Issues with the NCsoft Store




I have a slightly different problem. I have a US account but the NCSoft store refuses to sell me stuff for it. It insists I try and buy EU booster packs and then tells me they can't be added to my account.

By trial and error I found the page for the Magic Pack

but it tells me I don't have an account to send it to :-(

God knows how I managed to buy Going Rogue...

Moth Twiceborn, Slan, Mr. Long
Jane Droid, 43 Earth/Emp, Alix Frost, 43 Ice/Eng
Warlock Krelleth, Level 50 Zombie Mastermind
Virtue Server
"Some people find fault as if it were buried treasure"



Originally Posted by MothTwiceborn_NA View Post
I have a slightly different problem. I have a US account but the NCSoft store refuses to sell me stuff for it. It insists I try and buy EU booster packs and then tells me they can't be added to my account.

By trial and error I found the page for the Magic Pack

but it tells me I don't have an account to send it to :-(

God knows how I managed to buy Going Rogue...
If your in the UK, then that's the problem. Maybe we can help each other out. I want to buy an EU account and packs. I'm in the US. Can I buy US packs and send them(codes) to you and you buy the GR complete from DLgamer and the EU boosters(from the NCSOFT store)? I can pay you by paypal for's 9.99 today only and 50% off boosters too. If we can do it today. As long as you don't apply the codes after the purchase I can use them and vice versa.

Send me a private message, residentx10



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
If your in the UK, then that's the problem. Maybe we can help each other out. I want to buy an EU account and packs. I'm in the US. Can I buy US packs and send them(codes) to you and you buy the GR complete from DLgamer and the EU boosters(from the NCSOFT store)? I can pay you by paypal for's 9.99 today only and 50% off boosters too. If we can do it today.

Send me a private message, residentx10
Thanks but I have found out that I am an idiot. The reason I got the unhelpful message is because I was trying to buy a pack I already had. No clue in the message however. Have now managed to buy the other packs I wanted without trouble.

As for your problem, just go to

and log on. You should be able to press the "buy" button after logging on. You just need to find the right item_id=?? to put in the URL. You'll know you are on the EU page because everything will be quoted in English pounds.

Moth Twiceborn, Slan, Mr. Long
Jane Droid, 43 Earth/Emp, Alix Frost, 43 Ice/Eng
Warlock Krelleth, Level 50 Zombie Mastermind
Virtue Server
"Some people find fault as if it were buried treasure"



Originally Posted by MothTwiceborn_NA View Post
Thanks but I have found out that I am an idiot. The reason I got the unhelpful message is because I was trying to buy a pack I already had. No clue in the message however. Have now managed to buy the other packs I wanted without trouble.

As for your problem, just go to

and log on. You should be able to press the "buy" button after logging on. You just need to find the right item_id=?? to put in the URL. You'll know you are on the EU page because everything will be quoted in English pounds.
I know about the currency. I can't buy EU GR from DLGAMER from the US. They won't sell it to us. It's EU only.
GR isn't worth fully paying full retail price to me.



In a similar boat to most people here

Bought the science pack, then get "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners" when trying to buy the mutant pack.

Wish they had a warning that I could only buy one in 24 hours and I would have got the mutant pack first ...

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
In a similar boat to most people here

Bought the science pack, then get "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners" when trying to buy the mutant pack.

Wish they had a warning that I could only buy one in 24 hours and I would have got the mutant pack first ...
You need to open a trouble ticket at've bought several items in a matter of minutes.



I run six accounts. Today I wanted to upgrade a few of them with some boosters, but ran into this problem that keeps haunting me:

  • The credit card you are attempting to use has already been used for too many accounts. You will need to use a different credit card.
I have two credit cards and have been alternating between them. I would love to spend some cash on the game I love, but today I can't.

How should I handle this? Is there a way to report which accounts are mine and then clear the credit cards for those accounts?

Sadly, when I started up, I started five NCSoft accounts (I realized my mistake by the last one, thus only five) so all the game accounts are not in the same NCSoft Account, which I believe would make everything easier.

What to do?



Open a ticket and have them reset your card. Can you use your paypal account. It's free and has a limit of $500 for new verified accounts.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Open a ticket and have them reset your card. Can you use your paypal account. It's free and has a limit of $500 for new verified accounts.

Would love to, but it takes days to get money into it from my bank.

Will the Paypal account also be banned from paying after paying for 3-4 accounts?



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
Would love to, but it takes days to get money into it from my bank.

Will the Paypal account also be banned from paying after paying for 3-4 accounts?
I'm surprised to hear you say this about paypal. I can move money back in forth within hours in the same day. If worse comes to worse ask NCSOFT to up your spending limit per day.



Trying to get a few items on the Cyber Monday sale. I get the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners" message as well. Not bought anything recently. Guess I won't buy anything now either. Not a great issue to have on the day of your sale.

Rend this space....



Its not Paypals fault, its my bank, I have to refill the PayPal account from a bank account and my bank wants 2-3 days to send the money to PayPal. For some reason I can't do it via the card, which I would expect



Originally Posted by Rocket_Bob View Post
Trying to get a few items on the Cyber Monday sale. I get the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners" message as well. Not bought anything recently. Guess I won't buy anything now either. Not a great issue to have on the day of your sale.
It's kind of funny. The one day you want to buy something you can't. You need to open a ticket here if you want to get the deal.
Their responsive today.



I tried to buy the EU GR copy at full price just now because I can't get the deal through DLgamer because I'm in the US. Here's my latest message:

FRAUD SUSPICION!!(I've never gotten this message before)
I think I'm a criminal!! :-)



It makes you wonder how much fraud they encounter...



Why do I put up with garbage like this? This vendor isn't set up to deal with the holidays. NCSOFT CoH must be like a 30 man shop or something. Some of their ideas are half-baked. A one day only sale? There are 30 days in November. Some vendors did the a online "weekend" sale. I had a ticket opened about the store since Tuesday and they didn't get to it until today. If you waited until yesterday SOL.

Give people a chance to get/buy something. Their "risk" management system is preventing people from making purchases. I can't wait until April.



It is crapola - I am trying to give you my money - here take it!! Oh wait, so sorry your Lords and Masters are too £$5@%3* to sort the problem. Why bother with your packs when the software lets you down.........................

Mr.NCsoft get it sorted.

Ad&D has this down to a fine art

@Boy Wonder

Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
So, families credit card changed, trying to change which card to charge too, but there's an "error" everytime. Let's hope they get this fixed before my sub runs out.
I am having this exact same issue as of Feb 1st, 2011. From multiple computers on different networks.

I finally had to call NCSoft support on the phone to get this resolved. I will say they were very helpful and resolved this issue for me. But why is there a 'Change Card' option in Billing Summary that is completely useless... seems designed to frustrate customers?



New booster pack out, same NCsoft store problems.....sigh



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
New booster pack out, same NCsoft store problems.....sigh
As mentioned elsewhere use PayPal if you can. They can at least handle the CC processing traffic.



I tried to purchase the beast booster, at intervals using two different cards over several hours. At all times, I received this notice:

We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners.



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
I've tried multiple times on it and this keeps coming up: "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."
Same here been trying for an hour.

Guess you don't want me to buy the pack?



I just used paypal and it went through fine, guessing its luck of the draw when using CC # and them being able to handle the numbers trying to purchase ..

If you have it use paypal, or get frustrated lol