Brutiest Brute?




Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post

Tried Kin Melee, impressive, yet also problematic. (I am spoiled) The buff is only for 20 seconds (but you can stack it 5 times!) To my way of math that is all you are doing the entire game, even with enough rech to get 5 going. buff, buff, buff, buff, buff, wait the 1st one is wearing off, buff, buff, .....
It doesn't work like that, you activate the power, then every attack that you hit with after that stacks the buff. (It would be impossible to get enough recharge on that power to stack it 5 times since it only lasts 20 seconds)

On topic, I have a SS/INV brute that I've been playing for roughly 5 years, still my favorite character to play.

Like many people have said, it's not really what sets you use, it's how you play with them. People constantly tell me INV is one of the weaker sets for a brute, but yet, when they see the character in action, they're often baffled at to what he can accomplish. I can't explain it, but once you get in synch with a toon, you can make it do things other said you couldn't.

My two Inf anyway.



Historically most of the men who would be considered Brutes tend to lack fear. Saddam Hussein, Brute, wasn't afraid to die to name one. I don't often care what Brutes do, if they ask a Dominator to go and attack Calistix first I lose respect for them.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
And that's why we found him in a hole, right?
LOL! So tru.

His SONS fought to the death, eventually being killed in a gun fight between US Marines. Saddam, on the other-hand....hid like a rat for several months. There was nothing strong about this man, other than his ability to abuse his seat in power. It's not an uncommon act for those who are "in power" to present themselves as "tough as nails" and "scared of nothing"'s easy to hide behind your least until that army is gone...which was what happend to Saddam. It's at that point that we see just how "brave" that leader really is. Whether or not we should have been over there is a moot point in my mind, I still say good riddance to an evil and corrupt dictator.

Anyways, not to derail....on with the thread :P



For me, the brutiest of the brutes have to have screen shake.

Stone Melee and Superstrength provide this, but SS has periods where you don't do damage, which is as anti-brute as it comes.

If I was told I could only keep three characters, they would all be brutes. And they would be my stone melee/willpower, superstrength/fire armor, and fire/stone armor.

The first is tough as nails and hits like a truck. I built for recharge and max hp, not defense, so he's not as tough as he could be... but he can handle the War Zone Challenge and until the fury change could solo rikti pylons. That's tough enough for me.

The second is a pansy who dies as soon as enemies look at him (kinetic combats are too rich for my blood), but backed by a few inspirations (1000 inf on four lucks isn't) transforms into a raging flaming juggernaut of AoE destruction that spawns crash against and die in seconds to. Die. In a fire.

What the last lacks in screen shaking attack action he makes up for with shaking the screen every step and nigh invulnerable fire sword circle shennanigans. Plus he's so cranked for recharge that when there's a tanker on the team and I *don't* run in granite to 'tank' he turns the world to slag.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I get what the OP is trying to say.

Though I might disagree on Sonic/Sonic for defender (Cold/Sonic would work even better, but the OP might have concepts in mind as well).

For Brute...Super Strength/Fire Armor. It brings the SMASH with FIERY FURY!

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When I think of a "Brute", I don't think of magical fire, or roiling clouds of
dark, underworld fumes, or a Mudslide Mountain come to life.

No sir.

I think of a mountain-like, biggest, baddest 400+ pound 6'8" NFL lineman
or a WWE wrestler, or humongous Russian Heavyweight Olympic Weightlifter,
hopped up on as many roids as he can eat, pounding you with a huge ham
fist into a thin gooey paste, all the while, laughing maniacially...

Something like Refrigerator Perry huge / Lawrence Taylor mean / James
Bond's - "Jaws" imposing, all rolled into one guy.

Yeah - I think of an SS/WP Brute... Now *that*, to me, is pure SMASH.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
When I think of a "Brute", I don't think of magical fire, or roiling clouds of
dark, underworld fumes, or a Mudslide Mountain come to life.

No sir.

I think of a mountain-like, biggest, baddest 400+ pound 6'8" NFL lineman
or a WWE wrestler, or humongous Russian Heavyweight Olympic Weightlifter,
hopped up on as many roids as he can eat, pounding you with a huge ham
fist into a thin gooey paste, all the while, laughing maniacially...

Something like Refrigerator Perry huge / Lawrence Taylor mean / James
Bond's - "Jaws" imposing, all rolled into one guy.

Yeah - I think of an SS/WP Brute... Now *that*, to me, is pure SMASH.

The Hulk.

'Nuff said.



I don't see a lineman as a brute, they'd be more like a tank.
I'd say a linebacker fits my vision of a brute, combination of strength, mobility, and bad attitude.
So where's the scrapper? He's off on the sidelines trying to pretty himself up for the cameras. "Don't touch me, I'm softcapped."



When I think of the OP's description of a big dumb guy who does lots of damage and shrugs off hits, I think of WM/WP or WM/Inv. Take the Mace and choose either the baseball bat or sledgehammer customization. Now, THAT'S a Brute!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



SS/SD. Go in with rage, stack it, footstomp and shield charge when rage is down and not care! That's a real brute.



Okay, my take on this. Looking at the original post, and he examples give, it is very clear the question is the ATest-iest-iestestest.

So what are brutes, how do the differ from tanks/scrappers. They are a trapper? They are a Scranker? Probably more a scranker. So, the problem occurs. In the setup question the premise is to ignore weaknesses and concentrate on doing the job at hand. But brutes are designed to not have any one great weakness, but to just not be the bestest at def/res/dam/control/etc. They charge into battle, surviving all but the riskiest crap, and turn that hate back at the enemy as damage.

Therefore the armor set must be Willpower. It is the best all around set, fitting the parameters of the not the bestest at anything, but darned good at its job.

Having set our defenses, we can look at our attack types. Since we are using will we have end to burn. Here choices will vary. For personal reasons I chose Strength. Other brute playas have their favorites.

In summary, in my opinion, the brutiest bruteness, the best match of the power set to the AT, goes to Willpower secondary, and choose your weapon up to the Brute.



I think this is more of a situation where you have the use the preconceived notions in your head vs what your idea of what an AT should be based on your experience.

For me, when I see the AT's name (example: blaster) I have an idea of what that AT should be based on (let's call it) word association.

Some examples:

Blaster: Ranged. Blammo! Dies easy.
Controller: Locks everything down with hard control.
Scrapper: Quick. Hard to hit.
Tank: The guy you hit in the face with a sledge hammer and he doesn't notice.
Defender: Someone who is more concerned with the lives of others. Buffing would be my suggestion here.

Corruptor: Debuffing mad man. "Corrupts" enemies - traditional warlock Archtype. I made a rad/dark for this concept.
Mastermind: Minions. Lots of them. Ineffective without the support of those minions. Very "hands off".
Stalker: Death from the shadows. Sneaky. Quiet.
Brute: The guy who you hit in the face with a sledge hammer, he notices, and you wet yourself.
Dominator: Complete and utter control of enemies. Deals out death in many forms, but always uses controls.

Using those above (and those are only my perspective), for the brutiest brute, I would suggest SS or WM as a primary. Then WP or Inv as a secondary.

The OP isn't looking for "wow! this is awesome!". He's looking for "Wow! That guy's a brute!"

When you say that in real life - do you say that because the guy is on fire? Or because he looks like he could pick up your car and take a bite out of it?

The OP's reasoning was similar to mine the first time I made a stalker. The sets don't make for the best stalker, but I feel like I got exactly what a stalker should be "conceptually". My EM stalker on the other hand just makes me feel silly every time he's hidden and his hands like up like Time Square when he starts his AS. "don't look at the bright glowie hands that are about to smash you in the face!"



Hey thanks guys, so I gone done away with my silly BA brute and went with a viking helmet wearing, power wrench wielding, underwear toting WM/WP brute and he is ultra brutey. Why is he WP? He's too dumb to die.But thanks all for the help



My 2 inf. I have a wm/wp brute named Little Mike who works for the mob as an enforcer. Picture this. A huge/heavy/tall bald guy with a tattoo on his head and a beard, wearing a dirty white wife-beater tank top with tattoos and jeans and motorcycle boots wielding a pipe wrench and hes angry



Originally Posted by Trashman View Post
Greetings I am a long time player who just recently reactivated, not because of Going Rogue, but because I felt like it. In fact I wasn't aware of Going Rogue until after I activated.

Anyway, so my quest in this game is to make the AT-est AT of each...AT. It's not necessarily the most efficient, for I find builds only built for efficiency to take the fun out of the game for me. I am pretty much set on what I want with heroes. I will give you an example of my heroside plans just to give you a general idea of what I want.

Blaster-Fire/Fire. Blasters in theory are supposed to be glass cannons who can destroy entire cities if they don't die. So in this respect I chose fire/fire, ignoring any defenses I may have and taking any sort of thing that might cause damage (ie: Hotfeet and Burning Aura, which in all regards are taunt auras) and slotting IOs Primarily for damage, Secondarily for Recharge, and avoiding defense.

Controller-Earth/TA-Simple, it offers a crazy amount of control. I also plan on getting presence so I can fear them.

Defender-Sonic/Sonic-Sonic/ seems to have the most to offer a team. While emps are considered the poster child of defenders, they don't offer debuffs, which I believe is what defenders should do as well.

Scrapper-BS/Regen-BS is a boss killer, which I believe that scrappers should specialize in, as they are supposed to be one on one killers.

Tanker-Stone/Dark-Stone of course is all defense no offense and dark for the recharging heal that it gets plus the -tohit.

As you can see, while some, like the scrapper, would be efficient, I plan on only strengthening my strengths and ignoring my weaknesses so they continue to be a problem, which in turn makes the game more fun to have that risk of death.

So now, I ask you, the bruting community, what the brutiest brute is. I was considering SS/WP since it seems that nothing is more brutish than some strong guy who is too dumb to know he is hit. If you have any other suggestions let me know. Also, if you could give an explanation of what you think a brute's role on a team should be (obviously not a true tank, but not a scrapper, but a brute). Finally, if you can suggest what to aim for slotting purposes (just general, I don't need actual builds) in IOs that would be wonderful.

Anyway, take care, and thank you for all your help.
BS/Regen is a bad combo. Regen is a bad set period. Claws/regen, Dark/regen maybe. If you want a good blaster build try dp/mm. Trollers Grav/Rads, defenders Ice/Son as a debuffer. Empath for any healing and buffing. Stone tanking is the worst tanking set in the game. Your uber power lets you turn into a big piece of granite, your slow as hell, and your damage is gimped. My sg has a no stone tanker rule, but I am not sure about that. If you want a good tanking combo try wp/anything, SD/SS, I heard fire was good and now we get to brute.

SS isn't all that because its smashing and lethal and most anything has resist to smashing and lethal. Its a fun set though. I don't see brutes as stupid morons. Brutes generate rage when they fight but they could be translated in battle lust, or something else. SS/SD is a good combo, dark/sd has good synergy. Fire/fire is good etc. Play around with some of the other stuff is advisable. brute offense/wp is good because you can stack qr with stam and keep that rage full.



Originally Posted by dmcfarland907 View Post
BS/Regen is a bad combo. Regen is a bad set period. Claws/regen, Dark/regen maybe. If you want a good blaster build try dp/mm. Trollers Grav/Rads, defenders Ice/Son as a debuffer. Empath for any healing and buffing. Stone tanking is the worst tanking set in the game. Your uber power lets you turn into a big piece of granite, your slow as hell, and your damage is gimped. My sg has a no stone tanker rule, but I am not sure about that. If you want a good tanking combo try wp/anything, SD/SS, I heard fire was good and now we get to brute.

SS isn't all that because its smashing and lethal and most anything has resist to smashing and lethal. Its a fun set though. I don't see brutes as stupid morons. Brutes generate rage when they fight but they could be translated in battle lust, or something else. SS/SD is a good combo, dark/sd has good synergy. Fire/fire is good etc. Play around with some of the other stuff is advisable. brute offense/wp is good because you can stack qr with stam and keep that rage full.
I wouldn't say Stone is the worst tanking set. With IOs, you could easily counteract the penalties you'd get from being in Granite, which makes you tough as all hell. WP, however, has a really crappy aggro aura, but has very good all-round survivability.

I'd go with Ice or Dark for 'best' tanking primary. Good survivability, great aggro control, which only gets emphasized with IOs.

SS is a favorite because of Rage and Footstomp (best PBAoE in the game, due to its ridiculously large range). It might do only S/L damage, but no one really cares, in the long run. But in any case WP is probably the 'brutiest' secondary, concept-wise. Something about being too stubborn/thickheaded/stupid to go down like a normal man is very brute-like. Also, the fire-and-forget nature of WP fits into the whole 'offense first, defense maybe later' approach of brutes.



BS/Regen is a bad combo. Regen is a bad set period.

Lol, no, Regen is a great set for a Scrapper, in fact, I think when the dev's actually created Scrappers, there were two main primaries and secondaries they used to truely "conceptualize" a Scrapper: Claws and Katana (MA possibly as well), and Super Reflexes and Regeneration. I'm sure that their creative drive for the AT spurred from those power sets. Claws/Regen being the "Wolverine" Scrapper and Katana -or- MA/SuperReflexes being the typical hero who is fast, agile, and skilled enough to evade incoming attacks (The Matrix: Neo). This is the same conceptualizing that the dev's had in mind when they created sets like Invuln and Stone Armor for Tankers and Ninjitsu for Stalkers.

Anyways, that's all in the heart of style for the AT, however I still wholeheartedly disagree that Regen is bad on a Scrapper. It's amazing, and can fill both the PvE roles and the PvP roles that one might need.



Having played many a brute (and having the largest group of my favorite toons be brutes and tanks) - Here's my two cents.

Axe/WP - He's Big, He's Bad, He cleaves masses of enemies mercilessly. Finally - Fiiiiinally, the masses manage to take him down.... And then he gets back up, charges in and the masses go flying as his axe slices through them.

Mace/WP - There the mob is enjoying their day - and WHAM - a giant, musclebound psycho with a mallet shows up and the picnic is over.

SS/FA - The screen shakes as the mobs melt.

The theme - Appears to be that WP epitomizes "Brutiest Brute" while also living up to it in game. Conceptually, Invuln would suit just as well depending on how you twist it. The idea being that bullets just don't stop the Brute. Stone could also play from the "zomg it's a giant stone golem of death come to smack us down!" perspective. Axe, Mace and SS seem to be the attack sets that "feel" amongst the most brutish. Fire melee is great damage and fits brutes conceptually as "Oh hey! DPS!" - but it lacks the high impact, screen shaking "HULK SMASH" That SS, Mace and Axe all have. Stone shares traits with these, but when I think "Brute" I think old skool WWF more than I think "manipulates element in really cool way". Grab a chair, smack the guy. No chairs? Grab a bat! No bat? Grab a shovel! No shovel? Grab an axe! NO AXE? Grab the enemy face and apply it to nearest splotch of pavement >_>

That's brutes in my logic. Brutiest brute? SS-Axe-Mace with WP/Invuln/Stone. Which one makes most sense? Depends what kind of brute. Any mix of those can be a monument of raging brutality - Pick your favorite and you're set.



I am lucky enough to hold the name Offense for a brute on Virtue, and I'll say I went with Super Strength/Fire for my idea of the Brute the epitomizes the AT and that name. I have other brutes of various powersets, but when I play Offense I really feel the power behind it.

A brute's job is not to hold aggro for other people, it is to charge in and SMASH! everything that even thinks about getting in his way. Mobs crowd around to take him down and he SLAMS his fist down into the ground, knocking them all down so he can LIGHT HIS OWN HANDS ON FIRE AND DRAW ON PURE RAGE to give a shoryuken uppercut so powerful the enemy goes up and has CEASED TO EXIST before they hit the ground. Defense? What's that? I AM ON FIRE AND ANGRY AND THAT IS MY DEFENSE.

Also, ninjas can't catch you if you're on fire.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
If I was told I could only keep three characters, they would all be brutes. And they would be my stone melee/willpower, superstrength/fire armor, and fire/stone armor.

The first is tough as nails and hits like a truck. I built for recharge and max hp, not defense, so he's not as tough as he could be... but he can handle the War Zone Challenge and until the fury change could solo rikti pylons. That's tough enough for me.
I have a stone melee/wp, and he's only level 37 so far, but OMG. Talk about brutish. If he wants to regen health, he wanders *into* a horde of enemies. He knocks things around like the world is his pinball.

He has Quick Recovery *and* Stamina, and I'm going to get Physical Perfection. With that outrageous endurance recovery, I then intend to slot all his attacks for recharge and accuracy. Screw damage enhancements. If you hit someone with a granite hammer enough times, they will feel it. I'm talking about buzzsawing screen shaking attacks, limited only by the animation time. I don't see how much more brutish you can get.

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Reaches down and scratches his balls. How bout them Bears? New TV show coming on this fall on G4 and the guy advertising's name is -Dude Manrod Grow a pair!
Thats what brutes are all about and it seems like regardless what set someone is playing they are having a ball doing so!! Woot!



Brutes to me are just tanks that toke one to many shots to the head. said F this and whent on a kill spree.



I know a small percentage of people grok what I mean when I say Tanks are controllers, with a very specialized way to control mobs, and built to handle the job.

Brutes are damage dealers, in quite a few cases edging out even what scrappers can do. (I give scrappers a respectful nod, but there is truth to this.)

I still give the brutiest bruteness title to the secondary Willpower, with most attack sets working. xxx/Willpower is playable when dead drunk, and it still does the job.

My new brute that I plan to run for a year and a half uses a lot more tricks (Dark/Invul), and would be a lot tougher to play dead drunk, too darn many decisions/tactics.

So, for shear stupid, mean, ornery SMASHtastic effectiveness. = "Strength/Willpower" IMO