Curiosity: Incarnate!




Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
So what you are saying Z, is for some reason that the US governments method of rating a hero is IC'ly mistaken in Arrows case?
No, she's saying that your taking game mechanics literally, to the point that we're all having a disconnect here.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, she's saying that your taking game mechanics literally, to the point that we're all having a disconnect here.

It's not just a game mechanic when it is referred to IC within the game universe!

Then it becomes part of the setting.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
It's not just a game mechanic when it is referred to IC within the game universe!

Then it becomes part of the setting.
Well, in that case EVERY Hero has defeated Frostfire at the height of his power, EVERY Hero has 'killed' Nemesis, EVERY Hero has overseen the signing of the Rikti Peace Treaty, EVERY Hero has revealed the truth about Faultline, EVERY Hero-

Y'see my point?
Oh, and Lt Sefu Tndaji has risen from the dead more times than Optimus Prime.
And THAT is a bigger pile of BS right there.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
It's not just a game mechanic when it is referred to IC within the game universe!

Then it becomes part of the setting.
Let me paraphrase the awesome game 'Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale':

Tear: You can check an item's value by pressing Button 3, or by looking on the menu.
Recette: Button... 3? Menu? I don't-
Tear: Moving on.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
It's not just a game mechanic when it is referred to IC within the game universe!

Then it becomes part of the setting.
See? Now you're just deliberately trolling to cause an argument.

That, or you really ARE completely incapable of understanding a simple thing as IC and game mechanic differences.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Let me paraphrase the awesome game 'Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale':

Tear: You can check an item's value by pressing Button 3, or by looking on the menu.
Recette: Button... 3? Menu? I don't-
Tear: Moving on.
*noms popcorn*

I really do need to grab that game off Steam, don't I? >_>

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by Crazy_Dragon View Post
*noms popcorn*

I really do need to grab that game off Steam, don't I? >_>
Yes, it's full of charm, humour and fun. It may get a little repetitive later on, having dungeon crawling elements and all, but the characters are bright, vibrant and a good laugh, and I've been really enjoying playing it. Go go Indie Gaming. /offtopic.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Yes, it's full of charm, humour and fun. It may get a little repetitive later on, having dungeon crawling elements and all, but the characters are bright, vibrant and a good laugh, and I've been really enjoying playing it. Go go Indie Gaming. /offtopic.
Shop managing: Inferior
Plants vs Zombies: Superior!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Well, in that case EVERY Hero has defeated Frostfire at the height of his power, EVERY Hero has 'killed' Nemesis, EVERY Hero has overseen the signing of the Rikti Peace Treaty, EVERY Hero has revealed the truth about Faultline, EVERY Hero-

Y'see my point?
Oh, and Lt Sefu Tndaji has risen from the dead more times than Optimus Prime.
And THAT is a bigger pile of BS right there.

That is the difference between setting and event.

In the setting the FBSA or whoever assign people a security level based on what level of threatening situation they can handle. They or another group assign a Threat rating based on how much of a threat a 'person' is. The higher the rating the more powerful* the person is.

This is part of the flavor of the universe, the lore, what makes CoX not Marvel/DC/Whatever

Now if you want your character who is OOC level 40 but you want them as level 1-5 IC we have a problem, your character directly conflicts the setting, by saying the FBSA have grossly misjudged your character. Since Azuria aside, the FBSA aren't shown to be incompetent, then you are directly challenging the lore of the setting.

There are of course ways around this, think up why would your character be regarded as such a high level** by the FBSA? Did they get lucky? Do they have powerful connections? etc.

*Powerful may not mean physical or mystically powerful, it could be a sign of intelligence, charisma, whatever just that you match the criteria for dealing with a situation of that nature.

**For purposes of clearance, not being incompetent, being able to deal with a situation.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Now if you want your character who is OOC level 40 but you want them as level 1-5 IC we have a problem, your character directly conflicts the setting, by saying the FBSA have grossly misjudged your character. Since Azuria aside, the FBSA aren't shown to be incompetent, then you are directly challenging the lore of the setting.
The only problem seems to be one you have, in that anyone level whatever HAS to have a certain power level.
In all practicality, a baseline human would nearly never be classed the same as a meta human with powers. Yet thats what we get. Guess why? Because it's a game mechanic.

I think I'm going to leave this to Z, Floaty and Omy, because they seem better at getting the point across without coming off like they want to gnaw someones face off, however. >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Yes, it's full of charm, humour and fun. It may get a little repetitive later on, having dungeon crawling elements and all, but the characters are bright, vibrant and a good laugh, and I've been really enjoying playing it. Go go Indie Gaming. /offtopic.

Maddeningly hard though at first, becomes easier the more you level though.

Also those little girls, rich fairy and con artist, I hate them so much!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
The only problem seems to be one you have, in that anyone level whatever HAS to have a certain power level.
In all practicality, a baseline human would nearly never be classed the same as a meta human with powers. Yet thats what we get. Guess why? Because it's a game mechanic.

I think I'm going to leave this to Z, Floaty and Omy, because they seem better at getting the point across without coming off like they want to gnaw someones face off, however. >_>

It's setting based on comic books, base line humans can and often do match up to the demigods, space aliens and mutants.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think I'm going to leave this to Z, Floaty and Omy, because they seem better at getting the point across without coming off like they want to gnaw someones face off, however. >_>
Oh, you have NO idea...

CB, a simple fact. People will play their characters, and interpret their power levels HOWEVER THE HELL THEY WANT.

What you think they should or even "must" do, is completely and utterly irrelevant. No one cares if you think they're doing it wrong. No one cares how you play it. All we care about is having fun with a game that WE pay to play.

And now, back to what the thread is about. How will people be interpreting Incarnate for their characters?

Ellie isn't going incarnate as per the game mechanic. Instead, she's evolving into something more than she was.

Cara already has the potential for being an "omega" class mutant (as she's modelled loosely on Iceman and has his abilities in potentia), so she'll just develop.

Eloise won't bother as she's not level 50. Nor will Novastar, as I don't play him,


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Having just made an IO build for my latest character, 'Streaking Shiela', Kin/SR Scrapper...I'm wondering how I'll factor Incarnates in for her...because her final IO build is insane. Softcapped def? Perma-Hasten? Very high accuracy and damage? Thank you!

Her nabbing power for herself from the Well might actually fit for her, tbh. She's a thief, and having an extra edge would certainly appeal to her.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I think I'm going to leave this to Z, Floaty and Omy, because they seem better at getting the point across without coming off like they want to gnaw someones face off, however. >_>
I've thrown in the towel, I shouldn't have started posting again in the first place.

Capitalism, ho! *arranges shop.*



Seriously CB just drop it alright?

I swear you seem to be arguing the point just to be as contrary as possible and its getting real old real quick. Tech, Z, Floaty and Omy have already (repeatedly) attempted to explain to you why in their view; and mine as it so happens since I agree with most of their reasoning, you are wrong and for that (and their saint-like patience) I salute them.

In all honesty the only conclusion I can come to is that you are deliberately trolling and it really is getting more than a bit tedious.

Roleplayer and member of "The Unity Vigil"
Characters: Union (Heroes) -
White Warlock Lv50 Ill/Storm Controller
Black Providence Lv50 MA/SR Scrapper
Starwhisper Lv50 Peacebringer



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
And Z, given that Omy whined about how unfair the game system was, and how it should of gone differently due to who Boundless is, when he used Boundless in an Arena match against Baron Eternity, I'd say my point was accurate.
Y'mean the Arena Match I perfectly accepted as Skies having lost IC? And my grumbling was more directed at how I as a Blaster had no hope of beating you as a Mastermind in PvP.

But we found a nice OOC compromise! For you to fight without pets, and when I lost, I accepted my loss.

Infact you may recall the Baron using his victory to try and stir things up with Pious!

This kinda goes against what you're arguing.

((Edit: Grah hit post too soon, anyway post continues!))

Another thing to point out, is you keep using analogies and things that relate back to single player RPGs (Like Oblivion, Fallout) or Pen and Paper RPGs (Like Exalted or DnD) that really don't mesh well with an MMO RP enviroment.

This is because in a PnP enviroment you cna chat to your GM about your character concept, arrange setting things up so they all fit, like being Prince of so and so land or having a mystical family weapon of some kind. While a single player RPG doesn't leave you much room beyond a bunch of preselected choices to tell variants on the same story.

With an MMO we have the game mechnics like a Single Player RPG, yet our roleplaying is more like a PnP game, in that we want to explore stories other then the main, otherwise we all tell the same story and man would that get boring quickly. So for RP we play a little loose with the game mechnics, as they are not set in stone rules for how things must function from an RP point of view, as any GM of a PnP game will tell you sometimes you need to looses or tweak the rules sometimes or even replace certian things with house rules!



*skips to last page*

Ah, that's why this thread is over 10 pages...dunno why I didn't guess it.

Not to be rude, I just figure it'd barely be reaching 5 pages or so by now with character descriptions...



QR: And this is almost exactly *why* i dont RP with any of the main groups around here.....



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
QR: And this is almost exactly *why* i dont RP with any of the main groups around here.....
Y'know, thats a pretty unfair and sweeping generalisation. This only ever seems to crop up on the forums (and about once or twice in game, usually about once a year or so)
So tarring everyone with the brush consisting of a few people is...well, sweeping.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I think it's probably time someone explained a bit about the Unionverse as I get the feeling the Americans look at us with a kind of baffled "Why is this an issue?" face. It's a fully shared universe, where every characters published actions (On the forums, or through IC action) are canon to both themselves and each other. Yes, the concept of a shared setting where your characters exploits are considered canon to 'everyone' does make it a little limiting in what you can do at times. You can't do anything too sweeping as it's got to be accessible to new players, not to mention people don't really like being forced to pay attention to a player made power trip and you need to show some sense.

But on the upside it makes the world feel more alive, plots sometimes intersect with interesting results. Characters form deeper bonds and don't all live in their own little bubble universes. People find plot hooks easier (But not necessarily take them. Some people seem to refuse to take a plot hook unless it's absolutely tailor made for their characters, which of course is just not going to happen, but that's a different rant for a different day) There's a palpable feel of history to the Unionverse and it can even invoke a bit of nostalgia of people and groups gone by. It makes the game seem more alive, as things happen while you're away and old friends sometimes turn up unexpectedly. It's dynamic and flexible!

But of course, it does have to be tempered by people not taking the mickey. You can't push the universe too hard, you shouldn't run plots that FORCE people to participate and above all your characters should feel like they're real people, not people with stats.

This kind of "You must be an Incarnate" nonsense is going to get silly when everyone's doing it, especially as it's come out of pretty much no where. It's a new buzzword Paragon Studio's made up to explain how they're moving the game forward. Saying that people's characters HAVE to be one IC though is stepping on that "Don't force people to do things they don't want too" rule. Paragon Studio don't really worry about how this stuff will affect RP, nor should they! But sometimes you have to bend what they give us a little so people can be happy.

Not that it means all rule bending is now fair game. We'll still rail against people who make jarring characters that don't fit in the universe, or abuse the game lore, because we're actually quite nice people and would like a big game world that everyone can be in. But it doesn't help when a few people are peeing in the pool. People who openly commit crimes and refuse to have their characters take the consequences. People who make characters who can fix anything in a few minutes. People who bring characters to a social setting who just aren't social, then whine OOC about it and just depress everyone. And of course the trolls who deliberately push peoples buttons to give a reaction, successfully more often than not too. Much to my dismay.

See the difference is, if people refuse to OOC accept something and resolution is impossible then just ignoring them is fine. If you find that means you have to ignore everyone then you're just going to have to suck it up and realise that maybe, just maybe, you're wrong this time round and will have to learn to live with it.

I ignore a few people ingame because I find them persistently frustrating, for one reason or another. Not many! I'm a very friendly person really, but I don't want to get into a OOC shouting match with them because that's pointless. IC though I love heated debates! Though sadly not everyone else does, but I'm grown up enough to realize if no one else is enjoying it to not do it. Rather than complain loudly about how everyone else is stupid for not agreeing with me.

It's a weird quirk of roleplayers and geeks/nerds in general that we expect EVERYONE to get along just because they share a common interest. Which is ridiculous, we won't all get along and agree with everything everyone else has to say and that's fine! It's normal! We don't want to exclude anyone from Unionverse RP (Well okay, people not on Union, but the clues in the name) but we're not going to make a special effort to include people who really aren't doing themselves any favours. I know Ammon and CB think they're really, really, right on this one but the fact is no one else is willing to swallow it and that is essentially the important thing. Arguing further is pretty much pointless here. If anyone tells me OOC my characters I've chosen NOT to go down the Incarnate path have 'got' to be snacking on Incarnate Shards as they're using the abilities in combat and that means I'm weak to X or have to do Y, then I'm going to be ignoring them. I don't gimp myself for RP when going into combat in an MMO, some people are that dedicated but I'm not one of them. I'd happily do it in PnP but that's a different beast altogether! Which isn't to say I base my characters power on said combat. I don't. I've had characters go down in one text fight punch or accepted that someone is too powerful for me to take even when I could have pasted the walls with them in the Arena. But that's only because I chose to accept that at the time, they never said I had too.

So really it's all about mutual consent. Or just acting like grown ups!

So yeah. My attempt to explain how we Unionverse people are really quite nice people who want to build a shared universe. But we're not pushovers and that no one is entitled to be a part of it if they're not making an effort to fit in.

You may now ignore this hopefully reasonable post in favour of some angry comment someone made and complain about how everyone is SO MEAN, as is the way of the internet since ages long past.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Actually... He kinda gets up my nose.

Well can't please everyone.

His adventures will be continuing though, partially just to spite you Floaty (not really but because people do seem to enjoy them).

Y'know, thats a pretty unfair and sweeping generalisation. This only ever seems to crop up on the forums (and about once or twice in game, usually about once a year or so)
So tarring everyone with the brush consisting of a few people is...well, sweeping.
Aye to be fair this schtick all happens on the forums for 90% of it...and also there are quite a few big groups from the Unionverse that simply don't use this forum (The Corporation, the NHU, the Militia...well apart from sexy dancing Dante, though they did use to before the forum merger), I know back when the European Villianous Immorality League were still around most of the stuff happened off the main forums.

Also the other thing is that American RPers are now having to share the RP section with us Europeans (it's not YOUR RP forum, it's EVERYBODIES RP yes that means matters like this will be hashed out by Unionites on get use to it). As has been mentioned numerous times that EU RP and US RP are inherently different beasts.

US RP is 'instanced' as Dante put it, where it is mostly SG/singular thread based with no shared universe beyond small groups and all the RP threads are seperate universe unto themselves, which creates little to no conflict when something like the Incarnate stuff happens.

EU RP is a shared universe where the actual server has its own deeper history and lore, where villains and heroes can rise in fame to become known throughout Paragon and the Rogue Isles, where the actions of one can indeed ripple throughout the land. We've had large plots that have involved nearly the whole community or atleast a large chunk of it such as The Requiem War and Heroes for People.

The Virtue doesn't allow for things like the plot I worked on which was an attack on the three biggest hero SGs, the three biggest villain VGs and two big name heroes. On the US side that would probably involve, at most, one or two SGs/VGs because the character in question wouldn't have been well known enough for anything else, he'd be just another villain, instead of the servers equivilent of the Joker.

So yes, we will argue and bicker about things like this and that will spill out into the RP forum but that is the price paid for having a deeper and more intertwined lore specific to the server as a whole, instead of just a couple of Supergroups.

Though of course we still like to annoy Omega_Chief by saying we're going to make a character who is the daughter of Ghost Widow and Statesman called Princess Darkitty Dark. That is just for giggles though.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I think it's probably time someone explained a bit about the Unionverse
You're a few months too late to the party there, I'm afraid. We know you've got a shared setting by now.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
(it's not YOUR RP forum, it's EVERYBODIES RP yes that means matters like this will be hashed out by Unionites on get use to it)
No one said it is, and none of us is objecting. Please, feel free to hash all you like.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
US RP is 'instanced' as Dante put it, where it is mostly SG/singular thread based with no shared universe beyond small groups and all the RP threads are seperate universe unto themselves, which creates little to no conflict when something like the Incarnate stuff happens.
Pardon if I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but since this myth apparently continues to persist, I feel it bears repeating that this just isn't true. We share our RP setting in a dynamic, choice-based manner that while not perfect does the job well enough to allow any reasonable player to participate how they prefer.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The Virtue doesn't allow for things like the plot I worked on which was an attack on the three biggest hero SGs, the three biggest villain VGs and two big name heroes. On the US side that would probably involve, at most, one or two SGs/VGs because the character in question wouldn't have been well known enough for anything else, he'd be just another villain, instead of the servers equivilent of the Joker.
This, on the other hand, is 100% true. There's just too many of us for any single event to spread that far over here - even if it somehow did manage to get all of Virtue, there are still the other servers.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




QR: Sorry Techbot... but notice the *qualifier* that i said... the "main groups"

I know that there are other groups out there, ones that do not use this official board to get into it... but unfortunately, as someone who IS looking to get into the RP side here... well lets just say, that the personalities of some forum goers are not what I would like to invest time in, especially with the bickering going on like spoilt kids, just trying to get the last word in...

Guess I shall just stick it out, and wait for everything to calm down before I do get into roleplaying here... thing is, there is quite a bit that it appears that I have to read up on just so that I dont make any mistakes and get lynched for it... because that does appear to happen to those who make mistakes in their plots..


Guess a whole shared universe, where unfortunately some people want to get involved with everything, and then cry/scream/whine when stuff isn't "suitable" for them... (granted, a mistake was made in the death toll, but that got retconned, and EVEN THEN people were still going... "oh ****, I would have been involved with this at the start....but I didn't like the person running the plot etc etc" (well, that is how it appeared to me)

See.... you cant please everyone, and unfortunately, the main RP'ers here have put me off from RPing in CoX on the forums, and with the main plot lines that may occour from now on... guess I shall just have to sit back and not think about it, and just stay away from forum RP, and stick to ingame...

And to be honest, there doesn't seem to be much "new stuff" aimed for the newer people (or maybe less casual) groups...

Corrections/information related to necessary links for "how to get into the groups here" would be greatly appreciated, unfortunately, my 1st few experiances of just trying to talk at GG all those years ago didnt go down well for me, as I was just ignored when i tried to talk to people in local.... >.>



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Pardon if I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but since this myth apparently continues to persist, I feel it bears repeating that this just isn't true. We share our RP setting in a dynamic, choice-based manner that while not perfect does the job well enough to allow any reasonable player to participate how they prefer.
I like it this way. Just seems to me, EU is exclusive while NA is more inclusive even though I don't really RP post that much.