Curiosity: Incarnate!




Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I like it this way. Just seems to me, EU is exclusive while NA is more inclusive even though I don't really RP post that much.
Actually EU seems even easier to jump onto than the US one. There's a bit of a learning curve, but people are generally eager to help people get over it and you don't have to wait for a new thread or discuss with a GM about how you can turn up for the most part! Just drop by PD any reasonable time, or GG between 9 and 12 GMT at night and take it from there.

The whole point of our thing is that it's inclusive. Just not to the point where it's full of idiocy! Yes some character concepts won't work. You can't be twenty foot tall, or a wildly non human shape (Kheldians aside). But honestly that's really reaching for an excuse to complain at that point.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
And to be honest, there doesn't seem to be much "new stuff" aimed for the newer people (or maybe less casual) groups...

Corrections/information related to necessary links for "how to get into the groups here" would be greatly appreciated, unfortunately, my 1st few experiances of just trying to talk at GG all those years ago didnt go down well for me, as I was just ignored when i tried to talk to people in local.... >.>
Well, the NA way to do it is find someone that RPs (like someone you've RPed with before), ask them if they're interested in joining a thread, and then just make it yourself.

I'm sure there are people, like you, that are kind of waiting for 'new stuff' to pop up to join and other RPers that wouldn't mind joining something else on the side.



GG is, to be blunt, very clique. I had to sit around listening for a few days, truth be told, until it started to pick up.
Thing was, I RPed before that anyway, with other people and groups. The main group I RP with are the Corp, or The Corporation in full. The Hero side 'equivelant' I guess is the Foundry. Some of us (Myself and Bunny are the ones I can think of off the top of my head) use the Officials from time to time, but for the most part we stick with out own forums (or forum, since we have just the one)

So long as people are willing to take feedback and stuff, we're open. IC missioning, IC mooching around, IC forum stuff on our name it, we pretty much got it.
Uhm...yeah. *shrug and brainfail*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I like it this way. Just seems to me, EU is exclusive while NA is more inclusive even though I don't really RP post that much.
The EU RP community tries, on the whole, to accommodate the maximum number of people possible.

However, there are a few vocal "personalities" (and for all I know, I'm one of them) who may appear to dominate things.

This is not true.

The only things we've sought, in the growth of the Unionverse, are that we do share a history, that any character that becomes involved in any plot can fit into any other plot elsewhere in the 'verse, and that each player has a right to choose for themselves what plots they get involved in and which they don't.

That shared history and 'right of plot refusal' thing are where the problems crop up.

In the main we can sort them through, but sometimes those "personalities" I mentioned can get overly vocal in their opinions. It's a shame, but it's the price we pay for a universe where someone could actually write a coherent timeline, because we've all agreed that's what's happened.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



This thread makes me sad. I've been roleplaying in CoX for about four years and I decided a while ago to take my RP off of the main forums mostly due to being told how what I was doing was 'wrong' even though it didn't break any major RP rules. So it does make me sad that the EU can be perceived as being exclusive sometimes. (And it is, occasionally.)

Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Corrections/information related to necessary links for "how to get into the groups here" would be greatly appreciated, unfortunately, my 1st few experiances of just trying to talk at GG all those years ago didnt go down well for me, as I was just ignored when i tried to talk to people in local.... >.>
I find that like with most groups, it helps to know someone there beforehand who can show them around. But I'd like to think that I have enough patience to help anyone who's new to RP or even RPing in an MMO. I had some great tutors when I first came here so I do my best to repay the favour if anyone ever wants to have a go.

Getting stuff started for new people can sometimes be tough as veterans and old grudges can often overshadow sometimes seemingly gentle plots. Given that I'd like to meet more roleplayers from the community, I might try starting something simple up again and try to keep a better grip on it than last time. But I think I might let the dust settle on this thread first.

Folks are always welcome to pop by the Militia boards for a chatter if they like but I think I might have to start looking at some other folks' board too now.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Actually EU seems even easier to jump onto than the US one. There's a bit of a learning curve, but people are generally eager to help people get over it and you don't have to wait for a new thread or discuss with a GM about how you can turn up for the most part!
M'kay, can't help but be curious here - are you just giving a comparison of Unionverse RP to some generic example, or are you saying that this is how you think we tend to start RPs off on this side of the pond?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I'd really prefer we didn't hammer on the EU/US divide. There was a lot of other, more relevant stuff to go with the post before that.



I always thought the best course of action was integration but it all seems to resist such course. It's why it seems so exclusive to me.



I might hazard a guess that it's because the majority of our RP takes place on the actual server, which makes it quite hard to integrate people into the Unionverse when they're not actually playing in most of the Unionverse.

If we had more forum RP it might help the case more, indeed I belive there are a few Unionites in some of your threads I belive. Though that being said I belive our intial attempts at merged threads just didn't seem to work out and wern't popular as I recall.

That isn't to say we're deliberatly trying to exclude non-Unionites, heck Devious took part in the latest Union thread! It's just we have threads once in a blue moon and even then they're related to events that happen in game, we're sorry it's just our RP style makes it hard for you to take part in without being on Union :<



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I'd really prefer we didn't hammer on the EU/US divide. There was a lot of other, more relevant stuff to go with the post before that.
From your point of view? Probably. From mine though, it's just about the other way around. People believing things that aren't true about our RP style is pretty important to me, so if there are rumors like that floating around, I'd very much like to know.

Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
Though that being said I belive our intial attempts at merged threads just didn't seem to work out and wern't popular as I recall.
They were popular over here. >_> AFAIK, things ran out of steam because we kept pulling crazy stunts that yalls don't tend to have and the people running the main plot thus hadn't accounted for their occurrence (I've only recently learned just how different our RP styles really are), resulting in thread death. So yeah, that was probably a we bad, and definitely a my bad.

Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
That isn't to say we're deliberatly trying to exclude non-Unionites, heck Devious took part in the latest Union thread! It's just we have threads once in a blue moon and even then they're related to events that happen in game, we're sorry it's just our RP style makes it hard for you to take part in without being on Union :<
Aye, and I learned much from it. Not sure if I get it all just yet, but I certainly wouldn't be opposed to starting another.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Perhaps somthing to experiment with then, hash out a proposal with some Unionites, who knows what we might come up with, worth a shot if you're serious about the whole integration aspect.

Or who knows, get an EU trail account and have a nip over to see what it's like right from the source :P



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I know that there are other groups out there, ones that do not use this official board to get into it... but unfortunately, as someone who IS looking to get into the RP side here... well lets just say, that the personalities of some forum goers are not what I would like to invest time in, especially with the bickering going on like spoilt kids, just trying to get the last word in...

Hey, just remember dude. You owe one of the main groups about a gallon of coffee!

Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Corrections/information related to necessary links for "how to get into the groups here" would be greatly appreciated, unfortunately, my 1st few experiances of just trying to talk at GG all those years ago didnt go down well for me, as I was just ignored when i tried to talk to people in local.... >.>
It's an unfortunate side effect of the social setting at GG. There, it's heroes in their off-time, when they've had a hard day usually kicking villain buttski, and they just want to kick back and unwind a bit with their friends.

Think of it like a pub, but without the booze. Getting in to established groups of people out of the blue is always hard in RL too. You need to listen for a bit, look for a hook, and then chime in; just as you would in a RL social situation.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
GG is, to be blunt, very clique. I had to sit around listening for a few days, truth be told, until it started to pick up.
I don't think calling it "clique" is fair. That word tends to have many negative connotations, and we really DON'T try to be negative at GG unless someone is being a jerk.

It IS, however, difficult to get in to. As I mentioned to Gangrel, it's a social setting with long established groups of friends. New people are welcome, and we get them often; but you do need to treat it like a proper social setting and wait for some part of the conversation you can involve yourself in.

Walking up, and just standing there listening, never speaking and waiting for someone to notice you, rarely works.
Walking up, announcing yourself loudly, and interrupting peoples conversations (as often happens) is just going to get your character labelled as a jerk.
However, walking up, listening for a little while, then introducing yourself during a pause in the chat, or maybe interjecting with a comment on the topic, usually goes down pretty well.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
In the main we can sort them through, but sometimes those "personalities" I mentioned can get overly vocal in their opinions. It's a shame, but it's the price we pay for a universe where someone could actually write a coherent timeline, because we've all agreed that's what's happened.
Shadowe is being wise again. I'm often considered one of those personalities. I'm loud, opinionated, and don't tolerate those I consider to be fools even slightly. I've gotten far too old and crusty to put up with that kind of shizzle. People like Z usually do a good job of cooling me off a bit, but there are some people I really should learn to just put on ignore.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I always thought the best course of action was integration but it all seems to resist such course. It's why it seems so exclusive to me.
When the forums were first merged, one of us tried that. It was an unmitigated disaster as the styles of RP just.... didn't mesh... At all.

Should we have persisted? Maybe... But it just seemed like forcing things. Who knows though, maybe someone will try it again, or maybe, when they eventually merge the servers (I consider that inevitable), things will gel better.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
They were popular over here. >_> AFAIK, things ran out of steam because we kept pulling crazy stunts that yalls don't tend to have and the people running the main plot thus hadn't accounted for their occurrence (I've only recently learned just how different our RP styles really are), resulting in thread death. So yeah, that was probably a we bad, and definitely a my bad.
Lobotomising the "villain" within the first few minutes of the plot would tend to do that.

Thing is, though.. Forum RP never really massively caught on in the EU side. We tend to prefer our RP live and raw, where we can react in real time to things as they happen, and not have to wait 8 hours for the other person to wake up or get home from work.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Thing is, though.. Forum RP never really massively caught on in the EU side. We tend to prefer our RP live and raw, where we can react in real time to things as they happen, and not have to wait 8 hours for the other person to wake up or get home from work.
Depends on who you ask.

Forum RP is alive and well in the EU, it just might not happen as much on this forum much although Open Season seems to have done very well here.

I love forum RP but I do the majority of it on my own boards. I've found forum RP on these boards to move so fast I loose track, loose control and get very lost very quickly, hence why I've never been that good at it on here. However, I may be willing to try again sometime soon.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Depends on who you ask.

Forum RP is alive and well in the EU, it just might not happen as much on this forum much although Open Season seems to have done very well here.

I love forum RP but I do the majority of it on my own boards. I've found forum RP on these boards to move so fast I loose track, loose control and get very lost very quickly, hence why I've never been that good at it on here. However, I may be willing to try again sometime soon.
Of course, I can only speak of the official forums. Random forum RP for anyone to drop it isn't gonna happen on SG's own forums, is it?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I don't think calling it "clique" is fair. That word tends to have many negative connotations, and we really DON'T try to be negative at GG unless someone is being a jerk.
from much personal time devoted, IMHO, GG RP is a perfect example of clique, and yes i fully admit that the word has negative connotations, but sorry GG is extremely cliquey.

I will agree with FFM about how to approuch geting started at GG, but unless you have built your characterto fit the GG mould you will not get very far, if your not part of the GG social scene you will not get any interation beyond a hello. i have seen a number of excellent RPers try out a new Alt a GG, and get nowhere with it, while there normal GG toon works fine.

Does this make GG "bad" , no it is still good RP, very good at times, if you can get in and wish to RP a Toon of that sort, and to be fair to all GGers, it is no more of a clique than some SG and other themed RP groups. Does it make them always right, no.

The problem, again IMHO, is that many GGer do not stray outside their "safe zone", the un writen rules of GG RP become their creed and they forget other people do things other ways, and as a result the suffer a form of "culture shock". Which leads to misunderstanding and erm..strongly worded debate. GG RP is as old as the hills and we all know how hard we all resist change (( full set of IO and lots of set bonuses ))

This thread started with a good question and the debate got off to a interesting start, but,sadly , like a number of others devolved into a war of words over ..well almost ideology.

The issue is neither sides are right and neither sides are wrong, because they are not talking about the same thing. GG has its own set of house rules, GG is not the Unionverse, just a part of it, however it does contain some of the most active posters here, and ones willing to defend their point of veiw.

As the GGers are going to stay at GG and RP their way, and the rest of the Unionverse are going to do the same in their groupages, can we not agree that we all work in our own little cliques ?

The "global" plots of recent times do not seemed to have effected GG much, so can not the same be true for the future ?



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Of course, I can only speak of the official forums. Random forum RP for anyone to drop it isn't gonna happen on SG's own forums, is it?
Perhaps that's something we could seek to change then? An open, forum based location set in the Unionverse where anyone can come and go as they please. I'd be willing to support such an idea.

The problem, again IMHO, is that many GGer do not stray outside their "safe zone".
I think that many an RPer is guilty of this, myself included. It's certainly something I'm working on changing.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Well unfortunately I can't run a plot like I use to, don't know why but just can't get me head around it, otherwise I'd be very much up for running an virtue/union interdimensional plot, heck Mechano has the the moment...

Though admittedly this is probably because I'm waiting on the 'demise of Dr Mechano' to get started but Crazy_Dragon is busy with many, many things at the moment and Omega_Chief seems to have dropped out (still interested just not able to post). The idea for the plot seemed to come at a really bad time when the two other people involved are at Uni or doing Nanowrimo (to be fair if I had known it was going to take this long to solve I may have reconsidered it, since it means I'm kind of tied with what I can do with Mechano).

Mind you that's the idea of a very much closed RP that will have Unionverse implications, it takes out an established character for a decent period of time (just as his trips to the Virtueverse did) and what remains of the company will be auctioned who gets what remains all depends, I suspect The Corporation would be interested in aquiring Necrotech industries assetts.

Sure most of the building is going to go kaboom thanks to the Metroid effect but there will still be a factory for sale and any tech that survived the blast, including one slightly used washing machine powered death laser.

Oh there will also be a video will and testament, now that is going to be fun.

I will agree with FFM about how to approuch geting started at GG, but unless you have built your characterto fit the GG mould you will not get very far, if your not part of the GG social scene you will not get any interation beyond a hello. i have seen a number of excellent RPers try out a new Alt a GG, and get nowhere with it, while there normal GG toon works fine.
This I will definitely agree on, I've tried out a number of alts and one definitely does have to 'fit the GG mould' in order to get anywhere decent. However being a former villainside player where we lack the daily meeting I'm also use to the more freeform of Pocket D RP as well, infact that was what enabled Dr Mechano's rise to infamy!

Well that and the downfall of EVIL (European Villainous Immorality League) which meant he came out of the shadow of some of the bigger villain players at the time.

The "global" plots of recent times do not seemed to have effected GG much, so can not the same be true for the future?
To be honest, I know quite a few people at GG don't like 'global plots', I won't name names but there are a reasonable few who steadfastly like to get as disinvolved as possible. Infact I remember atleast two or three people from GG complaining about the Rikti invasions when the second Rikti War started because they 'interupted GG meetings' which to be honest I just found kind of sad.

Also forum RP can happen with regards the EU side, infact before the merger it did use to happen a lot more as most of the big plots were usually on the forums to be as universal as possible, much like the Open Season one is.

I really do need to break out my namesake more before his demise.

Also I find trying out concepts quite hard at GG, for example I was told very specifically before hand that I wasn't allowed to merely copy my concept of Gelatinous Ruse (think Gelatinous Cube in small shapeshifting goo girl form that swallowed a portable yes she does devouring anything non-metal and has use of Hammerspace) since people would find it 'annoying' (she can say a very limited selection of words 'Goo' being the main one, which is how she got her name from the people she RP'd with in Virtue Pocket D).

Without that the concept just didn't really work and thus she remains abandoned and unloved on Union.
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Now the matter at hand, strangely enough while arguing against the whole 'the well has to be everything to do with Incarnates' stoof the one character I'm taking Incarnate (Amy Zon, Invuln/SS tanker) is more than happy to say that she is being empowered by a mystical force, heck her father is a Mad Scientist who used both science and magic on occasions.

She will claim to have become an Incarnate of Hercules, admittedly the system doesn't work that way at all but heck she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box and she will believe what she wants to believe.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Though admittedly this is probably because I'm waiting on the 'demise of Dr Mechano' to get started but Crazy_Dragon is busy with many, many things at the moment and Omega_Chief seems to have dropped out (still interested just not able to post). The idea for the plot seemed to come at a really bad time when the two other people involved are at Uni or doing Nanowrimo (to be fair if I had known it was going to take this long to solve I may have reconsidered it, since it means I'm kind of tied with what I can do with Mechano).
It's pretty common to have plots lay dormant for ages, due to other players being busy with RL, their own plots or just plain not interested. Hell, I've had loads for Ellie that I've just dropped due to that sort of thing.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
This I will definitely agree on, I've tried out a number of alts and one definitely does have to 'fit the GG mould' in order to get anywhere decent. However being a former villainside player where we lack the daily meeting I'm also use to the more freeform of Pocket D RP as well, infact that was what enabled Dr Mechano's rise to infamy!
I'd contend that you also need an appropriate toon for Pocket D roleplay as well. And you have to not mind enourmous amounts of "WTF!?" too.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
To be honest, I know quite a few people at GG don't like 'global plots', I won't name names but there are a reasonable few who steadfastly like to get as disinvolved as possible. Infact I remember atleast two or three people from GG complaining about the Rikti invasions when the second Rikti War started because they 'interupted GG meetings' which to be honest I just found kind of sad.
With the Rikti, that's mainly due to them being near constant when its raid season. We have stuff we'd like to do, and having it interrupted for a game mechanic when the devs don't seem interested in progressing the story is damned irritating.

If some gameworld progression was going on with it, I doubt we'd mind. As it is, the Rikti, like the Coming Storm and Rularuu, are a stagnant plot point.

As for "global plots", all some of us ask is that it be made possible to not get involved, if we the players don't want to be. If something big happens in front of us, we're effectively bound to respond ICly, and well, you know, it could quite easily be interrupting something we're already doing!

Hell, when Ellie broke out the other week, I quite intentionally did it to one side of GG so that people not interested, could ignore it; but those that would be, could see something going on.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Also forum RP can happen with regards the EU side, infact before the merger it did use to happen a lot more as most of the big plots were usually on the forums to be as universal as possible, much like the Open Season one is.
Sure it can happen, and used to more often than now. But then you have the problem of either having to wait for one person to post something, which could be hours; or ignoring their input and carry on without them. I've just never found them anywhere near as much fun.

Now, on the other hand, sometimes we do episodic fiction, such as the Zero Hour thread when the Rikti first returned, or the Requiem War stuff. Things like that are totally AWESOME!

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Also I find trying out concepts quite hard at GG, for example I was told very specifically before hand that I wasn't allowed to merely copy my concept of Gelatinous Ruse (think Gelatinous Cube in small shapeshifting goo girl form that swallowed a portable yes she does devouring anything non-metal and has use of Hammerspace) since people would find it 'annoying' (she can say a very limited selection of words 'Goo' being the main one, which is how she got her name from the people she RP'd with in Virtue Pocket D).
I have to wonder who told you that you couldn't do that... Fairly sure I didn't! It's not for me to say who can and can't do what! If she'd been annoying, I'd have put her on ignore like I have certain other characters; but she never even got close to my ignore list. As I have a VERY low annoyance threshold, I don't think she was annoying.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Now the matter at hand, strangely enough while arguing against the whole 'the well has to be everything to do with Incarnates' stoof the one character I'm taking Incarnate (Amy Zon, Invuln/SS tanker) is more than happy to say that she is being empowered by a mystical force, heck her father is a Mad Scientist who used both science and magic on occasions.

She will claim to have become an Incarnate of Hercules, admittedly the system doesn't work that way at all but heck she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box and she will believe what she wants to believe.
The argument was bascially down to certain people telling others how to play their characters, or that they HAD to be a certain thing whether they liked it or not. Things like that are just not on and WILL cause strife, guaranteed.

Which is why I think at least one of those posters was deliberately trolling, because he knows how to push people's buttons.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Now the matter at hand...
Amen to that.

For me, Dante will use the Incarnate powers but he already has magic outside of the game system so although he'll run the arcs semi-IC, it'll be because they're an adventure not because he needs to access the powers.

My other possibility is Karnac who although he's convinced that his powers come from exposure to the Devoured Earth, doesn't realise that they actually come from 'a greater power'. I have no problem with that tying into the Well mythology. And given that he's one of my most reluctant heroes, seeing him take on the challenge of the Incarnate arcs IC will be amusing at least.

With this, like all arcs in the game, it'll be the choice of the player as to whether they take them as relevant to their story or not and that can alter from character to character.

Ironically, the two characters that I have that would make my best Incarnates character-wise, Dragonstar and Pyralith are only just over level 30 but then all good things come to those who wait as they say.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



About the only thing I'm sure of personally, is that none of my characters will be running the Incarnate arc(s) IC.

I personally have a dislike of doing any of the more identifiable arcs IC. IMO it's one thing to IC shut down a comparatively generic drugs ring, stop a bomb plot or join Vanguard, but I feel it's a little silly when a lot of people can claim to have rescued Statesman from Praetoria (after all, I'm sure he doesn't make a habit of it and his status as Primal Earth's lead hero would be called into question if he really did have such Daphne Anne Blake tendencies! ).

My main, the one character I will definitely be getting the slots for, will not be gaining new levels of power, if anything, she will be expanding on what she can already do, and extending her control. Her power does not come from the well, she will not be an Incarnate of anything, and I actually have no intention of acknowledging any change IC.

As for other characters, while I have absolutely no plans in that direction, I'll have to wait and see what they want to do. Pesky toons with minds of their own!

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
I personally have a dislike of doing any of the more identifiable arcs IC. IMO it's one thing to IC shut down a comparatively generic drugs ring, stop a bomb plot or join Vanguard, but I feel it's a little silly when a lot of people can claim to have rescued Statesman from Praetoria (after all, I'm sure he doesn't make a habit of it and his status as Primal Earth's lead hero would be called into question if he really did have such Daphne Anne Blake tendencies! ).
I always think that's the key to running arcs IC: are they such big events that they would only happen once? If they are then I tend to generic them. Sure I've run missions like Frostfire but then it can be someone other than him. If it's an arc that pertains purely to my character such as the cloning arcs that were added in i18, then I'm less bothered about running them in character.

Do what works for you without them impacting on other people's gameplay I say. However, I am surprised at how many people won't be treating the arcs as IC or canon for their characters.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -