Discussion: Attention - In Game Global Mail Expiration

Abigail Frost



Recent changes to the way the global mail system works in the game have allowed many of you to send items all over the place, notably to yourself in order to share items with other characters on your account. While this has been an obvious benefit right from the start, we would like to clarify that in order to keep this updated system as usable and stable as possible, items that you send to yourself will expire after 30 days and you will need to claim the items contained therein if you wish to keep them. This is also true if global mail to other accounts bounces back and remains in your mail box. 30 days after reception of that bounce back mail, you will no longer be able to claim items associated with that mail.

Please note this is working as intended and we are working on a more explicit way to advertise this feature in game. In the meantime, please get in touch with our Customer Support team via the /petition slash command if you have lost attached items due to this 30-day expiration limit.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter.

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All my emails disappeared yesterday, I hope this was unrelated.



Well... this would have been useful to know before I lost a purple recipe I was storing and I assume was due this



I have to ask why this wasnt mentioned before, like in the description about email in i17.

I'm glad you are working on making sure its known do the playerbase.

Secret limits that delete goodies is not fun.



Eeep...I have to claim the IOs I sent to my one villain then before I lose 'em

This definitely should have been mentioned when the system went live.

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



OMGosh !!! Well time to find toons for that 20 Billion I have sitting in emails. I'm astounded this wasnt made clear earlier - WTF !!!

Over the hills and through the woods.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Recent changes to the way the global mail system works in the game have allowed many of you to send items all over the place, notably to yourself in order to share items with other characters on your account. While this has been an obvious benefit right from the start, we would like to clarify that in order to keep this updated system as usable and stable as possible, items that you send to yourself will expire after 30 days and you will need to claim the items contained therein if you wish to keep them. This is also true if global mail to other accounts bounces back and remains in your mail box. 30 days after reception of that bounce back mail, you will no longer be able to claim items associated with that mail.

Please note this is working as intended and we are working on a more explicit way to advertise this feature in game.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter.

Thanks for taking the time to post this Avatea.



I prefer stability versus convenience.

Thank you for the notice, Avatea.

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"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
I have to ask why this wasnt mentioned before, like in the description about email in i17.

I'm glad you are working on making sure its known do the playerbase.

Secret limits that delete goodies is not fun.
I fully agree with this. This is important information. I would prefer to know in advance that I'll loose my stuff if I store it beyond a certain limit instead of being saved by general mistrust in the abilities of the people responsible for the creation and implementation of this feature.



It would have been really nice of you to tell us this BEFORE items started being deleted.

Who do I talk to about being reimbursed for the lost recipes?

M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.



Originally Posted by Abigail Frost View Post
It would have been really nice of you to tell us this BEFORE items started being deleted.

Who do I talk to about being reimbursed for the lost recipes?

Other players have reported getting their stuff back. If a GM says no, ask for their supervisor.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Abigail Frost View Post
Who do I talk to about being reimbursed for the lost recipes?
LOL. Good luck with that...



I think I have a legitimate beef here. Below is a cut and paste directly from the NCsoft support website. NOWHERE does it mention a 30 day deletion window.


In-game Email and attachments Question How does in-game Email work in City of Heroes and City of Villains? Can characters transfer items and currency using in-game Email? Can they be sent between characters on the same account? Answer Attachments can now be added to in-game Email messages. This was added in the Issue 17 free update on April 28, 2010.
Email is an in-game messaging system, set apart from channel and global chat. Emails can be sent to any character or global handle, and be received even if a player is offline at the time. Unlike most chat messages, Email messages will not be lost unless they are deleted by the recipient, or the sender is placed on Ignore.
Email must be active for any messages to be sent, with or without attachments. There are two options related to enabling in-game Email, which can be found by clicking Menu, then Options, and scrolling down from the General tab. It should look like this:
If "In-Game Email" is set to Disabled, Email will not appear as an option above the chat window. "Friends and Supergroup Only" will restrict the players allowed to send Email messages to you, if it is Enabled. Setting this option to Disabled will allow anyone to send Email to your characters.
Clicking Email will bring up an interface that looks like this:
This example shows an "Inbox" interface with no Email messages. Messages can be organized by clicking the "From," "Subject" and "Date" headers. Any message, once selected, will highlight the other buttons: "Reply" and "Reply all" will create new messages in reply to the message. "Forward" will send the message to a new recipient. "Delete" will remove the message entirely. "Spam" will do the same, and will additionally send a message to the game server to flag the sender as a spammer.
Note: Once deleted, a message cannot be retrieved by Game Support. However, the attachment might be retrievable. It is not possible to delete more than one message at a time.
Clicking "New" will present an interface much like the following image:
This message has an "Enrage" Inspiration attached. To attach an item, drag it to the top right field in the interface. To attach Influence (or Infamy for Villains,) click the field and type in the amount you want to send.
Some important points to note:
  • Emails can be sent between characters on the same server, but they can also be sent to global handles.
  • If you want to send an Email message with an attachment, you must send the message to a global handle.
  • Messages to global handles must include "@" at the start of the "To:" field.
  • If you want to send items, Influence or Infamy between your own account's characters via Email attachment, you must send the messages to your own global handle. You can find out your own global handle with the command: /gethandle
  • Any message sent to your global handle (including messages you send yourself) can be claimed by any character on your account, with the following exceptions:
    • Heroes can only accept attachments from other Heroes, and Villains can only accept attachments from Villains.
    • Email attachments can only be claimed once, by one character, from a message.
  • An Email "Inbox" can only contain 20 messages at a time. If you have 20 messages sitting in your Inbox, you cannot send new messages.

M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.



Originally Posted by Abigail Frost View Post
I think I have a legitimate beef here. Below is a cut and paste directly from the NCsoft support website. NOWHERE does it mention a 30 day deletion window.
That defintly needs a change

Unlike most chat messages, Email messages will not be lost unless they are deleted by the recipient, or the sender is placed on Ignore
needs to have the 30 day limit mentioned.



Originally Posted by Abigail Frost View Post
Who do I talk to about being reimbursed for the lost recipes?
LOL. IMO, too bad, so sad. I don't see how anyone assumed that:

E-mail system = infinte banking storage

The system was put into place as a means to send information to other players and oneself. It wasn't intended to be used as a storage depot. You know what they say about assuming, roight? Also, where do you suppose the Devs would have a server sitting around that can store all of this information? If the thing was set up like a post office, than there would be no reason to allocate the GBs it would take to keep track of all that stuff. It's an issue of practicality on their part.

Abigail: Just to clarify, you are telling us that you went to the aforementioned support site BEFORE you sent any e-mails to make sure that what you were doing was safe? And that there was no time-period restriction?



If some player shave already lost mails, I thnik it might be a good idea to roll back the deleting by 24/48 hours, just to give people time to unload their saved stuff.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So wait things I have waiting to be claimed older then 30 days as of issue 17 will be deleted as of when? Now? Has it even been thirty days? This is a clear lack of communication and I saw this in other games but not here. Thankfully this is the only time I can think of it happening. Let's hope it's the last. thanks for what heads up we got!




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
LOL. IMO, too bad, so sad. I don't see how anyone assumed that:

E-mail system = infinte banking storage

The playerbase was not made aware of any expiration on stored items until after items began disappearing. Given that, with the exception of markets pre-14, there is no expiration on any item storage as long as an account remains active, it's entirely reasonable to assume that there would be no time limit on item storage, especially since no limit was mentioned during testing or when the issue was released.

Punishing people when they had absolutely no way of knowing they were doing something wrong is a **** move.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
The playerbase was not made aware of any expiration on stored items until after items began disappearing. Given that, with the exception of markets pre-14, there is no expiration on any item storage as long as an account remains active, it's entirely reasonable to assume that there would be no time limit on item storage, especially since no limit was mentioned during testing or when the issue was released.

Punishing people when they had absolutely no way of knowing they were doing something wrong is a **** move.
I hav to agree and had I not been on a smart phone I would have posted something similar :P however I will break even by saying: I agree!




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
LOL. IMO, too bad, so sad. I don't see how anyone assumed that:

E-mail system = infinte banking storage

The system was put into place as a means to send information to other players and oneself. It wasn't intended to be used as a storage depot.
This use of the email system was discussed in beta in threads in which the devs were participating. Never was there any mention in beta that such a use was disallowed. Restrictions were put in place that seemed perfectly understandable in light of potential aims to limit the email system being a better storage mechanism than those already available. The existing email system never deleted anything ever. I have emails from Issue 2.

If the devs didn't want it used as storage, they should have said so when they had the chance, in beta, before they could possibly have considered it an in-flight exploit.

All of these factors combine in my thinking to make it perfectly reasonable to think that attachments would be preserved just as mails were.

Finally, the fact that GMs are reinstating lost items suggests that the makers and/or support staff of the game agree that this should have been documented. I'm glad they seem to have more common sense than you seem to.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I have to admit, not getting told about this in advance is a little bit of a shock, thankfully I did not loose anything.

To be honest though, could you imagine how much it would clog up the servers if this stuff just sat there forever in limbo? Not to mention every once in a while the e-mail system goes down and I always loose at least one e-mail from it. Which is why I never leave anything in the in-game e-mail system any more.

We probably should have known this was coming though since they did the same thing for the Markets if I remember right.

Still, let us know in advance in the future for things like this please.



I guess ya'll think that its like the vault and just going to stay for ever in your e-mail every mmo that dose this its 30 days and they don't tell you about it so get over it



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
To be honest though, could you imagine how much it would clog up the servers if this stuff just sat there forever in limbo?
With no disrespect intended, there's absolutely no more reason to think that would happen than there is to think the game would slow down because everyone suddenly created twice as many characters. Unlike some parts of the game, players don't do mass searches through all global emails. Having more stored emails doesn't mean more entities start roaming around in zones. People have 20+ market slots with up to 10 items in every one, and even that system lost its 60-day auto wipe for active accounts, which still only happened if you didn't use the market for 60 days.

Not storing stuff in the email system because it was unstable is perfectly reasonable, and it's really the main reason I was never in any danger of losing anything valuable due to this little undocumented feature. Clearly the devs are now telling us that they put this purge in for some stability purposes. But my point was that there's no intrinsic reason to expect that storing 20 mails per person (plus bouncebacks) would impact the system negatively.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by bob1066 View Post
I guess ya'll think that its like the vault and just going to stay for ever in your e-mail every mmo that dose this its 30 days and they don't tell you about it so get over it
No, every MMO that has such a system definitely does not delete the mails every 30 days. Packages in WOW are returned to sender.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA