Why the hell are there no Water powers??
Yes, i've been reading, and i heard that they couldn't make it look "water-y", but it has been a long time ago.
I must say, the electric control was already done before you started working on it, just one chain effect added... I would love to see some water control, or water blasts. I really thing that some of the rad blast's powers look alot like water (the one with the 4 bubble-y balls thrown, for example). I think a water control/blast using the rad animation would be both realistic looking and fun to play. It's just not a superhero world w/o water control! ![]() |
Aside that, if you think Rad Blast is watery, why not just recolour it blue?
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I remember hearing that "energy blast " was originally suppose to be a "Water" power, but was changed to energy in beta. I don't really remember why/what but I beleive it had to do with the visual aspect of it..... Or not.... I'm sure someone with a better memory than mine can chime in on it.

Yes, i've been reading, and i heard that they couldn't make it look "water-y", but it has been a long time ago.
I must say, the electric control was already done before you started working on it, just one chain effect added... I would love to see some water control, or water blasts. I really thing that some of the rad blast's powers look alot like water (the one with the 4 bubble-y balls thrown, for example). I think a water control/blast using the rad animation would be both realistic looking and fun to play. It's just not a superhero world w/o water control! ![]() |
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
So play an Ice powerset, it's cooler.
Yes, i've been reading, and i heard that they couldn't make it look "water-y", but it has been a long time ago.
I must say, the electric control was already done before you started working on it, just one chain effect added... I would love to see some water control, or water blasts. I really thing that some of the rad blast's powers look alot like water (the one with the 4 bubble-y balls thrown, for example). I think a water control/blast using the rad animation would be both realistic looking and fun to play. It's just not a superhero world w/o water control! ![]() |
Yes, i've been reading, and i heard that they couldn't make it look "water-y", but it has been a long time ago.
I must say, the electric control was already done before you started working on it, just one chain effect added... I would love to see some water control, or water blasts. I really thing that some of the rad blast's powers look alot like water (the one with the 4 bubble-y balls thrown, for example). I think a water control/blast using the rad animation would be both realistic looking and fun to play. It's just not a superhero world w/o water control! ![]() |
I'm guessing the devs just don't want to implement this power on the current engine, since it would look pretty lame and they're bound to get complaints from players for putting out something as unpolished as this.
The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.
Well, we have water in our lakes and oceans in game. We have the waterspout on villians. And whats the stealth/def aura on heroes that looks like running water? I think lookwise, it could be done. May not be the OMG LOOK AT DAT, but i think it could work.
I remember hearing that "energy blast " was originally suppose to be a "Water" power, but was changed to energy in beta. I don't really remember why/what but I beleive it had to do with the visual aspect of it..... Or not.... I'm sure someone with a better memory than mine can chime in on it.
I believe the last thing we were told about water sets was that to do it right would heavily depend on what tricks a players graphics card could do and would require a jump in the minimum requirements to run the game. Many players would thus find themselves unable to play the game, leaving the devs unwilling to do water effects.
You need to be able to swim lower than 3ft before you can make use of water based attacks.

Random swearing due to the forum title, made PG by the moderator in me! Dangit, dangit, DANGIT!
*ahem* Anyway, there isn't technically a water power set, but power editing has made it possible. Kinetics and Energy Blast can work well enough for the concept, I would think. Maybe even that Kinetics Melee when it comes in with Going Rogue.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I think the reason they didn't do this was because of game engine constraints. Something to do with not being able to make sufficiently good attacks with water physics.
BAB has said it would need to look good for any player(using the powers or simply viewing). The Water effects could only look proper on the high end video cards.
A powerset that could only be viewed properly via Ultra Mode(as example) is not acceptable design.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
Chum puke, or whatever it's called, is pretty watery.
Bile Spray is the real name.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
I C wut u did thar!
But seriously, could do an energy or dark/ storm corruptor and then take the Mako PPP for the sharks. |
EDIT: god all I want now is a 6th power for Mako called Predation. Targetted AoE that causes a great white to breach the water and attack the **** out of anything in range.
As DerangedPolyglot said above, what's holding them back isn't the ability to do water physics, it's having those water particles be compatible with the minimum specs. They've said before that they wanted to do a water set, but not unless it looked right, and they can't do that without requiring at least a portion of the playerbase to update their hardware.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I also want a water set, although perhaps not as emphatically as the original poster.
For some reason when this topic comes up the conversation tends to head toward "it must look like a realistic sparkling ocean foregrounding a breathtaking Tahitian sunset." I think that's setting the bar impossibly high.
There are water fountains, water falls, and exploding fire hydrants already in the game. The water doesn't need to be any more persistent than other effects. Fire, after all is a lot more problematic than water is (shouldn't it cause... fires?), and logically Ice should melt and have the same problems with persistent water does. Further, if we can just 'recolor' existing effects to produce a water-y effect it means the argument that water effects can't be made.. uh.. doesn't hold water.
Fingers crossed that it is the next Control set. Which at the current rate of Control set creation will occur in approximately 2015.
Power customization would have to be even more restrictive for watery powersets. No red, yellow, or brown tints obviously.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
So what type of damage would water do? All smashing? To be realistic another damage type would have to be put into the game. Water vs Fire one would think would do much better than Cold vs Fire. And elec vs water would be better than elec vs cold. And then psychic would do double damage to poison and fighting but be weak vs bug........
So what type of damage would water do? All smashing? To be realistic another damage type would have to be put into the game. Water vs Fire one would think would do much better than Cold vs Fire. And elec vs water would be better than elec vs cold. And then psychic would do double damage to poison and fighting but be weak vs bug........
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
So what type of damage would water do? All smashing? To be realistic another damage type would have to be put into the game. Water vs Fire one would think would do much better than Cold vs Fire. And elec vs water would be better than elec vs cold. And then psychic would do double damage to poison and fighting but be weak vs bug........
I would just make the water powers explicit about the nature of their damage. A Geyser, for example, is Smashing damage, because most of the impact comes not from the water but from collision with the ground. While water and fire realistically conflict with each other, in this game you're able to stand in 3 ft of water with a fire (or electric!) aura about you with no side effects.
There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
Why can't I spew blood or sewage at people? Are you discriminating against those liquidy forms of disgusting damage dealers?

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.
For some reason when this topic comes up the conversation tends to head toward "it must look like a realistic sparkling ocean foregrounding a breathtaking Tahitian sunset." I think that's setting the bar impossibly high.
There are water fountains, water falls, and exploding fire hydrants already in the game. The water doesn't need to be any more persistent than other effects. |
Yes, i've been reading, and i heard that they couldn't make it look "water-y", but it has been a long time ago.
I must say, the electric control was already done before you started working on it, just one chain effect added...
I would love to see some water control, or water blasts. I really thing that some of the rad blast's powers look alot like water (the one with the 4 bubble-y balls thrown, for example).
I think a water control/blast using the rad animation would be both realistic looking and fun to play.
It's just not a superhero world w/o water control!