CoH Costume Makeover Contest




Originally Posted by Nazghul1 View Post
EnnVee, who's your hubby (so I have appropriate info when writing up the results)? Will you also be joining us? I seem to remember you being a semi-regular with the color palette contests.
Barron is my hubby as for me I am gonna sit this one out perhaps I will jump on the next one



Here is my redesign of the Baron. I tried to keep it recognizable. Almost as if he had access to some new costume parts versus a total redesign...


ARRGHH!!! The cape should have been red not orange.... So imagine it red please....

Edit#2 - I just saw Fr0stbyte's costume is similar. Maybe I'll make some changes before it's over.



Today is your last day for Baron Blitzkrieg entries!



This is an awesome contest this week and a way difficult one. I really got excited tho since I've been wanting to make a Nazi super villain. Probably way too much information to follow, so apologies in advance!

I tried to retain some of the general concepts from the old costume but really changed quite a bit of it for a more modern look. For me, the Nazi/Fascist image is one of brutal and binding elements. Stuff like buckles, leather, metal and some shock value/scare tactics thrown in when possible. The overall look is not polished and smooth, it's more homegrown and raw - what an organization would piece together to portray a scary alternative to a super hero.

I used buckled leather, heavy metal gloves and a metal helmet that harkens back to the original design but differs.

For the gloves and helmet I used a flared design to give a nod to the word Blitzkrieg:

a swift intensive military attack, esp using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly.
For me that means a forward attack, something with a swift aerodynamic movement - strike fast, inspire fear and clean up the leftovers. The flared metal gloves worked great for this and the Vanguard hat was perfection in its shape.

I left the face partially open to reveal some of his scarred face from when the concentration camp prisoner threw acid into his face. I also used the Plate face detail, which I've never used but always wanted to. It just freaks me out a bit and in conjunction with the scarred tissue, which I used the bio-organic armor for, it just conveys creepy.

I used the High Collar cape and the shoulder pieces to convey his aristocratic background. The boots, straps, etc. in the costume convey fascist military to me.

I used different colors, as the original costume had some unfortunate color choices (goodbye orange and magenta!) and focused the colors on the Nazi flags which are red, black and white and the German Eagle since, logically, swastikas aren't allowed in CoH.

The Nazi party used a right-facing swastika as their symbol and the red and black colors were said to represent Blut und Boden ("blood and soil"). Another definition of the flag describes the colours as representing the ideology of National Socialism, the swastika representing the Aryan race and the Aryan nationalist agenda of the movement; white representing Aryan racial purity; and red representing the socialist agenda of the movement.
The Nazi party used the traditional German eagle, standing atop of a swastika inside a wreath of oak leaves. It is also known as the Iron Eagle. When the eagle is looking to its left shoulder, it symbolises the Nazi party, and was called the Parteiadler. In contrast, when the eagle is looking to its right shoulder, it symbolises the country (Reich), and was therefore called the Reichsadler. After the Nazi party came to power in Germany, they forced the replacement of the traditional version of the German eagle with their modified party symbol throughout the country and all its institutions.
I threw in gold as it's in the original design and it's used in many banners and flags for the higher ups in the Nazi party like Admirals and Hitler so basically it serves as a trim and accent to the primary colors of the flag.

And now for the actual Baron pictures!

Close up of the scarred face and the Plate!

Now in my attempts to get some action shots to show off his Superman like powers (eye beams, super strength, flight) I got carried away and thought to myself - what would the Baron do if he found himself in Paragon. So I suppose it's a mini comic strip.

First he would fly around town. Then he would find the Fifth Column as the closest thing he can relate to. Once found there would be some.. discussion on where the Column's leaders are located so that the Baron could discuss matters with them personally. Eventually, one of the Column would crack and spill all the details.

Once the secret location was found, Baron Blitzkrieg would go to the Fifth Column HQ and have some more.. talks. After everyone saw things his way he would have the Column supporting him fully.

Finally, the good Baron would fly around Paragon City, help rally the Column to take down the Council and of course cause some mayhem towards the country he hates so much. *fwoosh*

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



.... Seriously. Wtf is your secret, GQ? Srsly.



Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
blah blah costume of awesomeness blah
erm, yep, that's what i was going to do too...

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



The results for contest #5 have been posted.

Contest #6 has been posted.



I was very fond of his creation as well, though it was very true to the orgin, even if I wasnt sold on the colors, the overall look was spot on cool!

And for reference for my color choices... as always I do way too much google-in' of characters to find some obscure reference to work with. I was using this one:

I was fond of the blue, and didnt want to copy or just re-create, just adapt from there.
Also didnt want to put up a wall of text like I have before, just see if the costume coudl stand alone as is instead of me trying to convince you.

I thought it was solid, but in all honesty, I liked the one that won better
Great job again!



Congrats Henri!

I lucked out with a name that changes hands a lot on Virtue - Baron Boom. Think I'm going to adapt this costume to that toon.

Edit - oh and I like the boots being big. Better to crush the hopes and dreams of Americans! :P

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Grats Henri! Awesome competition once again!

the next xontest should be interesting because there is no shortage of tech parts to choose from! Good luck all!



Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
I was very fond of his creation as well, though it was very true to the orgin, even if I wasnt sold on the colors, the overall look was spot on cool!

And for reference for my color choices... as always I do way too much google-in' of characters to find some obscure reference to work with. I was using this one:
Is that an actual comics appearance or a piece of fan art? It's hard to tell.



Hey wow, cheers guys Can't believe i won, first i'd like to thank... ...heh, i'll spare you the speeches!

Seriously tho, really glad you liked the Barons new clothes, and thanks

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Oh, I am supposed to do more than click on the pic link? (hehehe)
I just figured he looked way cooler than the original, and that isnt saying much!
Anyway, yeah, there it was.

This new one is wide open, eh?

Does the person behind the character have anything else to add?
Its rather "whatever ya want!" and I get the sense that its never really that, as people are very connected to their characters. I'd like to try for something that would really make sense as opposed to just "my take a few screenies and color choices" which probobly wont make anyone happy.

I aim to please



Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
This new one is wide open, eh?

Does the person behind the character have anything else to add?
Its rather "whatever ya want!" and I get the sense that its never really that, as people are very connected to their characters. I'd like to try for something that would really make sense as opposed to just "my take a few screenies and color choices" which probobly wont make anyone happy.

I aim to please
It really is pretty much wide open. I'm in a costuming rut.

Hmmm. Other pertinent details... what might help...

As mentioned, tech-based, dark armor set. I initially had had in mind that we were looking at something like "deployed nanites" (thus the "cloudy" look of DA) with other tech augmenting strength. The black/white/gold costume is kind of a recurring theme with the various heroic versions of the character, any other costume can be quite different. (Even the black/white/gold sets have quite a bit of variation in them.)

He's not the darkitty-dark type the whole set-description "tapping into the netherworld" description seems to lead some people to. The tech may well do so in some means, but he'd view it as an energy source instead of a reason to wear black and write depressing poetry.



Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
Oh, I am supposed to do more than click on the pic link? (hehehe)
I just figured he looked way cooler than the original, and that isnt saying much!
Anyway, yeah, there it was.
Not to be a complete ***, but if you had read what was written, you may have realized that the artist most likely intended for the chest and boots to be black; comic-book black, but still black.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



I couldn't pass on this one, Bill, I hope this peaks a spark of inspiration for ya hun !

the Glasses, Belt, and chest detail all have gold accent to them, and I used the third white in from the right, and straight black.
I also saved the costume file in case anyone wants it later



Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
Not to be a complete ***, but if you had read what was written, you may have realized that the artist most likely intended for the chest and boots to be black; comic-book black, but still black.
I gathered as much, but since they were rendered so differently, and the chest ended up so blue, and the contrast of blue to gold was striking, I went with that.

And whats this reading stuff you talk about?
Who has time to read anymore?

Silly, I can't be bothered to read when theres so many costume combinations out there put together!

Read Schmead!



Okay, I've designed a costume but now apparently I have a silly question. I can't figure out how to attach images to the post. The FAQ states that there should be a button labelled "Manage Attachments" when I reply (not quick reply) to a post but there isn't one. I don't spend a lot of time on the forums and this is the first time I've tried to attach an image. Can I actually upload an image from my computer as the FAQ states, or do I need to host it somewhere and insert it manually? Thanks!




Originally Posted by Sera_Ash View Post
Okay, I've designed a costume but now apparently I have a silly question. I can't figure out how to attach images to the post. The FAQ states that there should be a button labelled "Manage Attachments" when I reply (not quick reply) to a post but there isn't one. I don't spend a lot of time on the forums and this is the first time I've tried to attach an image. Can I actually upload an image from my computer as the FAQ states, or do I need to host it somewhere and insert it manually? Thanks!
Pretty sure only mods can actually attach images, you'll have to upload them somewhere else online (like photobucket or a similar site) and then use img tags to display it in your post here.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Here is my take. I tried to keep it as sleek as possible, while still giving a sort of techy-feel. Whether it worked out or not, remains to determined.

It's really hard to tell, but there is an aura on the gloves, I tried to get the dark powers that you use to seep out of the devices that utilize them.



Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
Pretty sure only mods can actually attach images, you'll have to upload them somewhere else online (like photobucket or a similar site) and then use img tags to display it in your post here.
That's what I figured; thanks for the help!




Okay, here's my attempt.

I made a variation on the first (black-white-gold) costume. I decided to emphasize the tech look, with an armoured chest/back piece that could hold a power generator, which would enhance Memphis Bill's strength through the mechanical exoskeletons on his arms. The gloves and shoulders also have vents to generate the nanites for his dark armour. Or something.




Been overlooking this thread for quite a while now. Always had fun doing these in the pairs versions a while back. Question: This originally started with an established comic book character and moved on to some forumites. Is there any specific way you pick them? (and I would be happy to offer up Burnt Matchstick, can never have too many design ideas to choose from)

And I made one for this contest too:



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Been overlooking this thread for quite a while now. Always had fun doing these in the pairs versions a while back. Question: This originally started with an established comic book character and moved on to some forumites. Is there any specific way you pick them? (and I would be happy to offer up Burnt Matchstick, can never have too many design ideas to choose from)
I insert the forumites as I get volunteers. Otherwise, I just use an existing character that I think could use a new look.