Christmas Gift




So.... what're we gettin?

Let's talk about the past Christmas gifts starting with "YES THANK YOU WE LOVE YOU, NOT COMPLAING DEVS ARE GREAT"

Now that that's out of the way and hopefully that keeps people from calling us ungrateful just because we have an opinion about not liking one gift versus another.

That said:

LOVED the free jetpacks for all. At the time it was great because I made a lot of new people that year. Now, I have almost no use for jetpacks since there are so many around.

LOVED the gifts all over with snow beasts protecting them. The surprise snowbeasts they changed it to is fine too. I have great gift memories, but wonder if we can't change it up a bit. Random field glowies is a neat gimmick though.

LOVED the free server transfers! Couldn't have come at a better time. I finally realized I was playing on one of the emptiest servers there was. I was able to salvage my best toons and collect them all together (well almost... I really hope we get this again so I can finish the job)


FREE Slot (or two). Maybe even have to do a mission to open it up?

FREE Transfer. Maybe a mission to do this too, but I could really use this

One free booster pack? I mean, server transfers are worth $10 each and they gave us unlimited free ones last year. I'd love to be able to choose that last pack that I previously ignored because I couldn't justify it. It would make it more appealing to others if they saw it more in game right?

Freeze all zones. I'd love to see people ice-skating in the lamplight of Perez Park. That's not a traditional gift per-se, but I would love it

Anyone else have comments or ideas?



Loved: Jingle Jet. I love the variant art, the colors, the shimmer, the snowflake's dropping and the happy tinkle noise it makes.

Loved: Giving Presents to people.

Loved: Present Inspirations.

Loved: The new Winter Horde Event with the giant present and the timed mission against the Winter Lord. Hard, but really cool. Those lights are beastly in big groups.

Loved: Costume pieces bought for candy canes.

Hated: The lights and winter lord camping the in-mission hospital and killing people over and over and over.

Hated: The repetitive nature of the baby new year mission


Instead of the jetpacks, jump teleport or run "packs".

Jetpacks with alternate graphics. The Jinglejet is absolutely fantastic. The raptor pack is totaly boring.

More variety in enemies. The snowmen are ok, but add one new enemy to the Winter Horde. And not just a recolored Redcap or something, a new enemy.

That temp power you can give as a give (christmas cheer I believe). Make it purchasable with candy canes (20 or less) and add a few more options to the table of gifts.

Add a mission (tip mission from presents or winter horde maybe) with the zowie tech from Praetoria in Paragon/Rogue Isles

Make the ski run badges just a touch easier (silver 1 second, gold .5 seconds) to get, so you don't need a custom build and/or speed boost to accomplish them.

Add a second map/version to the rescue baby new year mission.

Snow over the real version of Croatoa, not just the instanced versions. Maybe a few other zones as well.

Purchasable Temp Powers costing candy canes with magic and mutation themes. Instead of grenades, bioplasma ball. Instead of a revolver, rune of blasting, etc.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I would like that they freeze all the lakes again. We haven't seen that since the first Winter Event.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Loved: Jingle Jet. I love the variant art, the colors, the shimmer, the snowflake's dropping and the happy tinkle noise it makes.
More than anything, that's what made them cool. The obvious EFFORT that went into it. It felt special and man those were good times. My fondest event memory by far.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I would like that they freeze all the lakes again. We haven't seen that since the first Winter Event.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say what killed that was all the GM petitions from people who logged out while in the water before they froze the lakes



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say what killed that was all the GM petitions from people who logged out while in the water before they froze the lakes
Warn people a good time before making it live? Say, 2 weeks. If they still log out in the water it's their fault and getting them out of the lakes shouldn't be high on the GM priority list.

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Originally Posted by Frost View Post
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say what killed that was all the GM petitions from people who logged out while in the water before they froze the lakes
We didn't have the /stuck command back then. Maybe that would work.

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Originally Posted by Frost View Post
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say what killed that was all the GM petitions from people who logged out while in the water before they froze the lakes
This probably wouldn't be such a huge deal nowadays with all the teleport power options. Base teleporter, Ouroboros portal, mission teleporter, Pocket D teleporter, even the Wentworth's teleporter would make this problem moot.



That or they need at least three fire blasters/controllers casting Rain of Fire or somesuch on the lake to melt it.

And what would be great is an iceskating emote a la Ninja Run or the Prestige slides. Unlockable with candy canes!


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
That or they need at least three fire blasters/controllers casting Rain of Fire or somesuch on the lake to melt it.

And what would be great is an iceskating emote a la Ninja Run or the Prestige slides. Unlockable with candy canes!

This would be so totally awesome. Brilliant idea!

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I liked all the stuff they gave us for free, and I hope they give us some more free transfers like they did last year. I used mine previously to rearrange my characters and now that I've had a chance to appreciate what GR has brought to the table I've decided that I'd like to do a little more tweaking on who goes where.

The only thing I don't like about these events is beyond the devs control, and that's the holiday griefer's. The ones that look at ToTing and Present hunting as a chance to get other players killed.



Jeez this is bad as department's only Halloween and we are talking about Xmas....sheesh...



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Jeez this is bad as department's only Halloween and we are talking about Xmas....sheesh...
Talking about/Planning.

Not already forcing it down your throats. We be BETTER than the department stores

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Warn people a good time before making it live? Say, 2 weeks. If they still log out in the water it's their fault and getting them out of the lakes shouldn't be high on the GM priority list.
Wouldn't "/stuck" fix that now?



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Jeez this is bad as department's only Halloween and we are talking about Xmas....sheesh...
I'm TOTALLY against Christmas Creep. The only reason I brought it up is to give the devs time to get working on this stuff



Christmas event is great and all, but I still want to see the

"Giant Radioactive Mutant Turkey Monster" running around for Thanksgiving

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Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I would like that they freeze all the lakes again. We haven't seen that since the first Winter Event.
This. It was fun ice skating in Steel Canyon. I dont know why they ever stopped it.


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Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
This probably wouldn't be such a huge deal nowadays with all the teleport power options. Base teleporter, Ouroboros portal, mission teleporter, Pocket D teleporter, even the Wentworth's teleporter would make this problem moot.
Would the interuptible ones work in that case?

Side Note: I once had Lightning Rod get me out of a spot in the map where /stuck would not.




well it must be time for Christmas, cause over here the shops are full of Easter Eggs

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I would like to see a GM Jack Frost. With ice and storm powers maxed out.

Frozen lakes would be awesome.

I love the entire Winter Event! Everything about it is so much fun!


The Trust



I was lucky enough to get a Jingle Jet a couple of weeks back (expiring tomorrow, I think) from a person who had a gift leftover.

It is by far one of the coolest "temp" powers. (Dimensional Grounding Ray comes in as a close second for me)

I have a funny feeling we'll be getting some type of Holiday Tip Mission either in lieu of the old Baby New Year mission or in addition to it.

I would LOL so much if one of the options at the end was to punt BNY into space. *hint hint*

What I'd like to see:

The Ski Lodge Open Year Round (Yes, this has nothing to do with the event per se, but still).

I mean, we can turn in costume salvage all year so why not have the ability to turn in Candy Canes as well?

I would even be okay with a 10 Candy Cane fee to get inside.

But back to the event at hand, an idea I just had - epic snowball battle!

You already have the Troll Raves in Skyway. Something similar could be done. A large amount of NPCs show up and battle against each other in a snowball war!

Or how about an area all powers are inactive except for Snowballs and you fight against NPCs using only that power. A new version with damage would be needed but still...

Ah well, can't wait to see what the devs have up their sleeves this year. I just hope it's more than a tip mission.

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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
And what would be great is an iceskating emote a la Ninja Run or the Prestige slides. Unlockable with candy canes!

I'd love this. My main is an Ice/Ice Blaster who uses SS and the Prestige Slide to best emulate my thoughts, where she is gliding over a thin sheet of ice to travel fast. I'd love skating!

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



I like a lot of the things they have given the players at Christmas.The last event with the new winterlord mission especially.

There are a couple of changes I would like to see though.

1.The Baby New Year mission. It needs an update.Or a rewrite.Or a revamp.Something.Anything.Please.

2.We have Christmas themed costume pieces.We have presents we can share.We have this very neat little zone that opens up for a short time each year.Heck, we even have snowballs we can throw at each other.A lot of great stuff for sure.

So . . . .where are the decorations? We are at the 5 year marker (roughly) for bases in the game, and not one Christmas decoration for them.I am looking for a couple of different sized Christmas trees( 7-8 feet and 30 feet high or so with multi-colored lights), a big snowman . . . stuff like that.

Oh and a big Christmas tree in one of the zones.Huge.Maybe even make it on a new island in the Chalet.

Yes I know I am asking for a lot.Some of us are huge Christmas dorks.I happen to be one of them.



Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
I'd love this. My main is an Ice/Ice Blaster who uses SS and the Prestige Slide to best emulate my thoughts, where she is gliding over a thin sheet of ice to travel fast. I'd love skating!
Same here. I made my Cold/Ice Defender just because I got the DVD Edition. Wanted a reason to use Slide but if we got a skate sprint it would definitely be replacing slide.

What I would absolutely love is a permanent version of Snowball (Unfortunately the griefer danger would make this a bad idea. But my Cold/Ice Defender would love having it permanently.

As for the desire for Christmas decorations in bases. With a little creativity you can make them yourself:

Made this last year in my SG's lounge.

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Originally Posted by Loonie5 View Post
I like a lot of the things they have given the players at Christmas.The last event with the new winterlord mission especially.

There are a couple of changes I would like to see though.

1.The Baby New Year mission. It needs an update.Or a rewrite.Or a revamp.Something.Anything.Please.

2.We have Christmas themed costume pieces.We have presents we can share.We have this very neat little zone that opens up for a short time each year.Heck, we even have snowballs we can throw at each other.A lot of great stuff for sure.

So . . . .where are the decorations? We are at the 5 year marker (roughly) for bases in the game, and not one Christmas decoration for them.I am looking for a couple of different sized Christmas trees( 7-8 feet and 30 feet high or so with multi-colored lights), a big snowman . . . stuff like that.

Oh and a big Christmas tree in one of the zones.Huge.Maybe even make it on a new island in the Chalet.

Yes I know I am asking for a lot.Some of us are huge Christmas dorks.I happen to be one of them.
Most cities in RL put out lights and trees and wreaths and such. I think this is an AWESOME idea. I think every season should LOOK different than the others. It'd be cool if spring time all the trees were pink and white with flowers