City of Child Development




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My two year old finds CoH fascinating. So fascinating that I can't actually play unless he's asleep or out of the house- any glimpse of the game inspires his battle cry "Oh...WHASSAT?!?" as he charges the computer.

When he was younger and I hadn't yet admitted defeat his favorite zone was Atlas Park, which he called "BIG GIANT GUY!"

These days he doesn't see much other than whatever I'm doing when he wakes up/gets home. This morning that meant my stalker in the middle of a CoT morality mission, stalkers being the perfect child-friendly AT since you can abandon them pretty much anywhere and they'll be fine.

I was stealthed about 20 feet from a Nerva Spectral Demon, which inspired this conversation.

I'd love to keep playing for the running commentary, but he invariably attacks the keyboard and it's all downhill from there.
Maybe in 6 months or so...
You better setup his account now so he can start earning his vet rewards. All 4 of mine had their "I wanna play" phases and it was nice to throw them onto a throwaway account instead of them filling up mine.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
speaking of shows, the little man has been enjoying Futurama on our Roku lately.

he calls it "rocketship".
I want to know when he first says "Bite my shiny metal ***."

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



My 3 year old son likes to watch me play and is always quick to point out, "There's a bad guy."

His favorite part these day is when my Traps Defender "crashes" a bad guy (runs a boss into a big ol' pile of trip mines). He giggles every time. Really, who doesn't though?

Last night he kept insisting that I log off. "Daddy you done?"

I finally quit just to see what the fuss was about. He immediately started pointing to the Wizard 101 icon on the desktop and saying, "I want that."

I was worried that this might turn into a daily thing. I figured that it was time to show him who wears the pants in our family.

So I went to my wife and told on him.



I envy you people.

Only thing kids do around me is complain about missing cookies...

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My two year old finds CoH fascinating. So fascinating that I can't actually play unless he's asleep or out of the house- any glimpse of the game inspires his battle cry "Oh...WHASSAT?!?" as he charges the computer.

When he was younger and I hadn't yet admitted defeat his favorite zone was Atlas Park, which he called "BIG GIANT GUY!"

These days he doesn't see much other than whatever I'm doing when he wakes up/gets home. This morning that meant my stalker in the middle of a CoT morality mission, stalkers being the perfect child-friendly AT since you can abandon them pretty much anywhere and they'll be fine.

I was stealthed about 20 feet from a Nerva Spectral Demon, which inspired this conversation.

I'd love to keep playing for the running commentary, but he invariably attacks the keyboard and it's all downhill from there.
Maybe in 6 months or so...
hahahahaah oh god I love hearing about kids and cox.
My 8-year-old daughter plays on Liberty, on /hide so no one bothers her with team requests thinking that she's really adept or anything. She's showing signs of a healthy altoholic too, all toon slots filled, highest level toon is like 5 or 6.

EDIT: and yes stalkers are PERFECT for a lazy afternoon of afk-ing constantly to make soup n' sandwhiches, get the Wii set up, change the little sister's diaper, etc.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
My daughter started out with "I want to sit with you" and just watching the flashy colors on the screen.

Then it became "There's a bad guy! Fight him!"

"He's too low level."

"But he's taking that lady's purse!" (I fought him. Getting to missions took a while sometimes.)

Then one day I heard the magic words: "Mom, when I'm a superhero I'll have pink hair and a black skirt and black boots and fly with a rocket backpack and go hiiiiiya. Can I be a superhero in your game?" And her very first character, a MA/WP Scrapper was born. A few years later, she has a 25 Fire/Fire Scrapper who has declared herself defender of Steel Canyon (it REALLY ticked her off when we trashed the place for the villain cape mission. She actually started crying.) and a lot of alts. She's also very useful for playing a character on the other account when we need more damage for an AV or something.
Well my story comes from WoW, not CoH. I had left the game back when Issue 5 came out, and I am only now returning.

I was babysitting my friend's 4 year old and she wanted to play. I had two accounts and two computers so I figured it would be no big deal to let her run around the newbie area on my 70.

She was talking away and I was listening only with half an ear, until she said, "He is red," which caused me to pause. She was on a level 70, and the only thing red would be a Alliance player. I looked over and sure enough there was a level 40 griefing people in the lowbie area. I said, "Follow him, don't let him get away." She knew how to walk around using the mouse. So she followed him, while I set my pet owl on aggressive. So for the next 15 minutes this level 40 got corpse camped by a very happy 4 year old girl.

Sort of makes me think of having children of my own. Nothing quite like the cheer of, "He tried to run," and the laughter that makes me smile even today, years later.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I think I'll try digging an old one out of the garage and giving it to him
That works pretty good, I did it with the little girl I used to watch. If you can run Fraps, record a game session and set it to play on the second computer. It lets them think they're playing.