Discussion: The 2010 Halloween Event is here!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Neither of those powers mention death or being dead.
OMG, since when do you "resurrect" a live person? If you read any of the legends about the Phoenix, you will find that when it dies, it bursts into flames and a new phoenix "rises from the ashes". Very clear references to death and resurrection there, even if you want to ignore it.

But you leave the AVs alive who are way more dangerous than their minions? Like at the end of the STF, you arrest Recluse - he goes to 0 HP, then the end text says he's in prison.

You're free to ignore game lore if you want to, just like the loyalists do - but that doesn't make your fantasies any more "real", or an accurate reflection of the game world and its lore.

We arrest people, and they end up in the Zig, which is the special prison for superpowered criminals, where CoV players also escape from.
Maybe you would do that, but I do not believe many people would. I surely would not leave someone that powerful and dangerous alive if he could be killed while trying to "apprehend" him. As a villain I would not leave Statesman nor most any other enemies alive either, that just makes no logical sense from a villains perspective.

Again, since you are ignoring it, the whole "arrest" scenario IS TO MAINTAIN A "TEEN" RATING FOR THE PURPOSES OF MARKETING AND SALES. If the makers of this game said we were killing the enemies it would push the game into the "Mature" category and they would not be able to sell this game to a large portion of the market. Also arresting your foes does not reflect the larger realities either the real world or the comic/book/movie scenarios about heroes.

It really is time to lift your head out of the sand GG, you will not win this argument with me either.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not a pet
Your ability to hold aggro says otherwise.

Must have been all that :P and taunting you are legendary for doing, hence the dogpile.

Ah well, don't set the table if you aren't ready for dinner.

I do sympathize with your motives, however you are going about this wrong by bringing it here.

Since you seem to have some form of pull on the ladder I would suggest PM's and Petitions.

Unless of course, a unified front has all those features disabled.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



can anyone tell me what the event salvage is for?

-Moon Fyire



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're ignoring the actual mission text and game lore if you think you're killing people as a Hero - 0 HP doesn't = death.
Yeah, because in real life, all the time people are surviving vicious attacks lasting several minutes with large bladed weapons - or even small ones, for that matter - having a flamethrower turned on them, having a pack of minions fireball them mercilessly and other suchlike violent confrontations, you bet!

We arrest people, and they end up in the Zig, which is the special prison for superpowered criminals, where CoV players also escape from.
Wow, I had no idea all those security officers my villains beat down during bank heists end up in the Zig. Now there's some game lore that makes sense for you!

ain't it Atrocious:



Originally Posted by Neuro Toxin View Post
can anyone tell me what the event salvage is for?
You turn in one of each kind [think there are four] to the event salvage contact, and this opens up the fifth costume slot for that character.

You can email it to newbies of yours who didnt make the event - works for all levels - or you can keep it and market it later. It sells for a pretty good price, esp. several months down the road.




-Moon Fyire



Since we do see missions with dead bodies lying around it, I've always understood it that the knocked out minions/LTs/etc. fading out is when they are being teleported to the Zig.

It's nice that you see it a certain way, but in-game text argues otherwise. Perhaps if you are a Vigilante, Villain, or a Rogue, instead of a Hero, you are killing instead of arresting.

In the end, your perception and my perception won't ever be the same. However, the perception that we are arresting them is backed by the game, so that's what I believe. And nothing you can say will change that.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Oh I get it very well. She has for some reason found personal reasons to be indignant with an event that happen about 500 years ago that killed possibly a few thousand individuals, but does not seem to mind an event from about 60 years ago that killed several million. The name of the badge and the style of the enemies in the game both serve as reminders of the past and nothing more. The analogy is perfect.
A better example is this: what if you were awarded a badge named Auschwitz for defeating 5th Column? Would that be considered acceptable? You would be defeating Nazis, and you would be rewarded a badge named for something that the Nazis used to persecute and kill people.

I honestly don't care if the badge is changed or not; just wanted to provide a proper analogy to the question.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
Since we do see missions with dead bodies lying around it, I've always understood it that the knocked out minions/LTs/etc. fading out is when they are being teleported to the Zig.

It's nice that you see it a certain way, but in-game text argues otherwise. Perhaps if you are a Vigilante, Villain, or a Rogue, instead of a Hero, you are killing instead of arresting.

In the end, your perception and my perception won't ever be the same. However, the perception that we are arresting them is backed by the game, so that's what I believe. And nothing you can say will change that.
I am not trying to convince you of anything. This game is loosely based on the realities of conflict. When your life is on the line, you will most often do anything to preserve it OR die.

Most police officers will tell you that in a bad situation they hope to not hurt anyone or at least cause the least amount of hurt possible, but they will not put their own lives on the line to guarantee it. From experience I can tell you the military is even more practical. If you think your life is in danger, shoot. PERIOD!

The less morally correct, such as gang-bangers, will even take it a step farther. Many things are worth a death sentence. You're in the wrong neighborhood? Dead. You're wearing the wrong colors? Dead. You showed someone some perceived disrespect? Dead. This is the loose reality this game is based on.

If YOU choose to feel all warm and fuzzy because you're doing the right thing by arresting the bad guys or only beating up the good guys when you play a villain, then good for you. You might even sleep better at night for it. Me . . . I try to ground myself in reality a bit more and I sleep like a babe.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
If YOU choose to feel all warm and fuzzy because you're doing the right thing by arresting the bad guys or only beating up the good guys when you play a villain, then good for you. You might even sleep better at night for it. Me . . . I try to ground myself in reality a bit more and I sleep like a babe.
I really don't consider myself to be a warm and fuzzy person, but thanks for thinking of me as such.

As for reality? It's a game with super powered beings, with powers that could be described as god-like. Pretty far from reality IMO.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
If YOU choose to feel all warm and fuzzy because you're doing the right thing by arresting the bad guys or only beating up the good guys when you play a villain, then good for you. You might even sleep better at night for it. Me . . . I try to ground myself in reality a bit more and I sleep like a babe.
You sleep for no more than three hours at a go and wake up having fouled yourself and screaming for food?

<-- Father of 3 month old.



Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
I really don't consider myself to be a warm and fuzzy person, but thanks for thinking of me as such.

As for reality? It's a game with super powered beings, with powers that could be described as god-like. Pretty far from reality IMO.
Typical. If you can not win an argument then ignore the totality of what is said and only pick out the smallest parts to refute. Let me reiterate just one part then:

"This game is loosely based on the realities of conflict."

And then I went on to say other things you ignored. If you want to delude yourself into thinking otherwise, go ahead, no skin off my back.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Bad analogy. Auschwitz was a death camp the Nazi's set up to commit genocide against the Jews. So that would not make a good badge for killing Nazi's AND the reason I chose not to use it as a matter of fact. The "Malleus Whatever it was called" was a book used to set a standard for identifying and convicting witches, so the "Malleus" badge is a fitting name for the badge for defeating . . . wait for it . . . WITCHES!
Granted, but they would be both be in poor taste.

And those women killed weren't witches.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
<-- Father of 3 month old.
Been there twice now. The absolute BEST and WORST of times all wrapped up into one really confusing package. Now that my kids are 14 and 16 years old though, I can warn you it gets a little better and a whole lot worse. Yet somehow it is more than worth it and I would not change it for anything.

My congratulations to you for the addition to your family and my sympathies as well.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Been there twice now. The absolute BEST and WORST of times all wrapped up into one really confusing package. Now that my kids are 14 and 16 years old though, I can warn you it gets a little better and a whole lot worse. Yet somehow it is more than worth it and I would not change it for anything.

My congratulations to you for the addition to your family and my sympathies as well.
Ah I'm used to it too, he's #2.

I just thought the usage of the phrase "Sleeping like a babe" was (bitterly) ironic and whomever originally coined it obviously had never actually been near a sleeping baby for a prolonged period of time



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Typical. If you can not win an argument then ignore the totality of what is said and only pick out the smallest parts to refute. Let me reiterate just one part then:

"This game is loosely based on the realities of conflict."

And then I went on to say other things you ignored. If you want to delude yourself into thinking otherwise, go ahead, no skin off my back.
LOL. I wasn't ignoring it, just pointing out the fallacy of your argument.

Fine, to put it succinctly:

1. You compare this to a police officer. Fine, I can accept that. However, police officers do not have access to the skills and technology that the game grants us. WE HAVE OPTIONS THAT THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE.

2. Yes, in my original post, I noted that Vigilantes, Villains, and Rogues may kill their foes. But Heroes do not. Even if you point out people like the Punisher, Ghost Rider, etc., note that they are always referenced as a Anti-hero. So, while the "gangbangers" and the like may kill normal beings, we as Heroes would be more survivable.

3. The fact that the Hospital technology can find us no matter where we are, means that the city keeps tabs on all super powered beings. As such, we can infer that they keep an eye on vitals and teleport you away before the killing blow can be dealt. My guess has always been that a tag is in our body that will teleport us away when we are defeated. As for ingame examples, there are several examples where the boss will teleport away when they reach a certain health level, such as Antimatter.

Now, I'm not sure why you are taking this personally and attacking people over it, but really, it's just a game. I see it in the way I want to; why do you consider it important enough to call me (and others) out on it?

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Ah I'm used to it too, he's #2.

I just thought the usage of the phrase "Sleeping like a babe" was (bitterly) ironic and whomever originally coined it obviously had never actually been near a sleeping baby for a prolonged period of time
Actually, I had to wake up both of my children twice a night for the first two months to feed them or they would sleep through the night. I was told by my doctor that it was necessary for that long to keep them getting proper nutrition. I don't know if it is true or not according to more recent information out there, but it made for some bad nights for me anyways since I could seldom get back to sleep quickly.



Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
A better example is this: what if you were awarded a badge named Auschwitz for defeating 5th Column? Would that be considered acceptable? You would be defeating Nazis, and you would be rewarded a badge named for something that the Nazis used to persecute and kill people.
I fail to see why not, although Nazis were of course not actually the ones interned in death camps, so that might be kind of backwards.

Badge text could go something like: "You've given the Council a taste of their own deadly medicine," or I am sure someone else could think up text even more appropriate.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Maybe you would do that, but I do not believe many people would. I surely would not leave someone that powerful and dangerous alive if he could be killed while trying to "apprehend" him.
Which means you have to ignore the in game info then - the game tells you that you haven't killed Recluse on the STF - just like it tells you that the Praetorian AVs you've reduced to 0 HP have been imprisoned in the Zig, not killed by you, or Requiem isn't killed by you on the ITF, and so on.

Again, since you are ignoring it, the whole "arrest" scenario IS TO MAINTAIN A "TEEN" RATING FOR THE PURPOSES OF MARKETING AND SALES. If the makers of this game said we were killing the enemies it would push the game into the "Mature" category and they would not be able to sell this game to a large portion of the market.
Yes, having tasks that tell you directly that you're going to be killing people and have killed people has really ruined the chances of WoW being successful - along with all the other T-rated MMOs that tell players they're going to be killing enemies.

Also arresting your foes does not reflect the larger realities either the real world or the comic/book/movie scenarios about heroes.
Superheroes don't go around slaughtering criminals - that's why CoH makes it clear to players that they're arresting suspects and not killing them.
A superhero setting isn't the same as a fantasy or sci-fi setting - Superman wouldn't kill the people he's fighting, Aragorn or Luke Skywalker would - the arrest text in CoH is just for flavor, to suit the setting - it has nothing to do with the rating at all.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
LOL. I wasn't ignoring it, just pointing out the fallacy of your argument.

Fine, to put it succinctly:

1. You compare this to a police officer. Fine, I can accept that. However, police officers do not have access to the skills and technology that the game grants us. WE HAVE OPTIONS THAT THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE.

2. Yes, in my original post, I noted that Vigilantes, Villains, and Rogues may kill their foes. But Heroes do not. Even if you point out people like the Punisher, Ghost Rider, etc., note that they are always referenced as a Anti-hero. So, while the "gangbangers" and the like may kill normal beings, we as Heroes would be more survivable.

3. The fact that the Hospital technology can find us no matter where we are, means that the city keeps tabs on all super powered beings. As such, we can infer that they keep an eye on vitals and teleport you away before the killing blow can be dealt. My guess has always been that a tag is in our body that will teleport us away when we are defeated. As for ingame examples, there are several examples where the boss will teleport away when they reach a certain health level, such as Antimatter.

Now, I'm not sure why you are taking this personally and attacking people over it, but really, it's just a game. I see it in the way I want to; why do you consider it important enough to call me (and others) out on it?
Not worth arguing anymore other than to say I have very carefully NOT attacked anyone in this argument. I simply have a different opinion and choose not to delude myself to the realities of conflict. When people fight, hurt happens. When People use simple weapons against each other, maiming or death happens. When people pull out guns, flame-throwers, nukes, poisoned darts, etc. . . DEATH happens. This game is loosely based on that very idea. Otherwise we would all run around giving out ribbons and asking the bad guys real politely to stop being so mean. Or if we played a bad guy, we would very calmly and reasonably walk up to the bank teller and explain to them how it was so very important to give us all the money in the vault.

If the creators of this game had been more honest AND not worried about the "Mature" rating they would have gotten, they would have admitted that heroes do kill, at least occasionally and often much more. Instead they tried to explain away the bad stuff in a way that allowed them to get a "teen" rating and vastly increase their player base.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
but the badge to mark the achievement is linked to a crime against humanity
delicious assumptions

Lets see...the Devs definitely won't get rid of the badge, what do offendees recommend for a alternate name? first one to say "Witch Hunter" gets a cookie Maybe "Solomon" (anime reference to a company that hunts evil witches) or "Craft Sealer/Sealer of the Craft"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Superheroes don't go around slaughtering criminals - that's why CoH makes it clear to players that they're arresting suspects and not killing them.
A superhero setting isn't the same as a fantasy or sci-fi setting - Superman wouldn't kill the people he's fighting, Aragorn or Luke Skywalker would - the arrest text in CoH is just for flavor, to suit the setting - it has nothing to do with the rating at all.
Go ahead and think however you like GG. I made my argument and you made yours. You think you're right and I know I am. We aren't going to agree on this one either.

You did make one pretty bad mistake in that last part of your statement though. Luke Skywalker and the whole Star Wars setting is probably the closest you can come to comparing to this game. That is, when you take in the laser blasters, strange creatures, human-like robots, soldiers, light sabers and the Force. And yes, Luke did kill his enemies as did Obi Wan. Both major HEROES in the movie/genre



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
delicious assumptions

Lets see...the Devs definitely won't get rid of the badge, what do offendees recommend for a alternate name? first one to say "Witch Hunter" gets a cookie
I would say call it "Malleus" and let it serve as a reminder or the wrong that was done.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
If YOU choose to feel all warm and fuzzy because you're doing the right thing by arresting the bad guys or only beating up the good guys when you play a villain, then good for you.
It's got nothing to do with choosing - it's what the game tells you you're doing.
For example, on the 3rd misison of the ITF - you fight Requiem and Romulus - you reduce them both to 0 HP, but the game tells you neither of them are dead - you've defeated Romulus, but the next mission is to defeat Romulus, while the clue about Requiem's journal tells you he's TP'ed to another location - and the 3rd mission briefing tells you that Imperious has questioned some of the soldiers you captured in the caves with the Shadow Cysts - so the minions you reduced to 0 HP in that misison seem to have survived too.
At the end of the STF, the game tells you that you can only hope that there's a prison strong enough to hold Recluse, the AV you've just reduced to 0 HP.

You're free to imagine that you're a superhero who goes around killing people in you like, but it's not supported by the game at all.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
And yes, Luke did kill his enemies as did Obi Wan. Both major HEROES in the movie/genre
And Superman didn't - because it's all about the setting.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork