Discussion: Introducing Issue 18: Shades of Gray!




Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
Well I for one am very happy to hear about new challenging content for lvl 50s. I just hope this is more popular than the revamped Hami Raid. I can never find anyone to get a Hami Raid going. Hopefully this ends up being more like a Riki Mother ship raid, where it's fairly popular and easy to get a bunch of folks on board!
Yeha, my two biggest "fears" for the revamped CoP is it will not be able to be done "pick-up" style so smaller and less active groups won't be able to do it (it's A fear, but I'm hoping they learned from the popularity of the Rikti Raids to make it as open as possible) and that it will hit very hard then fade out into something no one ever does because it's too hard to get a group for it.



I for one am happy about this issue. I dont see how a revised CoP could suck. The devs have been working on this as promised...thats a big glimmer of hope for base raids, base additions, PvP and every other dead horse that they are working on!




Just an FYI, Devs, there is a crapload of GR stuff in your advertisement for I18. Also, the wiggle words you deliberately used to blur the line between I18 and GR are going to really piss some people off.

You knew what you were doing, and did it on purpose... But I'm just saying.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Release date for this will be August 17 with Going Rogue or we getting it a little earlier?

Also, sweet stuff on the CoP coming back, but hopefully it can be started by "less" than 24 people...would be nice to bring a team full of Colds and Blasters/Scrappers to tear that thing apart.

Absolutely cannot wait for cross-faction trading and united auction houses, good stuff!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



All I can say is... that was unexpected. I'm really happy to see the CoP returning. I love the Shard so even if I never do the CoP (and I'm sure I will do it) I hope this creates a resurgence of interest in the zones so that we might see new/revemped content for them.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Issues with expansions are usually thought to not be very good. Look at the Issue that came along with CoV, it gave PvP zones and ED and that was pretty much it. Most people didn't use the PvP zones (and obviously those that did stopped pretty quickly except a small minority) and ED was almost universally reviled. Compared to that, this Issue is a veritable treasure chest of stuff.

Very true. I guess I was just hoping that the dev team would go all-out for this, considering Going Rogue is being hyped as the biggest thing since sliced bread!

I was expecting more, see less, and am still praying that the devs can get base raids up and running before the Issue hits. (I can dream, right?) Hopefully this Issue will bring attention to the parts of the Endgame that still need work. Namely: Pvp, Bases, and Dead Zones!


"People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is
light from within



DumpleBerry warns:

Just an FYI, Devs, there is a crapload of GR stuff in your advertisement for I18. Also, the wiggle words you deliberately used to blur the line between I18 and GR are going to really piss some people off.

You knew what you were doing, and did it on purpose... But I'm just saying.
There probably will be some people angry, but (and yes, I know it's condescending and rude) I have a tendency to dismiss people that don't know how to read advertising. It's not like we're not inundated in it from near birth. I have no understanding how people don't get how it works.

Dec out.



Always great to receive more information about upcoming content I am interested in this tip system.. Hopefully more beta invites will be handed out soon.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I'm fairly sure that issue eighteen is the side-along issue that brings the updates for those without the expansion. Should theoretically be going live August seventeenth, if not a day or two before.
Issue 18 is the issue that is coming out with GR - it was confirmed a little while ago (but I can't find the link sorry) and if you look at the bottom of the I18 info page they are plugging the GR stuff as the extra stuff you get if you buy it.

ParagonWiki gives the info how I18 is part of GR at the bottom of this page http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Issue_18
Thanks for the info.

Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
I am very happy to see this. It looks, to me, that i18 will be better for folks not buying GR than i6 was for folks who didn't buy COV. I applaud that!
This is what I was thinking about. The whole I-6/CoV/I-7 flap that ticked a lot of people off.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



My jaw. Has anyone seen my jaw? It dropped right off my head. I kinda need it.
Seriously my jaw dropped when I read this, the devs NEVER dissapoint.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
There probably will be some people angry, but (and yes, I know it's condescending and rude) I have a tendency to dismiss people that don't know how to read advertising. It's not like we're not inundated in it from near birth. I have no understanding how people don't get how it works.
I'm not just purposefully trying to disagree with Dumpleberry, but I'm not seeing this blurring? It may be that I've fallen victim to the very thing that he warns against, but the only part of the announcement that's GR instead of i18 that I'm seeing is the clearly labeled advert for GR at the bottom.

Edit! I just can't stop talking:
Does anyone else think that the tip system sounds anything like the Archnemesis system that Posi described way back when, but without the Archnemesis? If this does indeed fill that niche, then any Archnemesis system that is implemented is more likely to be the more personal and customisable one that I was hoping for. Woo! I'd dig out Posi's archnemmie system idea myself, but that would involve editing this post to tears, and I need to go do something. More work for someone else.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I'm not just purposefully trying to disagree with Dumpleberry, but I'm not seeing this blurring? It may be that I've fallen victim to the very thing that he warns against, but the only part of the announcement that's GR instead of i18 that I'm seeing is the clearly labeled advert for GR at the bottom.
I'm seeing two possible "sticking points" but that's it. One is the "buy now" section you reference and the other is the somewhat poorly worded, "These Tips start new mission arcs, allowing characters to face new opponents and challenges--and perhaps even change their destiny." Since it could be construed as implying that you can change alignment without buying GR, but that one's been mentioned already.



And here I was hoping to see the new costume bits and emotes in the screenshots. Oh well!

Thanks, devs! Can't wait for Issue 18!




So CoP is coming back but the way to improve it is to remove all PvP aspects to it when that was part of its original purpose? Okay. I can live with that. 24 people? Does anyone else realize that this means for the most part this will never be done past a couple of weeks past release? 24 people...Considering the merit reward rate this probably wont give enough for people to really want to try all that hard at it. But people still do Hami so I might be wrong but I am rather cynical.

The best part is still the combined auction houses without a doubt. Tip missions sound awsome, unless they are like paper missions within paper missions >_>...

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Funny, I took the "perhaps" to mean "if you have GR". Different strokes, I suppose.
Went AFK for a bit, so this is a little late.

Announcements like this have to be explicit, and they should know that. If the announcement says "This is what you're getting in I18" it should not include any hints about side switching if you can't side switch.



The Cathedral of Pain is one of the most challenging trials in City of Heroes. Up to 24 Level 50 characters can work together to take down the Soldiers of Ruularu, Psionic Resonators, and ultimately an aspect of Ruularu himself. You have only one hour to complete your mission.
Is there any guidance on how many people are needed for this mission ? Is it expected to take the full twenty four ? Possible but really difficult for a single team of 8 ? Does it scale by multiple simultaneous click items ?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A public list of new content is always nipple-poppingly exciting.
This comment is worthless without pics.


With THAT out of the way, allow me to add to the chorus of approval and delight at this news!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Awesome news and with Going Rogue around the corner this game keeps getting better and better.



Dinah has a format in mind:

Announcements like this have to be explicit, and they should know that.
**scratches head**

No, they don't. They never have been. They're brief overviews with no details.

Dec out.



i18 is the most needed, unexpected, and "We told ya so" issue since... since...EVER! As a cossie junkie, I hope the costumes and emotes are as good or even half as good as what has been announced. Well done... so far.

SN0WJ0B: 50 ice/ice Blaster, InvulnerBull: 50 inv/ss Tanker, Death.Venom: 50 nec/poison MM
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Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I for one am happy about this issue. I dont see how a revised CoP could suck. The devs have been working on this as promised...thats a big glimmer of hope for base raids, base additions, PvP and every other dead horse that they are working on!
Ghost Falcon just posted on this. The devs are not actively working on base raids. They have previously mentioned there are things they want to fix in PvP to get base raids going, so I think it's safe to surmise they're not actively working on PvP either.

They've said that they still want to do those things, but there's a world of difference between wanting to do it at some vague undetermined time in the future and having a team of programmers working on it.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



I don't like it.

"Grey" has always been my preferred spelling.