Transformer 3's Title Inside




Anyone catch the associate editor's name? Looks like Posi's been (dark of the)moon-lighting.


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Mentioning High Moon Studios' War for Cybertron and Bayformers in the same context is nigh on a crime against...well, common sense?

Mundane 'splosionfest movie with too much TnA...versus a classy, well made game that is nice for both new players and old veterans with some serious levels of Epic in it...
Sorry, what was he smoking? /grumble

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Mentioning High Moon Studios' War for Cybertron and Bayformers in the same context is nigh on a crime against...well, common sense?

Mundane 'splosionfest movie with too much TnA...versus a classy, well made game that is nice for both new players and old veterans with some serious levels of Epic in it...
Sorry, what was he smoking? /grumble
Perhaps their comparison is to the PC edition of WFC. I can see how the game was great on consoles, but it was poorly executed on the PC front. That, and no DLC for PC users. Ouch.


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Let's all hope that this doesn't mean there will be a Linkin Park remake of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" as the movie's signature song.

"I may," he said with a grin that would have sent sane men scampering for the trees, "have been imagining it."



Not sure why they didnt just go with Dark side of the moon instead since the title already got me thinking of Pink Floyd anyways. Dark of the moon just sounds off. Darkness of the moon, Mysteries of the moon or something else. I know that the plot has to do with something back during the kennedy adminstration and the space race as there's some cybertronian secret on the moon.

The movie might be fun(I know people online love to hate these films yet they keep getting its anyones fault who goes to see it and hasn't figured out they dont want to see this by now.) but this title gets a thumbs down. Revenge of the fallen atleast worked because it was exactly what the movie was about. Plus you could always take another meaning to it with Megatron who had fallen and wanted revenge if you weren't aware of the Fallen being an actual character. There's no meaning to dark of the moon.

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Duuuuuuuuuude, man, I hear if you start to play the soundtrack to "The Wizard of Oz" right when Michael Bay's name comes up in the opening credits, it totally syncs up!

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-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Everyone hated "The Phantom Menace" when that title was first announced and look at how that movie....oh, wait.



Despite the name I imagine most of the action is going to take place on Earth again.

I find it kinda hard to imagine Shia LaBeaouf doing his usual human antics on the moon in a spacesuit, Jmosh Duhamel & Tyrese Gibson doing their NEST army stuff in spacesuits against the robots ooooor coming up with a plausible reason that John Turturro is on the moon living in his mother's basement.



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
Despite the name I imagine most of the action is going to take place on Earth again.

I find it kinda hard to imagine Shia LaBeaouf doing his usual human antics on the moon in a spacesuit, Jmosh Duhamel & Tyrese Gibson doing their NEST army stuff in spacesuits against the robots ooooor coming up with a plausible reason that John Turturro is on the moon living in his mother's basement.
Given the third act of the movie was filmed in chicago I agree with your assessment. I'm sure there will be some scenes in space but those will likely just be transformers alone.

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What does dark of the moon even mean? Most of the film takes place in the 50s and 60s when the space program was getting underway which I guess might be interesting .....but I doubt it



How will Michael Bay make every scene take place during sunset in space?

- CaptainFoamerang

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Transformers: Black Moon sounds more probable



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
How will Michael Bay make every scene take place during sunset in space?
He managed to somehow do it in Armageddon along with an bay-xplosion that could been since from space around the planet. I dont look for bay to get physics and placement of locals on a map whether its in space or the earth right heh.

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Oh look another "Micheal Bay ***** my childhood" thread.

Know what?


It had no plot, it had no real rhyme nor reason except giant robots beating the **** out of each other.

Bay's Transformers are 2hr long GM/Chevy commercials. Bigger toys for bigger boys :P

Personally I don't go watch Transformers (Never have watched it for) deep plot twists and haute cinema. Even when I was a kid it was "COOL BIG ROBOTS I WANT THAT ROBOT MOM MOM MOM I WANT THE CONSTRUCTACONS!!!" I didn't give a **** about the plot. Big Robots Make things go kaboom. Plot..end.

Transformers never had, and never WILL have a very deep existential plot line. 30 minute toy commercial, that's all it ever was. Damn good toy commercial though.

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Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
From this sentiment, I'm just going quote one of my favorite Tool songs:

All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your fat *** dirty dollar.
I'm sure the filter will kick in for part of that. Anyway, the point is, everything is a commercial. So this cynicism is a little late to the party called media.

It had no plot, it had no real rhyme nor reason except giant robots beating the **** out of each other.


Even when I was a kid it was "COOL BIG ROBOTS I WANT THAT ROBOT MOM MOM MOM I WANT THE CONSTRUCTACONS!!!" I didn't give a **** about the plot. Big Robots Make things go kaboom. Plot..end.

Transformers never had, and never WILL have a very deep existential plot line. 30 minute toy commercial, that's all it ever was. Damn good toy commercial though.
You obviously stopped watching after the G1 series, so it's understandable you feel that way. Of course, to me, the animated movie did have a plot (a good one for being a children's movie). But if you've watched any of Beast Wars, you'd see the G1 series became the base point for continuity and it had a very solid plot line through out the series.

So while G1 didn't have as much plot, Transformers itself has evolved into something stronger. Therefore, people would like to see better treatment of the franchise. Also, being adults, we're capable of following more complicated plots than we were as children. So yeah, we're gonna ***** when the plot is insulting. We want Transformers for adults.

But not in a dirty way.

Well, I'm sure there's a few who might...


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Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
From this sentiment, I'm just going quote one of my favorite Tool songs:

I'm sure the filter will kick in for part of that. Anyway, the point is, everything is a commercial. So this cynicism is a little late to the party called media.

You obviously stopped watching after the G1 series, so it's understandable you feel that way. Of course, to me, the animated movie did have a plot (a good one for being a children's movie). But if you've watched any of Beast Wars, you'd see the G1 series became the base point for continuity and it had a very solid plot line through out the series.

So while G1 didn't have as much plot, Transformers itself has evolved into something stronger. Therefore, people would like to see better treatment of the franchise. Also, being adults, we're capable of following more complicated plots than we were as children. So yeah, we're gonna ***** when the plot is insulting. We want Transformers for adults.

But not in a dirty way.

Well, I'm sure there's a few who might...
Then go get a few million dollars and make your own damn movie. Don't ***** when someone's vision doesn't match your own.

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Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
Don't ***** when someone's vision doesn't match your own.
But.... but... isn't that what the internet is for?



Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
Then go get a few million dollars and make your own damn movie. Don't ***** when someone's vision doesn't match your own, or the overwhelming majority of Transformer fans.
Fixed that for you.

Of course, considering the "few million dollars" for the second movie came from all of us that paid to see the first one, then we all have an invested claim in how the movie gets treated. And you are aware that Bay didn't put any of his own money into that movie. Right?

It's like if someone made a My Little Pony movie with motorcycles instead of horses. That's how far off Bay got it. The first movie, I enjoyed. The second one? There were some characters that acted in ways they never should have (especially some lines from Optimus) which just isn't right.

I don't care if they look the same as the cartoon, who really thinks a VW Bug is going to kick ***!? But when the characters aren't being treated right (or when they make insulting stereotype characters) then people have a valid reason to complain. As children, we didn't know better. As adults, we do.

And while as children we might have enjoyed the laser show, take a poll on how many of us we're rocked by the death of Optimus Prime in the original movie. The number of kids who cried over that should indicate that Transformers was more than just a toy commercial for them.


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It's probably Dark of the Moon because they couldn't secure the rights to The Dark Side of the Moon.

I'm just going to assume Shockwaves base is on the side of the Moon, not visible from earth.

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Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
It had no plot, it had no real rhyme nor reason except giant robots beating the **** out of each other.
Oh, THAT'S what those were.

All I saw was a moving mass of little metal pieces. I thought maybe they were supposed to be Cthulhu horrors infected by the transmode virus or something.



Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
Oh look another "Micheal Bay ***** my childhood" thread.

Know what?


It had no plot, it had no real rhyme nor reason except giant robots beating the **** out of each other.

Bay's Transformers are 2hr long GM/Chevy commercials. Bigger toys for bigger boys :P

Personally I don't go watch Transformers (Never have watched it for) deep plot twists and haute cinema. Even when I was a kid it was "COOL BIG ROBOTS I WANT THAT ROBOT MOM MOM MOM I WANT THE CONSTRUCTACONS!!!" I didn't give a **** about the plot. Big Robots Make things go kaboom. Plot..end.

Transformers never had, and never WILL have a very deep existential plot line. 30 minute toy commercial, that's all it ever was. Damn good toy commercial though.
This may be true, but...

I care nothing for the G1 Transformer tv show and GI Joe, and I admit to watchiing and enjoying both at the time.

I do care for the G1 comics of both series, which is where they got me interested. (I suppose I should say the 80's GI Joe comic for them. They had been out for some time.) I like Transformers 1, I liked the action of Transformers 2. I did not care for the Twins, Wheelie, or the potty jokes out of a elementary schools handbook, thinking the jokes were funny. They were not.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Fixed that for you.

Of course, considering the "few million dollars" for the second movie came from all of us that paid to see the first one, then we all have an invested claim in how the movie gets treated. And you are aware that Bay didn't put any of his own money into that movie. Right?

It's like if someone made a My Little Pony movie with motorcycles instead of horses. That's how far off Bay got it. The first movie, I enjoyed. The second one? There were some characters that acted in ways they never should have (especially some lines from Optimus) which just isn't right.

I don't care if they look the same as the cartoon, who really thinks a VW Bug is going to kick ***!? But when the characters aren't being treated right (or when they make insulting stereotype characters) then people have a valid reason to complain. As children, we didn't know better. As adults, we do.

And while as children we might have enjoyed the laser show, take a poll on how many of us we're rocked by the death of Optimus Prime in the original movie. The number of kids who cried over that should indicate that Transformers was more than just a toy commercial for them.

As children yes one gets attached to characters but guess what. We are adults here. I am looking at it as an adult now, not as that starry eyed 8yr old girl. 30min toy commercial. I grew up, I sure as hell hope you did too. I look at any new cartoon my kids watch, know what, they are ALL 30min toy commercials for you to buy crap for them. Sure they're attached to the characters, but when they grow up, they'll probably see it just like I do now. A long winded toy commercial with a bare minimum plot.

Micheal Bay kept it up by making it a 2hr long GM/Chevy commercial. At least he was true to the original in that way :P

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Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
Sure they're attached to the characters, but when they grow up, they'll probably see it just like I do now. A long winded toy commercial with a bare minimum plot.
Oh I don't know.

All the Timm-verse Batman, Superman, and Justice League stuff was "for kids"; and it was ALL better written than the Transformers movie. Avatar: The Last Airbender is another one that has quite a plot to it.

I just don't buy the "it's for kids, so it's okay that it's stupid" argument.