What are the worst villains you can think of?




Jinpachi Mishima from Tekken 5.
"Oh look, it's Jin's Grandad's dad who's now part demon and...uh...wants to kill us in the..tournament? Because...he...wait, what the hell are we on here, dude?"

Or, the shorter version;
"Christ on a stick, you cheating [EXPLETIVE!!] Go to HELL! YOU [EXPLETIVE!!]"

Because damn, did he cheat like hell. Teleportation, unblockable attacks, stupidly fast moving and fast attacks and more damage than Ogre from Tekken 3...even my brother, a die-hard Tekken fan, was reduced to grumbling.
And...what is it he's trying to do again? *shrug*

Will come back if I think of any good game/film ones I know of...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Sauron. Sure, he was scary, but he was really ineffective. Hell, he couldn't even stop two Hobbits from throwing his most prized possession into a volcano right under his nose... er, eye. [Gob]C'mon![/Gob]

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



All of the villains in Scooby Doo. They always have these silly complex schemes, where they could make a lot more if they used their "scary" techniques somewhere else, and they always get caught by those darned kids. Idiots.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
Who are the worst villains from shows/movies/games/comics that you otherwise enjoy?
Kid Miracleman. No one else in comics comes close.

Oh, wait, did you mean villains that were bad at being villains, or the villains who were the worst, most vile and dangerous villains ever? Kid Miracleman is in the latter category.

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Women are the worst villains.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Another nominee is Destro from the GI Joe series. It's his sheer lack of ambition and laziness that makes me nominate Destro. Destro has been shown to be a better leader than Cobra Commander, but instead of walking up to Cobra Commander, putting a bullet between the eyes, taking over, and showing GI Joe what real terrorism is. He's content to be just follow the guy with a speech impediment. There's a saying "That we are often judged by the company we keep." So if Destro is content on following a guy who has about as much military tactical skill as a fast food chef then what does it say about him.
I'd point out that Destro has never really been all that interested in taking over the world.

He's an arms manufacturer. His family has been in the business for generations. He makes a asston of money of selling his military guns, robots and vehicles. Mostly to Cobra, who is ALWAYS buying.

So he's never so much "following a weak leader" as "showing nominal support for an important client."

I personally don't think he cares if Cobra succeeds in anything or not. Just as long as they keep buying.

Also, his girlfriend is in Cobra. So he has to at least pretend he cares.

Cobra was somewhat less inept in GI Joe: Resolute, though.


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
No idea what he's like in "That Other Thing We're Not Supposed to Talk About", but in the original Champions PnP RPG, Foxbat (or Boxfat as my husband is occasionally wont to call him) can be downright... weird. Sure, he's an idiot who thinks it's a good idea to try to steal the Rocky Mountains. But it's the other stuff he'll do to be ABLE to try and steal said mountains that give you pause...

Yeah I don't think people get Foxbat. He is supposed to make you laugh. Really he is a good guy, just very very weird. Had he focused on trying to be a hero, he would have been adorabable, and had he really been a bad guy, he has the time, and the money, to succeed. He is not a bad villain, just a misunderstood villain.



Typeface. He fights with letter-shaped weapons. I don't think I need to say any more.

Toad. I'll never understand why this schmuck ALWAYS makes it into every media translation the X-Men get.

And this is more a personal thing, but I've always hated the Penguin. A short fat guy with a long nose, speech impediment, and fetishes for birds, umbrellas and dressing like a 1920's businessman. LAME!

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Kid Miracleman. No one else in comics comes close.

Oh, wait, did you mean villains that were bad at being villains, or the villains who were the worst, most vile and dangerous villains ever? Kid Miracleman is in the latter category.
Some Garth Ennis characters, especially from The Boys comic, can give Kid Miracleman a run for his money.

Plutonian from Irredeemable too. There was a showdown where the Plutonian had a bunch of kids held hostage in a gym, and a hero is at the door. The Plutonian was/is angry that he had to hold back as a kid because of his powers, causing him to get teased relentlessly for being weak. So he wants to play dodgeball with the kids, and tosses a live grenade at them. The hero saves the kids, but still, yowch.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



The Shocker from Spider-man.

He wore a full body oven mitt. I never liked that guy.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by RedSwitchblade View Post
The Shocker from Spider-man.

He wore a full body oven mitt. I never liked that guy.
And, despite his name, he doesn't actually have any electric-based powers.

He punches people. From a distance. Using soundwaves.


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'Looks over at Sephiroth figurine on the computer desk.'

Rather than argue his quality as a villain I'm just gonna state that I disagree with sephiroth be listed as a bad villain. Saves yall the FF7 fanboy wall-o-text argueing for and the inevitable wall-o-text point by point rebuttal.

My entry for lame villian goes to the elder toguro brother from yu yu hakusho. On a scale from "Take over the world (top)" to "Eats newborn babies and ***** poison (bottom)" he's pretty close to bottom on deplorable actions but he constantly gets chumped by non-main characters. First he gets beaten by Kuwabara and then later on gets locked in tree that will torment him for eternity by Kurama.

My other entry would be the people who added unbaptized babies as enemies in Dante's Inferno on the ps3. Whats next the sentient zombie corpse of a Greek god's aborted fetus?

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Some Garth Ennis characters, especially from The Boys comic, can give Kid Miracleman a run for his money.

Plutonian from Irredeemable too. There was a showdown where the Plutonian had a bunch of kids held hostage in a gym, and a hero is at the door. The Plutonian was/is angry that he had to hold back as a kid because of his powers, causing him to get teased relentlessly for being weak. So he wants to play dodgeball with the kids, and tosses a live grenade at them. The hero saves the kids, but still, yowch.
Throwing grenades at kids? Aw, that is terrible.

Kid Miracleman ***** and killed most of the population of London. So...yeah.

But I think the original poster wanted lame villains. For that, I'd go straight to the Venture Brothers, without passing Go. The Monarch might qualify, but he's actually one of the more badass villains in the series. So I'm undecided who the lamest one is: Sgt. Hatred? Mr. Monday? Catclops?

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.




Arnim Zola. Just look at him.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Throwing grenades at kids? Aw, that is terrible.

Kid Miracleman ***** and killed most of the population of London. So...yeah.
Here's a bigger list. Plutonian is KM on a global scale. The grenade scene was just the first one that actually made me go "Gah!" in regards to the character.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Cod-piece.....look it up as words can not sum up how much fail he is.

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Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
My entry for lame villian goes to the elder toguro brother from yu yu hakusho. On a scale from "Take over the world (top)" to "Eats newborn babies and ***** poison (bottom)" he's pretty close to bottom on deplorable actions but he constantly gets chumped by non-main characters. First he gets beaten by Kuwabara and then later on gets locked in tree that will torment him for eternity by Kurama.
Kuwabara and Kurama aren't main characters? Could've fooled me.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



every single magical girl villain EVER, and by extension (almost) every Super Sentai/Power Rangers villain as well.
They never go into battle themselves, despite being able to toss around the hero(in)es without a thought.
They never send more than one "general" and will kill them if they fail too much (this trope is fading in recent shows I've been watching since the "general" makes great cannon fodder for a new toy...er, power up).
Despite being capable of fielding armies of mooks and having a crapton of them (I'm looking at you Power Rangers/Super Sentai) on screen, they only send a dozen at most to fight off between 3-7 super strong youngsters/teenagers/twenty-something/whatever. (a few seasons of power rangers/super sentai and magical girl shows at least have an excuse...usually they're trying to keep an operation low-key).
They almost never dispatch more than one monster at a time. When the baddies barely have their loyalty it makes sense, but if you have one guy who can, say, turn people to stone, and another with super strong armor...wouldn't it be a good idea to send them together?
They waste resources! Don't make your monster that's near defeat grow big just so he can be wasted by the heroes' giant robot! And better yet, if it's being caught in the magical girl's purification attack, WHACK HER WITH A STICK OR SOMETHING! Those things are almost always incapable of hitting more than one target! Recall your troops, and prepare to attack again later, stronger than you were before.
There's "being ineffective" and then there's "making your enemy stronger"...
...a lot of these villains do the latter. A lot.



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Kuwabara and Kurama aren't main characters? Could've fooled me.
I tend to think of Yusuke as the main character and the others as sidekicks.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
I'd point out that Destro has never really been all that interested in taking over the world.

He's an arms manufacturer. His family has been in the business for generations. He makes a asston of money of selling his military guns, robots and vehicles. Mostly to Cobra, who is ALWAYS buying.

So he's never so much "following a weak leader" as "showing nominal support for an important client."

I personally don't think he cares if Cobra succeeds in anything or not. Just as long as they keep buying.

Also, his girlfriend is in Cobra. So he has to at least pretend he cares.

Cobra was somewhat less inept in GI Joe: Resolute, though.

I would say that he needs to take some pride in his work then. Honestly it's like Nike endorsing the worst athlete in professional sports, someone inept in playing the game with no skill what so ever.

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The Joker. A non-metahuman clown wouldn't last 2 days in the DC Universe. I know everybody's been a Joker fan forever (forever being since TDK hit), but he's a really lame villain.

"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards." - General Creighton W. Abrams



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
I would say that he needs to take some pride in his work then. Honestly it's like Nike endorsing the worst athlete in professional sports, someone inept in playing the game with no skill what so ever.
Well, if the "worst athlete" is the one paying him all the money, why not?

It's not a real good analogy there. Destro doesn't care about if Cobra wins or loses as long as he gets paid. Cobra's success rate doesn't affect his income.

He's been known to secretly trigger wars purely so he can sell weapons to BOTH SIDES.

Now, you might ask where Cobra gets all this cash if they keep failing. That would be an excellent question.


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Now, you might ask where Cobra gets all this cash if they keep failing. That would be an excellent question.
They have legit or semi legit business fronts that they get money from. The Crimson twins have their own business you see them running in plenty of episodes. There's likely some people who support Cobra just to have them screw with the US. And from time to time, they have schemes that actually work and make money.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
All of the villains in Scooby Doo. They always have these silly complex schemes, where they could make a lot more if they used their "scary" techniques somewhere else, and they always get caught by those darned kids...
And their dog.



Originally Posted by Comeuppance View Post
The Joker. A non-metahuman clown wouldn't last 2 days in the DC Universe. I know everybody's been a Joker fan forever (forever being since TDK hit), but he's a really lame villain.
Joker gains awesomeness for some of the demented **** he's done, i.e. The Killing Joke. He may not be the most powerful, but that doesn't seem to be what this is about. Joker is very enjoyable as a villain just about every time he shows up. Even when he died in Return of the Joker he REALLY got to Bats, twice.



I choose the Vulture from Spider-Man comics. An old man with electronic wings.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.