it's true to the letter but in spirit, in this game....it isn't.

PS - Just one minor thing. I don't mean people shouldn't use inspirations against LR. That's not my point. I use inspirations against him. Hell, I think he was designed with that in mind.
I just think that it's a lot different soloing LR and soloing LR with inspirations. Like, it's kinda like the Ritki Pylon thread for scrappers, you can be soloing but if you eat inspirations to keep you going (red, or blues or greens, whatever) it doesn't really prove anything.
Are you quite over your little rant there and willing to join the rest of us or are you going to to into even more pointless tangents when what we're discussing is, quite simply, an effective strategy to use against the game's top foe? Well, top short of Hamidon anyway, and far and away the most dangerous.

If I can handle LR by myself with inspirations and free the rest of the team to kill the towers faster then you feel that's cheating somehow? Give me a break and loose the holier than thou attitude. You have an inspiration tray for a reason; and a level 50 has 20 slots for a reason. I suppose from your "purist" point of view it's "cheating" somehow to use IO set bonuses? How about any enhancements at all; after all a Kinetic with Fulcrum can take care of your damage so why bother slotting damage enhancements? Defenders get such great bonuses from Leadership so why bother with accuracy since they can run Tactics?

By the way, a well built Stone tanker will use a couple of medium purples and maybe a green or two; a well built Invuln will use probably 3 large Oranges and 3-4 medium purples along with a Green or two and maybe a blue assuming the team's any good.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



You seem to have misunderstood me and got angry.
I did not say not to use inspirations against LR. In fact, I said that I DID use them against LR.
I did not say that inspirations aren't useful or that they are "cheesy".
I did not say that inspirations are "cheats".
Likw i said in my post, if you had cared to read it, I use inspirations too and I don't think they are cheats. Your entire post is argueing against something I did not say. It's rather pointless since I didn't say any of those things.

Please, stop using fallacy arguments.

Again, I only said that I dislike people saying they are "soloing with inspirations". I have nothing against inspirations and I do use them. I did use them against LR.
I just think that saying "I can solo X with inspirations" isn't appropriate.
Like, I would say, I tanked LR with inspirations, or simply, I did STF on my tanker and Tanked LR.

Again, CMA, I think your reply is overly agressive when I stated clearly on my post that I have nothing against inspirations nor against anyone using them since i use them myself.
And I also said that I didn't intend to step on anyone's toes nor offend anyone.



Soloing is using only the tools, talents and skills inherit to yourself, to do alone. Do you dislike guitar solos that use an amp? If you're tanking Recluse without buffs, an emp angel, or other teammates support you are solo tanking him. Not something I prefer to do, but I don't soft cap with 1 target (43%) and a good bubble set with call for justice makes 108 a reality

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



It should also be pointed out that the "solo blaster tanking Recluse with inspirations" that you mentioned just cannot be done without a heavily IO'd and amazing build. it should also be pointed out that the tank solo tanking recluse cannot be done without a great build that's probably decently IO'd out and even then some builds can't do it all the time because all it takes is for Recluse to get two lucky shots in in a row on something like an Ice Tank while the red tower is up.

It isn't just inspirations that make it possible.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



I just tanked LR with an ice/ice tank and I used a bunch of inspirations and an emp was healing me. We beat him and everyone on the team got badges and Notice of the Well, and whatever else they chose as a reward. I was on a TEAM...it was TEAM effort. And we did it with little difficulty because it was a TEAM of 8 heroes working together. So there!



While I might not agree with DeathKitty's choice of words, I'm certainly right with him on the sentiment. I ran my first STF earlier this week on my Fire/Fire Tanker, and I'm sure I couldn't have handled him without the help of my team. But with Fortitude, a set of FF shields, and the Wedding Band temp power from Stephanie Peebles, I could comfortably tank him standing in the middle while the other seven people piled on the towers. I had 66% defense, so not quite softcapped through the blue tower, but I used two small oranges per minute to cap my resistances to S/L/E until the red tower dropped, then hit Healing Flames whenever I saw my health bar move.

I did have AM and Speed Boost, which helped how often I could do that, but it really wasn't a challenge compared to something like the patron fight (the pull went badly, and I had to scramble to get aggro on all four of them. Not easy when Ghost Widow lands her massive Immobilise in the first few seconds. Luckily, I didn't get held.)

All in all, Lord Recluse is manageable if you work together and use what's available to you. HVAS and Shivans aren't the only temp powers you can call on when things get tough - the Wedding Band is a great tool for Resistance tankers, as the difference between 45% resistance and 75% resistance is less than half as much damage actually getting through.



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
It should also be pointed out that the "solo blaster tanking Recluse with inspirations" that you mentioned just cannot be done without a heavily IO'd and amazing build. it should also be pointed out that the tank solo tanking recluse cannot be done without a great build that's probably decently IO'd out and even then some builds can't do it all the time because all it takes is for Recluse to get two lucky shots in in a row on something like an Ice Tank while the red tower is up.

It isn't just inspirations that make it possible.
It's also extremely luck based. A blaster's HP and Resistance cap is significantly lower than a tanker's. I would guess having 7 blasters killing the towers quickly was a major contribution.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



I gave up trying to convince people that you don't need a stoner and an emp to do STF. Granted its easier I guess, but it is not a prerequisite. I agree with Deathkitty up there, its a team tf, so buffs and debuffs are welcome. Once the red tower is down its all gravy.

If you say you have a toon that can solo STF your a liar, its a team oriented TF.



Originally Posted by theheat View Post
If you say you have a toon that can solo STF your a liar, its a team oriented TF.
So are giant monsters but they get soloed all the time.
I don't recall hearing about anyone soloing the STF, but I believe it has been completed by a duo.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by theheat View Post
I gave up trying to convince people that you don't need a stoner and an emp to do STF. Granted its easier I guess, but it is not a prerequisite. I agree with Deathkitty up there, its a team tf, so buffs and debuffs are welcome. Once the red tower is down its all gravy.

If you say you have a toon that can solo STF your a liar, its a team oriented TF.
Yeah, I have to say that I tanked a STF with my INV/SS tank and was pleasantly surprised at how I did. The only problem I had was when I accidentally hit Unstoppable, but I survived the crash pretty well. I had good emp on me and we had no problems.

You definitely don't need a stone tank to run the STF. I'm living proof.

I ran one last night with my healer (emp/dark blast) and had a hell of a time keeping an elec/ tank alive. They kept running around because "the ranged attacks didn't hurt as much as the melee from recluse." I got caught a couple of times in Recluse's cone and faceplanted. It was a mess, but we prevailed.

So not all tankers are created equal.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by SteelMountain View Post
I just attempted my first STF this last weekend, and my experience trying to tank Lord Recluse was not pleasant. Basically, he kicked my a$$. All I can think of doing differently is loading up on tier 3 purples to floor his To-Hit while the rest of the team takes down the buff towers, especially the red one.

Beyond that, I am wondering if my build is somehow gimped for LR. Any suggestions on tactics or build changes would be appreciated. Thanks.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.90
Click this DataLink to open the build!
SteelMountain: Level 50 Technology Tanker
Primary Power Set: Invulnerability
Secondary Power Set: Energy Melee
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Temp Invulnerability -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(3), ResDam-I(3), EndRdx-I(5), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(48)
Level 1: Barrage -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(5), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(7), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(9), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(9)
Level 2: Dull Pain -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(11), Heal-I(11), RechRdx-I(13), RechRdx-I(13), RechRdx-I(15)
Level 4: Bone Smasher -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(15), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(17), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(17), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(19), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19)
Level 6: Resist Physical Damage -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(21)
Level 8: Unyielding -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(25), ResDam-I(27), EndRdx-I(27)
Level 10: Taunt -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 12: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump-I(A)
Level 16: Air Superiority -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(33), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(33), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34)
Level 18: Invincibility -- DefBuff-I(A), DefBuff-I(31), LkGmblr-Def(31), LkGmblr-Rchg+(33)
Level 20: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 22: Tough -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(36), EndRdx-I(36), EndRdx-I(36)
Level 24: Weave -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(37), DefBuff-I(37)
Level 26: Tough Hide -- DefBuff-I(A), DefBuff-I(37)
Level 28: Build Up -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 30: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(31), RechRdx-I(46)
Level 32: Whirling Hands -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(39), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(39), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(39), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 35: Energy Transfer -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(40), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(42), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(42), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(42), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43)
Level 38: Total Focus -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(43), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(43), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45)
Level 41: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 44: Physical Perfection -- Heal-I(A), EndMod-I(46), EndMod-I(46)
Level 47: Resist Elements -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(48), ResDam-I(48)
Level 49: Resist Energies -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(50), ResDam-I(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(21), Numna-Heal(23), RgnTis-Regen+(23), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(25)
Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(29), EndMod-I(29)

Let me make sure I understand. You thought you were just going to walk up to Recluse and take him by force by yourself...a level 50 only maybe? That's crazy...Look things aren't that simple!



Any tanker can tank the STF. Some powersets can do it easier then others based on predefined criteria that plays to those sets specific strengths. Inspirations are meant to be used and should be used strategically. A little bit of preparation and a little bit of knowledge go a long way on the STF.

As for Solo Tanking a Tower Buffed Lord Recluse, Why? This is a team event and in all reality the tanker should be assisted with whatever buffs that are beneficial to the tank. Besides for a little bit of ego stroking or tanker comparison its more or less useless because you don't get Merits/Enhancements or Incarnate items by tanking him, you get it for defeating the STF, and that takes a team.

Onto some beneficial ways to handle the STF.

Bring 1 Cold and 1 Sonic Defender, seriously try it out it makes things so much easier. Obviously a rad would be great asset too. (Just a note I know Darks TA's, EMps, FF's, and any other primary I forgot are great too, just pointing out optimal options)

Inspiration wise, if you are close to softcap defensively 4 Purples 8 Oranges 4 Greens and 4 Blues (Depending on Primary blues may be irrelevant) Pop 1 Purple and 2 Oranges before entering combat with Lord Recluse, Keep him facing away from the team preferably in a corner, however some teams like to have you close so they can drop buffs on you. Regardless, if your back is too the team there will be problems.

If you are not close to Soft Cap bring 8 Purples, 8 Oranges and 4 Greens and pop 2 Oranges and 2 Purples before entering the fight. Follow the same directions as above

Watch your inspirations, pop as they start to blink. Don't get anxious about them and don't overbuff. You will get hit and it will take chunks from your bar, just keep taunting and hit a green if you need it. If you are gonna drop let your team know so they can take action if they can. Always communicate.

All in all just relax and have fun, thats what its meant for. Running it for the first few times will not be perfect runs and will be learning experiences, take what you learn and apply it to the next run.




I know this has been said, but don't be upset if he cleans your clock too. I jumped him last night comfortably inside a bubble, inside the range of steaming mist reading well over 100 Def and 90/90/60/60/60/60/42 resists, but without Dull Pain up (ussually don't need it right off if ever depending on how good my empy is . Punched, stepped back 4 steps to begain to pull him where I like to keep him, taunted. His first lucky hit/hits were for over 1900, I'm all oh crap looking for the INSP or DP button, so it goes off as soon as the taunt animation stops, he hits me again for 1500. I"m down. Sometimes the bear just gets you.

(Used the new vet power to instant reserect with 3 large insps already loaded to grab him back again, but he got me)

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---