CoH Costume Makeover Contest




Thanks everyone! I have to admit, I was a little worried after seeing Goblin-Queen's submission. I really like what you came up with for Shadeknight. Hope you like the new costumes ShadowWings/Dusk.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



The fun part of this is just making costumes. I always digged that about this game. The other fun part is trying to see through whoever is judgings eyes...

And I seemingly cant. (Not even his take on MINE, but others more so)

Its all good though, I can take criticism. But man, its funny to read reviews that are so... well, all over the place. Its hard to understand fully, and kudos to you all who do this, its all for fun. Thats why I do it, who cares about winning...

But I mean seriously... its like one thing for one and not the other, or this one works with an exception, but I wont make that same exact exception for others... Just wraps all the judging up to a very small box of personal likes only, not taking into account pretty much anything else. Love how using the mutant pack is a no no, but in this thread, it wasnt mentioned he didnt have it. Hell, between the first time he tried to have others remake him and no one cared, to now, he could have gotten it. If our hands are tied to not using certain things.. perhaps we should know ahead of time.


Anywho, gratz to whoever's costume wasnt in the most undesirable category based on some predetermined facets that we never knew about ahead of time. The day is yours!

I humbly await another challenge, as I still like the making the costume part regardless of anything else. Just please let me know some expectations or restrictions ahead of time. That'd be super cool.

(And no, this isnt a "sour grapes" post... I could seriously care if I ever win. Its not about me, just in general really. But its part of the whole sha-bang, so I deal. Perhaps my next entry will be in rainbow... just for fun



Heh. I love the sportmanship (?) of this thread. No sour grapes, no attacks :P.

It was hard between Goblin, Arete, and Matt, I'll admit. But Naz wouldn't take two or even three winners, so I had to pick the one(s) I liked the best.

Thanks guys for your attempts.



Looks like someone got impatient. That's okay, though. Now I don't have to rush to post it to the blog. Will you be using the winning entry, ShadowWings?

I agree that the "no mutant pack" thing should've been included with the initial commentary, but we'll just chalk this up to livin' an' learnin'.

I'll try to get the next one up some time tomorrow.



I'm currently using Queen's armor, Matt's spandex and Matt's armor.

My bad on rushing XD.



Contest #3 is posted. Now get to work! Entries are due September 11.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
I'm currently using Queen's armor, Matt's spandex and Matt's armor.

My bad on rushing XD.
Ah. Well there will be two of us on Virtue then. I didn't think you'd be using the armor if it didn't win. :P I'll have a different name and powers of course but definitely using the armor.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



It's official, my cossie making skills are non-existant lol. I tried making a cossie for Air Walker, but I'm not going to post it and make a fool of myself lol.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer



Took a shot at re-designing Air-Walker.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Here's Gabriel Lan himself.

The thoroughbred of sin.



Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
It's official, my cossie making skills are non-existant lol. I tried making a cossie for Air Walker, but I'm not going to post it and make a fool of myself lol.
Do it! This, I command!



I can't believe there has already been two of these and I haven't entered!!!
I tell ya Air-Walker was not easy for me to do in COH. The name invoked something completely different in my head. Then I read up on the character and didn't know where to take it. I decided to go the more cyborg-ish route. Hope it works...

Right off the belt doesn't work but because of clipping with those pants options I couldn't find anything that worked better... I really wanted to pay homage to the charcter without just totally duplicating it either.

Anyway good to have ya back Naz, though now I'm going to spend more time in the CC than in game!



This one was super difficult. I kept going back and forth between having a kilt or not. Argh! There are a few things that I just wasn't happy with in the final design but there are a couple things that I think came out OK.

I took some of the old artwork and translated it literally and some of it I got a little loosey-goosey with. For example: I didn't give him wings but I did give him a cape that on the inside looks like the Power Cosmic. Granted, in my mind the only thing in CoH to come close is the Shadow Shard so I took the colors from that and used a transparent cape to get the airy quality. The outer cape is black as space.

I used a belt that hinted at the shape of a kilt (and covered the unfortunate crotch zipper for the pants - heh). I used several circle patterns in the belt and the helm pieces to convey stars. For the chest piece I didn't use a star pattern but used the Alpha aura to get the star across. I also felt like he looked like a futuristic/space gladiator so I used some roman pieces in the helmet and used futuristic looking chest armor. For the crescent on his helm I used the samurai pieces and used the ones that had an air/cloud like style to them. I finally used the winged boots to give a nod to the name Air-Walker.

Speaking of which - the bugger is too tall to get a full screenshot in the costume creator so I went abroad and took some scenic shots.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



...Goblin, you are a costume goddess.



I almost forgot to put this up!

heres my new spin on some of the simple classic non armoured or bulky look of Airwalker



Goblin, those are amazing screenshots. You must be cranking Ultra Mode. I wish I could upgrade my graphics card.



Man. Goblin Queen almost makes this not even fair. Good God.



Today is the last day for Air-Walker entries. I will post the results tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's Contest #4, as supplied by Terminal Velocity.



As it said in his blog, i'm looking for TWO costumes, so there'll be TWO winners.

Edit: Forgot to add, he has almost complete control over the nanites, so a civilian costume would not be out of the question.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
As it said in his blog, i'm looking for TWO costumes, so there'll be TWO winners.
And each winner will get a character of their choice in a "jam sketch" (two characters, 1 sketch).



Originally Posted by Nazghul1 View Post
Today is the last day for Air-Walker entries. I will post the results tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's Contest #4, as supplied by Terminal Velocity.
It might be a little helpful to include pictures of the makeover-ee. It says he is wanting to keep the same color scheme, but without ever seeing Terminal Velocity how does one know what it is?



Originally Posted by The_Sydd View Post
It might be a little helpful to include pictures of the makeover-ee. It says he is wanting to keep the same color scheme, but without ever seeing Terminal Velocity how does one know what it is?
It's a couple posts back and not direct linked but...

Originally Posted by Nazghul1 View Post
Today is the last day for Air-Walker entries. I will post the results tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's Contest #4, as supplied by Terminal Velocity.
Ya just click Contest #4 there amd then in that window you click "guy" and you'll get a couple screenshots...

Or, I suppose I could be more helpful....



Originally Posted by The_Sydd View Post
It might be a little helpful to include pictures of the makeover-ee. It says he is wanting to keep the same color scheme, but without ever seeing Terminal Velocity how does one know what it is?
It's not him, it's the preatorian him, completely different costumes.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Here's the results of Contest #3.