Crazy Issue 20 Theories




Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Only if a Nipple Tweaking power is also added.

Melee, of course. Cannot be used on self.
Bah! Allowing self-tweaking will be necessary when they add new emanation points for blasts and other powers.

However, i'm quite certain that below the waist emanation points will never be added, so no homages to Codpiece or Fartman will ever be possible.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Only if a Nipple Tweaking power is also added.

Melee, of course. Cannot be used on self.
Well, spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska!

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
I20 is a Nemesis Plot.
It's not all a Nemesis Plot.

Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
Mark Urial - 50th level Kinetic/Energy Defender - Guardian
Ooohhhh Snap - 50th level Fire/Kinetic Controller - Guardian
Frigid Hottie - 50th level Fire/Cold Controller - Guardian



I think it's going to be a total revamp of the IO system have it make sense.

Rebalance sets and make it so there's an actual incentive to not slot "old" stuff like Kinetic Combat at 50.



Originally Posted by Savos View Post
I think it's going to be a total revamp of the IO system have it make sense.

Rebalance sets and make it so there's an actual incentive to not slot "old" stuff like Kinetic Combat at 50.
Don't be takin away mah Kin Combats D:



When Issue 20 comes out, we'll gain the ability to unleash the unstoppable power of kittens upon our enemies.

Just you wait! They will be unable to resist the adorable!


It is now my fervent hope that players will request-nay, DEMAND!-kitten controllers. RELEASE THE KITTIES!

I've gone quite mad.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Or is it?
You tell me It can't all be a Nemesis plot. Unless it is of course.

Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
Mark Urial - 50th level Kinetic/Energy Defender - Guardian
Ooohhhh Snap - 50th level Fire/Kinetic Controller - Guardian
Frigid Hottie - 50th level Fire/Cold Controller - Guardian



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
When Issue 20 comes out, we'll gain the ability to unleash the unstoppable power of kittens upon our enemies.

Just you wait! They will be unable to resist the adorable!


It is now my fervent hope that players will request-nay, DEMAND!-kitten controllers. RELEASE THE KITTIES!

I've gone quite mad.
Come on. I mean, I know this is a superhero fantasy MMO, and anything's possible, but I'll suspend disbelief in things like invulnerable and practically immortal space aliens that look just like us LONG before I'll harbor any fantastic idea that it might be at all possible to CONTROL CATS.



Just saw something on where a preview depicted a new hospital and new interiors for warehouses. The latter got a lot of flack as, and I agree, to add more sets for warehouses vs. something we've asked for like space stations, etc would be ludicrous unless budgets have been slashed so low that its all they can afford to do.

Would be pretty disappointing.

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



Originally Posted by DeathSentry View Post
Just saw something on where a preview depicted a new hospital and new interiors for warehouses. The latter got a lot of flack as, and I agree, to add more sets for warehouses vs. something we've asked for like space stations, etc would be ludicrous unless budgets have been slashed so low that its all they can afford to do.

Would be pretty disappointing.
Eh, apples and oranges.
1) New warehouses & other interiors are things that can be distributed through all layers of play, so updates to those maps have a broader impact on the game. A space station tileset would be more limited to one zone or area.

2) I'd expect more for "space station interiors" than a simple map tileset-- we could pretend the current science/tech/lab tileset was in space if that's all there was to it. I'd instead want portals that show the outside with some depth/perspective-- perhaps an autopower of some sort to simulate zero/limited gravity-- or even fancier, geometry that doesn't seem to have a true top/bottom. Something like that is an order of magnitude more effort than a few good tilesets.



I really hope they add the ability for us to change our death animation, so we could explode or use a smoke bomb and vanish or we could teleport away. I'm getting bored of seeing the same death animation over and over again!



Originally Posted by Heroes_Creed View Post
I really hope they add the ability for us to change our death animation, so we could explode or use a smoke bomb and vanish or we could teleport away. I'm getting bored of seeing the same death animation over and over again!
Try dying less?



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
When Issue 20 comes out, we'll gain the ability to unleash the unstoppable power of kittens upon our enemies.

Just you wait! They will be unable to resist the adorable!


It is now my fervent hope that players will request-nay, DEMAND!-kitten controllers. RELEASE THE KITTIES!

I've gone quite mad.
That's the "icanhazcheezburger?" powerset.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Note: this thread is for discussion of I20 theories and is nothing more than speculation, plain and simple. This thread should not be used to break the I20 NDA. We can safely discuss theories around I20, so long as they don't purportedly break the NDA.

In past closed betas, NDAs have been inferred through the closed beta user agreement, whereas one agrees to an electronic NDA when logging in. For Issue 20, according to the PAX CoH panel, Issue 20 beta supposedly started last week underneath a physical, signed NDA (IIRC, the last time there was a signed NDA was for the first and second waves of closed beta for I14 - Architect, signed by HeroCon attendees).

What does that mean for Issue 20?

They're probably testing more than just content. Even the GR closed beta didn't require a signed NDA; it just used the standard digital NDA that most closed betas use.

Which means...?

It means they're probably working on a system, a big system; probably bigger than the Alignment System (which didn't require a signed NDA), but maybe something as big as the Architect System (which did require a signed NDA).

Something else to consider are teh red names who have cut down on their amount of posting (presumably because they're working their butts off): Back Alley Brawler (Animations), Castle (Powers), Pohsyb (Coding), and SexyJay (Art). (Sure, Noble Savage has been posting, but he might have more time to post than Jay. He's also been helping to run an art asset contest that's related to his department.)

What sort of "big systems"?

Obviously, no one who can post about it can tell us because of the NDA. But there are a few items that have come to mind, thanks to a previous thread.

Here are some possibilities:


Power Pool Customization:

Honestly, I don't think this one would require an NDA, unless it included some sweeping changes, like some serious travel power customization options. Low-hanging fruit (relatively speaking) would include alternate travel animations; more code intensive ideas would include vehicles (and coding when vehicles can and can't be used, like in buildings). Power Pool customization in itself is something the devs want to pursue, but the extent of the customization may determine the budget, resources, and level of testing security involved. It would also tie in with one of Castle's few recent posts about adding alternate animations to certain powers.

This project would involve Art, Coding, Powers, and Animation departments.


Separate Upper/ Lower Torso Animations:

PvP changes have been rumored ever since I13. There are many players who did not like the added handicaps of travel suppression, which was created to even out the problems with power rooting.

Because the game engine currently can't animate the upper and lower torso independently, attacks generally root characters, meaning that jousting in PvP is problematics, especially with travel powers like Super Speed or Super Jump; by the time a character can retaliate, the target may already be too far away, with the character rooted during the attack unable to return the joust.

However, if the game engine and animations were recoded to allow upper and lower torso animations separate of each other, players could attack and move simultaneously, in PvE or PvP. This would eliminate rooting, making travel suppression a moot point, and could rewrite the book on PvP. Of course, PvE enemies would enjoy the benefits too, making for more interesting encounters.

The level of such a change would be massive, and typically require a whole new game, because the game engine itself would require modification, not to mention about every animation in the game (including those for non-human frames, such as Jaegers, Arachnos spiders, Snakes, etc.). However, given enough time and resources, such a change could happen in an existing game, it would just require a lot of people and/ or a lot of man-hours. Considering I13 came out in 2008, they may have had a bit of time to work on this already, although Power Customization also took a big bite out of the Animation team's schedule.

This project would involve Art, Coding, Powers, and Animation departments.


Diminishing Returns in PvE (credit to Samuel_Tow & james_joyce):

Back when the Master of Statesman's Task Force badge was being put into the game, Clear Mind almost suffered a big nerf, in order to reduce effectiveness in stacking. Part of the reason was Ghost Widow. Even with a Mag 100 Hold (Soul Storm), stacked applications of Clear Mind made her hold all but a moot point. Castle's best solution, as he mentioned, would have been to apply diminishing returns to player buffs, whereas the first application applied at full strength, the second application less so, and so on until the nth application provided no benefit. Lacking the tech at the time, Castle reverted the changes to Clear Mind, and everyone was happy (except for Ghost Widow, who continued to get pwnd by teams loaded with CM).

As most PvPers can tell you, DR does exist in PvP. But applying this tech in PvE wouldn't be so much as a balancing issue as possibly opening the game up to more interesting encounters as well as creating a new path for character progression.

But why now? Mostly because of the Incarnate System. If DR were added to PvE, the devs would be able to create Incarnate-level enhancements that might bypass it (or part of it), similar to what the Alpha slot does by bypassing part of ED (at least the version seen in GR closed beta).

This would obviously be a mixed bag change similar to ED, the difference being that if it were rolled out with an Incarnate-level system that works with it, it would lessen the sting that some players would undoubtedly feel. It would also make some existing encounters more interesting, and allow the devs to buff some buffs, knowing that DR would even out multiple applications. It would also require a ton of shake-down by the devs to lessen player reception issues that were seen with ED and I13.

This project would involve the Coding and Powers departments, but probably not the Art or Animation departments.


What do you think? Do you have any of your own crazy theories about Issue 20 and what could be under the NDA? Consider this more of a brainstorming thread as opposed to "holding your breath" thread. Also, if you're under NDA, please don't get yourself in trouble by posting info under the NDA.
I'm all for power pool customization if we can turn off that obnoxious effect of Hasten.

Signed NDA agreements can only mean...fingers.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
That's the "icanhazcheezburger?" powerset.

Nay, this needs to be a Mastermind power set. Complete with yarn attacks and catnip henchmen boosts.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Signed NDA agreements can only mean...fingers.
Haven't the devs already given us that with the Alpha slot arc and the 2 new TFs?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Whatever I20 is, they've been working on it for quite some time.

Remember that the Incarnate stuff was originally supposed to be released with I18/GR, but was pushed back because players wanted -something to do- with their new shiny Alpha Slot power. Thus the Incarnate system became I19, with the spiffy Apex and Tin Mage TFs added.

I20 would have been I19 originally, I believe, if the Incarnate push back hadn't happened. It all worked out for the best, as I19 is a winner in my book.

In any case, if I20 material was originally slated for I19, then it may be closer to release than we think. January or February? I expect to start hearing I20 news soon after the new year (or maybe as a Xmas present from the devs?)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Haven't the devs already given us that with the Alpha slot arc and the 2 new TFs?
i like them quite a bit, yes, but fingers would be an actual change to the graphics and animation engine. Fingers would be remarkable because of the implications of their addition, not simply the addition of fingers themselves. Not nearly the same thing.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i like them quite a bit, yes, but fingers would be an actual change to the graphics and animation engine. Fingers would be remarkable because of the implications of their addition, not simply the addition of fingers themselves. Not nearly the same thing.
I think you missed the joke

As for fingers, War Witch has said that adding hands with fingers isn't the major problem - the tricky bit would be having to go through all the animations and re-do them with moving fingers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think GG is saying that the dev's collectively presented middle digits by giving us the Alpha unlock arc and the Apex and Tin Mage TF. They gave us fingers.

Not a good joke, but a joke, nonetheless.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
That's the "icanhazcheezburger?" powerset.
Or "lolsummoning" masterminds?



Pet customization. I want it.



Dual Pistol/Martial Arts Combo Primary

Ninjitus/Psy Style Defensive Secondary

Syndicate PEAT!

That's my (*crossesfingers hopefully*) i20 theory!


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection