"pure" healers + going rogue




Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
My keyboard is a logitech G15 gamer keyboard. It has programmable macro keys. However those macro keys rarely get used due to being awkward to reach with my control setup. And there's only six of them...
Really? My G15 Logitech keyboard has like, 18 "bonus" keys...

I have my F1-F8 keys set to target specific team members though, just because that's... What I do, I guess.

I also have it set up so that my movement is controlled by the numpad, which allows the +, enter, and 0 buttons to all function for targetting enemies.

0 Targets the nearest enemy, with + targetting the next enemy, and enter targeting the last enemy.

I put my "ally" abilities in row 3 of my macros, so that I need to hit ctrl to access them. I have it set up so that if I hit ctrl and any of my "target" keys, it cycles between allies instead. This allows me to hold down ctrl and cycle through my allies, and then hit the associated number key to use the alley buff ability.



My faith in blue side support has been renewed. My rogue crab was teaming with heroes last night, and I must say the emps on the team had almost everyone with fort, had clear mind on the mezz-vulnerable people, and went to town with their blasts. I don't think we needed very many heals, if at all.



Originally Posted by Red Pirate Boggarts View Post
My faith in blue side support has been renewed. My rogue crab was teaming with heroes last night, and I must say the emps on the team had almost everyone with fort, had clear mind on the mezz-vulnerable people, and went to town with their blasts. I don't think we needed very many heals, if at all.
This is why you should avoid taking all the negative crap in the defender forum about healers and ignore it. Most of the anti-healers are just jealous that Empathy is a great set.



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
This is why you should avoid taking all the negative crap in the defender forum about healers and ignore it. Most of the anti-healers are just jealous that Empathy is a great set.
Actually, most people are uppity about the fact that a great number of players think the only defender worth teaming with is an empath, and probably two thirds of those empaths are complete crap.

Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
This is why you should avoid taking all the negative crap in the defender forum about healers and ignore it. Most of the anti-healers are just jealous that Empathy is a great set.
People don't hate on Empathy because its a great set.

People hate on healers because its a playstyle overrated by idiots that doesn't utilize the strengths of Empathy.

From the sound of it, Red Pirate Boggarts was teaming with a good Emp, not a healer.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



I get the feeling the reason at least some people hate on Empathy is because they are piling on. That doesn't apply to anyone in this thread. But it's a fact that there is a faction of zealous 'anti-healers' who will argue you to the ground about whether a heal is ever useful. They are essentially the same as the 'pure healer' crowd in terms of game-smarts, although, in my experience, somewhat bigger bullies.

One of the very few times I've /tell'ed to a team leader to boot a team mate was because one individual spent an entire mission berating the Empath on his power choices and announcing how much better his Trick Arrow powers were. Obnoxious is obnoxious. Especially when it's true bullying, and not just because the player sucks at playing the game. I'd rather get stuck with a team of crappy players any day than a be forced to deal with a jerk.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I get the feeling the reason at least some people hate on Empathy is because they are piling on. That doesn't apply to anyone in this thread.
Fair enough.

But it's a fact that there is a faction of zealous 'anti-healers' who will argue you to the ground about whether a heal is ever useful. They are essentially the same as the 'pure healer' crowd in terms of game-smarts, although, in my experience, somewhat bigger bullies.
This faction is far, far smaller than you're making them out to be. These people you describe would be vehemently opposed to rad, dark, kinetic, and storm players taking their healing abilities, and those people are rare. Needle in a haystack rare.

One of the very few times I've /tell'ed to a team leader to boot a team mate was because one individual spent an entire mission berating the Empath on his power choices and announcing how much better his Trick Arrow powers were. Obnoxious is obnoxious. Especially when it's true bullying, and not just because the player sucks at playing the game.
Certainly not a unique situation, but there's more to this story that needs to be explained. Was he a jerk right off the bat, or did it start after a flurry of, "Man, we're mowing through these mobs soooooo fast! Thanks, empath! Why isn't that defender healing, though? He sucks." whilst the TA/A did his job? Did the empath actually make poor power choices, resulting in a character that did nothing but heal and essentially leeched xp from the team? Were either one of them simply idiots?

I'd rather get stuck with a team of crappy players any day than a be forced to deal with a jerk.
Debatable. Nice players who are crappy but willing to learn make the best teams because you can see things get better and you've likely made new friends along the way. Crappy players who refuse to learn or take well-intentioned advice are the same as jerks -- they make the game a less pleasant place for everyone. There's nothing like being on a team with another crab who takes no team buffs, no defense powers, all of his crab abilities, and then tells the team that because you only have four crab abilities and a huntsman cone that he's a bigger asset to the team and "a better crab" (the phrase "those toggles don't do anything for anyone" was actually dropped in this scenario, and the faceplanting because of said player's idiocy made the run a nightmare for everyone). Same goes for any character, really, but it's much more noticeable on a support class because people are looking for some kind of shiny thing that indicates you're doing your job.

Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



"pure healer" as i understand it is an emp who takes all the emp powers. I have an emp/archer fender in the mid 30s atm and have all emp powers bar Absorb Pain (for personal reasons). Also have the 3 main leadership toggles and intend on getting the 4th asap

Now i understand that people like it if your dealing damage etc but on some teams i have been on recently *sigh* i've maybe pulled off an attack or 3 during a whole mish all the rest of the time i've been CM'ing, Fort'ing etc the team to the hilt as well as healing here there and everywhere. If i'm in a really good team i can attack more but will still get the buffs out on the right people at the right time.

Now i have teamed with some people who don't like how i play but as i say to most, would you rather i keep the team buffed and alive or trying to get a shot at the minions which are going down faster then you can say empath? If they want something sniped i do have the power for that and generally don't mind doing so if i'm the only one with a snipe.

Yes sometimes the team faceplants, it could be one of those occasions where the team splits and i follow the tank, and i get called a bad healer cause i can't as of yet heal through walls, but most of the time we all have fun.

Only thing i will say to the teams that takes on an empath is don't forget to remember empathy is a very hardwearing set to play, we have to know wth we're doing with buffs and if you run off and die don't blame us for not healing you through walls. And if you get a noobie emp, let them know when your mezzed so they can hit you with CM.

Yes i know theres bad empaths out there but theres a lot of us who DO know wth they're doing, if we don't attack much its cause we're buffing you up so you can do more

Short Story I did: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=228383

DevArt Page: http://tamedragon.deviantart.com/



My healer blows stuff up.

I'm sorry but I've yet to see a pure healer build really shine. Yes you can heal and you can do it a lot at the drop of a hat. But mostly it is not needed you can be a good healer and do other stuff and its that other stuff that is going to get you into teams.

Lets take my First CoH toon vs my First CoV they are basically the same.

Defender Emp/Elec
Corrupter Elec/Pain

Built mostly the same. But hands down my Corrupter solos better, gets invited to teams more, and just basically ends up being more useful.

I've even tried respecting the Emp/Elec into primary heals and while yes I could heal more it just was overkill people were not dying less, because they rarely died in the first place. I just had less to do. Sad to say the Defender that was created on day one final was deleted to make room for other toons while my Corrupter from day one (CoV day one) is still alive and living the high life working on her morality missions.

I'm not saying pure healer is not playable or good at what they do. I'm just saying you have two power sets for a reason and you will be more useful over all if you used it more.



My "healer" (emp/rad, currently shelved because I'm having way too much fun with my Crab and Fortunata) is a buffer/debuffer/blasty destroyer, and that's the way teams love her. I PuG almost exclusively and people tend to be amazed that the second person into a group of enemies is the empath, throwing out PBAoE, AoE, and cone attacks to debuff the things the tank is eviscerating. It's enjoyable. Occasionally I'll have to heal or reapply buffs, but for the most part, helping destroy things means the team is taking less damage.

Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
Most of the anti-healers are just jealous that Empathy is a great set.
Erm... quite apart from anything else, how does it make a jot of sense for anyone to be 'jealous' of a set that anyone can play? You don't have to unlock Empathy.

oh god I'm posting in a healer thread.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post

oh god I'm posting in a healer thread.
*A woman with a fake smile and disheveled hair greets you warmly as you wake. You notice a sturdy iron chain attached you your ankle.*

"Welcome to Azeroth. I hope you enjoy your stay. Here's a stick and a paper bag. Come, fight with us..."

Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Erm... quite apart from anything else, how does it make a jot of sense for anyone to be 'jealous' of a set that anyone can play? You don't have to unlock Empathy.

oh god I'm posting in a healer thread.
It really is quite simple. There is a vocal group that likes to bash empathy set with - he4l0r references, rocking the auras, pure heal spec and no secondary comments.

From the begining there were countless posts about not being able to get groups because everyone wanted an empathy defender because they could heal. Who did the defendes blame? They blamed the empathy defender not those that were asking.

That perception was the begining and lingers in the corners of the Defender forums.



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
It really is quite simple. There is a vocal group that likes to bash empathy set with - he4l0r references, rocking the auras, pure heal spec and no secondary comments.

From the begining there were countless posts about not being able to get groups because everyone wanted an empathy defender because they could heal. Who did the defendes blame? They blamed the empathy defender not those that were asking.

That perception was the begining and lingers in the corners of the Defender forums.
Really? While the Defender forum does tend to be pretty negative, I've not noticed this.

Anti-healer people tend to be pretty good about differentiating between Empathy and healers, most of the hate directed towards healers and that mentality because it doesn't do Empathy justice.

I think most people have gotten over/grown out of the whole omg resent Emps because I didn't get teams on my DM or whatever back in issue 2 thing.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



The simple fact of the matter is this: there are a lot of just really bad players in this game. When a large number of those bad players play one powerset poorly, it changes the perception of the playerbase completely. You brought up the fact that you've kicked a stormy or two for poor knockback control. For storm defenders, this was an all too common occurance back in the single-digit issues. The mere mention that one of your powersets was storm, despite how seasoned a veteran or how good a player you were, often earned you "ROFL reroll something useful, n00b!" in broadcast. God help you if you were storm/energy...

The point of this is that empathy continues to be one of the most poorly played support pools in the game. There are bad stormers, there are bad blasters, there are awful scrappers, and there are laughable tanks, but empathy...s/he's making green numbers! He must be good at what he does!


A good empath isn't just about rocking the aura and throwing out pretty pretty green numbers for all to see. The vast majority of what defenders do is in the little animations that people don't particularly pay attention to -- the little yellow targets that swirl around a mob and then drop to show that, hey, they're not shooting you in the face as much because that dark defender hit them with something, or the swirling clouds of green smoke that slow a target and violate their defenses resulting in those oh so sweet swirling purple shield animations -- but empaths can somehow get away from actually having to play their sets properly. People see a flash of green (or whatever color you've changed it to) and then numbers pop up above their head but seem to ignore the little swirl of blue that Recovery Aura leaves and dismiss it as "not something a healer would do." The fault here is not with empaths, as you've decided a lot of us think, but in the reciprocal relationship between bad empaths and bad players of other classes. We know this. We've known it for years. Don't act like you're the only one privvy to this sparkling gem of information that is so glaring it's actually blinding. That's already been said in this thread by, oh right...me.

Actually, most people are uppity about the fact that a great number of players think the only defender worth teaming with is an empath, and probably two thirds of those empaths are complete crap.
Edit: It's funny that this last quote is actually a response to another comment you've made, which defends "healers."

Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
From the begining there were countless posts about not being able to get groups because everyone wanted an empathy defender because they could heal. Who did the defendes blame? They blamed the empathy defender not those that were asking.
I should point out I was here from the beginning, so I know how much the above differs from what actually happened.

I also remember why I agreed not to post in healer threads ever again.



I didn't read all of this thread and don't want to read all this thread.

Op? Any player that makes a "pure" anything build is a player I likely wouldn't want to team with. I would imagine many of the " purists" are going to be sitting on their fannies thinking " WTF Just happenned!!??" when corruptors get a hold of Paragon. Thoughts such as " OMFG!! That dudes debuffing, buffing AND dooing DAMAGE ALL at once!!!" Most likely the outcry will focus on " defenders need a buff" in the beginning. Although I must say I have had the great pleasure of playing with many defenders not of that particular mindset who were awesome multitaskers. Hopefully the devs will be smart enough to ignore that general outcry and realize people need to be players. Any archetype can fill multiple roles on a team.. it's time for more players to figure that out. I see GR as a great way to emphasize the importance of non"purist" play.

One more thing.... I have had the distinct pleasure of playing with many hero non" purists". My observation is that villian players tend to be more likely to adopt that multitasking sort of pixel play.

Peace out!

Sorry for any redundancey above. I had to deal with Hellmart school supply shopping today...
Edited to say.. If all a player is doing is " healing" and their AT has the capability to do other things AND heal then said player isn't playing their pixel( whatever the AT) to full potential.



Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
Now i understand that people like it if your dealing damage etc but on some teams i have been on recently *sigh* i've maybe pulled off an attack or 3 during a whole mish all the rest of the time i've been CM'ing, Fort'ing etc the team to the hilt as well as healing here there and everywhere. If i'm in a really good team i can attack more but will still get the buffs out on the right people at the right time.

Now i have teamed with some people who don't like how i play but as i say to most, would you rather i keep the team buffed and alive or trying to get a shot at the minions which are going down faster then you can say empath? If they want something sniped i do have the power for that and generally don't mind doing so if i'm the only one with a snipe.

Yes sometimes the team faceplants, it could be one of those occasions where the team splits and i follow the tank, and i get called a bad healer cause i can't as of yet heal through walls, but most of the time we all have fun.

Only thing i will say to the teams that takes on an empath is don't forget to remember empathy is a very hardwearing set to play, we have to know wth we're doing with buffs and if you run off and die don't blame us for not healing you through walls. And if you get a noobie emp, let them know when your mezzed so they can hit you with CM.

Yes i know theres bad empaths out there but theres a lot of us who DO know wth they're doing, if we don't attack much its cause we're buffing you up so you can do more
I think this touches on something that's been on my mind recently - namely, that part of why we get "pure" healers is that they are trained to play that way by the early levels. I see it in sewer teams, in the new GR content, and saw it back in the old version of the Hollows and my early days of hating the Tsoo missions in Skyway, Steel, and Talos. New players aggro multiple groups, split the team, and often don't understand aggro or AT roles; in many of these situations the best chance for team survival is heal spam, especially when you don't have access to the higher-tier powers. But even outside of those circumstances, normal spawns do enough damage that a newbie team will sometimes need someone who is approaching auto-cast Healing Aura to keep them alive.

I would argue that reducing the attack rate of mobs in the 1-20 range and then buffing it in the 35-50 range would make the game more enjoyable AND lead to better player habits. If a player's health dropping becomes an event, not normal operating procedure, new healers will feel bored and much more likely to experiment with those attack powers they would otherwise neglect. Meanwhile, the late game would become more of a challenge and less monotonous. I liked the ways in which the devs made enemies more difficult in GR, I just think they used it in the wrong place. I love my DP's attacks but I don't get to use them nearly as much as I want to. Which is unfortunate, because I think it's important for new players to get to experiment with when to (for example) swap in Cryo or Toxic ammo, or when to snipe on /dark and when to use Tenebrous Tentacles. Although to be fair, the answer to that last one is "always, because it's so damn cool."



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
It really is quite simple. There is a vocal group that likes to bash empathy set with - he4l0r references, rocking the auras, pure heal spec and no secondary comments.

From the beginning there were countless posts about not being able to get groups because everyone wanted an empathy defender because they could heal. Who did the defenders blame? They blamed the empathy defender not those that were asking.

That perception was the beginning and lingers in the corners of the Defender forums.
I've never come across people that bash Empathy, thread my seem like they're bashing Emp but for the most part, as Silas said it's the "healers" not so much Empathy. And it's not just Defenders, it's the Controller Emps as well.

There's a stigma attached to the use of the word 'healer', in my experience those claiming to be healers have been in fact 'h3al0rz' and basically worthless to any team. So for me personally, when I see in broadcast "healer lft" I lolh3la0r (to myself) and make a note. I've given up on the "trial and error" way of finding out if they are actually a decent player.



Honestly I have to disagree with early game teaching healers to play as spam healers. Even on autocast you still have time to blast/debuff/buff or basicly make yourself more usefull. I,ve played emp and pain to many diffrent builds and never came to a point where I see heals only heals all the time to dp anything but reenforce other people bad playstyle. Sometimes the best thing the healer can do for a poorly playing gourp is let them die so they learn to deall with agro and dmg managment better.



Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
Honestly I have to disagree with early game teaching healers to play as spam healers. Even on autocast you still have time to blast/debuff/buff or basicly make yourself more usefull. I,ve played emp and pain to many diffrent builds and never came to a point where I see heals only heals all the time to dp anything but reenforce other people bad playstyle. Sometimes the best thing the healer can do for a poorly playing gourp is let them die so they learn to deall with agro and dmg managment better.
I don't like the idea of withholding support for a teammate because I don't like the way they play. I also find players are more likely to change their approach if I save their butts, THEN ask them to stop doing what got them in trouble. I know that when I was a new player I was much more likely to listen to a veteran's advice when presented that way.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
I should point out I was here from the beginning, so I know how much the above differs from what actually happened.

I also remember why I agreed not to post in healer threads ever again.
showing yer age sadako :P



Originally Posted by Kreeyith View Post
I don't like the idea of withholding support for a teammate because I don't like the way they play. I also find players are more likely to change their approach if I save their butts, THEN ask them to stop doing what got them in trouble. I know that when I was a new player I was much more likely to listen to a veteran's advice when presented that way.
I normally try the rational and logical path first. But oddly that usually does not work with the rushers that seem to have no idea about Argo. It is just a lot of "OMG THIS HEALER SUCKS". The ones that do listen to reason normally need any sort of guidance beyond "Hey how about you don't pull the whole room this time?"

I'm just saying the groups that try and force the Healer should only heal play style tend not to learn there ways until they are forced to.

But YMMV and luckily it is a tactic I never find myself having to use past the mid teens and rarely with any Vets.



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
This is why you should avoid taking all the negative crap in the defender forum about healers and ignore it. Most of the anti-healers are just jealous that Empathy is a great set.
Actually, you're way off. We're tired of groups stopping dead unless someone is sitting in the back with heal aura on auto. We're tired of being, as defenders with all manner of shiney buttons and neat tricks to help our teams, told just "just sit back and heal". We're tired of being told that defender x is a proper defender because he/she has a heal and does nothing but spam it. It's not uncommon for these "healers" to not even BE empathy defenders - I've seen rad defenders billing themselves as healers, skipping entire swaths of awesome rad powers to take medicine and rock Radiant aura. It's enough to make you cry.

There is little if any Empathy defender hate on this forum, and there never has been. How do I know? I've been playing one since the game launched and have been posting on this forum just as long. It's the bad players, the ones that insist on having a healer and those bad players who play this amazing buff set as a portable green number generator that gets most of us. Empath != healer. They are SO incredibly much more than that.



Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
Who did the defendes blame? They blamed the empathy defender not those that were asking.

That perception was the begining and lingers in the corners of the Defender forums.

That couldn't be much more wrong.

We blamed both.

See, the Defender forum isn't so bad after all. Think I'll go have a cup of tea now, log on, and listen to the broadcasts of people who can't do a sewer run without a "healer and tank".