City of Child Development




My two year old finds CoH fascinating. So fascinating that I can't actually play unless he's asleep or out of the house- any glimpse of the game inspires his battle cry "Oh...WHASSAT?!?" as he charges the computer.

When he was younger and I hadn't yet admitted defeat his favorite zone was Atlas Park, which he called "BIG GIANT GUY!"

These days he doesn't see much other than whatever I'm doing when he wakes up/gets home. This morning that meant my stalker in the middle of a CoT morality mission, stalkers being the perfect child-friendly AT since you can abandon them pretty much anywhere and they'll be fine.

I was stealthed about 20 feet from a Nerva Spectral Demon, which inspired this conversation.

Kid: Oh....oh...GHOSTIE!

Goat: Yah, there's a ghost.

Kid: *pointing at my stalker* oh, Scary Guy!

Goat: Well, he'd like to think so.

Kid: Scary Guy HIDING!

Goat: Yep, he's hiding alright.

Kid: Hiding from SCARY GHOSTIE!

Goat: *laughs*
I'd love to keep playing for the running commentary, but he invariably attacks the keyboard and it's all downhill from there.
Maybe in 6 months or so...

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



My mind immediately went to a super group founded by Sister Flame.

That's so cute! Your little goatling is adorable.



My 6 year old nephew tends to come in and watch whatever game I'm playing when he's here on weekends. He tends to keep wanting me to switch characters to 'the purple guy', by which he means my character from another MMO. Or to switch to my male characters instead.

I'm pretty sure he's made comments about the CoT ghosts as well, and he seems to like watching Praetorian clockwork in action.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Maybe in 6 months or so...
Yeah, good luck. I got a 4 year old and it's pretty much only when he's asleep. I mean, I could just park him in front of the TV, but that wouldn't feel right to me.

When my son was still an immobile infant, I would put him next to the computer with me and play. He was napping while I was grabbing a Warburg nuke. I get the final launch code and he starts to stir. Uh-oh, I'm on a timer now, as I'll have to deal with him when he wakes.
I get to the rocket as he opens his eyes and starts to mumble. The loading bar for the clickie starts moving.
The rocket takes off and.........."Blllooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrt!"
Uh-oh. Biological Payload.

When he was one, I would play with him in the room sometimes.
I was in Siren's Call trying to grab badges. No problem, son is playing with toys. I've got my eyes peeled for potential foes as I tap the L key bound to "/loc". I keep moving, never stopping. Always vigilant, always watching.
Computer goes "click". Screen goes black.
Look down. Reset button on the tower is so shiny.

Now he's four. He asks me what I'm doing, wants to push buttons.



My oldest kid is off flying helicoptors in at least he lets me play!



My son loves the Praetorian Clockwork...he gets very mad at me if I have to fight them.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I keep moving, never stopping. Always vigilant, always watching.
Computer goes "click". Screen goes black.
Look down. Reset button on the tower is so shiny.
I feel your pain- I had to put a piece of masking tape over the glowing blue power button on my tower.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I have a kid coming in January... thanks for giving me an appreciation of what to expect!

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I used to play Fallout and Baldur's Gate with my 3 year old daughter on my lap. I let her loot the corpses and she got to the point of "kill something else Dad!" so she could keep on having her fun.

Now she sometimes teams with me in the Cities. So you have that to look forward to.

Back in her younger days (3-5) she loved the Freddie Fish and Pyjama Sam games but I don't know if they are still available for current gamer spawn, if you want him gaming on his own or with you.



I have a two month old and she loves watching me play...especially when I'm on a stormy or on my emp defender (all her powers are bright gold). I guess all kids like bright colors; this is my first so I don't know. She's also a fan of Ren and Stimpy.

"If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door." --Paul Beatty

Altaholic since '05, 0 months sober



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My two year old finds CoH fascinating. So fascinating that I can't actually play unless he's asleep or out of the house- any glimpse of the game inspires his battle cry "Oh...WHASSAT?!?" as he charges the computer.
zomg, too cute!

Get away from me before my biological clock starts rumbling again!



Oh yes, yes indeed. The power button on my tower has a bright red, glowing ring around it which my daughter's little fingers inevitably head towards. She's almost two now so she will sit on my lap for 30 seconds and watch me play before smacking the keyboard and send me flying into a wall. Although she does love watching me incinerate level 1 Skulls with a Fire Ball.

The other day she took to putting her bib on backwards so it was like a cape before running around the garden with her arms stretched out like she was flying. So there's hope for the next generation of CoX players.

Oh and congratulations Shadowe. It's a tiring but wonderful experience. Good luck.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



My nephew has been playing and watching me play since I've started CoH. He's about 12 now... a mouthy, wisecracking 12 year old that if my sister has her way won't live to see 13.

He told me the other week that he was a better player then I was. I asked him how come he thought that. He said it was because I've only been playing for a few years and he had been playing for about half his life.



Originally Posted by Snickerdoodle View Post
She's also a fan of Ren and Stimpy.
Sister Flame is permitted to watch Ren and Stimpy when her mom is out for the evening because mom cannot stand it.

Good to read how everyone is getting the next generation involved in CoH. Even better, it is nice to see a lot of people spending time with the younger generation and encouraging their interests.

My main issue know? Two accounts and only two computers in the house run CoX nicely. Guess who gets to be the fifth wheel a lot of the time?

The Elementals - Brother Frost and Sister Flame

Who Is Sister Flame?

Arc 118690 - Sibling Rivalry (Sister Flame) Tweaked 09/15/09



When my little brother was about 2-3 he used to demand that my Step-Father play "Hutt"

"Hutt" being the sound a male character makes when it jumps. Of course when we let him make a character my Step Father named it "Hutt".



speaking of shows, the little man has been enjoying Futurama on our Roku lately.

he calls it "rocketship".

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



My daughter started out with "I want to sit with you" and just watching the flashy colors on the screen.

Then it became "There's a bad guy! Fight him!"

"He's too low level."

"But he's taking that lady's purse!" (I fought him. Getting to missions took a while sometimes.)

Then one day I heard the magic words: "Mom, when I'm a superhero I'll have pink hair and a black skirt and black boots and fly with a rocket backpack and go hiiiiiya. Can I be a superhero in your game?" And her very first character, a MA/WP Scrapper was born. A few years later, she has a 25 Fire/Fire Scrapper who has declared herself defender of Steel Canyon (it REALLY ticked her off when we trashed the place for the villain cape mission. She actually started crying.) and a lot of alts. She's also very useful for playing a character on the other account when we need more damage for an AV or something.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
speaking of shows, the little man has been enjoying Futurama on our Roku lately.

he calls it "rocketship".
CoH and Futurama? I like what you're doing with your son. Those are two of my favorite things.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
A few years later, she has a 25 Fire/Fire Scrapper who has declared herself defender of Steel Canyon (it REALLY ticked her off when we trashed the place for the villain cape mission. She actually started crying.)
LMAO, that is funny. And adorable.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I feel your pain- I had to put a piece of masking tape over the glowing blue power button on my tower.

My 3 year old is a child of the new decade. She can't figure out why pressing the screen of my laptop doesn't work for opening things.

If I'm playing with her around then basically I have to go to the Tailor and dress my toon in a lovely dress and shoes. Which actually worked out well as I had a ready made outfit ready for my newest Praetorian, Retro Chic in the form of a 60s inspired black and white dress.

She loves Dr Who as well, in ridiculous amounts. She saw a tall auburn-haired girl getting off the bus a month or two ago and was like "Look daddy, there's Amy".



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
My daughter started out with "I want to sit with you" and just watching the flashy colors on the screen.

Then it became "There's a bad guy! Fight him!"

"He's too low level."

"But he's taking that lady's purse!" (I fought him. Getting to missions took a while sometimes.)
A child after my own heart!

To this day I can't pass a purse snatcher without laying waste, whatever level I am.

I'm looking forward to a time of better impulse control- he does like watching me play, but he can't resist grabbing the mouse and pounding on the keyboard. I think I'll try digging an old one out of the garage and giving it to him- he loves 'driving' the racing car grocery cart with the steering wheel when we go shopping, maybe I can apply the same theory to gaming...

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I was heading to a mission in the end of Boomtown when my son was watching. He insisted that I fix all of the broken cars on the way.

So with every broken down wreck, out would come the batsmash and jackhammer emotes.



My 10 yr old started playing when she was 7 and hit 50 on her first tank (!) when she was eight. Now she has moved on to much simpler games, such as panfu. I am trying to convince her to play again, but has only managed once when she was mildly interesting in what Going Rogue had added to the game.



Originally Posted by TimeWellSpent View Post
My 10 yr old started playing when she was 7 and hit 50 on her first tank (!) when she was eight. Now she has moved on to much simpler games, such as panfu. I am trying to convince her to play again, but has only managed once when she was mildly interesting in what Going Rogue had added to the game.
My 10yo son has been playing on-and-off since he was about 5. He doesn't stick with characters long enough to get very high though (yes, he has altitis and probably has about 50 toons; as he's grown at least his names have branched out from Fire [His name], Ice [His Name], Dark [His Name], Healing [His Name]....).

After it was announced he kept asking me for updates on GR and was really psyched about it. He hasn't played it a whole lot though with Super Mario, Metroid, etc. also available. Plus, I think he was a little deterred by a) unclear contact lines (at 8 or 9 he had no leads and I had to walk him up to Washington in order to get missions) and b) difficulty.

His questions now are more along the lines of "Why can't we have water blast? Why isn't there radiation melee?"

Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
She loves Dr Who as well, in ridiculous amounts. She saw a tall auburn-haired girl getting off the bus a month or two ago and was like "Look daddy, there's Amy".
Oh, right - my son is HUGE on Doctor Who. Often times he'll choose to watch it over playing CoH or anything else.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level