Issues with the NCsoft Store




We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners.

Hopefully I just tried this too soon if not we are in for more DOOM!!!! time.

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



Support has now told me I've triggered their Risk Management security feature and that I should wait until a later date and make sure my billing and contact info is up to date.

This is a joke.

I'm using the same credit card I use for my monthly subscriptions (2 accounts), which I'ver used for years.

If this same Risk Management security feature kicks in when my next monthly subscription is due, I'm not going to bother trying to get it fixed. Paragon Studios is awesome....NCSoft? Not so much.

Sue Choppy-50-BS/WP Scrapper

Chill Thrill-50 Ice/Dev Blaster



Ditto on the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners." front.

PayPal and Visa alike are being refused.



"We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners. "

Been trying for a week, same response...



Well for me turning off noscript, adblock and flashblock seemed to work. Bought what i wanted then turned them back on.



Originally Posted by Macro_Ninja View Post
We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners. try 3 days and still get this LOL i hope you guys fix this i want to spend my money on you but you dont want it :P
I am getting the exact same response and the same issue. I can't buy the party pack... it won't let me. I would really like to.

I am hoping this is still being looked at.

x Jeremy M.

Global Handle: @JeremyM
City of Heroes LiveJournal Community



I'd been having the same response. I tried transferring money to my Paypal account and *still* got the same response.

Then I switched to Google Chrome from Firefox (I'm running NoScript on Firefox), and lo and behold, I had no problems. D'oh!



I too have aperently triggered the risk manager so is trying to buy an add on a risk? LOL

O and if you all didnt know that message "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners" is basicly saying you triggered it oops sorry. You trigger it by doing something odd when buying something but only odd thing is i have been waiting week or 2 now and still get this.

So this leads me to ask is there risk manager to touchy

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



Originally Posted by ProtoTramp View Post
Ditto on the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners." front.

PayPal and Visa alike are being refused.
Same still.

Cannot purchase boosters, cannot purchase Going Rogue. Cannot update my CC for playing, thus my account will be deactivated at end of the cycle.

I am also being told my requests are trigerring the risk management system.



Just another vote for the pile; can't buy my stuffz. And I rebill in about a week, so if this is still happening then...



Yup, I had the same problem - after seeing the above poster's comment, I told NoScript to temporarily allow all on NCsoft and Paypal's pages, and the transaction went through without a hitch.

Try using a different browser or telling whatever you have blocking scripts/popups to allow both of those pages and it seems like it will work.



I keep trying to give you guys money, but apparently you don't want it. :/

3 people in the household attempting to purchase the 'Super Boosters' and we keep bumping into the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners." message. Over and over.

Switching over to Chrome didn't help any, nor did turning off AdBlock/NoScript.

How long am I supposed to wait between purchases? This has been going on for a while, now.



This issue probably isn't a browser issue. More than likely it's an issue between your credit card company/bank and NCSoft. This is NCSoft's brilliant risk management security feature. I tried different computers, different browsers, different OS and all failed the same, so I contacted NCSoft support.

I eventually got to make my purchase. After talking to support for a while, they told me it appeared as if my purchase was being made from Ohio, while I'm in California. They eventually decided to do something to activate a one time purchase. So if you haven't done so, open a support ticket with NCSoft and eventually you'll get to make your purchase.

Sue Choppy-50-BS/WP Scrapper

Chill Thrill-50 Ice/Dev Blaster



Having the same "Please try again later or tomorrow" error message as the above posters. Tried two different credit cards and also tried using paypal account, same result.



So I tried buying something again, still nothing. Yet my brother has been on for an hour now, WAS able to buy something with no problem, yet I'm still having trouble. -.- Any signs of this getting fixed soon?



Update on my situation: I saw that the website was down for whatever, thought the store would be fixed. Went back in when it was back up and same stuff happened, I still couldn't buy anything. My brother went in with my account, used HIS card, and it still wouldn't go through. I think it might just be a problem with my account now.

Please help.



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
Update on my situation: I saw that the website was down for whatever, thought the store would be fixed. Went back in when it was back up and same stuff happened, I still couldn't buy anything. My brother went in with my account, used HIS card, and it still wouldn't go through. I think it might just be a problem with my account now.

Please help.
Try using google chrome



Been having the same problem... you'd think after 2.5 years away they'd let me re-sub.

Anyway, was using Firefox with adblock. Got the 'risk management' error when trying to re-sub the game account and also when trying to buy a booster pack. Tried turning adblock off, tried using Explorer, always got the risk management error.

This morning I was able to use the store to renew (and buy a booster pack).

In my situation, initially I had an old credit card on file. That credit card has been canceled years ago (identity theft is a bad thing...) and I was trying to pay with a different card. I tried just picking the 'pay with different card' option and that was when I was getting all the risk management errors.

I then went to account management and tried to change the card on file. But that process also errored out, only with a different error (just an internal plaync website error, I wasn't buying anything... just changing the card on file in account management).

So I deleted the old credit card that was on file. Then I went into the game account and re-subscribed to the game with the new credit card. And it worked without any issues.

YMMV, and maybe I finally just caught the store at a good moment, but hope that helps some.



Originally Posted by X_FUNK_ View Post
Try using google chrome
I've tried multiple times on it and this keeps coming up: "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."



New update: Here's where it gets funny. I tried again on Google Chrome this morning and the transactions still wouldn't go through. Here's the kicker, I went over to my brother's house, used HIS computer (he runs Google Chrome primarily), and I was finally able to buy the booster packs I wanted. O.o

Now, it seems the problem is that my computer won't let me buy anything! =/ Any suggestions this time?!

Anything will help, please and thank you.



Long story short: File a support ticket and they'll eventually fix it.



Got a slight twist on the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time" problem...

I was checking out the booster packs, and decided to pick up Magic and Superscience. The Magic booster went through without a hitch, but I got the above error when I tried to buy the Science pack immediately after (no "Add to Cart" feature? *blink*). I logged out of NCSoft and into the game to confirm the Magic purchase (it's good) and to see if the Science purchase went through in spite of the error msg (it's not good).

Logged back into the NCSoft site, tried again, same error. Checked NoScript, but was already whitelisted.



Amusing that NC's decision to emphasize microtransactions has been undermined by their own ecommerce 'solution'.

Hopefully any 'fix' will include the ability to 'gift' stuff to friends...

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So, families credit card changed, trying to change which card to charge too, but there's an "error" everytime. Let's hope they get this fixed before my sub runs out.



Originally Posted by Anomynous View Post
Got a slight twist on the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time" problem...

I was checking out the booster packs, and decided to pick up Magic and Superscience. The Magic booster went through without a hitch, but I got the above error when I tried to buy the Science pack immediately after (no "Add to Cart" feature? *blink*). I logged out of NCSoft and into the game to confirm the Magic purchase (it's good) and to see if the Science purchase went through in spite of the error msg (it's not good).

Logged back into the NCSoft site, tried again, same error. Checked NoScript, but was already whitelisted.
Well, I was told that supposedly you can only buy one thing every 24 hours. IDK how true that is but that's what I was told. If true, might make sense of your problem here.