Discussion: Going Rogue ViDoc #2 - Between Good & Evil




Originally Posted by Sunstormer View Post
Noble Savage looks awesome

Only fitting to have the art lead with an amazing looking charecter for those of you whole missed it, screenie here

Also did i spot new pistols with new fx just after this part? 2:35 onwards looks like laser pistols *prays for unlockables*

That is just WRONG!.......unless we are getting cool asymmetrical costume options in GR. Otherwise....it's just mean.



Originally Posted by Kobolt_Thunder View Post
I think the blue guy is a player and the red robot is an npc. If you look at 3:12 the red robot is laying there defeated in a death pose caused by ragdoll physics. A defeated player would have their legs together rather than spread and the left arm wouldn't have been thrust out like that. Maybe the red robot is an AE creation since it uses player costume pieces.
ah, thanks for pointing that out on the physics, it didn't click for me when I watched the vid. I was actually thinking the blue one was an npc, mostly because of the gloves. Last I'd seen the devs said we wouldn't be getting resistance-style glowie armor, and that's what his gloves look like.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Is David Nakayama's Red Name "Noble Savage" new? (Found at 2:07 in the vid.) The character looks pretty neat.
his name doesn't seem to have changed but I assume Noble Savage is his new avatar as well.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
eh.. I'm happy enough to see them putting out a new box.
I too am happy to see a new box come out, I just don't believe it will bring in any significant new players. Instead I think that many older players like myself will buy it to make it easier to re-install the game when needed. I personally still have the CoV release disk and it is a pain downloading all the updates.



StormSurvivor has me nit-pick:

I also said 'Kime-roar-ah' until I heard War Witch say 'Simmer-or-ah' on a recording of some panel thing.
According to Latin, it should be Kim-eh-roar-ah, but, yes, pretendy funtime game.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
his name doesn't seem to have changed but I assume Noble Savage is his new avatar as well.
Which is actually a mirror of the full one - the eye armor part is on the other side of the face - so someone's flipped one of the pictures at some point

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I know, right? They should make a box that has the game and expansion in it, making it easy for prospective new players to see the cool new stuff.

Then they could do some sort of promotion together with a major games retailer where people who preorder the game/expansion box through that retailer get something cool, maybe even small ingame bonuses.

They should at least make a video series that talks about all the cool stuff they have coming up, and post it on some highly-frequented social network website.
And.. And.. They could do all this only in North America and ignore the rest of the world.. I think that would work best.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Yes I was agreeing with you.

Existing players that are already involved in the game get the nifty Fable-esque morality system and that's great for taking toons to the existing old content that we've had access to for years, but just not on some particular toons. However, I doubt that will have much impact on the subs that have left the game. That's not really new, or different for them, just more of the same, but with a different toon, which with our existing AT's you could already do with numerous different combinations. Is doing it all again with a brute really going to turn the tide? maybe. hopefully.
I'm glad someone else sees this as well. I just got my 6 year badge but this continues a trend of rehashing old content by putting a slight spin just like power proliferation, epic power pools and I would go as far as saying even Inventions(we already had an enhancement system). I can say for sure the prospect of playing hero content again but with a villain does not really excite me. I just keep wondering if our game engine is too limited to provide us with anything truly new(e.g. AT specific missions where a force field defender could protect citizens from falling debris, mini-games where skill is necessary and winning equals clicking a glowie or more physics-oriented gameplay, as a few examples).

That said, I will still be buying GR as I always look forward to new powersets and the zones designed with Ultra Mode in mind are something I can't wait to see since I love the exploration aspect.



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
I'm glad someone else sees this as well. I just got my 6 year badge but this continues a trend of rehashing old content by putting a slight spin just like power proliferation, epic power pools and I would go as far as saying even Inventions(we already had an enhancement system). I can say for sure the prospect of playing hero content again but with a villain does not really excite me. I just keep wondering if our game engine is too limited to provide us with anything truly new(e.g. AT specific missions where a force field defender could protect citizens from falling debris, mini-games where skill is necessary and winning equals clicking a glowie or more physics-oriented gameplay, as a few examples).

That said, I will still be buying GR as I always look forward to new powersets and the zones designed with Ultra Mode in mind are something I can't wait to see since I love the exploration aspect.

This is the way I felt about the Flashback system (and said as much when they brought it to the table). I think they should've brought in more solid 1-50 storylines; like they did with the EATs (for Origins and Patrons as well as not dead-ending the potential Matthew Burke counterbalance to Operation DESTINY) for the standard game and being able to unlock 1-50 storylines for Cimerora, RWZ and other pivotal locales (similar to what's being done for Praetoria).

Now that we're getting the 'choose your own adventure book' mechanic filtered into the game; they should use it for more than just the morality meter.

I would hope to see them use it at some point to help polarize characters' standings with the many sub-factions within the game.

[Or to create/define Contact paths]

At some point, CoX has to grow beyond just pretty colors and button-mashing.


Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



So, what was up with the Arachnos City Hall building?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I just noticed somthing odd at 2:26 they are at a tailor if you look you can see the "Weapon" tab there to add guns and swords however.....

At 2:30 you can see the toon is mental blast.....

So what weapon is it?
What if you can throw lightning, fire, cold etc etc from whatever weapons you want now. "Mind Rays", "Ice Guns", "Fire Wands", "Staff of Elec.." etc etc.

So no matter what AT you were, you could execute powers from whatever weapon you were holding. I suppose certain power sets couldn't apply, but it would be a very nice idea none the less.

It's extremely unlikely, just sayin'

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by KAKTOS View Post
Wow you have had some really bad experiences . If that was my store I would have fired the idiots. Once is a okay but that sounds like employes who don't care. Either way hope it works better this time.
It scares me more that there's no retort to this at all. I expected some GameStop employee to spring up and say "No, you're wrong" by now.

But tempering the expectations with realism here, I don't expect Paragon Studios shipping out motorized cardboard standees for retail stores with Tyrant shoving a fist upward or anything, but a poster or ad in the Sunday paper would be nice. (If I saw the box art in a Best Buy ad, I'd bring it to a Meet and Greet for devs to sign.)



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
So, what was up with the Arachnos City Hall building?
That's from Recluse's Victory, when Villains have control of the zone.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I thought that looked familiar, but I couldn't place it either. thanks GG.



Ditto, GG.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Tahquitz View Post
It scares me more that there's no retort to this at all. I expected some GameStop employee to spring up and say "No, you're wrong" by now.

But tempering the expectations with realism here, I don't expect Paragon Studios shipping out motorized cardboard standees for retail stores with Tyrant shoving a fist upward or anything, but a poster or ad in the Sunday paper would be nice. (If I saw the box art in a Best Buy ad, I'd bring it to a Meet and Greet for devs to sign.)
I'm wondering if I should pre-order from Gamestop now. Is online ordering any different? Not that I need the pre-order bonus items but if I'm paying the same amount I might as well get them.



Tutelary, obviously each order is it's own experience, but I have always had really good luck pre-ordering on-line. I have always gotten my product either the day before the scheduled release date or the day of. Really though it depends on the agreements between the store and the manufacturer. Whether you buy on-line or in a store though, you will be taking your chances.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
They might, but it's highly doubtful that it's cost effective. To get any decent coverage you can't have A commercial, you have to have a series of them (or the same one run lots and lots and LOTS of times). They'd never get enough people to join to cover that. Those types of things are way WAY expensive and it wouldn't be worth it. If anything, ads should be on gaming and comic book websites and maybe some comic book ads (way cheaper, and focused more on the proper demographics). TV and movie stuff is way beyond what CoX's budget will allow, even with NCSoft ponying up more cash like they have been.

Remember, WoW has so much money they can afford to piss it away like that.

And everywhere you see opportunities for CoX ads instead you will see WoW ads.

This will continue.

NCSoft -Barely- advertises for this game.

So it will -Barely- survive.

-If at all.

Prepare yourself NCSoft: The competition is about to rear their ugly heads and get serious.

Farewell and best wishes!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post

And everywhere you see opportunities for CoX ads instead you will see WoW ads.

This will continue.

NCSoft -Barely- advertises for this game.

So it will -Barely- survive.

-If at all.

Prepare yourself NCSoft: The competition is about to rear their ugly heads and get serious.

Farewell and best wishes!
I remember reading this everywhere when Champions Online was nearly out.




Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I remember reading this everywhere when Champions Online was nearly out.

Those comments were based on the premise that champions wouldn't be terrible though. Champions could still be turned into a solid showing, but it was released in a very rough state, just like this game was. That just doesn't fly anymore. CO still managed to take a nice bite out of us though. If anyone is going to release a fairly polished product is is SOE and the time they are taking on DCUO seems to support that. That does not reflect how they will handle the game further down the road of course.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I remember reading this everywhere when Champions Online was nearly out.

Yeah, maybe, but I believe if it was really the Marvel Online game they had planned we would have lost much more... Even as crappy as they are with Champions. But for now a Marvel Super Heroes Online Game (not the big-heads one) is still far away from happening...
DCUO on the other hand is just around the corner, and it WILL attract fans to it... Even if it turns out to be a sucky online game (S-O-N-Y).
SO I don´t think it would hurt to advertise CoX and SPECIALLY Going Rogue, being the new shiny and all, to NEW players that might join us... Retain old players is a good thing, bring back the ones that retired too... That is, if they still check the game out from time to time.
Come on, let´s get real. Unless we already are playing this game we won´t get to listen much about it. I have the 18 months badge (almost getting the 21) and I only joined the game because a friend found a Box in Free Shop coming back from Argentina! Until this point the best "ads" I´ve been seeing are product placement in Big Bang Theory, but that also may only be catching my eyes because I already know what that is about...

So, if this is "the best time for a new player to join" let´s get people to learn we exist!

/end rant

Oh no, wait, I´m forgetting something... GIVE ME MY ASYMMETRICAL PARTS!

now I can end ranting...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Just do a tie in with Nvidia. Add a free copy of GR in with any new high end graphics card to show off Ultra mode. People who buy high end graphics are gamers.

Cut a deal with HP/Compac and have a trial copy preloaded on new PC's. Heck thats why I have Fate and Polar Bowling.

Forget a free reactivation weekend. Instead give a free 14 day full functioning GR trial to all past closed accounts.

There's these things called comic books, heard they are like CoX but in paper form, and they have Ads in them.

Put out a MMO box set for X-mas (Guildwars/Aion/CoX) people like deals around the holidays.

There are better ways to recruit new and old players than TV Ads.

Dump old copies of Architect edition into Big Lots/Odd Lots for $6. (That's how I got started with old copies of CoH, CoV, and GvE 2 years ago.)



MrHassenpheffer uses the wrong meter:


And everywhere you see opportunities for CoX ads instead you will see WoW ads.

This will continue.

NCSoft -Barely- advertises for this game.

So it will -Barely- survive.

-If at all.
Last I knew, CoX and NCSoft were in the "doing just fine, thanks" area (and always have been), not "barely survive". No one here is in competition with WoW. No one in the industry is in competition with WoW. WoW is the 500 lb. gorilla in the room. It does whatever it wants.

Prepare yourself NCSoft: The competition is about to rear their ugly heads and get serious.
Been said before. We still seem to be here and continuing to add stuff.

Farewell and best wishes!
I can haz stuffz??

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Tahquitz View Post
But if you manage to crack their veneer of manic-depression and persist through all of their levels of employment, and I managed to pull this off myself once... you might just witness a manager's face glow bright red, rip up your preorder receipt and go Gandalf on you, banning you from their store in a cinematic fashion that makes Julie Taymor's 'combat' scenes in Across The Universe seem more rational and subtle.

I don't know why companies still prefer to make deals with GameStop with such inconsistent execution, I feel they would save money on marketing if they keep deals in-house when possible (NCSoft Store Online), especially if GameStop has no idea the preorder is happening (I checked my local store just for laughs. They have no idea about Going Rogue where I live, other than Sarah Palin jokes, then the manager remembered my face from before as I left and had Security stop and escort me out of the mall... just sad).
Did that happen? That's almost unbelievable. How can they rip your receipt and not be in breach of contract? Did you get a refund of the preorder price?

Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
They might, but it's highly doubtful that it's cost effective. To get any decent coverage you can't have A commercial, you have to have a series of them (or the same one run lots and lots and LOTS of times). They'd never get enough people to join to cover that. Those types of things are way WAY expensive and it wouldn't be worth it. If anything, ads should be on gaming and comic book websites and maybe some comic book ads (way cheaper, and focused more on the proper demographics). TV and movie stuff is way beyond what CoX's budget will allow, even with NCSoft ponying up more cash like they have been.

Remember, WoW has so much money they can afford to piss it away like that.
You're the first I've seen other than myself boosting banner ads and they are the most appropriate venue to GR advertising.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Wears blinders View Post
Last I knew, CoX and NCSoft were in the "doing just fine, thanks" area (and always have been), not "barely survive". No one here is in competition with WoW. No one in the industry is in competition with WoW. WoW is the 500 lb. gorilla in the room. It does whatever it wants.

Been said before. We still seem to be here and continuing to add stuff.

I can haz stuffz??
the state of "not going anywhere" for this game includes forward, Just ask the base editors.

and if it is going forward its entirely too slow. Keyphrase: trickle-fed to death.

adding "more stuff" doesn't include "quality" in most cases.

That gorilllillilillla is 800lbs actually.

This is just a comparison of whats doing these days...

THIS is the City of Heroes/Villains game.

THIS is the game I am currently beta testing.


You can haz all my stuff.

All of it.

All my sg's all my vg's all my purped out brutes and tanks. I'll pass everything to you.

global is @Kaiser242

Just find me ingame and send me a tell.

Rabbit out.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.