Discussion: Going Rogue ViDoc #2 - Between Good & Evil




Noble Savage ? Sounds like a cool name, with an even cooler look, i think.

Reminds me of a character in Beast Machines (Transformers) : http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Noble

Coincidence ?



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Is David Nakayama's Red Name "Noble Savage" new? (Found at 2:07 in the vid.) The character looks pretty neat.
More on Noble Savage on Thursday, July 8th. Stay tuned...

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
More on Noble Savage on Thursday, July 8th. Stay tuned...
Looking forward to it.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



I still say he shoulda gone with ( in order)

1. Foreshadow
2. Spark Blade
3. Maelstorm

But thats my opinion.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Also, the actual video quality of the ViDocs are much higher than previous issues.
This was my first reaction, too. To be honest, I never felt that the in-game footage used in the past was particularly inspirational. Not that CoH doesn't look good, but that the person capturing the footage didn't have a particularly good eye. Same for the editing. I was very pleased to see much better looking footage this time around - moving perspectives, interesting camera angles, etc - as well as more engaging editing.

Perhaps this means the marketing department hired some new personnel to produce these things? If so, awesome! This is the kind of marketing the game needs to potentially draw in some new players!

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We should try guessing who or what Noble Savage is before the offical info comes out.
My guess, going by his name and picture, is some kind of Ghoul leader, who's possibly trying to organize, help and protect the Ghouls - like he's either trying to cure them of whatever it is that made them Ghouls, or he's trying to make their lives as Ghouls better.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
THIS is the game I am currently beta testing.

A dark hole with an uncertain end?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'm pumped for GR. I just have one issue.

The Praetorian I want to make needs a cape to make his costume complete.

Praetorian content is, for the most part, low to mid-low level.

You don't get access to that little piece of stylish cloth until level 20.

By then, a good majority of Praetorian content is done with, meaning my character won't look complete until he's out in Paragon City.

Kind of puts a damper on things.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
More on Noble Savage on Thursday, July 8th. Stay tuned...
Oooh. That's TODAY!

And Xzero45: We're not getting capes at 1, don't ask. If you MUST have one, use the booster pack capes like the Valkyrie or the High Collar.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I'm pumped for GR. I just have one issue.

The Praetorian I want to make needs a cape to make his costume complete.

Praetorian content is, for the most part, low to mid-low level.

You don't get access to that little piece of stylish cloth until level 20.

By then, a good majority of Praetorian content is done with, meaning my character won't look complete until he's out in Paragon City.

Kind of puts a damper on things.
I highly doubt that we'll ever get the classic cape at level 1, but I'm with you 100% on this and have created topics about it before.

The cape is arguably the most iconic and genre defining part of a superhero's costume, so much so superheroes are even referred to as "capes". Locking them out of the character creator is a huge loss and I hope that CoH2 doesn't make the same mistake.

Give us something cool to unlock at 20, just don't make it the basic cape.




Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
Oooh. That's TODAY!

And Xzero45: We're not getting capes at 1, don't ask. If you MUST have one, use the booster pack capes like the Valkyrie or the High Collar.
Don't own either.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Don't own either.
Wearing a cape before level 20: $10 on BlasterCard.

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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I'm pumped for GR. I just have one issue.

The Praetorian I want to make needs a cape to make his costume complete.

Praetorian content is, for the most part, low to mid-low level.

You don't get access to that little piece of stylish cloth until level 20.

By then, a good majority of Praetorian content is done with, meaning my character won't look complete until he's out in Paragon City.

Kind of puts a damper on things.
Don't forget about the 21 Month Vet Reward: Shoulder Capes!
Those are available from Level 1. While they aren't a full cape, they can look very stylish.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
More on Noble Savage on Thursday, July 8th. Stay tuned...

Will he be playing for Cleveland... Miami... New York???

Find out today!!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Re: Capes at 1st Level

Here are the two sides (As far as I can see them):

Reasons Against Giving Capes upon Creation

  • Possible Engine/Performance Factor - I am not sure if this holds true or not. If it does... this wins and is the end of the discussion (Until/unless it can be overcome). If not... I'm not sure (my own opinion) there is any good reason left to hold capes off until 20.
  • Honoring Hero1 - The game story was used to explain the delay of allowing new heroes their capes by saying it was something that needed to be earned, through honor and bravery, due to Hero1's sacrifice. (Whether or not this should be held to after the events that have taken place and/or with all of the rule's exceptions (See below)... I'm not sure)
  • Level 20 Carrot/Reward for the existing level 20 Mission
Reasons For Giving Capes Upon Creation
  • Exceptions Galore - There are plenty of alternate cape options that break the first two opposing bullet points. Valkyrie Cape, Shoulder Capes and High Collar Capes all are available at level 1 (If you have the packs and/or the veteran reward). Shoulder Capes are debatable, but Valkyrie and High Collared capes are... CAPES. So, if the technical problems exist, they must rely on a lower number of people using those options than if normal capes were allowed (Not sure that holds true). More so... If the idea was to honor Hero1, these capes (They are indeed capes) fly in the face of that and should be held off to level 20 as well. The Cape of the Four Winds is part of a purchased bonus, but it doesn't become available until level 20. No idea why Valkyrie and High Collared ones are. Consistency (Either way) should be brought to this, in my opinion.
  • Capes are both a staple and just a piece of clothing (And zero good reason for Villains to not use them any time they like) - If there's no technical issue (performance hit, game engine explodes), why not?
  • Level 20 Reward - Has been made unlocking EATs. Maybe this was done with some consideration to opening up capes at level 1. We used to try and think of replacement unlocks for level 20, but they went and gave level 20 EATs. Maybe that's all we need now. One idea was patriotic/flag capes for unlocking at level 20 (As that is the sort of cape that Hero1 wore).
  • Bad Introduction - New players coming in and seeing that there are no standard/normal capes for their character can be a negative start for them. Not only does it regularly inspire that age old video game reaction, "WHAT?? That's so stupid!!" it also (incorrectly) suggests that City Of Heroes is somewhat of a led-by-the-carrot style of game. Want a cape to finish off your character's look... earn it! For such a great, open, casual-friendly and unique game, I (personally) think this is a bad introduction.

I'd love to hear an official response on why capes should be left at unlocking at level 20.

For whatever it is worth... I don't have any plans for any new characters that use capes and all my cape users are well beyond 20... So, this isn't some personal issue. These are just my own observations.
I happen to think allowing capes at level one, across the board, would be good for new customers. I've not met many (If any) new players that think not being able to use a cape when creating their character was a good thing.
I've met many that thought it was a stupid thing.
I just hate seeing this game that I love have that first impression. It's not a grindfest. That introduction suggests it is, somewhat (To an, otherwise, clueless player).

And, for the record... I don't think this is some huge negative abomination that ruins this game and spells dooooom for us all.
I just thought I'd try and help the discussion along. (Probably should make this a separate thread...)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Still tuned here.

As am I. Noble Savage intrigues me.

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Stagmalite (50 Granite/Fire TanK)
(Couple of other's I don't care about.)



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Still tuned here.
It is July 9th here on the East Coast... I guess that Facebook nonsense was the thing to stay tuned for?!?!? ;sigh

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It is. And nothing. That is, unless, you're on FaceBook and watch the CoX page like a hawk, and feel that a larger screenshot constitutes "More on Noble Savage." Which I'm not, don't, and don't. Was that the big reveal?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
More on Noble Savage on Thursday, July 8th. Stay tuned...
It's Friday, July 9th.... I stayed tuned... Did I miss it?

Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
It is. And nothing. That is, unless, you're on FaceBook and watch the CoX page like a hawk, and feel that a larger screenshot constitutes "More on Noble Savage." Which I'm not, don't, and don't. Was that the big reveal?
DOH Guess I did... And he didn't say WHERE to stay tuned I guess...



You missed it??
Noble Savage chose to go to Miami!

Hey David... Is Noble Savage one of the character that you fell in love with during the creation process and then managed to work him back into Going Rogue, after he'd been cut?
If so... that's a great character for you to have chosen!
Regardless, he looks pretty damn cool.

By the looks of him... some sort of possible mutant that was experimented on and freed.

I'm imagining his counterpart... Savage Noble
A very clean looking, well-to-do, charismatic, evil, pompous jerk.

Of course... I could be wrong on all these accounts...

Oh... And... again... isn't that one picture a possible reveal of a new (highly requested) emote??
Hmmmm?? Hmmm???

C'mon peoples... get with the program!!

What you missed:

  • Noble Savage looks awesome with tons of asymmetrical designs (How we envy you!)
  • Shortly after 9PM on Thursday, Noble Save opted to leave for Miami
  • Animated stance shows a possible facepalm emote
  • You can send as much money as you like to Electric-Knight's paypal account
  • And lastly, a spot right behind your left ear...

lame, as usual
Wow... I apparently have a reputation on these forums now? Woohoo! Whomever left that rep message... care to post publicly about it? Or send me a PM. I'm sure you're a very lovely individual

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"