Discussion: Were Throwing A Party And Youre Invited!




Gratz, Dolly.

And BTW, I just tied you on badges. 955.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Awesome! I won a party pack!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Gratz guys! it was good to see so many regulars and new players on in PD last night, I really enjoyed the time I got to spend in PD before I had to head off!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
At the right angle they are one in the same.
By that logic, so is simply paying the subscription fee.

I think the new forum rules are stupid, I fail to see the point. If I want to discuss the virtues of xxxxxxx game, i'll go use their forums, and I have a pretty short attention span, if i'm on their forums, I could forget about these ones and this game altogether!

But is it gonna stop me buying a booster I deem worth it (I don't for this one, regardless of price) no. Is it gonna stop me subbing, no.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I'm a Zealot


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Attention East Coasters. When you feel the need to complain that you get shut out of events such as all the conventions that take place on the West coast remember this. West coast inhabitants with a job are pretty much shut out of all in game special events. Since the Paragon Studios have the same work shift as most of us we never get to see these special events. Not the many invasion events Avatea announces such as past incursions of Malta or whoever it was. Not the devs showing up to spawn hoards of the GMs. And not the events which give away expansion packs and costume codes.

For that matter those of us who don't sit at a desk and have the ability to keep the forums and twitter open in the background also get to miss all the twitter based giveaways. In other words if it's business hours for them it's SOL for us.

Of course this is the first time I've gotten irked at this. Not because of the free party pack. I have no problem paying for that. But because this could have been my one chance to get all the costume codes and that is something which I would happily pay for.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Attention East Coasters. When you feel the need to complain that you get shut out of events such as all the conventions that take place on the West coast remember this. West coast inhabitants with a job are pretty much shut out of all in game special events. Since the Paragon Studios have the same work shift as most of us we never get to see these special events. Not the many invasion events Avatea announces such as past incursions of Malta or whoever it was. Not the devs showing up to spawn hoards of the GMs. And not the events which give away expansion packs and costume codes.

For that matter those of us who don't sit at a desk and have the ability to keep the forums and twitter open in the background also get to miss all the twitter based giveaways. In other words if it's business hours for them it's SOL for us.

Of course this is the first time I've gotten irked at this. Not because of the free party pack. I have no problem paying for that. But because this could have been my one chance to get all the costume codes and that is something which I would happily pay for.
You're equating going to a convention where you are guaranteed a freebie to showing up at an in-game event where you have a slim chance of winning one? Ok.

Can't speak for any other non-west coasters, but I could live with missing the in-game appearances if it meant 75-80% of the real life events were on the east coast.

ETA: I'm not sure, but I think to win all the codes, you'd have to be dang lucky, or awesome at costume design, and you'd have to have characters on 8 different servers. They only gave 1 code to a winning player, I think, not all of them.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Attention East Coasters. When you feel the need to complain that you get shut out of events such as all the conventions that take place on the West coast remember this. West coast inhabitants with a job are pretty much shut out of all in game special events. Since the Paragon Studios have the same work shift as most of us we never get to see these special events. Not the many invasion events Avatea announces such as past incursions of Malta or whoever it was. Not the devs showing up to spawn hoards of the GMs. And not the events which give away expansion packs and costume codes.

For that matter those of us who don't sit at a desk and have the ability to keep the forums and twitter open in the background also get to miss all the twitter based giveaways. In other words if it's business hours for them it's SOL for us.

Of course this is the first time I've gotten irked at this. Not because of the free party pack. I have no problem paying for that. But because this could have been my one chance to get all the costume codes and that is something which I would happily pay for.
Well, let's see. I took 3 years for the Devs to make it to anything other than west coast events.

I am on the west coast, I work on weekends, so not only will I likely miss out on this event, I also miss out on the majority of 2XP weekends, and pretty much any other event that is usually held.

It's just a game and it doesn't really bother me, good luck to those that can attend.



Well, that was a fun party, and seeing the party pack emotes in action, I can safely say... They're cool, but not worth even close to eight dollars.

But thank you for a wonderful time, Avatea. You were a very pleasant host and a lot of fun to talk to.

~Yaphet Tariq

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases



Cool Party Avatea

- you friend Super Ratz

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



It was a fantastic opportunity to get to chat with some of you (sorry for not answering some tells I don't type fast enough!).

And as it turns out, TheOcho and I will be sending ALL costume codes to those of who who got the Party Pack, apologies to the ones I only gave one code too, I was seemingly being subconsciously greedy and protective with those costume codes!

I'll get back to those of you who only got one with the rest of the codes

Have a great weekend all and don't forget to boogie and shake it on the dancefloor!

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Well, let's see. I took 3 years for the Devs to make it to anything other than west coast events.

I am on the west coast, I work on weekends, so not only will I likely miss out on this event, I also miss out on the majority of 2XP weekends, and pretty much any other event that is usually held.

It's just a game and it doesn't really bother me, good luck to those that can attend.
Oh I'm not complaining. Like I said I'm mildly annoyed that I didn't get a chance at all the costume codes but whatever. I just realized that no west coaster who worked a 9 to 5 job would be able to attend this event. And it reminded me of all the threads I've seen where the east coasters would complain about no events being available to them. Just thought I would point out to those reading that where as we may have the advantage in live events they have the advantage in online events.

And incidentally going to a convention is no longer a guarantee of a code. I went to PAX this year just like I do every year but because I wasn't able to make it to the offsite meet the devs party I didn't get a code. The non convention event was the only place they gave them out. At least I think it was though they may have given them out at the panel as well which I also missed.

I did get a stuffed pig in a can of beans though. And I have absolutely no idea of it's significance. But hey, it's a stuffed pig in a can of beans and how can you possibly beat that?

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Not even 9-5 mandu. Swing shift also couldn't make it. Anyone who works that "party window."

I might be able to make it to Virtue on Monday. Might.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



This sounds extremely lame.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do you have to finish these early? I just logged onto Freedom at 5:45 central, and you were already gone
Freedom's not till Monday.



Yeah - I only just noticed that - I was assuming it was just a weekend thing - plus, Mod08 did disappear about 10 minutes early last night on Protector

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Oh I'm not complaining. Like I said I'm mildly annoyed that I didn't get a chance at all the costume codes but whatever. I just realized that no west coaster who worked a 9 to 5 job would be able to attend this event. And it reminded me of all the threads I've seen where the east coasters would complain about no events being available to them. Just thought I would point out to those reading that where as we may have the advantage in live events they have the advantage in online events.

And incidentally going to a convention is no longer a guarantee of a code. I went to PAX this year just like I do every year but because I wasn't able to make it to the offsite meet the devs party I didn't get a code. The non convention event was the only place they gave them out. At least I think it was though they may have given them out at the panel as well which I also missed.

I did get a stuffed pig in a can of beans though. And I have absolutely no idea of it's significance. But hey, it's a stuffed pig in a can of beans and how can you possibly beat that?
Try playing from Hawaii, sure we have nice beaches here, but that doesn't translate to this game very well. We are 2 hours behind even the west coasters yet still in the USA, so we hardly ever get to attend crap. Then there is the fact that there will NEVER be a Convention here they feel is important enough to attend. Add the fact that on more than one occasion a USA contest has specifically forbidden entrants from Hawaii (and Alaska if I remember right). What you have left is a strong feeling of neglect. Then you grow up and get over it.

EDIT: Sorry, this was rude and I am leaving it up so anyone who has read it can see my apology.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
It was a fantastic opportunity to get to chat with some of you (sorry for not answering some tells I don't type fast enough!).

And as it turns out, TheOcho and I will be sending ALL costume codes to those of who who got the Party Pack, apologies to the ones I only gave one code too, I was seemingly being subconsciously greedy and protective with those costume codes!

I'll get back to those of you who only got one with the rest of the codes

Have a great weekend all and don't forget to boogie and shake it on the dancefloor!
I...CAN has costume codes?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



This may sound like I'm complaining, but I want to say it anyway.

Seeing people get the pack AND costume change codes got a very big "I WANT" from me.

Realizing that IF I pay out the money for it, I'll only get the emotes and not the costume codes makes me even less tempted by it now. I've seen what it could be, and can't convince myself to settle for what it is.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Adamastor was awesome
and so was Avatea
Yay for random useless events.



Had fun in Freedom's Pocket D 1 party tonight. Kudos for our host Mishiicane for keeping things lively and entertaining. Thanks also to you, Avatea, and the other GMs who attended. Oh, and NCsoft_Adamastor? I enjoyed your attempt to crash the party: By waves of attacks or lag death. ;->

The gold titles were plentiful and shiny, too!

Link to screenshot of the party

Link to closeup of shiny title "Life of the Party"

Looking forward to the next hangout at Pocket D!



I'd like to thank theOcho for thinking I had a costume worthy of being awarded a Party Pack on Virtue. I stuck around for about an hour afterwards showing everyone what the 7 emotes in the Party Pack look like.

Whoever did the animation work on these needs to know that their efforts are appreciated!

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I am truly sorry for those of you who cannot take Personal Time Off to attend in-game events. I've had jobs like that, jobs where you clock in and out on the minute, and it stinks. I count myself very fortunate to work for a company that is very generous with PTO, holidays, and random paid time off. I take Thursday, Friday, and Monday off four Double XP Weekend, even if it's End Of Month, and my boss just thinks it's kinda funny. Would that we could all have such wonderful employers.

As for the party, I had a blast. I love that Paragon Studios arranges these community building events. I am also honored to have been chosen as one of the lucky winners. Thank you Mishii, Super Model, Ocho, Avatea, and Adamastor for a great (and rewarding!) evening! I will put the Party Pack to good use, hopefully inspiring others to make the purchase.

I love this game so, so much! <3