Curiosity: Incarnate!




Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post

I'd contend that you also need an appropriate toon for Pocket D roleplay as well. And you have to not mind enourmous amounts of "WTF!?" too.
yes, but with a but, Pok D is much less restrictive, and there is more than one style of RP on offer, currently there is at least four quiet different groupings in the Blue bar, all doing their thing, with varible degrees of cross over chat and comment.

Jerks and Tools aside, and even GG suffers them from time to time, i have to say your WTF comment does sort of make my point of GGers being a bit closed off, you like what you like, which is fine and dandy, but it does exculde a lot of what other people want to do.

Now back to the OP .. i dont think any of my toons will be doing the Inny arcs IC, and as for IC comments about the Well, well ((pun)) firstly i want to see how anyone gains much infomation about it and what it is doing..will the Well do a webcaste ? or will Fey Sprites whisper in our ears ? Personally i can not recall the last time anyone IC mentioned the States ans Recluse and Pannies Box as an important or affecting event in their characters back story...



I really wasn't going to post again in this thread, but the topic of the thread has changed again to an extent that it probably should be a separate thread.

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I don't think calling it "clique" is fair. That word tends to have many negative connotations, and we really DON'T try to be negative at GG unless someone is being a jerk.
I just made £10.

That's what I bet that specifically FFM, rather than any other GG-regular, would moan it was unfair to call them a clique. ((And considering you already got moderated once for it, could you please stop calling people J**ks?)).

Well, this entire thread shows exactly what so many complain about the group at GG being a 'clique' for.

We have had a strong, occassionally passionate, and very occassionally heated debate about how we will, and can, bring 'becoming incarnate' (the Game mechanism) to our characters - the IC rationale/cause for the OOC incarnate slots effect.

However, a very few people can't stick with just agreeing or disagreeing with the points made, and start arguing with the poster, rather than the post. Sadly, Dr Mechano was the first.
Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Ok now you're just being a ********* Ammon, sure I mispelled a word and then you jump all over me for it.

You know what, consider me done with this conversation, if all I'm going to get is be made out to be retarded for a slight misspelling than you can go [censored] yourself.
Some people take themselves far to seriously to tease even if you make clear it is just humour by following it with "but seriously, ..." Does anyone think that was a reasonable reaction to a harmless joke about misspelling?

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Ammon, quit being a jerk and telling people how they play their characters. If you don't like how they're interpreting Incarnate, DON'T RP WITH THEM.

It's none of your business how people do things, so take your unwelcome god modding elsewhere.
Ah, FFM asks me to leave his forum. And becomes the first person to need moderator intervention.

Of course, there is no point before this where I have told anyone how to play their character. I posted a list that stated entirely the opposite. The closest I have come is saying that I have the right to react IC to how they play their character IC, and even avoid/ignore roleplay stuff that doesn't sit well with me. I never say what others can or cannot do, per se, only what they may or may not expect me (or others like me) to swallow and accept.

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I really don't see why certain people are having such a major spaz over what some other people want to do with their chars.
Me either. But certain people really did seem to have a major problem with the idea that one of my characters might not take their character seriously, and might, on seeing them backhand Statesman across a room, IC, believe them to be of the same power-order or more than known Incarnates.

Apparently, I am 'wrong' for deciding that my character, in character, on seeing another character perform with Incarnate-level powers, think to themselves that the character is indeed Incarnate level. That my character does not have the right to think that a very powerful character of theirs is possibly Incarnate. Somehow, my character is supposed to know their OOC explanation?

I must be 'wrong' because my posts about how I and my characters will react to things are what has been attacked quite personally at times.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Taking the game that literally is usually being just a little bit of a ****.
This was said of a quoted part of my text, so again, unneccesarily personal. However, from a later post, I get the idea that Fanservice thinks I am in agreement with CB, or that CB and I are some sort of team. For all I know, Fanservice has been unable to separate my posts from CBs, and really meant to get personal with him. But is that really any better?

And for the record, Fanservice, my group are those lively people in the Militia and Cadre, thus it is with Dante and Wolfram with whom I play the most often (several times a week on average). I barely know CB really, can't recall a time we have teamed together IC if there is one, but I'm with Voltaire, in that I may disagree with everything he says, but I shall defend to the death his right to say it.

I will always be dismayed to see posts like:

Originally Posted by White_Warlock View Post
Seriously CB just drop it alright?

I swear you seem to be arguing the point just to be as contrary as possible and its getting real old real quick. Tech, Z, Floaty and Omy have already (repeatedly) attempted to explain to you why in their view; and mine as it so happens since I agree with most of their reasoning, you are wrong and for that (and their saint-like patience) I salute them.

In all honesty the only conclusion I can come to is that you are deliberately trolling and it really is getting more than a bit tedious.
There is no call for things to get personal, nor for name-calling. None. It doesn't help things at all either that it sometimes seems like the GG RP crowd cannot argue anything without using the words 'Right' and 'Wrong'.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I know Ammon and CB think they're really, really, right on this one but the fact is no one else is willing to swallow it and that is essentially the important thing.
You see, I am right. Because all I have stated is how my characters will be reacting. And my characters are my right. They may not be right for you, but they are always right for me. Its called individual choice.

I have never, once, had the sheer abominable arrogance and to decide that how someone else will think IC, about my characters actions is something I should control, or something I could possibly have the authority to declare 'right' or 'wrong'.

Those that have, that do, are all from the Galaxy Girl RP scene, and so it gives the impression, that they are unfriendly, intollerant, and a very closed clique.

I'd be willing to bet money also that the several posters who have expressed that they've been told they did forum RP somehow 'wrongly' were also told that by members of the GG clique.

And although these 'vocal personalities' (to coin the lovely tem Shadowe gave us) may be and probably are a minority of the GG crowd, which are in turn a very small minority of the Union RP scene, the fact is that the others of that GG group never speak out against it. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that Good people do nothing".

It does give other Union RPers the impression that some excellent RPers, such as Shadowe and Zortel, tacitly condone the rude, aggressive, and entirely unmerited authoritarianism of their fellows telling people what is right and wrong, and how they may or may not react IC to IC events.



Fea has some good points there!

Before detailing some more character stuff, let's do a quick woobly woobly sidetrack!

~Wooble~ ~Wooble~

On GG as a clique: As with any social setting where there's an established group, it can be hard for newcomers to get involved, and may take a little bit of time. It can be the same in PD: I've tried to get interaction, but people are firmly stuck in their little social circles having fun RP. It's happened to me at GG before as well.

GG is still one of the longest running RP areas on the server though, having started in March 2005. It was a bit different back then, usually it wound down at ten and people used it as a hub to jump off and do IC missions. That started to change around the time of the Rooftop Generation (A supergroup of teen characters that hung out on a roof in KR) and then started to settle into being more a social spot than a social hub.

On forum RP: I have troubles with forum RP. It can be hard enough to write at the best of times, but the random stop-start nature of forum RP throws me off. The IC story-fests that come with big game events, like the Zero Hour Rikti stories though, I do like.

On building character for RP: The fact of a character needing to have a certain set of social traits for GG is an interesting one. The same would apply for PD. You wouldn't really bring a character who hates alcohol, noise, people and floating disk jockeys there (exception being unless they were dragged along by friends) and as the same, certain character types don't work at GG. It's just one of those things and there isn't really any way to change that.

I've lost my train of thought, so

~wooble~ ~wooble~

Some of these are long term predictions, the characters are not yet 50.

An inspiration streak leading to radical, new designs being implemented in the Zortel suit, starting off with improvements to the power systems (Recharge Alpha) and moving on to a new energy frequency that ups the potency of her suit's stun capacitor gauntlets (Recharge/Stun Alpha). There then exists the chance for installing new weapons systems based on the Judgement things that may not necessarily utilize energy, depends on what I see and like.

When the Praetorians Imperial Defence Force make planetside, the Spirit of America will endow him with the status of Ambassador of her Spirit. This will enable him to do something he hasn't been able to do before, use his powers outside of America and off-world. It will also let him fight for longer (Endurance Alpha) and increase his resiliance when he calls upon the power of his namesake Mountain (Endurance/Resistance Alpha, for Granite Form.) Judgement, if they've got something lightningy, will likely be 'Franklin's Lightning' or something.

Kites not required.

Cindersnap, Fusebox and Quickfrost:
After Plot Happens, Cindersnap will return from Somewhen having learned a series of martial arts techniques that allow a mutant to tap into their chi and bolster their abilities. Cindersnap will start teaching this to Quickfrost and Fusebox, and they're likely all going to be able to use their powers easier and throw them further (Endurance/Range IO's) though in time they may branch out and develop their abilities in new manners. IO slotting will also aid in their newfound improvements to their abilities.

Number Nine:
By unlocking some of the limiters on the singularity engine that powers her, Nene will be able to better manipulate space and time, allowing her manipulations to land with a better degree of accuracy, and bolstering the time she can keep someone phased out thanks to her distortion ability. (Acc/Hold Alpha)

Azure Arrow: If I pick up a slot, it'll likely just be for OOC purposes, like Recharge or Damage to make him a bit easier to solo.

Unlocking a Seal of Thule lets Wernher tap the technomagical-derived energies better, that increases the efficiency of his shields and requires less of a drain on himself to summon the dark powers. (End/Res)

Jonathan and Amanda Wong:
Harnessing martial arts training to further boost their prowess. Undecided on what though.

Zahir Rolando:
A newly installed fabricator and power system lets him recall his support units quicker, and increases the potency of his portable nano-fabricator and those on his droids (Recharge/Heal)

Maxi Pound:
Zahir tinkers with her power gauntlets and suit, to make them run better than ever and increase output. (Endurance/Res)

A mutation to her induced mutation ups the power of her regenerative abilities, both passive and active. (Recharge/Heal)

Mastering the power of her plant side, Alraune's thorns and vines will strike harder and linger longer (Damage/Immobilize)

And that's it for now! Got ideas on the others, but that's all that's written up for now.



Heee, that's fun.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
And although these 'vocal personalities' (to coin the lovely tem Shadowe gave us) may be and probably are a minority of the GG crowd, which are in turn a very small minority of the Union RP scene, the fact is that the others of that GG group never speak out against it. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that Good people do nothing".

It does give other Union RPers the impression that some excellent RPers, such as Shadowe and Zortel, tacitly condone the rude, aggressive, and entirely unmerited authoritarianism of their fellows telling people what is right and wrong, and how they may or may not react IC to IC events.
For your information, I have been saying to people, FFM included "I don't think posting that's a good idea, I think you should remove this/edit that." Others have as well. Believe me, FFM's a great friend of mine, but I call him out on his posting, both here and in game, and usually very harshly as well. I call others out on it as well. If I'm writing about a heated topic, I'll get friends to check a post first to see if it's actually alright to post.

As for you, Ammon, the tone of your posting I felt was not conductive to the point you were trying to get across. That was from my reading of your own posts. It smacked of "Well, you can say that, but I'm just going to do this anyway so HAH!" instead of "If this conflicts with my world view and strains my suspension of disbelief, I'll rationalize it to my characters in my head like so."

The latter is perfectly reasonable and something we all do. The former casts you in a bad light of taking away people's decisions for their character by imposing your own take on what they're doing.



Thank you for a polite and reasonable response, and for clarifying you position. On both matters.

Could I ask for a specific example of something where I have (inadvertently as I'd hope you'd realise) "[cast myself] in a bad light of taking away people's decisions for their character by imposing [my] own take on what they're doing", rather than explained as I'd tried "If this conflicts with my world view and strains my suspension of disbelief, I'll rationalize it to my characters in my head like so".

I'm not seeing it, but then, I always know what I'm thinking and feeling, behind/beyond the actual words, and so can't as easily misread my intent.



I personally think that we were heading out of the Danger zone- *slaps minion who tries to play that god damned track* -and getting back OT. So...bringing it all back up is kinda silly?

Semi-OT: Others have already explained how GG seems clique. I don't mean the word in any other context other than 'It's hard to get into at times'. Pretty much how I'd view a clique. Not 100% sure what the neg-cons are, so I won't ask

OT: Alpha I've already explained. Well nothing, he's simply integrating bigger and more awesome tech into his and the teams systems, along with stealing whatever superior Praetorian tech he can, and adapting it to suit his own ends. He is a genius, after all.

I'm hard pushed to think of any of my characters that will fit a 'traditional' Incarnate mould if you will, that of being empowered by something at least semi-divine.
That said, Wyldy (Wyld Fire) would be a good example. I have some fun ideas for just what to do with her. I don't think the Demons and Demonettes of the Underrealms have quite realised just what they've let themselves in for by giving power to someone with such a massive drive to claw their way to the top of the pile all the way from the bottom.

Leon will probably end up more empowered... an Incarnate of himself, more likely, given he is the Sire of the DeFeurard bloodline. I know for sure I'll be using Judgement to give him a mega impressive fireball attack to fit his background I have to admit, theres a few characters I wish I could use a more maleable framework with. Although then again some of them might well stray into overpoweredness if that were true... *Imagines Leon as a Katana/Super reflexes/Regen/Fire Blast AT* Hmm...awwww yeeaaaah

Uuhh....Chief is simply gonna get closer to how he should have been anyway (Once I get him back to 50...damn tankers), Nightwalker is going with dark science, Wolf is getting a mk III suit or armour....Vix has got some fun stuff planned that will probably result in Foundry RP
So, yeah, wide array of stuff to do.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



A good point, Tech. And also, it's Sunday afternoon and I've just been godmodded to death by my six year old nephew while playing Lego Star Wars. (With real lego toys, that is.) So my brain's not up for going back ten posts, let alone 267.

(For those that are interested, it was actually suicide. When I found my dark side forces could take no meaningful actions, diplomacy would not work and that we were vastly outmatched by technology, I did the only thing possible and fired a death-ray at my own planet.

That was then godmodded to say it didn't happen.

I won't be introducing my nephew to roleplaying -just- yet. )



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
(For those that are interested, it was actually suicide. When I found my dark side forces could take no meaningful actions, diplomacy would not work and that we were vastly outmatched by technology, I did the only thing possible and fired a death-ray at my own planet.

That was then godmodded to say it didn't happen.

I won't be introducing my nephew to roleplaying -just- yet. )
"We can rebuild it!" /SixMillionDollarMinifig

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Just have to chime in and say this thread has been immensely entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons!

You all need to take a step back and breath already. It's Christmas (close enough, there's snow and ****)

As for Incarnates... hell, I ain't got a clue if I'm even going to bother! I don't really play anymore. I'm only here to say you all gave me a good laugh reading through this!


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Originally Posted by Ammon View Post
And although these 'vocal personalities' (to coin the lovely tem Shadowe gave us) may be and probably are a minority of the GG crowd, which are in turn a very small minority of the Union RP scene, the fact is that the others of that GG group never speak out against it. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that Good people do nothing".

It does give other Union RPers the impression that some excellent RPers, such as Shadowe and Zortel, tacitly condone the rude, aggressive, and entirely unmerited authoritarianism of their fellows telling people what is right and wrong, and how they may or may not react IC to IC events.
Got to bring myself to respond to this bit.

I have very consciously attempted to avoid "whining" or "name-calling" or anything else of that nature in this thread. I doubt I've managed it, but I will not sit by and be told what amounts to "if you think X is being a twonk, you should tell them that they're being a twonk" - because that's what causes arguments like the one that's spawned on this thread.

I have very little against any particular RPers on Union. There are one or two that I would cheerfully never have to cross paths with ever again - there is a VERY good reason I'm not active on the Militia forums, for example, and it's not because the RP doesn't suit me - but the majority are people that I would prefer to give the benefit of the doubt to, and I will take each character as they come.

Take Forse, for instance. The majority of his characters I really enjoy playing with. One of them, Theo, winds me up something chronic and I can barely stand to be involved in RP where he's a character present. Does this mean that I think Forse shouldn't RP Theo? Not on your nellie.

Fea has recently introduced a character to GG that I also don't like all that much. FFM's MAIN is one that I am never going to sing the praises of. One of Zortel's characters makes me want to SCREAM at the screen, sometimes.

These are all people that I RP with on a daily basis, that I have out-of-game contact with, that I am able to communicate with in more ways than just kicking off in-game or on these forums.

I do resent the implication that I, in my apparent silence, am not expressing my disapproval of actions taken and things said.

I go out of my way to try and help people who are new to GG to integrate. We do not want to exclude anyone who is interested in getting involved. I try to give a balanced view of RP at GG, too, so that people know what to expect.

But please, do not tell me that by being apparently silent that I am condoning any form of RP elitism or exclusionism.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Actually Ammon, the thread had fairly quietened down until you came in again and we'd begun discussing the topic at hand.

Yes I overreacted (try existing of four hours sleep a night for long periods of time because you can't seem to sleep for any longer despite being so isn't much fun) and for that I apologise.

I, along with others, were some of the people backing you during the Heroes for People plot which, much more than this issue, split the EU community at the time, yes I may be passionate, yes GG can be hard to get into and cliquey but I'll be damned if I don't enjoy large plots.

Though I am wondering where this 'told they do forum RP wrong' comes from, so far all I've seen is that the US and EU side both have very different styles...which seems to be a fair assessment and nobody has called it 'wrong' just different. I am posting this on my US account, I've RPed on the US side, even got involved in some of the open US orginated RP threads (unfortunately I really couldn't keep up with Patches which is a pain in the backside because I was enjoying it...hence using a moment from it as my sig but it was finding the time to both catch up and post).

Plus you'll know that I'm one of the supporters of larger forum RP, heck I use to run them myself, I have two to my name (The Chronodyne plot which involved 3 supergroups over the period of two weeks and 'Reign of the Prankster' (I lack a catchy name for it, really would like a decent name) that I mentioned earlier).

Infact I am in talks now with Devious about doing an multiverse plot (which I admit certain people at GG will ignore...which is more their loss really).

As Zortel has no doubt mentioned that the history of the EU RP community runs in cycles and this is just another one of those events.

Leon will probably end up more empowered... an Incarnate of himself, more likely, given he is the Sire of the DeFeurard bloodline. I know for sure I'll be using Judgement to give him a mega impressive fireball attack to fit his background
Bah you know the only legitimate vampire fireball attack is for it to come in column of three as you swish open your cape (atleast until the vampire is partially defeated by a man in a leather skirt and whip, in which case you go all one winged angel and switch to the second form...usually something large and demonic but a grosstastic pile of organs is also fine).



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

Bah you know the only legitimate vampire fireball attack is for it to come in column of three as you swish open your cape (atleast until the vampire is partially defeated by a man in a leather skirt and whip, in which case you go all one winged angel and switch to the second form...usually something large and demonic but a grosstastic pile of organs is also fine).
Alternatively it's up, down, down-forward, forward square for the triple fireball version. Or up, down, down-forward, forward square and hold up on re-appearing for magma columns, if you are the pretty boy version of a vampire.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Ah yes...forgot the son of Dracula had requirements for a Hadouken in his fireball throwing.

Or if you're actually Dracula reincarnated as a white haired pretty boy in a fur lined coat, it is just the matter of absorbing the right soul, then you get the funky phresh three fireballs.



By now I'm about at this point with this thread:

So far all it's achieved is to show that Union roleplayers can be exceptionally petty and hold grudges for ridiculous reasons. I'm quite frankly embarrassed by this thread and wish I'd never posted in it. I'm interested in building bridges with other roleplayers on the Union server whereas others seem to be more interested in burning them down. If anyone likes the idea of bringing people together, I'm all ears.

I suggest taking further discussions to a separate thread called 'Union RP Issues' so that others can get back to discussing the original topic. But not for me.

I'll be somewhere else, having fun rather than continuing some OOC grudge match.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Also agreeing with Dante.

Lets take it to PMs people and let people discuss what actually matters, like what they're doing with their Incarnate characters.

Sorry you NA folks, we now return you to your scheduled programming, the Unionites will be moving on under threat of micro-kitten injection.

Think nanobot sized kittens, there is just so much d'awwww in your bloodstream you literally become incapable of doing anything but thinking of very cute kittens.

You have all be warned!

Edit: Sending you a PM Dante, I'm getting a hankering for some plot organising.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
So far all it's achieved is to show that Union roleplayers can be exceptionally petty and hold grudges for ridiculous reasons.

Well there's a good reason for that.

Yeah that's right. Don't think I forgot. But we swore a Pact!



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
So far all it's achieved is to show that Union roleplayers can be exceptionally petty and hold grudges for ridiculous reasons. I'm quite frankly embarrassed by this thread and wish I'd never posted in it. I'm interested in building bridges with other roleplayers on the Union server whereas others seem to be more interested in burning them down. If anyone likes the idea of bringing people together, I'm all ears.

I suggest taking further discussions to a separate thread called 'Union RP Issues' so that others can get back to discussing the original topic. But not for me.

I'll be somewhere else, having fun rather than continuing some OOC grudge match.

Merry Christmas, right?

If there's one thing that Union really needs, it's a consolidation of RPers, not this rift that seems to have been around for as long as I've known.

It's never gonna happen though, 'cause there's too many big... heads? who refuse to budge, and too many grudges that are held when they should be going along with the water under the bridge like Pooh sticks.

I did want to post stuff about GG being cliquey (which it is, and there is -some- negative connotations there, but not all) and stuff... but I reckon you all have enough to argue about anyway.

New Year's Resolution for Union I think though: Let bygones be bygones. Get over it. And numerous other phrases that mean the same thing.


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Edit: Nah that's all boring!


The one most likely to use magic is Soaring Horizon, who likes to defeat and suck the power out of old gods that aren't worshipped any-more. This Christmas she's going to try take on old St Nick! Whether it results in Incarnate hood or coal in the stocking is something to be seen.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
By now I'm about at this point with this thread:
By now I'm thinking that I missed some post-modding to have merited that...Unless it was aimed at the backend of the Off-topic. Which is just and reasonable too.

Although I may just steal that picture, I've been lacking a good Headdesk in my menagirie for some time now *stroke goatee*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Crius View Post
New Year's Resolution for Union I think though: Let bygones be bygones. Get over it. And numerous other phrases that mean the same thing.
Y'know, I honestly don't think theres one Unionite RPer that I actually 'hold a grudge' against =S I might not always see eye to eye with folks but, hey, RP is RP, y'know? So long as it's decent quality, I ain't complainin'!

There is one, I admit. But that is very recent and, t'be honest, it's been a long time coming. So that one is exempt from the rule. Other than that? Party on!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I feel bad for starting a thread which sparked problems.

My apologies guys. No ill will, but I think if theres gonna be fighting, I'll have the thread locked. Not anyone's specific fault, just things getting heated.

Unless we can get back on topic of Incarnates...unless we've talked it dry?



I think we've talked all we can about Incarnates yea, maybe a new thread or two discussing some propisitions to try and integrate EU/US and/or Union troubles maybe, but I think all the Incarnate questions itself was answered a while back.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
I feel bad for starting a thread which sparked problems.

My apologies guys. No ill will, but I think if theres gonna be fighting, I'll have the thread locked. Not anyone's specific fault, just things getting heated.

Unless we can get back on topic of Incarnates...unless we've talked it dry?
Does anyone else build limitations into characters that they eventually overcome that could be explained as the new Incarnate power? Well, I guess there's Rushmore...

I mean, I do this for, like, every character. If you can kinda turn off the incarnate slots (I hear the alpha slot in particular has interchangeable components to it), that's even better. For some characters, like my plant dom who was already unable to be killed (he *can* be killed but he'll just grow back out of his spirit tree) will probably follow the incarnate story more closely, tap into more power of nature itself and just get more upfront resilient.

But characters like Jase (I don't even have him to 50 tho) already uses powers that tap into his life energy that slowly kills him when he uses it and is why it's so draining to use. I haven't decided if he'll seek a means of extending his life or discover a means of mastery over his dark powers so it doesn't suck his life but instead the life of someone else because he currently seeks either.

Tigersquall, on the other hand, will end up learning to use his curse instead of running/hiding from it as well as master the art of the bokken. In one form, he's too ferocious to use the tranquil forms of the wooden sword properly so uses live swords while in his human state, he abstains from using a real sword for personal reasons. He won't be following the arcs at all so most likely it will be the result of lifting much of these restrictions.

Who knows, tho? The possible judgement powers leaves me too curious to jump to any conclusions yet.

Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
I think we've talked all we can about Incarnates yea, maybe a new thread or two discussing some propisitions to try and integrate EU/US and/or Union troubles maybe, but I think all the Incarnate questions itself was answered a while back.
Why would we want to integrate our troubles? I'd rather just pull the characters into the same general threads. That we can't dive in all deep with in-game RP is kind of a boon to me as I rarely ever do that except by myself anyway. Thread RP is just easier and I can do it from school/work if I want



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Tigersquall, on the other hand, will end up learning to use his curse instead of running/hiding from it as well as master the art of the bokken. In one form, he's too ferocious to use the tranquil forms of the wooden sword properly so uses live swords while in his human state, he abstains from using a real sword for personal reasons. He won't be following the arcs at all so most likely it will be the result of lifting much of these restrictions.

Who knows, tho? The possible judgement powers leaves me too curious to jump to any conclusions yet.

You know you want to, Leo.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I was planning to, kind of. But the Ian that started in-game is, like, a senior in the thread with all his 'problems' on the table at that point for him to face/overcome as he levels. SH101-102 is the process of me putting those limitations on the table.