CoH Costume Makeover Contest




I select an existing comic book character worthy of a re-design, and the contest applicants create a new costume for that character using the CoH costume creator.

I will judge each entry based on creativity and design aesthetic, providing a brief critique for each applicant.

There will be one winner. That winner will receive a sketch of the character of their choice as drawn by me. Samples of my art can be found at my Deviant Art gallery linked in my signature.

You may use any pieces you have access to (including Vet rewards, AE items, etc.).

You may make changes to race and/or gender, but please provide conceptual justification with your entry.

You will have two weeks to create and submit your entry by posting it in this thread.

The winner gets a sketch from me and the satisfaction of creating a kick-*** design.

Fine print: I will make changes to this post as needed, should questions/concerns/disputes warrant it.



I love the idea, but I feel like it won't exactly fly well with the Dev's considering this is the kind of stuff that got them sued... Unless it doesn't really count since it'll be new costumes? I don't know, I'm just throwing that out there. I'll probably take part, because I love making new costumes, even if I don't get to use them!

The thoroughbred of sin.



While I was watching Watchmen again Friday night, I started thinking about their costumes, and even though they aren't necessarily the most accurate depictions of what's in the comic, the comic book costumes weren't all that great either.

So, to kick off this new Makeover contest, I'm selecting Adrian Veidt, aka Ozymandias, as our first subject. Your entries are due September 4th, by midnight EST.



Originally Posted by MotherFuhrer View Post
I love the idea, but I feel like it won't exactly fly well with the Dev's considering this is the kind of stuff that got them sued... Unless it doesn't really count since it'll be new costumes? I don't know, I'm just throwing that out there. I'll probably take part, because I love making new costumes, even if I don't get to use them!
Well, I'm not asking that existing costumes be re-created, and I'm certainly not suggesting that people play these in the game, but if the Devs do have an issue with it, I won't put up a fuss, and shut it down.



Adrian Veidt is a genius, a master of martial arts, and to some, a flamboyant pretty-boy. He's well-versed in foreign cultures, and he has a certain elegance to his style, both in clothing and his mannerisms. I went for both a simplistic (for the sake of combat) as well as a luxurious look (for the sake of the public view) to his outfit, incorporating elements from both his comic book costume and his movie costume.

I'm going to try redesigning the other Watchmen characters, and see what I can whip up.

The thoroughbred of sin.



So here's my attempt. I hope I stand a chance!

Tried to include a bit of Egyptian theming with the magic pattern, and some roman in the Phi on the chest. Also, I don't have Ultra Mode on this computer, so I don't know how the metallic parts would work, but I like them as is.

Claiming the Isles (The Nemesis Strike Force), Arc 448371 - Rogueish action from the Prussian Prince of Automatons himself!



Okay, for some reason I couldn't get a screen from the tailor.... so I have to go off outside screens instead.

If you want me to just switch these to link in order to keep page length to a minimum, let me know.



I opted for simplicity. Honestly, I was hoping to use the toga with the high collar cape, but there was too much overlap in the models, and it looked horrendous. This, then, is my entry.

Where do we go from here?



Originally Posted by Nazghul1 View Post
Well, I'm not asking that existing costumes be re-created, and I'm certainly not suggesting that people play these in the game, but if the Devs do have an issue with it, I won't put up a fuss, and shut it down.
As an alternate idea, you could use the redesign my costume thread at the top of this subsection to work off of, or people could offer up their own pre-existing in-game characters to work off of.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
As an alternate idea, you could use the redesign my costume thread at the top of this subsection to work off of, or people could offer up their own pre-existing in-game characters to work off of.
I would not be opposed to that. If anyone would like to submit their costume for a future makeover, all they need to do is PM me. I'd even let them critique the entries.



I am posting a link to this thread, over in the Re-Design thread for those interested. By the way, cool idea Naz. (Also, there is a link to the Re-Design thread in my sig.)



Thanks, Thirty-Seven.



K, here's my take on Oz. He's actually doing 'the locomotion' in this shot, you can just see kylie's leg in a reflection... probably...

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Heres my take on it...
Not too bulky, not too flashy, but enough for one to look on in awe, as is intened...



Here is my take on him.
Decided to keep as close to his original colors as possible. I picked Valkyrie cloak not out of choice, but because it was the only one available since I was creating a new character. Not that the Valkyrie cape did not fit ;P
Not that the Cape does not fit...

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Great idea Naz, I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

Member of the Hyperion Force



Anyone mind if I bump the due date up a week? Sometimes, I think it's easy for you all to get bored waiting for the next contest, and participation has hit a lull.



Go for it!
Its your contest anyway, who are we to argue?



Here is my take on it:



Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
Go for it!
Its your contest anyway, who are we to argue?
Well, I wanted to make sure that everyone who wanted to participate got the chance to.

New deadline: August 28th!



I gave it a try. I included a dark and a light background as it's just kinda hard to see all the details in either or.

I wanted to include Greek and Egyptian elements so I used the Victory Laurel, some magic symbols and roman pieces. I really liked how the wings and lines of the roman pieces went with the Justice pattern. I had to use the roman piece with the lion - he does like his cats after all! I also wanted to include some classic old looking armor with modern higher tech armor to blend the two eras together so I threw in some Vanguard pieces. I tried to include an eye motif by using the brooch on the cloak. I wish we had a few more detailed pieces for that costume option!

I waffled a lot on color choices for certain items and whatnot but overall I like the end result. May end up using it on a new character!

Light Background

Dark Background

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Just a reminder... today is the last day for Ozymandias entries!

There will be a guest submission for next week's contest that will be posted tomorrow.



Here are the results for the Ozymandias makeover.

And here is makeover #2. Entries are due September 4th.



Well done all!
Never having done your contests before Naz, I must say I like the criticisms on the stuff instead of no word at all. Very interesting takes nonetheless.

Quick Q about the next contest, the guest says he is looking for 2 things...
Does he want one or the other, or both?
Or all that wrapped up into one design?
It was a bit misleading...