Going Rogue in Europe




Ironic they choose AMD as partner, if it was not the Ati cards that had nonstop issues to run the game properly

Anyway, date is set at 17th august, while i still dont know where to get a copy of GR. They got roughly 2 months to get a decent answer, or just a 'keep quiet and buy the digital version you stupid!' as final answer.



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Well, if they can merge the markets....
Even if they could, they wouldnt :P



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
Even if they could, they wouldnt :P
Was that relating to the EU or the Markets? Because you do realise they are merging the markets, if that was related to them, right?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Was that relating to the EU or the Markets? Because you do realise they are merging the markets, if that was related to them, right?
More related to the total merge of US/EU entirely, merging a market should have been done ages ago.

I never understood the whole concept of seperated markets for CoV/CoH, 1 gap fills the other.

Merging the box/digital client market, that would be something interesting. Not having a ******* up website that hides any US client/booster if your IP is from Europe, accidently buying the wrong box and not getting a refund, where only 1 digit is different from the 2 clients.

So for me, it aint worth it anymore. Stuck with 60month and 51 months accounts, useless to be played in a deserted server (yes, 20 people active online in not my view of a MMO). You feel loyal, blinded by the crap-service NCsoft is offering the COH EU players. Why did Aion had such great EU support? Why did Guildwars had the same? Tabula Rasa? Lineage? Why all games had a worldwide distrubution of every goodie, while CoH never had anything like that.

The irony kicks in harder, when Tabula Rasa closed, all active EU players got a huge pack of goodies including 3 months of CoH gametime. And wich account you could only apply it to? Bingo, US account.



Baring in mind that a market merge was always said to be either "difficult" or "not happening anytime soon", it parallels our situation pretty well.

The only reason in my view that the market merge is happening is that it is important for GR, where as any sort of server list merge isn't. I still believe it can be done, it's just not a priority at the moment, sucks eh?

To be fair I'm not even convinced by the argument that a merge spells bad PR for the game as it could mean US players would get extra servers and slots, also it's clear the game will not be marketed in Europe anyway.

You could say that a market merge was the devs listening to the players or you could also say that it was the best or only solution they could come up with to make GR work...in the words of big brother "you decide"

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Baring in mind that a market merge was always said to be either "difficult" or "not happening anytime soon", it parallels our situation pretty well.

The only reason in my view that the market merge is happening is that it is important for GR, where as any sort of server list merge isn't. I still believe it can be done, it's just not a priority at the moment, sucks eh?

To be fair I'm not even convinced by the argument that a merge spells bad PR for the game as it could mean US players would get extra servers and slots, also it's clear the game will not be marketed in Europe anyway.

You could say that a market merge was the devs listening to the players or you could also say that it was the best or only solution they could come up with to make GR work...in the words of big brother "you decide"
A server merge is the bad PR, and sign that games are (usually) either dying or having to cut losses.

A server list merge, on the other hand, holds no such connotations...so long as the idiot review sites and magazines can get that right, at least.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post

So for me, it aint worth it anymore. Stuck with 60month and 51 months accounts, useless to be played in a deserted server (yes, 20 people active online in not my view of a MMO). You feel loyal, blinded by the crap-service NCsoft is offering the COH EU players.
Uhm...uhuh. Not sure which servers you're playing on that have 20 people online. Unless your playing on, say, Zukunft at 2 in the morning.

I know it's not as good as it frankly could and in a way should be. But it's not quite that bad just yet.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
A server merge is the bad PR, and sign that games are (usually) either dying or having to cut losses.

A server list merge, on the other hand, holds no such connotations...so long as the idiot review sites and magazines can get that right, at least.

Agreed and a list merge was what I was referring to, as I mentioned extra slots/servers.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Uhm...uhuh. Not sure which servers you're playing on that have 20 people online. Unless your playing on, say, Zukunft at 2 in the morning.

I know it's not as good as it frankly could and in a way should be. But it's not quite that bad just yet.
From 11pm till around 1am GMT+1 time, and i'm not refering to the /who, but plain the people i talk to, see moving around or any other way being active.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
A server merge is the bad PR, and sign that games are (usually) either dying or having to cut losses.

A server list merge, on the other hand, holds no such connotations...so long as the idiot review sites and magazines can get that right, at least.
Like they even care for PR? Nobody in Europa (nowadays) even knows this game, there is ZERO advertising. They only know NCsoft from Aion and Guildwars, games where there is alot of advertising done. Did anybody even cared that Brighton office was closed? 'bad PR' in any way? (closing = bad). The bit of advertising left for CoH is actualy done for the US servers.

A list only brings more problems, what will happen to the subs or characters? I'm already paying 1year+ on both sides, just to get all characters 'copied' (read, plvled) to the US side.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
From 11pm till around 1am GMT+1 time, and i'm not refering to the /who, but plain the people i talk to, see moving around or any other way being active.
That's the most ridiculous yardstick for measuring game activity I've ever heard of.

I agree with your points in general about the EU side but using "there are only 20 people active at peak time" based on who you actually see around is fail and detracts from any point you were trying to make.



At around 10pm last night I hopped servers. I used to be a dedicated Defiant player however due to the lack of numbers I have been playing on Union a little lately.

Blueside at 10pm there were 146 players listed on Union and 91 listed on Defiant, of course this cannot be counted as a complete list as players may be hidden etc.

Hardly dead but this only makes 18 or 11 full teams in the very best case scenario, but in reality much less.

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its ridiculous the devs in interveiws have been quoted saying '' we have the best relationship with our community than any other MMO'' well then show us EU somthing or at least have the decency to reply to a thread that you say you are going to montior FFS its not that had to post a reply.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
That's the most ridiculous yardstick for measuring game activity I've ever heard of.

I agree with your points in general about the EU side but using "there are only 20 people active at peak time" based on who you actually see around is fail and detracts from any point you were trying to make.
Be it 20, be it 100 or 150, they do NOT represent the 'MMO' in MMORPG. I care little if 'my perspective' is 'fail' in your view, the global line remains.. this is not really acording MMO 'standards'.

Or easier said, can you name a MMO that has less players on a server?

Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Blueside at 10pm there were 146 players listed on Union and 91 listed on Defiant, of course this cannot be counted as a complete list as players may be hidden etc.

Hardly dead but this only makes 18 or 11 full teams in the very best case scenario, but in reality much less.
Yet those hidden probably make up to the people of the 91 visible that not wish to party or are doing other stuff that not include a party.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
The irony kicks in harder, when Tabula Rasa closed, all active EU players got a huge pack of goodies including 3 months of CoH gametime. And wich account you could only apply it to? Bingo, US account.
Pretty darn sure I applied my 3months CoX to one of my EU accounts - given that I've never had anything but a trial account on the US servers.

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Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
Meanwhile I'm still curious if there has been made any effort to do something specifically for the EU regarding pre orders in the last couple of weeks.

Although I can probably make a good guess what's the answer to that question.

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bit pissed that they didnt answer any questions on the razer comp about how GR will be promoted in europe or how they will increase our player base there just uptight wankers



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
bit pissed that they didnt answer any questions on the razer comp about how GR will be promoted in europe or how they will increase our player base there just uptight wankers

It must by now be obvious that they dont intend to do the first of those things, and the second just aint happening surely?

Roll on merging the servers.



i dont even think they take notice of this thread anymore dont ever hear back from them and they said they were keeping an eye on it



well i have posted in the new ask a dev thread about the future for the EU if our numbers still decline weather this question get answers begs to differ... those who also want answers i urge you to ask similar questions they cant ignore us all!!!!!!!



everything in this thread

Which is why when I renewed my CoH/CoV account for the release of GR I chose the US servers. More players and zero flamers. A good choice and one I should have made from the start 5 years ago.



I'm not infuriated. I just hope that should our servers die people can transfer to US.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.