"pure" healers + going rogue




Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Playing an Emp well requires that you a) know how to use your buffs well, b) maintain situational awareness and c)contribute damage via blasting

Playing most other sets well (basically any set more balanced with offensive/defensive powers requires a) knowing how to use your buffs well b) knowing how to use your offensive powers well, c) maintaining situational awareness and d) contributing damage via blasting.
I'm sorry Silas I just don't agree. Having a wider variety of powers does not make a set more difficult to play. Just because Empathy has 9 buff/ally powers, does not mean you lump them all into one category and give them a score of 1. Its not that simplistic.

I really have to stick up for Empathy here, and all other sets that focus on ally support. I know people just lump playstyles like this into "girls stuff" that anyone can do while blindfolded, but its simply not true. I know you didn't specifically say that, but I know thats what people think and it is annoying.

Putting down a location debuff is no harder then putting Fortitude on an ally. Knowing where and when to best put the debuff for maximum effect is no more difficult then knowing who and when to best put a buff on someone for maximum effect, especially if you also considering team makeup and the enemies you are fighting.

Running into the next spawn and mindlessly hitting every offensive power you have takes a lot less skill then keeping Fort on the right 4 people simultaniously, AB up permanently on the right person, CM on squishies if it is even necessary depending on what you are fighting or having the awareness to use it without being told "ZZz", or even placing yourself in the best position so that your 2 auras benefit as many people as possible. Meanwhile you still need to be diligent with peoples health. Pre-emptive healing is king because of how fast people can die in this game. Watching debuffs as a sign of incoming damage or simply keeping an eye on where people are and who is aggroing what is best for this. So you have to keep your eyes on the field. In addition you need to be attacking as much as you can squeeze in and that has its own considerations.

So no, empathy is no easier to play WELL then any other defender set.

/Rant OVER!



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Mind you, I'm not saying zomg emp is teh EZmode and all other support sets are 4 PROS ONLY. Just, you know, Emp is easier to play well.
You do Support Guides for Cold, Kinetics, Thermal, Pain, Rad, Sonic, TA, Storm, Traps and Fortunatas.

I play all of them. I read your guides and agreed with what ya done which is sad cos I like came to troll

Do you have a 50 Empath?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I too would argue that emps aren't easy. I got slapped a lot of times when I tried my pick up lines on several in the last Defender-con... A few of them six slotted flurry too.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Given the difficulty of Going Rogue's missions and its low level range, a "pure" healer would actually fair better in Praetoria than in COX in general. That's not to say they are necessary, but there is a lot more death thrown around than in the main game.
This seems internally contradictory. The harder the content the LESS useful healing is due o it being so far behind buffs/debuffs in effectiveness. Additionally, most of the top shields come in very early (FF, Cold, Sonic, Etc).

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



It still makes some sense since the buff shields, rings, bubbles are slotted with TOs and not SOs.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I would like to agree that emping is not easy when played to its full potential. That is all.



My biggest complaint with empathy (and pain domination) is that there's no fast way to target team mates. I am rather offense minded myself. I actively go after enemies, and my control setup makes it rather rough trying to target team members via mouse click. By the time I can grab the mouse, target the injured player, and heal them it is possibly too late. It's not as bad using single target heals with a mastermind. At least for the pets.

On a mastermind I can set up targeting binds that are easy to reach and remember for the henchmen. But what about for team members? I could do a similar bind setup, but the section I use for pet targeting only has 6 keys. My keyboard is a logitech G15 gamer keyboard. It has programmable macro keys. However those macro keys rarely get used due to being awkward to reach with my control setup. And there's only six of them. Yeah I can set up 3 sets of macros with it and switch between them. But that's adding another step to the process which would slow things down.

My biggest complaint with empaths I've teamed with tends to be the fact too many are 'pure healer' builds. Oft times skipping highly useful powers, or taking them but never using them. I've lost count of the empaths I've seen with the two RA auras, but never use them.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



*shrug* I clarified my position but apparently need to do so again.

Things I do not think Empathy is:

  • A simplistic set
  • Easy to play well
  • "for girls" Seriously, I don't even know what the hell that's about
  • Far more easy to play well than other support sets

What I do think Empathy is:
  • Easier to play well than other support sets

That's it. That's all I said. I think FF is even easier to play well, if any FF enthusiasts want to jump down my throat too.

I didn't specify on some kind of arbitrary scale how much easier Emp is or how difficult individual powers are to use because I don't think it's meaningful.

I broke down support into the roles that you have to fill. I think sets that have an offensive and defensive role have an additional dimension to work with compared to sets that are purely defensive. I think that adds complexity.

I'm happy to agree to disagree on whether or not Emp is easier to play well than other sets, but I don't like what I said being misrepresented, blown out of proportion or totally misunderstood.

Although for the record (cough New Dawn cough) I do not currently have a level 50 Emp Defender so feel free to disregard my opinion because I just don't get it, man

If/when Corrs get Empathy (i.e never :C ) I'll make an Emp.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
This seems internally contradictory. The harder the content the LESS useful healing is due o it being so far behind buffs/debuffs in effectiveness. Additionally, most of the top shields come in very early (FF, Cold, Sonic, Etc).
Shields of any type only come into their own once they can essentially stop incoming damage completely (or completely enough for natural regeneration to take care of). Before the buffs/debuffs get to that stage or before you can keep damage only happening to the people with defense that good, then healing is better. The other abilities only become better than healing when you reach a point where healing isn't needed, not because they are intrinsically more powerful.



Keeping Fort up on the right people is the main argument I'm seeing that makes Emps "hard to play." But, if you have the basic knowledge of what each AT does that is not an issue.

Adrenalin Boost? You can keep it up one person, that's really hard to do.

RA's? You jump in the middle of everyone while they're fighting to use them.

CM? You keep it up on those without mez protection.

Although you may say, some of this stuff may require to know the other players powersets. I know it may be tough to right click a name and click Info, but I believe with enough practice you'll be able to accomplish this task.

Now, there may be a lot of stuff you need to do as an Emp, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's hard to play. Now this isn't exclusive to Emps, but the only difficult part you may need to work on is anticipating when you need to heal somebody. Although, I think this is way more important in PvP because in PvE you'll have a little more leeway if you have a decent team.




Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Although for the record (cough New Dawn cough) I do not currently have a level 50 Emp Defender so feel free to disregard my opinion because I just don't get it, man
If you made an emp I'd imagine it would make other emps look bad.

Easy or Hard? Depends on the team you get. Reading the buffs can be intense.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
That's it. That's all I said. I think FF is even easier to play well, if any FF enthusiasts want to jump down my throat too.

I didn't specify on some kind of arbitrary scale how much easier Emp is or how difficult individual powers are to use because I don't think it's meaningful.

I broke down support into the roles that you have to fill. I think sets that have an offensive and defensive role have an additional dimension to work with compared to sets that are purely defensive. I think that adds complexity.

I'm happy to agree to disagree on whether or not Emp is easier to play well than other sets, but I don't like what I said being misrepresented, blown out of proportion or totally misunderstood.
While you're considering the balance of offensive and defensive roles in other sets, also consider the balance of proactive and reactive defense in Empathy. Most other sets fill their defensive roll with a proactive buffing once every four minutes while Empathy must stagger its proactive buffs in the midst of blasting and controlling. Then toss in the reactive nature of healing, which further splits the players attention. I think it's fair to say that buffing/healing requires attention on par with buffing/debuffing.

Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
Keeping Fort up on the right people is the main argument I'm seeing that makes Emps "hard to play." But, if you have the basic knowledge of what each AT does that is not an issue.
I find it far more important to know what each set does. Knowing that SR or Ice Armor are both defense let's me know Fort won't drastically alter their survivability like it may for someone that's relying on regen or resists. This is why we see emps that toss Fort on the scrapper and call it a day. People look at one aspect of the power or one aspect of another person's AT without thinking about where the buff will give the most benefit.

Adrenalin Boost? You can keep it up one person, that's really hard to do.
Quite the same as the Fortitude. I was on a team recently and I asked the other Emp to exchange AB. I got the reply "Your blue bar has been good and the blasters need the endurance." I tried to explain that with AB on both of us we could keep Recovery Aura up more often and provide more endurance to all of the blasters rather than 1 or 2. Two or three missions later when he realized how much faster his RA's were coming up, he finally started AB'ing me as well.

Again, people get in the single aspect mind set. Through the bulk of the mish I may give AB to a blaster for happy-fun-nuke time, but when it comes to the AV I'll be tossing it to the Cold defender so he can toss out Benumb faster. It's a multi-aspect power and those different aspects carry weight dependent on the power set and situation.

So yes, keep it on one person, but who?

RA's? You jump in the middle of everyone while they're fighting to use them.

CM? You keep it up on those without mez protection.
These are, admittedly, the easiest part about being an emp, even easier than trying to heal teammates.

Although you may say, some of this stuff may require to know the other players powersets. I know it may be tough to right click a name and click Info, but I believe with enough practice you'll be able to accomplish this task.

Now, there may be a lot of stuff you need to do as an Emp, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's hard to play. Now this isn't exclusive to Emps, but the only difficult part you may need to work on is anticipating when you need to heal somebody. Although, I think this is way more important in PvP because in PvE you'll have a little more leeway if you have a decent team.
There's the crux of the matter: other buffs require very little knowledge of your teammates' abilities or how they work. If you're using your shields on all of your teammates every 4 minutes, then you're doing the best buffing you can with some sets. That's not true of empathy. What superficially looks like a straight forward set (and that's why it hooks so many new-comers) requires the user to have knowledge of other AT's roles and the mechanics of each set. Once you acquire that knowledge, it's easy enough, but prior to that it's very difficult to play to its potential.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
While you're considering the balance of offensive and defensive roles in other sets, also consider the balance of proactive and reactive defense in Empathy. Most other sets fill their defensive roll with a proactive buffing once every four minutes while Empathy must stagger its proactive buffs in the midst of blasting and controlling. Then toss in the reactive nature of healing, which further splits the players attention. I think it's fair to say that buffing/healing requires attention on par with buffing/debuffing.
Okay, what about buffing/debuffing and healing like a Thermal, Pain, Dark or Kin?

Admittedly, Kin and Dark less so as healing teammates is relatively low on their priority list but its still part of playing them well.

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Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
My biggest complaint with empathy (and pain domination) is that there's no fast way to target team mates. I am rather offense minded myself. I actively go after enemies, and my control setup makes it rather rough trying to target team members via mouse click. By the time I can grab the mouse, target the injured player, and heal them it is possibly too late. It's not as bad using single target heals with a mastermind. At least for the pets.

On a mastermind I can set up targeting binds that are easy to reach and remember for the henchmen. But what about for team members? I could do a similar bind setup, but the section I use for pet targeting only has 6 keys. My keyboard is a logitech G15 gamer keyboard. It has programmable macro keys. However those macro keys rarely get used due to being awkward to reach with my control setup. And there's only six of them. Yeah I can set up 3 sets of macros with it and switch between them. But that's adding another step to the process which would slow things down.

My biggest complaint with empaths I've teamed with tends to be the fact too many are 'pure healer' builds. Oft times skipping highly useful powers, or taking them but never using them. I've lost count of the empaths I've seen with the two RA auras, but never use them.
Just so long as you aren't confusing those of us who don't call for Aura Huddling with not firing it off.

My Plant/Emp fires them off whenever they're available, but I do so quietly mid-combat at the point which will get as many people covered as possible. I'm sure that some hangers-back tend to miss my buffs and probably consider me an awful Empath for not calling for huggies (I just threw up in my mouth a little just typing that).

You can also bind the number-pad keys to target a specific team member for quick healing / buffing.

For me the hardest aspect of being an Empath is remembering who I last hit with Fort. The rest is easy. Admittedly I consider having to fire off a heal means I'm failing as a Controller / buffer.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
You can also bind the number-pad keys to target a specific team member for quick healing / buffing.
/bind NUMPAD1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Speed Boost"

Change accordingly with the numpad and the team select. Also, if I'm not mistaken, you can somehow make it shift numpad, etc and you can change which power you do, making it an all in one buff numpad and you can get all your heals, buffs, etc. that way. I've not officially done this bind, but it'll be hella useful for my Illusion/Thermal due to all his buffs he has. I could also use the number 9 to give a quick summon of pets too, now that I think on it.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
That's it. That's all I said. I think FF is even easier to play well, if any FF enthusiasts want to jump down my throat too.
Nah, I'm good. FF can be pretty easy to play, compared to some of the other supports. There's a knack you need to learn concerning the proper use of Knockback, but other than that it's pretty easy.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Nah, I'm good. FF can be pretty easy to play, compared to some of the other supports. There's a knack you need to learn concerning the proper use of Knockback, but other than that it's pretty easy.
A FF character is good with only the buffs in play, which most average players can achieve. FF becomes awesome with proper use of KB which is much rarer and usually ignored side of FF.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



Originally Posted by StormyDarkness View Post
A FF character is good with only the buffs in play, which most average players can achieve. FF becomes awesome with proper use of KB which is much rarer and usually ignored side of FF.
Key word being proper. I have had to kick a storm controller for improper use of knockback. Just so you know I do not have storm controller hate, I was on my storm controller when I had to do it. The net result of the kick, things went smoother from there on out.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Nah, I'm good. FF can be pretty easy to play, compared to some of the other supports. There's a knack you need to learn concerning the proper use of Knockback, but other than that it's pretty easy.
Yup, this.

FF on the ball about their buffs = good FF

FF on the ball about their buffs and good with their KB = excellent FF

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Yup, this.

FF on the ball about their buffs = good FF

FF on the ball about their buffs and good with their KB = excellent FF
Exactly my point. You've got a good three minutes between each buff cycle, and that boss could stand to be a little closer to that Tanker there... Force Bolt! That's better.

Indiscriminate knockback is bad. The ability to deliver enemies into AoE patches and/or a Scrapper's melee range? Awesome. Of course, battle is fluid, so I might miss, but luckily, it's usually enough to send them flying through the Tanker's taunt aura. Still, I prefer actually hitting the Tanker/Scrapper with the enemy. A nice clean delivery.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Still, I prefer actually hitting the Tanker/Scrapper with the enemy. A nice clean delivery.
It'd be funny if this did damage to the tanker (on a strickly non-mechanic standpoint, because of lack of heal it'd actually kinda suck); however, with your FF buffs it'd be rare, if it happened.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



I find the empath (disclosure: highest empath mid-20s, most other buff/debuff sets 40+) a little trickier than most of my defenders, mainly because of the target-switching and the different timers on the powers. I find it harder to get into a good offensive rhythm.

For a rad/dark something like RI - Tentacles - Dark Pit - EF - Nightfall, repeat cones til dead maybe firing off Radiant Aura when AoEs all recharging.
For a dark/rad Fearsome Stare - Tar Patch - unleash AoEs, maybe heal as needed between attacks, or stun troublesome Lt.
For FF (or Sonic Resonance), shield up and shoot, moving to encompass most in bubble.
Traps goes seekers - rush in - drop necessary traps - release AoEs.
Storm goes unleash stuff; don't take O2 Boost to avoid the dilemma of caring about, er, targeting teammates.

But on an empath, the irregular reappearance of Fort and CM (and needing to remember who gets what by touch), the targeting and re-targeting for individual buffs, the changing targets for offensive activity, because invariably the person you're targeting for heal/fort/CM isn't targeting the LT you need to mez, or the enemy that would be ideal for firing off your cone/AoE: all these make the empath--to me--among the most difficult of toons to play fully effectively. (I think the powerset itself, with the targeting and timing issues, and the fact that none of your primaries affect enemies, tends to push people toward pureness.)

I've found Kinetics and Cold to run into similar issues (I'm looking at you Increase Density), though I really enjoy Cold (probably because skipping Snowstorm and Frostworks reduce the difficulties).



Personally, I find my emps some of my most challenging alts. But I love them for it.

Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I could toss it on the other emp (who had better return the favor) so both of our auras are up faster.
*sigh* I haven't seen much of the 'defender handshake' for quite a while. I have been on way too many teams where another def/troller/cor completely ignores that I'm mezzed or getting pounded, even though I'm hollering in teamspeak. They're usually too busy chatting with the tank to notice.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Empathy does benefit from a knowledge other AT's and sets as that lets you get the most benefit from Fort, CR, AB. For instance I was on a team recently taking out a GM, and we were struggling with dealing enough damage to beat its regen. So I stuck AB on the Kin Defender and then he alone was able the cripple the GM from super fast Transfusions.

It also benefits from a keen eye on the debuff window of your team which allows you to predict incoming attacks and heal it up fast. Sometimes that is the only way to save a squishy. E.g: At low level and you are fighting trolls, if the blaster has 3 "throw boulder" cons on his debuff bar then you know he is going to be taking some damage.

Ultimately though every set benefits from this kind of knowledge, but I do feel some sympathy for Empaths. There is a lot of stupid associated with the set and its a shame for people who are actually really good with it, but what can you do. :-)
Agreed. Playing an empath *well* is how I learned much of what I did early on in the game. You get to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the sets around you pretty darn quick. It is not easy to play an empath really well, particularly if your team is light on primary support ATs.

As for the "pure healers" becoming extinct with GR, sadly bad players are like cockroaches - they'll be here long after everyone else is long gone. I'm not going to go as far as to say that all empaths who advertise themselves as "pure healers" are bad players, but most are in my experience.



Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
Personally, I find my emps some of my most challenging alts. But I love them for it.

*sigh* I haven't seen much of the 'defender handshake' for quite a while. I have been on way too many teams where another def/troller/cor completely ignores that I'm mezzed or getting pounded, even though I'm hollering in teamspeak. They're usually too busy chatting with the tank to notice.
Cry, this. I was Therming on a team with 2 other Thermals running a LGTF.

I was the only one bothering to give out Thaw :l I used half a tray of BFs. T'was a sad day for Silas

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