What are the best player names you've seen?




BRUTE - a blaster I saw (was sporting the "Tank" badge)



Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
The King - Or... something to that effect. The guy made a startling accurate recreation of Burger King's mascot. Probably got genericed within 24 hours of me seeing him though.
I've seen that guy too! I know I've got a screenie of him somewhere.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
FollowedByNinjas- Ninja Mastermind... the funniest part was his bio which read he was actually just a pizza delivery guy who was being followed by Ninjas... he didn't command them... didn't even know who they were or why they were following him... they just showed up and helped out whenever he was in trouble..
Just spent the last five minutes laughing over this. Kudos to its creator.

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Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Watership Doom - bots MM on Freedom. Bunny Girl costume, of course.
That was me! Still kind of playing her... sometimes... She's one toon I intend to take to 50 (currently 47) and incarnate out, maybe.

I recall I once was on a team lead by a toon named something like "Gym Coach" - looked like a scrawny middle-aged guy in a gym outfit and he had probably a tray full of macros for really funny lines like "Ok ladies, time to hit the showers!" when we finished a mission. Really, he had tons of good stereotypical lines like that for all occasions, that really brought the character to life, so to speak.

A good friend of mine made up a lizardy-looking toon named "Black Light Basilisk" and had carefully chosen the colors (background of black with pinks, greens and pale blues) to suggest the usual color scheme of a black light poster. He did a really wonderful job with that and I've, uhm, borrowed the color scheme if not the name once or twice since.

Just today I teamed with a toon named "aww cute bot" in Praetoria, which as you might guess had a robot-like costume and was as short as you can make 'em. Not 100% amazingly great, but still quite fun!

I know I've seen tons of great ones, but nothing else is coming to mind right now. I know the next time I log on I'll probably see at least one new one as well, which is one thing I love about this game.



One that I suspect didn't last was the stone tank in I1 called rock hard willy.

I really like Warchicken's costume.

I tried to get Billy the squid for my kheld, but somebody got there first.

Squid vicious was another good version of a similar pun.

I seem to remember somebody with a global along the lines of The mighty pencil, and he had several toons with pencil costumes, including the pink tarbucket as the eraser on top.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Actually, a VERY recent one, I really like Samuel Tow's character Shaffakoom!
Ha! And here I stole it from Spoony who stole it from Warrior #1 I knew I had to do something with that sound effect sooner or later.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Wabbit Season: a brute. Looked sort of like a grey version of the Tick, except with rabbit ears and the "crazed" face.

Udder Destruction: a black-and-white, horned, cow themed brute.

The Aggroed Wife: a normal looking woman with red eyes.

Goat Widow: A good copy of Ghost Widow, with...interesting ancestry.

The Neuterer: a claws scrapper IIRC, here to deal with Paragon's Warwolf overpopulation problem. Remember to spay or neuter your Warwolves!

The Maus Titan, a giant (aka human sized) robot piloted by mice.

Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
FollowedByNinjas- Ninja Mastermind... the funniest part was his bio which read he was actually just a pizza delivery guy who was being followed by Ninjas... he didn't command them... didn't even know who they were or why they were following him... they just showed up and helped out whenever he was in trouble..
He was my first thought actually. Someone posted a pic of the bio a while back:

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
The joke was interesting. The actual bio, however, is just BAD. Would have probably been smarter not to post it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Arbiter Skittles : A Rainbow hued Crab I spotted in Virtue. I can only hope his battle cry is "Taste the Rainbow"

Form E-11 : A friend of mine came up with this back at release. A crime-fighting accountant who binds his enemies in red tape.

Followed By Ninjas is brilliant!



I've seen a lot of great names so it is hard to remember, but the one that comes to mind right now is Arachnos Traffic Cop. He was a bright red and orange VEAT who would frequently take breaks between missions to direct traffic around the rogue isles.

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Mothers Love - suits the character perfectly

Seen a lot of great names over the years but one that always has stuck in my mind is the name Yellow Chick, not a GREAT name but one of those names that when i see it fly past i always go all its yellow chick!

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Originally Posted by Primal View Post

- The Pencil. Saw this guy a long time ago. Amusing name by itself, sounds like a character from The Tick, but what really carried it off was the yellowish costume, red hair, and bright "2" on his chest.
I think I remember that guy! Didn't he have a big pink tophat?

One that's always stuck with me was an stone tank named "Brown Ploppy." Not the costume so much as the name + the sound of Mudpots non-stop...

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Don't have a screen shot of it, But

Spermy was funny as hell don't remember what his poser set was before he got Generic'd

Kabuki Kaboom EM/Ninjistu stalker. Probably one of my favorite names



Tankers are roughly equivalent to what was known as "Bricks" in pen-and-paper Champions. One of my all-time favorites is a female fire tanker named Briquette.

As far as concepts go, my friend mousedroid has a character called Mr. Piddles and Kelly.

I frequently see names I really like, but my mind is a sieve sometimes. I will try to post any I can recall.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Before I started playing, my friend showed me some screenshots from the game. One was an empath in robes with robotic legs called Robo Jesus healing my friend's toon shouting, "BE HEALED!!!" Just picture Buddy Christ with robotic legs.

I promptly bought this game shortly after.



Ha! Thanks for the props, Sailboat.

I see lots of great names in the game, but I can never remember them when it comes to threads like this. The best name I can remember seeing off the top of my head is Fortunata Cookie.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



One fof the most memorable names was a character on Triumph called Very Mad Cow, who was a bovine that got mutated and psychologically disturbed when his owner fed him a bad person (like Mad Cow disease, but in reverse). His battle cry was "MOOOooOooOOOO Damnit!!!!"



I recall someone saying they had an Elec Brute with a different color for every power named "Taze the Rainbow"



In the GR beta there was a Preatorian Loyalist named Bill O'Rly.



I have 2 that gets lots of praise
McArchvillain Badge-Hunter Info

Eel Nats
Stan Lee Backwards.

Now for some I have seen that I liked:
Tick Tracy (Dressed in suit with Fedora and Tick Antennea)
Three Point One Four (Science Origin Brute)
Tinker Bull (looked like Minotaur with Fairy wings)
WhataGuy (Generic looking Tights and mask with a W on his chest)

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You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Emerald_Phase View Post
Forum regular (particularly the Controller forums) - Local Man
The same player has a character called Shield Happens.

OOH! I just remembered one I see in WW form time to time that love -- I hope my memory does this justice: an Earth/Storm Controller named Unnatural Disaster, with a bio that goes something like this:

Sometimes bad things happen for no reason. Sometimes they happen because I said they should. Think about that next time you're having a bad day. Could be fate. Could be me.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
As far as concepts go, my friend mousedroid has a character called Mr. Piddles and Kelly.
I love that one! The comment from the civilian really helps the picture too.

It's also making me wonder just how many people have made a 'controlled by the kitten on her shoulder' toon... I haven't made mine yet, but she's always in the back of my mind, and I know I've heard the idea expressed by others here on the fourms.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
One fof the most memorable names was a character on Triumph called Very Mad Cow, who was a bovine that got mutated and psychologically disturbed when his owner fed him a bad person (like Mad Cow disease, but in reverse). His battle cry was "MOOOooOooOOOO Damnit!!!!"
I think I remember that guy!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



An electric brute called Mu Cow made me chuckle



Call me biased but, ahem.....see my signature names below...heh..heh. . I would say one of the funner things in this game is naming your toons. Each one of my toons has a bio, each one of my toons has a purpose and meaning behind their name. I also try and build my toons to somewhat fit their name. For example, I have a Fire/Kin Controller called Fhenix. She has wings and Egyptian Head Dress. I based her build on the Phoenix, "a unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle." Now you ask, why wouldn't I have just named her Phoenix instead? Well, ahem,..that name was already taken so I had to compromise..heh..heh. You have to do that sometimes in this game.

I normally like to stick with one liner toon names as opposed to having two names to pronounce but sometimes it works. Such in my toons Chimera Mist, Zena Athena and Dark Braven which I wanted to call Dark Raven but you know "that" definitely was not available. As for Domenitra, she was my first Dominator who I built to enter Praetoria. Wanted to call her Dominitra with an "i" after the "m" but it was taken so I went with Domenitra with an "e" instead of an "i". And yes, all my toons are women.

On a side note, I can tell you I've seen some "bad" player names before. I saw one guy who's name was just numbers and letters like this: 100KLSDD321 Huh? what am I supposed to call him for short, hundy as in hundred?...lol.