Free Art till im sick of you




Have I mentioned how much I love every picture of Neverdarke you've done? It seems like every picture of her is different from your usual style, but still quite clearly "you" in the most awesome of ways.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Wonder what would happen were I to throw Belle Liberty into the mix...




Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
she looks a tad topless
It certainly is risque. Though considering the usual tone of arts, a little risk is often appreciated.

Also, who doesn't love a little cheesecake?



Belle Liberty
I've seen a lot of Red/White/Blue costumes, but that one is really something. Good job.



Originally Posted by Cold_Heritage View Post
It certainly is risque. Though considering the usual tone of arts, a little risk is often appreciated.

Also, who doesn't love a little cheesecake?
I don't.

I only love lots of it.



Originally Posted by Stefanie View Post
Starr-Shine changed your pic ?



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post changed your pic ?
OH LOVIE! You don't want to know how many times I have changed my crap! Stupid altitis xD

I now have Candie Dreamer as my main, Fire/SD Brute. >.> My fave costume for her is her SG uni though.

Sorry for being a bother!! <3

Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!



Originally Posted by Eveningstar2 View Post
I've seen a lot of Red/White/Blue costumes, but that one is really something. Good job.
Thanks. I wish I could take credit for having planned it out, meticulously spending hours in the costume creator, and then deciding on the perfect costume for her... but I was just messing around on character creation one night, things just sort of fell together, I discovered (to my never ending surprise) that the name "Belle Liberty" wasn't taken, and wasn't blocked by the filter... and add in me listening to waaaay too much John Williams while coming up with her bio, and thus you have what you see.



can the below player get me a few more screenshots of their character as i've decided to do a full picture of their character for practice and im having a hard time making out the boots and what she has on over her eyes .(a bit of info on their sets would be grand too )

I could just draw a nude girl in a hood but figured thats cheating

Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Well, I'm going to shamelessly pounce on this while I can.

My current main, Leytap, looks like this;

The face isn't very clear there, so I'm going to edit a close-up into this post as soon as the servers are back up from maintainance.

Edit: Ah, maintainance. Now you're down, I can add that face-specific picture. There's actually a slight colour-change between the two.. the orange trim of the first picture has been replaced with something a liiiittle more copper/bronze-like.



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
I could just draw a nude girl in a hood but figured thats cheating
I'm waiting for this treatment on several of my characters...



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
can the below player get me a few more screenshots of their character as i've decided to do a full picture of their character for practice and im having a hard time making out the boots and what she has on over her eyes .(a bit of info on their sets would be grand too )
I think the eyes is a mix of the viper-mask (or whatever snake design is) and goggles but not totally sure. Boots are the Overguard boots.

If any of that helps, again the face has me stumped as well but I assume it's the above.



Awesome, I'm going to be drawded! It's only the morning and that's already made my day.

The boots are indeed Overguard *tips hat to Stryph* but the mask isn't the Viper one. It's the slightly less pointy one... think it's called Destruction? As to the eyepiece, it's one of the new ones that came in with Going Rogue. Think it was just called "Scanner." I'll jump in-game and check at a tailor to confirm when I have the chance.

As to info on her sets, Leytap is an Electricity Control/Electricity Assault Dominator, currently residing Blueside after leaving Praetoria (where she primarily ran Warden missions.) When in the above costume, her technomagical electricity blasts and control powers are a vivid green colour. Hope that helps!

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



If you're still doing these Deebs, I guess I'll throw mine in the hat. I'm loving your work.

(I also really suck at screenshots)

Crow Call (DB/WP scrapper). Short. Likes scarves, knives, and big red buttons.

Andromeda Knight (inv/energy tanker). Large. Made of metal. Wears pants. Favors Buicks as melee weapons against giant ants.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Andromeda Knight looks really good for a robotish dude.

Sort of reminds me of Atomic Robo:

Okay, maybe a bit more like Atomic Robo's brawnier brother.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Awesome, I'm going to be drawded! It's only the morning and that's already made my day.

The boots are indeed Overguard *tips hat to Stryph* but the mask isn't the Viper one. It's the slightly less pointy one... think it's called Destruction? As to the eyepiece, it's one of the new ones that came in with Going Rogue. Think it was just called "Scanner." I'll jump in-game and check at a tailor to confirm when I have the chance.

As to info on her sets, Leytap is an Electricity Control/Electricity Assault Dominator, currently residing Blueside after leaving Praetoria (where she primarily ran Warden missions.) When in the above costume, her technomagical electricity blasts and control powers are a vivid green colour. Hope that helps!
My computer locks up when I jump in game (And it might be a bit before I get a new one )so screenies are super appreciated .

yes im a dork and continue paying for a game im unable to play atm :P



Sorry I was unable to update with screenies and definite information. I was busy all through today, no proper time to break and get in-game. I have a bit of a break tomorrow evening GMT, though, so I shall get you plenty of screens then. Would you prefer them PM'ed so that I don't clutter your thread?

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



no no im fine with clutter and it keeps everything in one place . no Rush im just playing with a pose right now .

but wanted folks to know that im unable to just load up the costume creator atm so while I appreciate knowing what part something is it dosn't do me alot of good without a pic .

ohh also Shia said to say Hi to the Dauntless



I'm really enjoying your art here.... Here's a few of character pictures. Hopefully you'll enjoy them enough to draw one or more when you have time. (The demoness is my wife's character. The purple girl is a friend of ours)

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases



If it is clutter you want, madam, then clutter you shall have!

First up, another close-up on the face but broken down into segments.

I broke the costume down by layers so you could see with hood, scanner and mask, then a clearer picture of what the scanner actually IS, then a better look at the mask (which was called Destruction, incidentally.)

Next, a close-up of them boooooots.

Note also that the inside of the cape is a lighter kinda bluey-green compared to the darker green of the outside of the cape. Dunno if this will factor into your picture, but I thought I'd point it out to be helpful/annoying.

Finally, a pair of all-body shots with evidence of her powers on display to demonstrate the colour. First up, her blasting away at something out of shot (some Skulls were harmed in the taking of this picture.)

And a nice group shot of her with her two friends, Tesla and Faraday. Tesla is the handsome one.

Edited for extra pics, as I accidentally hit "submit" instead of "preview" like some sort of arboreal ape-person. If you need any more shots, just say what you'd like a closer look at. It's no chore for me, seeing as I'm getting something awesome for nothing.

And tell Shia that the Daunts miss their official pornographer!

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Here is a (bad) image of my character. Sectaria... Thanks in advance if you get around to doing something with her. (I tried to lighten the image... and her wings are not clearly visible.. but she has them)



My favorite character so far (Arsenic Widow), wouldnt mind getting a drawing of her, if its free.

Global: @Darkojin



Thanks for letting me take a crack at drawing Leytap (sorry no color but I left it pretty clean so it should be easy to drop color in ) hope you like her .

I think next weekend will be headshots again .

Deviant Art link ---->

Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post



Very beautiful work, Deebsy!

If you're still doing character portraits, may I please be included on your list?


I hope that my signature picture qualifies as source material!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!