Going Rogue in Europe




lol no saw a red name online and vented to them go the reply pretty quick though but there was a lot of anger in the post dont know how to quote pms on the actual thread though and it is legit! but we all know where the devs SOON and GOOD NEWS gets us......



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Pffft... as if someone would PM me.

Are you up to 90 toons now Damzy? Have you spread yourself aaaaaaaaaaaaaall over the NA servers?
Im sure he has spread himself good and proper.



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
well lets wait and see what they have in store for us although it is rude for them to start a thread and not reply to us! if nothing is changed or somthing isnt done to improve our quality of life theres always the release of DC universe online we could all go together.. lol probabily wont see anything happen till there release date neither when the NA servers quiet down cuz people wonna try dc then i think we will see somthing happen cuz in all honesty the nc AND the dev team are crap at remembering were here think our subs just pay there overtime or electric bill not sure
How long should we wait? We've already waited several years, and we've STILL no answer.

I'm rather sick of waiting.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
I see you're taking a similar approach with the letters in that last sentence...

OWULD... no...
DOLUW... no...
WOLDU... not likely...

Is it 'WOLUD'???

It may be CRYPTIC (got that one.. I think) but would a Pgaroan play such mischievous games with us?
Darn, someone finally figured out I just hammer the keyboard until what the screen says looks vaguely like what I want it to say.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
lol no saw a red name online and vented to them go the reply pretty quick though but there was a lot of anger in the post dont know how to quote pms on the actual thread though and it is legit! but we all know where the devs SOON and GOOD NEWS gets us......
Yet often, the 'so called' good news is always behind the actual news the US folks get, and in most cases comes along with a trashload of bad news.



and yet we still have no reply from a red name! i thought the devs were watching this thread carefully??? and a new kick in the teeth to the EU players is that the going rouge prepurchase emails that where sent out all lead to the NA version yet again!!! we cant win



Face it. They've forgotten about us. Yes Avatea said she is trying to do things for us, but she has things over the pond to do too. They just don't want to spread their time out to even look at us on the map.



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Pffft... as if someone would PM me.

Are you up to 90 toons now Damzy? Have you spread yourself aaaaaaaaaaaaaall over the NA servers?

I've got my elec/shield scrapper up to 31 and my emp/rad defender up to 34 [half a bar from 35], everybody over there is calling me by my characters name! Not by damz! So if im on Ultimate Damz, they call me ultimate, not damz! Welshy no like ultimate!

Hoping to get a bit more done on there before GR comes out and im back to the EU [only bought GR for the EU side] though.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
How long should we wait? We've already waited several years, and we've STILL no answer.

I'm rather sick of waiting.

FFM!!!! Where you been!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I really wish I could convey the fact that there is no active effort to increase the gap between our North American and European communities. On the contrary, in the background, you have no idea how much we'd like to do to improve things but we have hurdles along the way that don't help achieve that. I can't give you explanations as to the type of hurdle we have to overcome and that's probably not going to please some of you, but I guarantee you that they are not the type that can be resolved with a bit of coding.

About the newsletter links, no, it wasn't an effort to drive you towards the North American site, the automatic geo-IP redirect is simply not functioning well but our web team is now aware of the issue. Thank you for alerting us.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
I I can't give you explanations as to the type of hurdle we have to overcome and that's probably not going to please some of you, but I guarantee you that they are not the type that can be resolved with a bit of coding.
You just know that's going to be read as "our secret Marketing Overlords won't let us

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
You just know that's going to be read as "our secret Marketing Overlords won't let us
I think it's a legal issue with the whole 'data being owned by NC Europe' problem.

Oh and....has the option of just allowing us to buy the PO bonus as a booster been brought up at all over there? If not, could you forward it to the relevant people? Us completionists need our stuffs

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Thank you for posting Avatea. I certainly don't envy you the task of communicating with us rowdy lot over this issue.

A mistake is a mistake and I'm glad that it's being worked on. I think that perhaps it would take the most cynical of minds to think that it was some covert attempt to get us all to uproot and head to the NA servers. However the fact remains that we have watched a decline in service since the EU offices closed and as our numbers dwindle, we see no attempt to try and either bring more people to the EU and nothing that reassures us that we're not about to be closed down and forgotten about.

I know that you are limited in what you can say but this isn't about words. Our patience has been tested over the past two years and has been worn thin. When it comes to the future of the EU servers, action speaks volumes.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
Oh and....has the option of just allowing us to buy the PO bonus as a booster been brought up at all over there? If not, could you forward it to the relevant people? Us completionists need our stuffs
Black Pebble confirmed in the promotion thread that its Gamestop only and no seperate purchase code for the enhancements will be availiable

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I wonder if theres some sort of office drinking competition for when they mention the EU servers or EU community, maybe they are just too hung over to deal with us right now?

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
I think it's a legal issue with the whole 'data being owned by NC Europe' problem.
NCSoft Europe doesn't own any of my data - I do; I just allow them to use it. Give me a webform form with a tick box and I'll allow them to share it with NCSoft NA.

I really don't see the issue here.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
I really wish I could convey the fact that there is no active effort to increase the gap between our North American and European communities. On the contrary, in the background, you have no idea how much we'd like to do to improve things but we have hurdles along the way that don't help achieve that. I can't give you explanations as to the type of hurdle we have to overcome and that's probably not going to please some of you, but I guarantee you that they are not the type that can be resolved with a bit of coding.

About the newsletter links, no, it wasn't an effort to drive you towards the North American site, the automatic geo-IP redirect is simply not functioning well but our web team is now aware of the issue. Thank you for alerting us.
Avatea, thanks again for posting and it’s nice to see a red name saying that there is a gap. I know it must be difficult to deal with some of us currently but I get the feeling that you understand.

However I’ve read your post a few times and I get that there are some hurdles to overcome, but this part of your post almost seems to contradict it's self:

“I really wish I could convey the fact that there is no active effort to increase the gap between our North American and European communities. “On the contrary, in the background, you have no idea how much we'd like to do to improve things”.

Maybe I’ve just had too much vodka (if such a thing is possible), but the first part seems to suggest that you are working on something but then when you go on to say how much you’d like to do something, it suggests to me that nothing is happening.

Perhaps, my head could be clearer but surely either you are doing something (or at least have plans) or you’re not?

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I think... and I'm maybe reading a lot into it... that she is saying she wishes she could say NOTHING was being done, so we knew and could move on and leave, or transfere or whatever. However, she can't cos something IS being done, but it'll take time and Black Pebble (sorry, but you are the face of marketing so all will be blamed personally on you :P ) is standing behind her with a gag, stroking his white cat, making sure she doesn't tell us anything useful.

Edit: Actually, on rereading it, it sounds like she wishes she could tell us there ISN'T an attempt to make it worse, but she can't... implying there is.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post

Edit: Actually, on rereading it, it sounds like she wishes she could tell us there ISN'T an attempt to make it worse, but she can't... implying there is.
Have some vodka

I'm sure there are many factors other than just coding as Avatea says, I guess a list merge could have impacts such as potential jobs loses in EU support etc, our servers will be on some kinda contract so there will be financial considerations. Also I guess there is the perception of a merge with GR coming, plus a merge puts their whole player-base at risk if it's problematic. No doubt there would be other factors we can't even think of.

I'm only guessing that a merge is the general plan as the total lack of marketing and boxed edition leaves us with no real future in my opinion.

The EU needs something to happen soon or at least some news of plans or direction, I'm just pointing out that it may not be as simple as some people may think.

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Have some vodka

I'm sure there are many factors other than just coding as Avatea says, I guess a list merge could have impacts such as potential jobs loses in EU support etc, our servers will be on some kinda contract so there will be financial considerations. Also I guess there is the perception of a merge with GR coming, plus a merge puts their whole player-base at risk if it's problematic. No doubt there would be other factors we can't even think of.

I'm only guessing that a merge is the general plan as the total lack of marketing and boxed edition leaves us with no real future in my opinion.

The EU needs something to happen soon or at least some news of plans or direction, I'm just pointing out that it may not be as simple as some people may think.

I still believe that the EARLIEST we'll see anything happen [if at all] will be towards the end of the year after the GR buzz has died down.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I still believe that the EARLIEST we'll see anything happen [if at all] will be towards the end of the year after the GR buzz has died down.
yeah there proabily waiting for GR to silence us for a while but its been years now we have asked for somthing to help boost our population numbers so this time my rants wont be over till i see results!

after reading avetas post i dont think they can actually do anything but she isnt aloud to say incase we all **** off and leave games/ some will resubscribe on NA but thats the impression i am getting, if a reason to what these 'hurdles' are were given or just 1 major hurdle was shared wioth us then maybee we could cut the devs slack, but they bring it upon themselves with the lame *** piss poor answers they give



Black Pebble has already confirmed the pre order Enhancements are for that store only so: no, none of us will be getting those goodies (I'll add a cautious "via pre order" so as to cover all my bases).

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Black Pebble has already confirmed the pre order Enhancements are for that store only so: no, none of us will be getting those goodies (I'll add a cautious "via pre order" so as to cover all my bases).
That's why I said "Or something similar"

I already knew we weren't getting them and although I really doubt there is much truth in that they haven't given up on finding opportunities for Europe, however I did not want to get sarcastic and tried to ask it in a positive way. But who am I kidding?

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
