Discussion: The 2010 Halloween Event is here!




Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I do see GG's point even if I think it's a fight that doesn't need to be fought. Think about it in relation to a more recent example.

What if there was a badge on Red Side for helping the Fifth Column (who we all know are thinly veiled Nazis) called the "Auschwitz" Badge?

Or, what if the badges for the safeguard/mayhem side missions involving bombs were "Alfred P. Murrah" badges?
there is a qualitative difference between historic events of the recent past, of the last 100 years, and of many centuries in the past.

Also, let me point out that the badges relation to the inquisition's manual is entirely speculative, a leap of logic on the part of certain players. 'malleus' has a generic meaning ('hammer') which is a fine descriptive name for the badge.

Naming a badge after a specific death camp or a specific terrorist act isn't the same thing at all, even ignoring the span of history between the various acts.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
Unfortunately, it's the first time. I'm running these missions 5 times on several of my toons, just clicking each option once to get the badge, and then moving on to next until I get the accolade. So far, on 3 different toons that were in SG mode, I only received 50k when selecting the option that includes the Trusting badge, instead of 100k mentioned in the text box.

Anybody else notice this? On my next toon, I'll try it out of SG mode.
It is SG mode that's causing it. It looks to me like they forgot to add a Prestige value to compensate for the reduction. Fortunately, given the normal mission completion Prestige bonus, you're probably only missing out on about 500 Prestige.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Actually, the analogy fits very well according to your argument. The "Witches" in this game are also evil just like the "Nazi's" in The 5th Column and The Council. All three groups attack both heroes and villains and everything in between and they give badges for killing them with names that seem very appropriate to the actions you take to earn them. If she was really so bent out of shape about this then simply having a group in this game, let alone two, based on Nazi's would bother her too. I mean, according to her argument, there is no place for things like this in a Heroic MMO.

The fact is this is a game and she let herself get her knickers in a twist for very little reason. Heck, the badge name isn't even the full name she gave for the book. Only a similar reference, that when looked up in a dictionary, has a totally different meaning. Though I do believe that reference was intentional.

At this point it really is time for her to get over it or find a game that does not have ANY form of historical references that may upset her. That is really the only two options I can see for her at this point.
You really don't understand her argument or the underlying difference at all, despite your claims that you get it, do you? She is not upset that we are defeating actual witches and getting a badge as a reward, she is upset because the reward is named after a book that at least helped to cause a good deal of real world injustice. There is no parallel to making the purveyors of said injustice the enemy and giving a reward for beating them up that doesn't even reference said injustices that they committed. That is a false analogy by definition. What you're saying here is that a square is a decent analog to a circle because they're both shapes. That's preposterous.

Perhaps you should join Spinal Tap if you can't see the difference here.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Something that I've noticed is different this year:

In years past, duplicate costume power drops would cause an empty Treat drop--you get the Treat notice and no visible treat. Or, in the case of hybrid Treats (which don't appear to happen anymore), you'd get just an inspiration where you otherwise would have gotten an inspiration AND a unique costume temp power.

This year, instead, you get a Trick with baddies spawning whilst still getting credit towards the costume badges the second you click the door.

Took me a while to work through my alts to some that still did not have any or all of the costume drop badges from years prior.

I stand by my prior suggestion (this thread or elsewhere) for future halloween events to include a means to "buy our way" past mission gating with a set or three of halloween salvage. Something like the mission Tip drop--which seems to be scaled well for new characters with none of the event badges--can be frustrating when working through and badging old characters. Personally, I find this speed bump is part of what can contribute to the "event fatigue" described on another thread. Especially since the mission itself takes a few minutes per run in most cases. I would have loved to have whizzed through all my five and six year old characters in one night and then focused on other aspects of the event with new characters.

Yes, yes I know it was my CHOICE to spend the first three days of the event just badging old 50's. Either way, the speed bump to these missions for old characters seemed quite superfluous IMO. Should not have taken several hours per old 50 to get these five quick mission runs.

That being said, on a newer character, with lots to do, the event has been fun and relatively well balanced thus far. My only secondary beef is that the halloween mobs may have been buffed a bit too much for lowbies. Not sure if there is a way to scale them down when they spawn for teams levels 25 and under.



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
....she is upset because the reward is named after a book that at least helped to cause a good deal of real world injustice.
it's named after a generic Latin word.

The rest is supposition and presumption.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're totally missing the point again - there's no problem with having evil witches in the game - the poblem is making the badge for defeating them a reference to mass-murder in the real world.
Defeating the Halloween witches is shown to be a good thing in the game - but the badge to mark the achievement is linked to a crime against humanity - that's why it needs to be changed.
It's not going to be changed.

And a good thing too, since changing that would mean changing a ton of other "offensive" stuff in the game, such as badges given out for the number of times one blows a bank vault door off its hinges.... OMG! CRIME! WE GOT A BADGE FOR A CRIME!

What about that badge for defeating CoT Mages? OMG! ADVOCATION OF MASS MURDER OF INNOCENT WARLOCKS! There they were, roasting passers-by in eerie green bonfires when those meddlin' murderous "heroes" showed up and fireballed 'em into oblivion!

We get a badge for killing Lusca. ALERT PETA AT ONCE, CRUELTY TO ANIMALS!

I could go on and on. My best advice to you is, find a real problem to fret about. Because this little crusade of yours is, I am sorry to say, complete balderdash.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's named after a generic Latin word.

The rest is supposition and presumption.
It may be supposition and presumption but it's supposition and presumption that is planted on pretty solid ground. There is a book with Malleus in its title that was used in the middle ages to ostensibly destroy witches. There is a badge in this game called Malleus that you get for "destroying" witches. It's not like she had to use six degrees of separation or build some kind of semantic Rube Goldberg arguement to arrive at her conclusion.

Again, I'm not of the opinion that the badge name needs to be changed, but the more I read, the less I feel that her feelings on the subject should be dismissed out of hand.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I do see GG's point even if I think it's a fight that doesn't need to be fought. Think about it in relation to a more recent example.

What if there was a badge on Red Side for helping the Fifth Column (who we all know are thinly veiled Nazis) called the "Auschwitz" Badge?

Or, what if the badges for the safeguard/mayhem side missions involving bombs were "Alfred P. Murrah" badges?
Call me bad, but I really would not care if they did. They ARE villains, after all. Villains tend to do antisocial and politically-incorrect things.

However no fear because there is no way something like this would ever happen; the vast majority of the playerbase would emit a collective scream that would probably deafen half of the continental US.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
It may be supposition and presumption but it's supposition and presumption that is planted on pretty solid ground. There is a book with Malleus in its title that was used in the middle ages to ostensibly destroy witches. There is a badge in this game called Malleus that you get for "destroying" witches. It's not like she had to use six degrees of separation or build some kind of semantic Rube Goldberg arguement to arrive at her conclusion.
The badge title isn't explicit.
There is a leap involved to get from the badge to ancient gendercide, or whatever you want to call it.

There would't be much to freak out about if the badge title was explicit, but it isn't, so there's even less to freak out about.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No it isn't - the "witches" who were murdered weren't real witches, because those don't exist - it was like accusing and murdering people for being elves or fairies or pixies - mass-murder for the "crime" of being something that never existed.

The witches in the game are "real" witches - so they have totally no conenction to the women who were murdered for being "witches", so the badge title is not only crass and offensive, it doesn't even make any sense either.
Are you really saying that all wiccans don't exist, and you consider the badge title is offensive.....

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Oh and some other feedback about the event.

The salvage dropping from enemies and from door clicking means they are almost worthless for rare salavage. If intent is for everyone to be able to buy them easily, then okay.
Maybe make a hallowwen inspiration (like teh christmas ones) instead of salavge from door clicking.
The credit for costumes in team when someone else gets them makes it very easy to get the otherwise grindy 50 temp badge.
The sidekick or whatever bug stopping non team leaders from getting costume badges is awful when you have to have a costume to get the tip mission, and makes those with con costumes life a lot easier.
The mission is very easy to stealth which is probably a good thing as have to repeat it a lot of times if you want the badges.

Enjoying it as normal.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
It is SG mode that's causing it. It looks to me like they forgot to add a Prestige value to compensate for the reduction. Fortunately, given the normal mission completion Prestige bonus, you're probably only missing out on about 500 Prestige.

I can verify it; put a 4th toon through it and selected the Trusting award while in non-SG, and I got the 100k. No biggie either way; just kind of odd.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're totally missing the point again - there's no problem with having evil witches in the game - the poblem is making the badge for defeating them a reference to mass-murder in the real world.
Defeating the Halloween witches is shown to be a good thing in the game - but the badge to mark the achievement is linked to a crime against humanity - that's why it needs to be changed.
Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
You really don't understand her argument or the underlying difference at all, despite your claims that you get it, do you? She is not upset that we are defeating actual witches and getting a badge as a reward, she is upset because the reward is named after a book that at least helped to cause a good deal of real world injustice. There is no parallel to making the purveyors of said injustice the enemy and giving a reward for beating them up that doesn't even reference said injustices that they committed. That is a false analogy by definition. What you're saying here is that a square is a decent analog to a circle because they're both shapes. That's preposterous.

Perhaps you should join Spinal Tap if you can't see the difference here.
Oh I get it very well. She has for some reason found personal reasons to be indignant with an event that happen about 500 years ago that killed possibly a few thousand individuals, but does not seem to mind an event from about 60 years ago that killed several million. The name of the badge and the style of the enemies in the game both serve as reminders of the past and nothing more. The analogy is perfect.

It is you, Ms. Mesmer and GG, that are not seeing the point. ALMOST NO ONE ELSE CARES about the stupid badge title. You have tried to make a mountain out of a mole hill and instead ended up with an ant hill.

For the third time I will say it. Drop it and walk away, you are not convincing us with your argument by saying the same things over and over that didn't work in the first place. Walk away, it just isn't worth it.



Originally Posted by Zerlina View Post
If you're going to complain about the title what about the action? You are still KILLING witches. Not real you say? Tell that to the wiccans or followers of other pagan faiths that are witches and might feel that under any name killing witches in a game is wrong.
Wiccan here... and I love this badge...

I love my GG to be happy and ambiguously and ignorantly dropping hints from closed beta in the form of winks and nudges...can we go back to that?




Why does everyone mention killing? I thought we arrested foes.

Though, I never thought about the equivalent of what we do on CoV as arresting does not work. Anyways, do we anywhere in the game specifically mention the word "killing"? I don't know about the rest of the players, but I always defeated foes which was not analogous with killing them.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Why does everyone mention killing? I thought we arrested foes.

Though, I never thought about the equivalent of what we do on CoV as arresting does not work. Anyways, do we anywhere in the game specifically mention the word "killing"? I don't know about the rest of the players, but I always defeated foes which was not analogous with killing them.
I can't agree with you here. If my toon gets "killed" by losing all it's hit point, then I get emergency teleported to my base or hospital for treatment and resurrection. Also if someone has the right power I get "resurrected" or use an inspiration for the same effect.

If an enemy is "defeated" by loosing all it's hit point as well, it is KILLED. I have yet to see my toon put a pair of hand-cuffs on an enemy that has been "defeated". Nor have I seen some sort of teleporter beacon attached to a "defeated" enemy and them then whisked away to some jail cell.

I know that Paragon Studios only talks about "defeating" and "arresting" enemies, which I assume is to maintain their "TEEN" rating, but I don't delude myself into believing that is what is really happening. I know that we are dealing with a perception problem, but I personally would be willing to bet very few people believe they are not killing the enemies.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I can't agree with you here. If my toon gets "killed" by losing all it's hit point, then I get emergency teleported to my base or hospital for treatment and resurrection. Also if someone has the right power I get "resurrected" or use an inspiration for the same effect.

If an enemy is "defeated" by loosing all it's hit point as well, it is KILLED. I have yet to see my toon put a pair of hand-cuffs on an enemy that has been "defeated". Nor have I seen some sort of teleporter beacon attached to a "defeated" enemy and them then whisked away to some jail cell.

I know that Paragon Studios only talks about "defeating" and "arresting" enemies, which I assume is to maintain their "TEEN" rating, but I don't delude myself into believing that is what is really happening. I know that we are dealing with a perception problem, but I personally would be willing to bet very few people believe they are not killing the enemies.
That is totally incorrect - missions mention all the time that we've arrested people, and that talking to them after they've been subdued has given us a clue to the next stage of the arc, or says how they're now in the Zig.
Plus, the idea that registered heroes would simply go around - or be allowed to go around - murdering gang members sitting on bus stops or spray-painting walls is just ridiculous.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That is totally incorrect - missions mention all the time that we've arrested people, and that talking to them after they've been subdued has given us a clue to the next stage of the arc, or says how they're now in the Zig.
Plus, the idea that registered heroes would simply go around - or be allowed to go around - murdering gang members sitting on bus stops or spray-painting walls is just ridiculous.
Perception. I have no delusions that I am arresting people while you delude yourself into think you are. Just like I don't delude myself into thinking the name of a badge is "Atrocious" while you do. Perception.

By the way, heroes go around killing people in the comics/movies/games all the time, that is not perception, but fact.

As I said before I personally believe the wording in the missions was to keep a "Teen" rating and therefore make this game more marketable to a wider audience. While I *could* be wrong, I doubt it.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Perception. I have no delusions that I am arresting people while you delude yourself into think you are. Just like I don't delude myself into thinking the name of a badge is "Atrocious" while you do. Perception.

By the way, heroes go around killing people in the comics/movies/games all the time, that is not perception, but fact.

As I said before I personally believe the wording in the missions was to keep a "Teen" rating and therefore make this game more marketable to a wider audience. While I *could* be wrong, I doubt it.
Agreed on all these points, and we need a badge called "Atrocious" ASAP. Or a title would work, too.

I find it ludicrous that I would NOT be allowed to kill some Longbow nuisance who is trying to use a flamethrower on me for the high crime of.... just entering a building?! Talk about swatting flies with a suitcase nuke, that's a great example.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Perception. I have no delusions that I am arresting people
You're ignoring the actual mission text and game lore if you think you're killing people as a Hero - 0 HP doesn't = death.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're ignoring the actual mission text and game lore if you think you're killing people as a Hero - 0 HP doesn't = death.
Ignoring? No. I already explained that twice now. I believe it's for the "Teen" rating (that makes three times). And if you honestly believe that dead isn't dead, then why do we have powers called "Resurrect" or "Rise of the Phoenix"?

Let's put this in a perspective you might be able to better understand GG. If you are surrounded and attacked by three thugs with knives in a dark alley, are you going to try to be careful and arrest them or do whatever is possible to make sure you live and they can not hurt you? I know my answer, at least the first two and probably all three will be dealt killing blows if it is possible, not submission holds. There is no pulling punches in a situation like this, I am in it to survive and win. Don't bother trying to tell me "Game Lore" says otherwise, because that is just naive.



There are many ways to look at this. For me my ability to continue fighting is all that is killed if I am defeated and sent to the Hospital to have my drive resurrected. Really, it's in the mind of the player and this is a game not real life. Certainly, real life situations you will do whatever it takes, but as far as the game goes it is stated we "arrest" them. Words can be twisted to be both positive (meaning my character's drive is all that is killed and resurrected) or negative (taking things down to the reality of the situation as it would be in real life.) This is a game and the health bars are made up of colored pixels, just like the enemy you are defeating. It is entirely up to you how you perceive what happens to the foe upon defeat. This comes down to a simple phrase, "To each her own." And if you REALLY want to get technical the coding for the enemy you just squashed will respawn (or recycle) for someone else later.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Ignoring? No. I already explained that twice now. I believe it's for the "Teen" rating (that makes three times). And if you honestly believe that dead isn't dead, then why do we have powers called "Resurrect" or "Rise of the Phoenix"?
Neither of those powers mention death or being dead.

There is no pulling punches in a situation like this, I am in it to survive and win.
But you leave the AVs alive who are way more dangerous than their minions? Like at the end of the STF, you arrest Recluse - he goes to 0 HP, then the end text says he's in prison.

Don't bother trying to tell me "Game Lore" says otherwise, because that is just naive.
You're free to ignore game lore if you want to, just like the loyalists do - but that doesn't make your fantasies any more "real", or an accurate reflection of the game world and its lore.

We arrest people, and they end up in the Zig, which is the special prison for superpowered criminals, where CoV players also escape from.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
If you're selecting the same reward over and over, the reward is lessened after the first time. Or, in the case of the rare recipe reward. you don't get it at all after the first time.
I have been entirely too busy to try to keep up with things.

Will someone please explain to me this annoying and disenchanting game mechanic to me?

I'm not liking this "defeat elite boss with no reward" thing we seem to have going on here.

Edit: is there a timer or cool down to it? is this a one shot deal?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.