Hows Your First Day in GR Going?




I'm doing the Powers path with my new Dominator and very much enjoying the new locales and branching dialogue. I did a doubletake when I was sent to Tami Baker, since it immediately reminded of Tambi Baker of Strangers in Paradise lore, but the Praetorian version is rather scrawny, and a secretary, so yeah.

I do hope that GR brings in some new people and that the new people stick and try some of the older content too, as some of it is decent. The new zones, especially Nova Praetoria, are quite pristine...but don't drink the "Cole-aid", as they say.

War Witch has already obliquely confirmed it, but adding onto Praetoria seems pretty much like a must at this point. It would be criminal to have it become a new Shadow Shard, pretty but ultimately forgotten by a ravenous playerbase.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



The new zones are very nice and the new missions are interesting enough. Sadly they use the old maps again and re-skin a couple. Very sad. Studio 55 is too similar to Pocket D which is another shame; same hospital interior too?

It seems adding more zones is a bad idea. I know they will but it might be very tough teaming and finding people over so many zones. I don't think we'll maintain this mass of players for a great length.

We didn't get any drastically different mission types or goals. I like the varying paths but there could be more variety involved. Maybe a future issue.

I just hope the Incarnate system has its own set of unique missions (and maps) and is a fun end game system. Unfortunately that is coming SOON.



PS - the character slot issue is beyond annoying. I am locked out of my server, essentially, and, no, I don't want to start a toon elsewhere and transfer cuz my pals are on Virtue!



Originally Posted by Red Pirate Boggarts View Post
First day in Nova Praetoria?

I have to say this:
Dominatrix > Ms. Liberty

She looks better in black and red I tell ya.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've done a few Tips to start reinforcing my alignment, and then spent the rest of the time standing in Atlas Park explaining how to switch sides, how to get to Praetoria and how to enter Fort Trident over and over again
I had to explain to someone how to get a travel power last night. First time in YEARS I've had to do that. It felt good. At least it did until he accused me of lying because he saw a 5 year vet go flying by at level 6. <sigh>



I guess I should not be surprised at all the players going out of their way to try to PuG out of the opening zone as fast as possible, but... geeze. There's like, how many plot and dialogue options?!

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I had to explain to someone how to get a travel power last night. First time in YEARS I've had to do that. It felt good.
Yeah, there were several questions about getting capes too - it seems like there are quite a few new players aorund, not just returning ones

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My first day has been crap as we can't make new characters. We could make characters on a new server, but we would only be able to get to lvl 5 due to the inane level pact rules.

And no, we don't want to switch sides.



I can't come up with character names.

I hate this.

* stares at ID screen of character creation some more, trying to find something that is both 1) good and 2) NOT ALREADY TAKEN *



My first day has been AWFUL

I pay my subscription by game time cards because it is far cheaper (6 euro's per 2 weeks).
First I couldnt get into my gmail account to retreive the key, then my internet went down for several hours, then I had to wait for the patches to apply and fix, then I had to wait for another down time, and now im stting here waiting because the launcher isnt connecting.

Conclusion: I still havent been able to play.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
How are other folks enjoying their first day playing Going Rogue?
Alas mine was hampered by the one and only bug that managed to make it past the rigorous testing - the NCSoft store issue. With all my live slots filled bar two I was counting on the free slots available to start a Praetorian.

So instead I started work on my first crossover toon, a widow, and got her halfway Rogue after cleaning out some of her old missions.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Freaked out with bliss to get GR a day early, texted all my MMO friends to gloat. Then spent the rest of the night playing with my shiny new Kin/Shield Scrapper. Had so much fun I forgot to get any of my "old" alts on the path to a new alignment.



Originally Posted by rpgguy View Post
My first day has been AWFUL

I pay my subscription by game time cards because it is far cheaper (6 euro's per 2 weeks).
First I couldnt get into my gmail account to retreive the key, then my internet went down for several hours, then I had to wait for the patches to apply and fix, then I had to wait for another down time, and now im stting here waiting because the launcher isnt connecting.

Conclusion: I still havent been able to play.
Heck... Now when I finnaly got ingame, I was greeted by the "nice" red admin message informing me that the servers are about to go down in 5 minutes.

So yeah, I had a great first day in Going Rogue



*Rowr!* *snarl!* Let me in! I am ready to play!



Originally Posted by rpgguy View Post
Heck... Now when I finnaly got ingame, I was greeted by the "nice" red admin message informing me that the servers are about to go down in 5 minutes.

So yeah, I had a great first day in Going Rogue
They're back up now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yeah, my first day wasn't so hot. I started my new Fire/Stone Dom in Praetoria, and ran okay for about half an hour. Rubberbanding and laggy, but I've seen worse. Then I mapserved leaving a mission, wound up crashing. Came back, decided I'd go put some stuff in the Market, crashed upon trying to enter the tram, not even a mapserve that time. Logged back in, outside the tram, tried it again. Crash. Decided I'd play something offline.

Frankly, it probably was my ISP, in beta I had no trouble. And tonight it's raining and the lightning's flashing.

So yeah.



Absolutely nothing different than I'd do any other day.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



as of 10pm EST, Freedom's queue is 140, Virtue's is 267....




Aside from the queue, my first day of GR was cool. The only negative thing I can say so far is I've been seeing a lot of lag. Not sure how much is server related or graphics card related. It played CoX in Ultra Mode just fine. I've also seen this weird flashing when my toon moves.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Aggh. I made the mistake of trying the hero version of the "Malta Gunslinger Action Hero" tip mission (level 40). Wave after wave of Malta, each popping up before you have a chance to beat the previous wave, and each containing a sapper, and there were at least five waves before I went down.

I went to the hospital and auto-completed the mission. I'll just do the Vigilante version of that from now on, or auto-complete the Hero version without entering.

I like the new variety of stuff to do, but some of those ambushes are just sadistic.



I got into a queue of 155, waited all the way until I got to my character selection screen, tried to log on to my Sonic/Sonic Defender, and the game froze for a couple of minutes and then gave me a "lost connection to DBServer" message.

Rinse and repeat 5 times, and you'll have a better picture of what launch day was like for me.

I'll play when things have settled down a bit.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I got into a queue of 155, waited all the way until I got to my character selection screen, tried to log on to my Sonic/Sonic Defender, and the game froze for a couple of minutes and then gave me a "lost connection to DBServer" message.

Rinse and repeat 5 times, and you'll have a better picture of what launch day was like for me.

I'll play when things settled down a bit.

Are you trying to log into Atlas Park?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Are you trying to log into Atlas Park?
I believe the character was in Talos Island, if I'm not mistaken. It might also be in Independence Port, since the last thing I remember doing with her was an STF. Not sure, though--I began seeing red after the 3rd time.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)