Discussion: Attention - In Game Global Mail Expiration

Abigail Frost



To avoid losing attachments, I attempted to claim several recipes that I had e-mailed myself only to have several vanish into limbo. Filed a petition. Time to wait and see.



Awww, phooey, just noticed I lost a low level Perf Shift: Chance for +End I had stored for a lowbie in case I needed it. Guess it's time to petition.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Just send in a petition, and when wording it, try to remember that the people you're asking to get you your stuff back aren't the ones responsible for it being deleted.
I know that, thanks.

I don't want to petition this. I shouldn't have to. Just reverse this until next month and put an announcement on the start-up page, the Message of the Day and in the email system itself.

And in future, stop just taking things away from us without warning. That'd be keen!

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Blue_Shocker View Post
As for the rest of you, your right, how silly for the devs not to predict every single little problem with their crystal ball. How dare they!
What are you blathering about?

This wasn't an act of god. It's not a server crash or a power outage. This was a deliberate deletion of player items without any disclosure. That's not "an accident."

Somehow I have RMT emails from last friggin' summer, and they ALL HAVE THE SAME HEADING and IDENTICAL CONTENT, yet those we get to keep forever until we manually delete them ourselves, but if, god forfend you haven't picked up your self-directed email in a month, well, THOSE, by golly are going to be deleted just because, boy howdy, they feel like it.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Mind telling us how to do that? In-game, out here, what? Make it easy for us, please.
Either send a /petition ingame or use the link in Avatea's signature for the servers you play on. Use "Email attachments deleted" as your subject line. Try to give them as much information as you remember, especially what global sent the email, your global and your NCSoft account name. Also it will help them to know what server you have played on the most in the last month or what server you were logged into when you sent the items you lost.

And remember, they have had a significant number of these incidents happen. Your petition might take a few days to be resolved but they are trying to reimburse everyone who lost items.

M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Mind telling us how to do that? In-game, out here, what? Make it easy for us, please.
You file a petition, which is why it was suggested upthread. You can file the petition in-game or on the support website.

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Need moar QA!



Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post

I lost a bunch of PvP IO's and purples too. I tried to store them the first time i17 came out so I could send it to my main toon. But I was so busy leveling my Demon MM, so I did not have time to organize my recipes.

I knew it was wrong to store anything in the e-mail system as mentioned, but I also know that we are only allowed to store/send 20 items to ourselves, so if I was exploiting, I'm so sorry. ...But is there a way to get them back? If not fine, just warn us before making such changes in the future.

You werent exploiting.



It would be nice if they added a column to the e-mail to show number of days until mail with attachments expired. Have the text with the number of days change color as the mail gets closer to deletion (something like green/yellow/orange/red):

30 days

15 days
5 days
1 day

While they're at it, it would also be nice if the e-mail window remembered its size/position when you opened it, too!



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
It would be nice if they added a column to the e-mail to show number of days until mail with attachments expired. Have the text with the number of days change color as the mail gets closer to deletion (something like green/yellow/orange/red):

30 days

15 days
5 days
1 day

While they're at it, it would also be nice if the e-mail window remembered its size/position when you opened it, too!

Annoying (possibly) but doable workaround: Claim said attachment and then resend it to yourself every couple of weeks. Doesn't matter which character you do it on (as long as it's the same faction you mailed it from), and as long as you have the capacity on your claimer to carry said item long enough to resend it.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I said it back when the market destroyed your stuff and I'll say it again about the email system: an MMO should NEVER arbitrarily destroy the things you've earned!

You guys did the right thing and did away with the market deletion. Do the right thing again and get rid of this arbitrary and unnecessary "feature".

Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
To be honest though, could you imagine how much it would clog up the servers if this stuff just sat there forever in limbo?
This is the same tired rhetoric that was trotted out in defense of the 60 day market deletion. The 60 day market deletion is history and guess what? The markets didn't implode. Imagine that. Neither will the email system.

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Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
It would be nice if they added a column to the e-mail to show number of days until mail with attachments expired. Have the text with the number of days change color as the mail gets closer to deletion (something like green/yellow/orange/red):

30 days

15 days
5 days
1 day

While they're at it, it would also be nice if the e-mail window remembered its size/position when you opened it, too!
Very much agree, a few refinements like these could make the e-mail system a lot better. It gets tiring having to resize your e-mail everytime you open to claim something. I'd also add, create a tag so we know what side something is on so we know whether or not we can claim something without having to try and claim it.

Here's hoping for a swift and painless resolution to the lost item situation. Go team!

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Why not just do like every other MMO does and finally give us account based storage that we been asking for since day 1? This would totally eliminate this problem to begin with.

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Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
What are you blathering about?

This wasn't an act of god. It's not a server crash or a power outage. This was a deliberate deletion of player items without any disclosure. That's not "an accident."

Somehow I have RMT emails from last friggin' summer, and they ALL HAVE THE SAME HEADING and IDENTICAL CONTENT, yet those we get to keep forever until we manually delete them ourselves, but if, god forfend you haven't picked up your self-directed email in a month, well, THOSE, by golly are going to be deleted just because, boy howdy, they feel like it.
One might ask what YOU are blathering about. Your post screams of paranoia and the mistaken belief that the devs have nothing better to do than to troll you JUST SO THEY HAVE TO FIX IT AFTERWARDS. You're REALLY claiming they deleted everything because they have so much free time and energy to ask you to tell them what was lost so they can give it back?

The email system was assume by players to be 30 more recipe/enhancement slots, and players found out they were wrong. And while I wholeheartedly agree that the patch notes should have included the info about the 30 day limit, you can't argue that players wouldn't scream bloody murder as well if it HAD been included from the start. At least this way the devs are trying to fix that lack of knowledge and actively make sure that everyone knows going forward. To accuse them of doing it just to make your life miserable is petty and small. It's not as if they expand or keep the player base by seeing just what people will let them get away with.



Would like to update you guys on my e-mail problem:

It's been 3 days now and still no GM help heheh. I kinda understand though because there are probably thousands of people complaining and GM's are assisting them atm. As soon as I get my stuff back, I will let you guys know. I'm eager to meet this very nice, sweet and caring GM, so hurry up!

My fear is that, the GM will be like "WTF you have crap on your e-mail!" But I'm pretty sure I have a couple of purples and pvp IO's there, I'm just not sure!


[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Pinkrise][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=http://www.wix.com/netherealist/spitfire][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=http://cohrm.wordpress.com][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
What are you blathering about?

This wasn't an act of god. It's not a server crash or a power outage. This was a deliberate deletion of player items without any disclosure. That's not "an accident."

Somehow I have RMT emails from last friggin' summer, and they ALL HAVE THE SAME HEADING and IDENTICAL CONTENT, yet those we get to keep forever until we manually delete them ourselves, but if, god forfend you haven't picked up your self-directed email in a month, well, THOSE, by golly are going to be deleted just because, boy howdy, they feel like it.
Dude, get over it already, this is getting pathetic.

They made a mistake, that happens (though it really shouldn't). They owned up to it and are doing everything they can to fix it. What more do you want?

Petition to get your stuff back, and stop crying. If they don't give it back, THEN you have something to whine about.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Abigail Frost View Post
I think I have a legitimate beef here. Below is a cut and paste directly from the NCsoft support website. NOWHERE does it mention a 30 day deletion window.
Yes, you do.

There is no tab in the Help menu -that HAS to be accessed with /help because some players were too stupid to look in the Options window and ruined the functionality of the [Help] channel - for the e-mail system -- and you are perfectly right that there was no mention anywhere about the 30 day window.

The Customer Service people are going to have quite a job on their hands rectifying this situation.
Luckily for them, a majority of players won't know that they should /petition about this - regardless of the /gmotd. They will just get very upset at the situation and maybe quit the game.

The MOST sad part about this is that I'm assuming that the e-mail will eventually go the way of the Auction Houses that used to have a 60-day pull-it-or-loose-it policy and e-mails won't ever expire. At least the Auction Houses Reps told you that you would lose items left there for more than 60-days when that situation was still in effect. This never needed to happen from that point of view alone - if it works for the Auction House to store X bins of things per character why is it taking up so much space to store the same information and a limited amount of ASC text in 20 files per account? I can almost guarantee that within a year two e-mails won't be expiring any more.

As players, we all put our trust in the DEVs to do the correct thing and give us all the information. I'm seeing a bit too much information hording going on.

I still don't know how many new slots we will be getting the CoH:GR. I can't believe that I'm the only one that has asked about that.
heck for all I know - at this point - those new slots could expire in 30 days ...right? ... regardless if there are characters are in them or not ... (.... let alone how many we will be getting ...)
Hiding the number of slots is not boding well with me. It has been sticking in my craw for a while and I've been keeping quiet, but this e-mail thing ... I'm really not liking the way that this has been handled ...

"Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter." ????

How about ...

"We made a grievous error by not informing our loyal player base about this part of the new e-mail mechanic. The system was provided for your convenience and not to cause distress. We are greatly sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused.
"We are always doing our best to bring you the best gaming experience possible, and we will do everything we can in the future to provide complete and accurate descriptions of any new functionality in the game and on the website. Unfortunately, we are human and we dropped-the-ball on this one. It was entirely our fault. Please forgive us for this oversight. We are working hard to bring you a quality product.
"Thank you for subscribing to City of Heroes."

nah ...

"Take that and like it, fanboy!"

That sounds much better, right?!?



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Dude, get over it already, this is getting pathetic.

They made a mistake, that happens (though it really shouldn't). They owned up to it and are doing everything they can to fix it. What more do you want?
For them to admit that they made a mistake rather than saying "the system is working as intended."

They didn't admit making a mistake.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Yes, you do.

There is no tab in the Help menu -that HAS to be accessed with /help because some players were too stupid to look in the Options window and ruined the functionality of the [Help] channel - for the e-mail system -- and you are perfectly right that there was no mention anywhere about the 30 day window.

The Customer Service people are going to have quite a job on their hands rectifying this situation.
Luckily for them, a majority of players won't know that they should /petition about this - regardless of the /gmotd. They will just get very upset at the situation and maybe quit the game.

The MOST sad part about this is that I'm assuming that the e-mail will eventually go the way of the Auction Houses that used to have a 60-day pull-it-or-loose-it policy and e-mails won't ever expire. At least the Auction Houses Reps told you that you would lose items left there for more than 60-days when that situation was still in effect. This never needed to happen from that point of view alone - if it works for the Auction House to store X bins of things per character why is it taking up so much space to store the same information and a limited amount of ASC text in 20 files per account? I can almost guarantee that within a year two e-mails won't be expiring any more.

As players, we all put our trust in the DEVs to do the correct thing and give us all the information. I'm seeing a bit too much information hording going on.

I still don't know how many new slots we will be getting the CoH:GR. I can't believe that I'm the only one that has asked about that.
heck for all I know - at this point - those new slots could expire in 30 days ...right? ... regardless if there are characters are in them or not ... (.... let alone how many we will be getting ...)
Hiding the number of slots is not boding well with me. It has been sticking in my craw for a while and I've been keeping quiet, but this e-mail thing ... I'm really not liking the way that this has been handled ...

"Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter." ????

How about ...

"We made a grievous error by not informing our loyal player base about this part of the new e-mail mechanic. The system was provided for your convenience and not to cause distress. We are greatly sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused.
"We are always doing our best to bring you the best gaming experience possible, and we will do everything we can in the future to provide complete and accurate descriptions of any new functionality in the game and on the website. Unfortunately, we are human and we dropped-the-ball on this one. It was entirely our fault. Please forgive us for this oversight. We are working hard to bring you a quality product.
"Thank you for subscribing to City of Heroes."

nah ...

"Take that and like it, fanboy!"

That sounds much better, right?!?
First off, you're assuming quite a bit that the devs "dropped the ball" on anything other than failing to inform everyone of the 30 day limit. Players were trying to work the system, they got burned. The devs are replacing the stuff lost, and going forward players know about the limit and will, even though they'll continue to use email as extra slots, know to remove the emails before they vanish. They explained what happened, why it happened, and are restoring what was lost. To think they need to do more is rather outrageous.

Secondly, the devs don't need to give us all the information about the game, nor should anyone expect them to. It's amazing they give as much info as they do. To expect them to tell us everything is bordering on insanity.

And thirdly, complaining about not knowing how many slots GR gives you because they may "go away" in 30 days is a fallacy. One would not reasonably believe that enhancement, recipe, or character slots would go away after a period of time. So why bring up such an unlikely, even impossible example to try and support your paranoia? Keeping information about a new product secret is normal, especially for games.



Suggestion if you retain this feature: in the event it expires, have it auto-sell for the base price and the sending character receive the influence. Certainly not a equal exchange, but some compensation as the Paragon Mail Delivery Service recoups on it's own costs.

CatMan - some form on every server

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Originally Posted by NezuChiza View Post
First off, you're assuming quite a bit that the devs "dropped the ball" on anything other than failing to inform everyone of the 30 day limit. Players were trying to work the system, they got burned. The devs are replacing the stuff lost, and going forward players know about the limit and will, even though they'll continue to use email as extra slots, know to remove the emails before they vanish. They explained what happened, why it happened, and are restoring what was lost. To think they need to do more is rather outrageous.

Secondly, the devs don't need to give us all the information about the game, nor should anyone expect them to. It's amazing they give as much info as they do. To expect them to tell us everything is bordering on insanity.

And thirdly, complaining about not knowing how many slots GR gives you because they may "go away" in 30 days is a fallacy. One would not reasonably believe that enhancement, recipe, or character slots would go away after a period of time. So why bring up such an unlikely, even impossible example to try and support your paranoia? Keeping information about a new product secret is normal, especially for games.
I have to agree with NezuChiza completely here. They made a mistake in not telling everyone in advance - get over it. They did own up to it, but said that the system is working as intended, since that is how they designed it to work - deal with it. They even have told you how to get your stuff back since they made the mistake of not letting us know in the begining. As for the whole "extra slots" issue, that is just a pathetic attempt to keep arguing.

Enough whining over this subject, it is simply a dead horse at this point and you are just making yourself look bad to keep ranting on.



Originally Posted by CatMan View Post
Suggestion if you retain this feature: in the event it expires, have it auto-sell for the base price and the sending character receive the influence. Certainly not a equal exchange, but some compensation as the Paragon Mail Delivery Service recoups on it's own costs.
In my humble opinion that is an extraordinarily GOOD idea CatMan, but you will be amazed how many people with jump around like they are on fire complaining about this if it starts happening. I can hear the screams of "I've been ROBBED!" already.



Originally Posted by myriad View Post
i fully agree with this. This is important information. I would prefer to know in advance that i'll loose my stuff if i store it beyond a certain limit instead of being saved by general mistrust in the abilities of the people responsible for the creation and implementation of this feature.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
For them to admit that they made a mistake rather than saying "the system is working as intended."

They didn't admit making a mistake.
I'm not trying to defend them by any means, so don't go hating on me.

I think you are giving our tiny little dev team entirely too much credit for this.

There are other departments that carry more weight to blame for other failures and communication breakdown that make this look like small fries. <because this IS small fries>

My point: Lets not start pointing fingers. Let's just move forward and make the best of it.

btw- our code monkeys need a raise.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.