Hows Your First Day in GR Going?




I know my folks were absolutely thrilled by Praetoria last night, and a bunch called out this morning to keep playing.

How are other folks enjoying their first day playing Going Rogue?



Loving Praetoria.

The new tutorial is miles ahead of the basic game; it's more immersive and branches you off to your career path early on. Praetoria itself is very shiny (especially the corridors) and sprawling. The arcs are all well-written and engrossing.

Tried the Cathedral of Pain with a semi-pick-up group and couldn't complete it, but that looks like lots of fun too. Not a lot of crashes or lag, which was fantastic.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Too much to do though I am still a bit sad one thing more isn't there...

Oh alpha incarnate slot, how I miss thee. Return soon.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



General thoughts and impressions:

The outdoor areas and new mission maps feel a lot more open than the old stuff. Like whoever does maps slapped their forehead one morning and went, "Guys, do you know what we could do? Use open space!" I love the feeling it gives on the outdoor areas--makes it feel a lot less claustrophobic than the Isles and less fake than Paragon. Not sure how I feel about it in mission maps yet.

Both new-new (not previously available to preorder people) sets seem pretty sweet. I kinda wish we'd gotten these two early and DS/Dual Pistols later, but that's just my personal preference. Both Electric Control and Kinetic melee made me go, "Ooh, I wanna play that!" where I was mostly indifferent to DS and Dual Pistols. Electric Control has lots of nifty unique tricks, which is a nice break from the standard controller mix.

Only got to level 7 or so last night, but all of the missions I've seen so far have been pretty great. All the dialog and reading slows me down a lot--I'm not sure how much I'd like having long, branching conversations between every mission in the 40s, since I can barely tolerate the slow levelling rate there as it is, but it's nice for breaking up the tedium of being a lowbie.

I'm told there's a new nightclub area in Praetoria. Combine that with the fact that the big plaza would be perfect, and I'm curious how this will impact the Virtue RP community.

The enemy groups all seem to use entirely new stuff. It's an interesting change from CoV, which seemed intent on recycling as much as possible. I didn't find most of them particularly more difficult than CoH starting groups, but god, do Ghouls hurt in groups of more than 3 or so.

The phrase 'zowies' is kinda... eh.

It feels really weird to be walking around an unfamiliar zone with no travel powers for the first time in years.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I trusted Gamestop I don't get Going Rogue access yet.



I'd probably be enjoying it more if i could actually access Praetoria, instead of losing all my extra character slots and not being able to create a new Praetorian character.



Terrible, the internet here drops out every 5 minutes

I was having fun making all my new characters until the store went down though.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



It was fantastic. I was on the character creation screen for an hour or so. I really wanted my first Praetorian to feel fleshed out from the start. (That included rewriting my bio. I got somewhat carried away there . After that I logged in to the tutorial and promtly logged out. I had a very early morning . But now I'm going home and going rogue. Yay!


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



Well baring in mind my Euro timezone, I played for a few hours with my partner in the evening yesterday after the servers came up.

Server was really crowded, even more so then I expected. We couldn't even get into the same tutorial because there were about 4 different versions! Anyway we quickly raced each other to Nova Praetoria and became Resistance members. We joined a leveling pact and got started on the missions. We took our time reading the stuff and didn't race through.

We hit a bit of a stump because we realised my character Mr. Maund was 7'1 tall not 6'1, making my partner's character Mrs. Maund look like a child lol. So being clever, I said lets set a mission and teleport to Pocket D to adjust my height, thinking we could use Mission Teleporter to get back. Of course, muttons here forgot Pocket D has a teleport resistance so we ended up stranded and had to take the long run through Imperial City back to Nova Praetoria! We took the time to think of some interesting names for my partner's bots though.

We were going to stop for the night after finishing Flores storyarc but we couldn't resist going to meet Tunnel Rat and doing 1 last mission from her. Ended the night at level 8 and looking forward to more tonight! ;-)



I've done a few Tips to start reinforcing my alignment, and then spent the rest of the time standing in Atlas Park explaining how to switch sides, how to get to Praetoria and how to enter Fort Trident over and over again

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I have four of my villains ready to become Rogues today. I started an Elec/Elec Dominator on a lark last night because I think the Powers path is absolutely awesome. Finished Nova's arcs this morning.

Tonight, I'll finish up those Rogues, pack their bags and send them off to Paragon to start their new lives.

I'll be taking the Dominator to Imperial City to continue his story of fame and glory.

Finally, I'll be hoping that my character slot that disappeared comes back or I'll be fighting with CS.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Unable to access new slots: Bad
Unable to get proper surround sound functionality: Bad
New KM/SD scrapper: Good, I expect stupidly low pylon times with this one.
New Elec/Ene dominator: Good, have to delete/reroll to go loyalist since the scrapper is full resistance
Both new characters will be going redside at 20.

Be well, people of CoH.



It be fun
Got all my villains ready for blue side. Have to wait till at lest 11pm to work on my other 5 tips.

Some people are complaining that it takes atlest 2 days for you to cross, and that you have to be lvl 20.

I for one, am glad. My fear was 8 man teams of MM in the sewers -_-



Stupid Gamestop haz my stuffs!!!



Originally Posted by Divus View Post
Stupid Gamestop haz my stuffs!!!
A Vigilante or a Rogue would take matters into their own hands and "collect" their order by force.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It's consisted entirely of opening the floodgates and letting my altitis once again run rampant. I created about 10 Praetorians, ran them through the tutorial, and got a couple others through the first arc. I've got 4 more new ones on the plate for tonight.



Terrible. Can't create new toons, my old toons can't cross over yet, heroes can't access villain epics without doing the mission, and the only people not doing GR on Freedom seem to be the jerks of the server.

Overall nothing to do today.



Liked my first taste of it last night. Praetoria definitely has a different vibe than the existing zones.

And the new AlienFX lighting stuff scared the hell out of me at first. It goes from blue to red to yellow depending on the alignment of the toon you are playing. Pretty clever after you get over the "ohmygodmycomputersbeenhijacked" part.

On Liberty:
Aardwolf - level 50 claws/invulnerability scrapper
Anchor - level 50 level gravity/forcefield controller
Dr. Dusk - level 50 mercenaries/dark miasma mastermind



Let us see.
10 more hours till I can do more tip missions
Can't Make a new toon without deleting 20 or so Toons on freedom rest of the servers are full and i refuse to delete.
Can't play new content at all
Can't play new powersets
Can't claim the last 2 slots I have yet to buy on freedom

I did walk into Fort Trident.



Pretty good.

I created my first Praetorian (sp?), an Elec/Elec Dom (there's gonna be a lot of them around I bet) and did the tutorial. My goodness but that was sooo much better than the usual! I loved the fact that one of the first options was to to tell the guy "pff, I got my own things to do," I've been wanting to tell that to the first contacts for ages.

The branching dialog is a masterstroke for low levels like this, because chances are we're going to see it a billion times as we create more alts; I'm guessing the chances of seeing it repeat exactly must be pretty small.

The maps look like they came from another game, they're great!

One of my few in-game friends was pretty hot though because he'd been having so many problems such as map-serving, out-leveling contacts, etc. though, so I can guess it's not going smoothly for everyone. For those of you having these problems, I hope they all clear up pretty quickly.



I started a KM/SR Brute last night and got it to level 6ish, I think. Being in Praetoria distracted me, though, and I completely forgot to check on the merged Market. I was just doing the first Contact's mission. I noticed that his inspiration store was fully open even without me having worked for him yet. All the NPCs are so chatty. It took me a while to figure out what those recurring clue sounds were for. Those tutorial clues with their exclamation marks were popping up under where I keep my extra detached powers tray.

I haven't explored much more than where the missions had me going so far, which was pretty much just the immediate area around the main plaza. When I was ready to log out for the night, I tried to find someplace to park for a Day Job. The train station was obvious, but it curiously didn't offer day job time. After asking around, someone suggested the Hospital which for some reason, I didn't even think about. When I got in, I noticed a Nurse in the lobby selling the full array of inspirations. Nice quality of life improvement there!

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I am stuck in patching hell...

Updater keeps stopping on fixing sound.pigg file. If it keeps up this pace I may finally get in in a week or so.



Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Liked my first taste of it last night. Praetoria definitely has a different vibe than the existing zones.
The vibe feels wrong, which I think is the idea - the place looks pretty, but it also seems rather fake - and it's set up very well as an altenative/mirror universe - like instead of the classic superhero setting of Paragon City, where we help the police and the authorities, instead the police and the autorities are the enemy, which feels very weird when you're used to the normal CoH setting.
One very neat little twist they've done is to replace the Primal Earth mugging spawns with Preatorian Police Deapartment harassment spawns instead - like citizens being aggressively questioned on the streets or being taken away for "interrogation", and protesters being fired on - it does a great job of showing that just like Primal Earth, the NPC citizens are in danger from criminals, only this time, the crimianls are wearing unifroms.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork