The Ultimate fix for stalkers.




Just remove the long animation time on AS and remove the interrupt.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post


Exploding Caltrops
I like this, it'd be another power that they could give the oil slick treatment.



i dont agree that caltrop would fix much...a small area of effect isnt going to stop ambushes at all...they will still shoot you and jump over the caltrops to get to you. And if the ambushes are big enough they will surpass the maximum effect by the caltrops and walk through them as if they are not there.

The caltrops make things if you have a tank or a balster who like to use area of effects to hit large groups you will be as effective as the Tanks with super strength that scatter everything with the hand clap....or as useful as the storm power user who uses gale on groups you are killing for their measly 5 points of damage while blowing them away from you.

So anywise i just cant agree on this thought.

I think if anything they should put in some form of ability that lets you leave a replacement like a huge area of effect placate that would slightly heal you and slightly give you back energy that you can pull off once every 30 minutes.

That in my mind would not only fit the stalker motife on all combinations....but also make it possible to actualy have some form of OMG protection to let the stalker escape if they need to.....maybe even escaping a team whipe to come back and help the rest fo the group.

I said slight back energy and a slight heal becasue that would ensure you dont die from some stupid damage over time effect and also give you something versus the last shots from enemies after they are placated.

Like i said...that in my mind what i suggest would fit the concept alot better then caltrops...
I am sorry but i just feel caltrops are about as good as using jump kick or flurry they are useful i guess...but not really the pick thats going to do much for you. and would in no way be ultimate....more pathetic then anything else.

Sure they might be useful with the new bahavior adjustment facility....but go figure...thats like one thing out of many encounters.



They should just have Hide shed aggro.

"But if it did that people could solo almost anything in the game by killing one, running and rehiding, and then killing another!"

My response would be people can already solo almost anything in the game, and no other AT would be tempted to wait 8 seconds between each enemy in a spawn to do so (since some ATs aren't even tempted to wait 8 seconds between each enemy spawn). Not that stalkers need to... but I don't see how there could be any harm in allowing that style of play.

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one poster asked why this thread is still alive since people don't play stalkers anymore. I think this sort of sums up this new tf, trial, farming world coh has become. Not that this is a bad thing though. But certainly, stalkers are, IMHO, more rare now.

Instead of going through all the problems the AT has (some will disagree that there are any), let me propose a change and lets hypothetically see how this will affect stalkers in various situations we find ourselves in in coh.

forgive me if this has been mentioned before, or a similar idea proposed, I suggest that stalkers be given an attribute similar to fury for brutes. The major difference is that stalker fury builds while hidden in a slow incremental way. Before I get into more details of stalker fury, I will propose that the Max value be 500% bonus over the normal critical as of now. If dam caps needs to be changed than that's ok cuz my other proposal is that this damage boost does not work with external buffs. Similar to seeing which defense type offers the best protection. The game will choose the greater between base plus self enhanced with fury, and base plus external buffs.

This allows stalkers to play similarly to before under team buffed situations.

Now for the nuances. Lets limit the fury generation by hide to 250%. To get more than 250% the stalker needs to do some extraordinary things. Assassin strike on bosses add 50, ebs 75, av's and gm's 100, leauts 10 and mobs 5. And how do you lose fury you might ask? Aggro. Not being hit or attacked, simply acquiring aggro. For each mob that you aggro, you lose exactly what you would have gained if you AS'd them. So the burden is on how well the assassin and the team manages aggro.

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Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Just remove the long animation time on AS and remove the interrupt.

I'd be down with this as well as Hide shedding aggro. I'd also enjoy it if the AS still caused the -to hit and potential Fear on the surrounding targets even if the main target dies in the initial strike. I would think someone dying immediately in front of them would scare the crap out of the nearby mobs.

I'd really like it if the Fear chance was increased and maybe even a small percentage chance to Fear on select or every melee attack. Similar mechanically (implementation wise) as Tankers and their Bruising but on all the melee, not just the tier 1 power. Granted, that'd be possibly OPd but I think Stalkers should scare the hell out of NPCs.

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Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Caltrops is overpowered.

You can stick more procs in them than a convention of proctologists in Las Vegas.
/e OW!!!!




I actually would be lead to believe that Caltrops should be a standard ability for Stalkers, case in hand, I am thinking of the Knives of Artemis. As a rule of thumb, Developers make very good power selections for ATs, in many occassions in the past, I have paid close attention to what power sets and specific powers the mobs of effective groups utilize, and then base some of my designs on those. Knives clearly exploit the benefits of caltrops, and to extend IMO are used in excess.

I believe Caltrops is a good way to slow the enemy, since I do believe the Stalker to be a very weak Scrapper, whose burst damage is in general mediocre, all that dps sacrifice and can't kill a boss like a good blaster could in a single shot.

Frankly the class needs to be re-evaluated, it was a cool idea of the suddenly appearing AT attacking a mob and killing it for maximum shock amount. While in the beginning they could take down a Boss, that one real benefit of the Stalker in a team was nurfed away.

IMO because the DPS of Stalkers is so low, and the burst damage is not that great, the Stalker has been reduced to a support class, well out of the league of the melee classes. If this class is going to be helped, it has to be given enough dps to take it out of the support class arena. Many of the solutions I seen here, are more along how do I make my weak damage AT less vulnerable or more survivable, when we should be discussing on how to make it more lethal in a pragmatic manner.




To be fair though Blasters should be out damaging Stalkers. Overall they are designed as being less survivable and the typical trade off is lower survivability= more damage.

So being out damaged by a Blaster doesn't bother me.
What does bother me is being out damaged by Scrappers.
As I see no reason why they should be more survivable and deal better damage then Stalkers.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
To be fair though Blasters should be out damaging Stalkers. Overall they are designed as being less survivable and the typical trade off is lower survivability= more damage.

So being out damaged by a Blaster doesn't bother me.
What does bother me is being out damaged by Scrappers.
As I see no reason why they should be more survivable and deal better damage then Stalkers.
You are right about the blasters, but I was comparing the Stalker burst DPS to the Blaster burst DPS, and feel they should be near enough. Why? The Stalker after their first assasination strike is now left with very weak DPS melee attacks; the Blaster after enhancing their snipe, but after the burst damage they still have very damaging attacks and AOEs as well, thus their normal DPS is not that inferior to their burst dps. This why I did compare the burst damage of both ATs, and IMO the Stalker should be able to single shot kill Bosses, and then go back to less than desirable dps.

Why should a Scrapper have better DPS, they don't stealth attack and thus lack that "Wanna be" magnificent assasination strike; thus for balance sakes their superior DPS. Frankly since the assassination strike was nurfed to not kill bosses in a single shot, the overall DPS of the Stalkeres should have been increased to approach the damage of the Scrappers.

But then its me, I believe in within AT balance, thus if you remove offense, you increase defense; or if you remove defense, you increase offense...Within AT balance. Unfortunately the developers and many in the community does not believe in this. For instance take the Controllers who depends on their mez to survive, in order to make the game more challenging, the devs have been making the mobs increasingly more mez resistant (ITF after Romans roar for instance, and trials really takes this to an extreme) thus IMO since the controllers were robbed of their offense to an extent, should they have not received some form of balance compensation such as better unconditional protections?




I have a stalker that not only has trouble finding groups, but has trouble working effectively in groups.

I'm no number-cruncher, but here's my rough idea for fixing stalkers.

(1) Drop the Stalker base threat level
(2) For each member on the team, reduce the stalker's threat level, even to the point of doubling this effect for each Tanker or Brute on the team.
(3) For each member on the team, reduce the (ridiculously long) time for Hide to re-activate after an attack.

Here's the "rationale": with more team members, enemies have more targets to evaluate and attack, and the Stalker's abilities mean said Stalker will fall out of notice with respect to other, more visible targets. That means the Stalker can run around and strike with relative impunity in the context of a large team.

No need to futz with DPS or even burst damage. The Stalker can hit, run toward the tank, brute, or scrapper, have Hide re-activate, and strike again.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Why is this thread still going?

No one gives a crap about stalkers anymore.

Like them, don't like em, no one cares.
You might be right.....

But we must keep this thread alive if for nothing else then to gather as the few playing stalkers in the game.

And also to get the record eventualy for largest thread.

And also to allow ourselves time to vent for the issues we all face playing as a stalker....
From watching everyone else outdamage our best attack with normal attacks and in sometimes a large area hitting many enemies at the same seeing ourselves take most of the aggro while literally being the one on the team that dies the most...even more so then the blasters.
This by the way doesnt always apply and it doesnt apply to all of us.....its just some of the things we the stalker players see.(this does not list everything talked about in this thread)

This thread is more or a less not a thread of only wishes and desires of extra stuff...its a thread trying to tell the developers and the curious few why exactly the stalker is so rarely used. And if nothing else to help explain the data the developers have.
And it also is attempting to give suggestions to the same developement team that is working hard on this that maybe they could get inspirations on briliant ways to do stuff for this Archtype and possibly for other Archtypes in the game as well.

And hopefully as you can see from many of the posting players...something to help make the stalker feel more complete then it is.




The Stalker AT came with such a promise, it was the Ninja AT in the game after all, and we all adore anything Ninja. I really would like to see them evolved or corrected to be a prime time AT and not a "support" type AT, its just so wrong...

Stalkers need to be able to kill "Bosses" in one shot, that in itself is their major contribution to the team or group. Then they should have sufficient survivability to survive their initial attack, while the Tanker or other melee gains aggroe though taunt or any other means. After that, they need reasonably good dps to provide "bodyguard" ability to the "softies", assassinating any mean hearted mobs picking on the support such as rear echelon mezzers for instance, since the devs vey well know that support can't possibly defend from mez and use this exploit to the max, and thus with a Stalker disposing of this class of threat would be of invaluable benefit for the group over all, and also gain the love from the many Defenders who spend half the time in la la land from the spam mez.




Originally Posted by Stratoshock View Post
I have a stalker that not only has trouble finding groups, but has trouble working effectively in groups.

I'm no number-cruncher, but here's my rough idea for fixing stalkers.

(1) Drop the Stalker base threat level
(2) For each member on the team, reduce the stalker's threat level, even to the point of doubling this effect for each Tanker or Brute on the team.
(3) For each member on the team, reduce the (ridiculously long) time for Hide to re-activate after an attack.

Here's the "rationale": with more team members, enemies have more targets to evaluate and attack, and the Stalker's abilities mean said Stalker will fall out of notice with respect to other, more visible targets. That means the Stalker can run around and strike with relative impunity in the context of a large team.

No need to futz with DPS or even burst damage. The Stalker can hit, run toward the tank, brute, or scrapper, have Hide re-activate, and strike again.
Actualy its interesting to me that you mention this....

I always found it interesting that as a STalker that even though are damage isnt the highest all the time....we do certainly get alot of aggro sometimes from the enemies.

To a point lately i have been noticing in the new trials....that the enemies sometimes start shooting at me while i am hidden even though i have even attacked. A few times in the Lambda trial alone i had MArauder and his entire group coming after me only. They just seamed to ignore the Tanks and Scrappers and Brutes.

I tend to play this game alot....and play many things over and over becasue i like how the game eveolves and changes over seeing these kinds weird things like that...well they tend to stick in my mind as something odd and i don't think should be happening.

In fact in the Imperious Task force....I had collected so much aggro...i made the good old fashioned everquest broadcast...TRAIN TO ZONE!!!



so some fun facts about Stalkers and Agro.

Currently Stalkers Base threat is already low. I'm not sure about the exact numbers but they have either the lowest or close to the lowest base threat in the game. So making changes to Stalker threat won't do much as Stalker threat is already low.

Now we move on to mob agro. When a team attacks a mob, everyone on that team is added to the mobs agro list regardless of any factors currently effecting the player so phased,hidden, or at the door making a sandwhich you are now on the mobs target list.

How does the mob decide who to attack, that's where threat comes in. Every thing we do adds threat, the mob targets whoever has the highest threat on their list. So lets say a Tanker attack is worth 2 points of threat and a Stalker attack is worth .5 points. If both hit the mob once, it will prefer to target the Tanker. Taunt acts as a multiplier for threat.

so if our Tanker taunted that 2 points of threat actually becomes higher. Now I don't know how much taunt multiplies by but for this example we'll say 3. So our Tankers threat is 6 and our Stalker is still at .5.

So now our Tanker wanting to be a good tank starts attacking other mobs in the group to draw more agro. Our Stalker wanting to do his job of killing stuff nao continues attacking his initial target and eventually builds up a threat more than 6. Our mob now attacks the Stalker.

Seems pretty simple and straightforward until we get to the agro cap of 16. Mobs stop attacking a player when 16 other mobs are already attacking. So they go through their threat list until they find a target not being attacked by 16 other people.

So what about Placate? Placate removes the player from the valid targets list for 10 seconds or until new threat is generated. However it doesn't erase current threat so when new threat is added it gets added to the already existing threat.

Then we move on to ambushes. They're are two kinds of ambushes locational, and targeted. Locational works like a rally point, the ambush spawns and moves to it's predetermined location. Targeted ambushes spawn in agroed to their target,with an attack queued. Like when you chase a mob around a wall but never loose targeting on it. Since no threat has been assigned to anyone with a targeted ambush they go to whoever.

Hope that helps explain why you're Stalker randomly gets attacked and Why Castle said that Stalker Problems are Systemic in nature.

Oh as a counter anecdote to the Lambda and ITF experiences mentioned above, I was on a Tin Mage with my Stalker we were fighting Bobcat. The Tankers and Brutes had gone down as well as one of the Corruptors before she started to attack me. And I was happy to go Toe to Toe with her as she couldn't really hit me(love Divine Avalanche) so for a bit we were brawling then she ran off after the squishes that were still standing. Cause Stalkers are terrible at holding agro.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
The problem is all perception. I find stalkers just as useful as scrappers and brutes on my teams, but the perception of the community is less favorable. This is most likely due to the combination of the single target focus and the "hit and run" of the initial design to stalkers.
And the lowered survivability from the lower HP and the need to be surrounded by allies to equal the scrapper even in single target sustained damage. It's a highly conditional AT with too damn many conditions.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
so some fun facts about Stalkers and Agro.

Currently Stalkers Base threat is already low. I'm not sure about the exact numbers but they have either the lowest or close to the lowest base threat in the game. So making changes to Stalker threat won't do much as Stalker threat is already low.
We do have exact numbers for this thanks to the Combat Attributes window. Stalkers have a threat multiplier of 2. For comparison, Tankers and Brutes have a multiplier of 4; Scrappers and Kheldians in Dwarf Form have a multiplier of 3; VEATs, Kheldians in human or Nova form, and Masterminds also have a multiplier of 2; and all other ATs have a multiplier of 1.

The following powers all reduce a character's threat multiplier by 1: Super Speed, Invisibility, Phase Shift, Superior Invisibility, Group Invisibility, Quantum Flight and Nebulous Form.

Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Now we move on to mob agro. When a team attacks a mob, everyone on that team is added to the mobs agro list regardless of any factors currently effecting the player so phased,hidden, or at the door making a sandwhich you are now on the mobs target list.

How does the mob decide who to attack, that's where threat comes in. Every thing we do adds threat, the mob targets whoever has the highest threat on their list. So lets say a Tanker attack is worth 2 points of threat and a Stalker attack is worth .5 points. If both hit the mob once, it will prefer to target the Tanker. Taunt acts as a multiplier for threat.
Every point of damage the Tanker deals is worth at least 4 points of threat. Every point of damage the Stalker deals is worth at least 2 points of threat. If the attack has a secondary effect attached, this will be up to twice this value, but the exact mechanics of this aren't publicly known.

Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
so if our Tanker taunted that 2 points of threat actually becomes higher. Now I don't know how much taunt multiplies by but for this example we'll say 3. So our Tankers threat is 6 and our Stalker is still at .5.
Thanks to Castle, we know this too. Taunt generates a small amount of threat on its own due to the fact that it applies a Range debuff. However, Taunt also applies a very considerable multiplier to the taunter's future threat generation against the taunted target - specifically, the threat generated by the taunter is multiplied by 1000 for every second of taunt duration remaining - so if it's 15 seconds left, it would be multiplied by 15,000.

Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
So now our Tanker wanting to be a good tank starts attacking other mobs in the group to draw more agro. Our Stalker wanting to do his job of killing stuff nao continues attacking his initial target and eventually builds up a threat more than 6. Our mob now attacks the Stalker.
This, I suspect, is where the (unknown) multiplier for debuffs is most relevant - melee sets tend to be very debuff heavy, and of course, Assassin Strikes not only do a very large amount of damage but apply a lot of debuff to a lot of targets. I am not a terribly experienced Stalker player, but I suspect that AS accounts for the overwhelming majority of threat a stalker generates.

Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Seems pretty simple and straightforward until we get to the agro cap of 16. Mobs stop attacking a player when 16 other mobs are already attacking. So they go through their threat list until they find a target not being attacked by 16 other people.

So what about Placate? Placate removes the player from the valid targets list for 10 seconds or until new threat is generated. However it doesn't erase current threat so when new threat is added it gets added to the already existing threat.

Then we move on to ambushes. They're are two kinds of ambushes locational, and targeted. Locational works like a rally point, the ambush spawns and moves to it's predetermined location. Targeted ambushes spawn in agroed to their target,with an attack queued. Like when you chase a mob around a wall but never loose targeting on it. Since no threat has been assigned to anyone with a targeted ambush they go to whoever.

Hope that helps explain why you're Stalker randomly gets attacked and Why Castle said that Stalker Problems are Systemic in nature.

Oh as a counter anecdote to the Lambda and ITF experiences mentioned above, I was on a Tin Mage with my Stalker we were fighting Bobcat. The Tankers and Brutes had gone down as well as one of the Corruptors before she started to attack me. And I was happy to go Toe to Toe with her as she couldn't really hit me(love Divine Avalanche) so for a bit we were brawling then she ran off after the squishes that were still standing. Cause Stalkers are terrible at holding agro.
That said, you pretty much hit the nail on the head with your analysis, regardless of what the numbers are. tl;dr: assassin strikes generate a ton of threat, tanker taunt auras do not generate threat very quickly (for quick generation, you need to also be using attacks on lots of targets)



Stalker is a joke in trials. With large group like that, you rarely need to set up Assassin Strike and AS's damage isn't even that good.

It's tough to even scout for Acid or Grenade on your own because there are always mobs surrounding them and their tohit chance is so high that your soft-capped defense doesn't mean much.

In BAF, there's always so much lag during Prisoner Outbreak. Sure, you may get off one BU + AS on a running lieut but other ATs are aoe, immb and hit just as hard. Assassin Strike does not stand out during that phase at all.

So basically, the so-called toughest trials don't need Stalker's ability to Assassinate or Scout. I don't think Stalker is useless or a garbage but if Assassin Strike is meaningless during such large teams, then give me something back! The dev took away some precious AoE attacks in place of AS. But honestly, I want to keep Assassin Strike but it is just not a good attack at all. It takes too long to activate and the interruption is annoying. I am not talking about how "Wow!" Assassin Strike is when you are lvl 20.

The good news is Stalker is not the only AT having access to Judgment for aoe damage. Every AT can. :P

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
And the lowered survivability from the lower HP and the need to be surrounded by allies to equal the scrapper even in single target sustained damage.
That's what I thought but no, Scrapper will still out-damage Stalker because Scrapper's build up (100% buff) is stronger, Scrapper has secondary that gives more damage (dot), more damage buff (fiery embrace) and stacking follow-up from Claw/Dual Blade will allow Scrapper to well exceed the normal Stalker Build up (which is 80% buff). And if there's any team damage buff, Scrapper will enjoy more due to higher base damage. And remember, not every Stalker attack can do critical damage.

But Stalker can easily skip mobs to objective....

And not just comparing to Scrapper, Night Widow can easily out damage Stalker.

However, I would classify Stalker AT as "fair" because other ATs sometimes feel boring because they are too strong. I have fun playing Stalker. I work harder for my kills.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Ultimate Fix? Make Assassin Strike better in PvE.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
This, I suspect, is where the (unknown) multiplier for debuffs is most relevant - melee sets tend to be very debuff heavy, and of course, Assassin Strikes not only do a very large amount of damage but apply a lot of debuff to a lot of targets. I am not a terribly experienced Stalker player, but I suspect that AS accounts for the overwhelming majority of threat a stalker generates.
Not likely.

Assassin's Strike is listed as not to notify mobs nor does it have any threat modifying attributes like other pool powers. Furthermore, Demoralize is a temp power granted to the target which is used by the caster (the victim of AS) and affects friends. No threat is generated toward the Stalker when demoralize is activated. I can attest to this as I have AS foes with some of their backs turned. I have kills foes with it and sometimes none of the others notice. I have hit a target with AS, caused some of the foes to shiver in fear but still not take notice of me.

The threat generated by AS is most likely attributed to the amount of damage it deals (if it's overkill or not) vs the instant it takes effect. I.e. it generates much more threat when a successful Assassination occurs than, say, a regular Charged Brawl, Soaring Dragon or any other non-crit/non-taunting ST attacks because AS will do x times more damage than those in that instance. So if AS did 2.5x the amount of dmg as Soaring Dragon, AS would still generate way more threat than even 3 Soaring Dragons because threat decays between each of those attacks.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post

I always found it interesting that as a STalker that even though are damage isnt the highest all the time....we do certainly get alot of aggro sometimes from the enemies.
I have opposite experience. My Stalker can't draw enough aggro when I want to. We were doing the new SF (lvl 20-40) and I was the only melee AT and I have trouble keeping Inferno still in the end. I didn't even dare to use Placate 'cause I want to keep the aggro on me.

As for Assassin Strike, its high damage could draw some attention but it is still only single target. The AoE fear may attract some attention after it fears off but nothing major. I have yet to draw aggro away from a Tanker or Brute.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I have opposite experience. My Stalker can't draw enough aggro when I want to. We were doing the new SF (lvl 20-40) and I was the only melee AT and I have trouble keeping Inferno still in the end. I didn't even dare to use Placate 'cause I want to keep the aggro on me.

As for Assassin Strike, its high damage could draw some attention but it is still only single target. The AoE fear may attract some attention after it fears off but nothing major. I have yet to draw aggro away from a Tanker or Brute.
Actualy its interesting you pointed that out too...

I just realized out of the people talking about the aggro....i noticed that when it came to threat as you point out the mobs and enemies switch target to go after the players not in combat.....(the squishies you called them)

My own experience was when i too have not been in combat...i mean maybe i took a few opportunity shots to kill things....but having targets switch from the Tanks and Brutes to come after me was very odd to me.

I have never done much with being the only melee in a group as a stalker yet....but if its true that the enemies then ignore the stalker and go after the others...then this might simply be a case of something up with the enemy threat AI.

I never noticed the weirdness except with the incarnate trials....but i went and did tin mage and apex since i last posted and found that the same kinds of things was almost like a reverse taunt effect.....

As in players who should have the least threat getting the most hate from the enemies....

By the way the explanations earlier about threat generation was interesting....the actual taunt numbers can be read on each power for tanks and brutes in their description if anyone is the highest taunt attack in the game happens to be teleport foe(the highest one i have noticed so far)...which sometimes will do a monstrous taunt on your target....

And if anyone didnt know your current threat level is displayed in the combat statistics....sorry mine doesnt say .5 its says 2....i guess i am just a threat.(hide doesnt seam to lower the value for me but super speed does)

But like i said...this might be a case where we have all found a small bug in the game....might have to really test this.




I read somewhere that a mob will go after the lowest hp opponent when all things are equal. I can attest to this when playing my controller.

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Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post

I have never done much with being the only melee in a group as a stalker yet....but if its true that the enemies then ignore the stalker and go after the others...then this might simply be a case of something up with the enemy threat AI.
From my experiences:

1. Some mobs are programmed to go after certain things like Lowest HP, Lowest Level or Mastermind himself. There are ambushes that will only target the Master and not the Pets. These ambushes are usually in Mayhem. I've tested this before. You can literally hide in the corner and send your pets 100ft away and they will still only attack you.

2. Some ambushes are programmed to target the Mission holder first. Some tip mission ambushes goes after me first all the time but after that, the aggro is re-directed.

3. I was teaming with a Corr the other day and I was doing a Villain tip. The mission requires me to kill Overdriver and then that woman with lady shows up. During that ambush, that woman ONLY went after the Corr. I did everything I could to draw aggro away but couldn't. Needlessly to say the Corr died and quit. lol This is weird because I was the Mission holder. So it could be true that certain mobs are programmed to target the lowest HP which isn't Stalker.

All in all, my Stalker has no survival issue because I naturally just don't attract that much aggro. During that Inferno fight, I was toe to toe against him until his health is below 15%. Some AVs are programmed to run whenever his health is low or when he has too much debuffs on him (which means he senses that the situation is "dangerous") unless you have Taunt to keep him in place. The best example is the AV in ITF. If you don't have any Brute/Tanker to keep taunting the General(s), they will run like girls. I've done ITF with my Stalker as the main melee and my Bane. Both of them do not generate "taunt" when attacking.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.