Things you find fun, but aren't necessarily rewarding?
The thing I enjoy doing in the game that offers nothing in return except for my own satisfaction in doing it?
Hidden clickies
No badge for finding them, no 'ding', no reward for finding them other than "I've stumbled across something, and perhaps no one else has..."
Walking. Last night I had one character walk from the Talos Pocket D entrance to the tram.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Hmmm.... lets see.
I like to take my level 50 Energy Blaster to Atlas and do the ol Power Push into the globe routine. Always good for a few laughs.
I like to take my Empathy defender to the ceiling and drop right beside Miss Liberty, hitting absorb pain as I do to commit suicide.
Always gets a few gaffahs.
I have a toon who's bio has him being a Big Game documentary maker.
He's searched out every GM in the game to 'research them in their natural enviroment' Which means I find them and study them for a bit, take some pics and leave them be.
That toon has a pic with him doing /e clipboard and the GM behind him for all GM's blueside with the exception of Hami.
Best pic was the battle with Eochai and Jack. Right as I clicked the pic a bunch of witches launched electricity at me. Made the scene that much cooler.
Playing to a particular concept, even when not the best path. My fire/ice Blaster was constructed by the council for instance. He now makes it a point to seek out and destroy all council members.
Going on Patrol with my PCSAR avatar Capt. Biohazrd. Flying around Atlas and the Hollows, nailing the heal right before the level 4 below me dies.
Following a level 4 Blaster around as he plows through purple after purple with me buffing him into godmode. Surprising a team of Sewer runners by following them through buffing and healing as needed is always fun.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Heading to Mercy with my level 50 grav dom and using Lift to turn low-level mobs into clay pigeons.
RPing, and all that entails (character creation is more involved, designing lots more cossies for various RP purposes, etc).
Flying around pretty places, like Eden and Ouroboros.
Ninja Run parkour around Steel Canyon (get to a destination, but don't stop, don't run more than two steps in a row, don't turn in the air, don't touch the ground and try not to double back or jump on unrealistic geometry (small window-ledges mostly)).
Helping n00bs.
OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1
Watching the leaves fall and running through the to watch them blow around.
Making a new costume.
Ninja Running rooftops and ledges and the rails.
Flying as low as I can down the streets, dodging pedestrians and vehicles.
These are a few of my favorite things.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Costume making.
Roof bouncing/skyscraper scaling.
Hellion Golf!
Dec out.
I like taking my level 50 FF Defender into Atlas or the Hollows and repelling enemies off into the horizon with Force Bubble, or popping them with my KB-slotted Force Bolt.
I used to love leading a Perez Park parade with my tanker (and stumbling onto other people leading such parades as a lowbie always amused me), but alas that's no longer possible.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
when i sometimes get bored i stage AV fights using a small map in AE and when in test mode i turn myself on untargetable so i dont add to the fight in any way, good fun to see what AVs can kill each other

Using KB and KU on -49 enemies.
Screenshots, like amusing ragdoll positions of defeated enemies or visually appealing moments.
Playing my main, even if it's just wandering around aimlessly.
Seeing really awesome costumes or bios.
Going to a certain pool under a certain waterfall in Eden and using the /e throwrice emote, just to see if any ducks spawn.
Slowing down and checking those pay phones in Croatoa, so I can catch the Firbolg puzzling over them when they spawn there.
Tea parties.
Watching my TA or Archery characters in action.
Screwing around with physics-endowed things, like leaves or bullet casings.
Air dancing (strafing left and right in time, while flying) to the zone music for The Crescent in Brickstown.
Sitting inside things like chimneys or boxes.
Jumping through the Shadow Shard.
Don't ask me why, but I can kill hours in the Shard leaping from rock to rock.
Ninja-running on a Dual Blades Character and leaping over Cars and such.
Dropping into the middle of -49 mobs and hitting Foot Stomp
SJing around RV with my Inv Tank and laughing at the silly villains trying to take me out.
jogging along with Council in Striga
Rain of Arrows in the Hollows.. at random
Playing 'whack-a-monkey' in Creys Folly at lvl 50
Strolling through Atlas with Cloak of Fear running

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Going into zones lower than my character and unleashing Hell upon my enemies (I like storming the Striga Council Base and busting prisoners around the Zig and fighting Rikti in the RWZ)
Launching enemies with knockback!
Oh, and RPing around Atlas.
And testing and making AE (non-farming) missions.
Yep, I haven't had this much fun since Microsoft Word!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I like to explore the back alleys and areas that people never go to see what fun things the Devs hid there (Like the Skull that got the purse in KR.)
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
Confusing Longbow in the Siren's Call hotspots on my fortunata.
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Playing CoH.
It's fun and there's absolutely nothing rewarding about it from a real world perspective. It's a complete waste of time.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
Cripes, not like I have much of life without them...
Dec out.
Playing CoH.
It's fun and there's absolutely nothing rewarding about it from a real world perspective. It's a complete waste of time. |

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Base building.. I can spend hours stacking desks and such to make the base look good. I MUST love this I am the Archetect/Engineer for 3 different SG Hero side and 2 more on COV. LOL
Using Ninja Run and see how far I can tavel without actually touching ground/road .. hopping from building to building etc (as long as my feet don't touch ground trash cans and such count. :-D
I Definately like costume designing and I tend to keep tinkering. At one point my first year on game I had changed my outfit and look so many times the members of my VG didn't recognize me unless I was close enough for them to read my name floating above me,
Being a Taxibot. Over the years nothing has been more fun and led to more friendships than standing around in the Hollows or at the Tailor in Steel and just giving players a free lift where they needed to go. I've had players I don't even know IM and give me a /e hug and says "That's for saving my butt more than once in the Hollows back in the day" :-D
Keeping in touch with good friends. I have turned downs teams, TF, etc when asked with the reply "No thanks I am chatting with my friend at the moment. Good luck!"
Exploring zones and finding those nice little spots tucked away that a lot of people miss. I like the little floating "islands?" you find around Ouroborus. The Shard has some really neat spots as well and even Perez Park has some very pretty spots.. if you can just clear out the Villains hanging around them LOL
Darn I almost forgot to ask. Decorum I have a pretty good idea of HOw it's played but exactly what is Hellion Golf and are there any rules? hehehe
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Ha! It's basically slotting up a power like Power Thrust to maximum KB, going to Atlas and seeing how far (and accurate, if you want) you can punch them down the street. It's fun to watch them fly. I've gotten one to almost under Atlas from the gates/fence before. That was loads of fun!
Dec out.
Clobbering a level 1 hellion with my KB-slotted KO Blow and watching them fly into orbit.
Following low-levels on my Empath and buffing them up as they street-sweep.
Watching the Family in concrete shoes hopping away as I gun down their captors.
Reading awesome bios.
But most of all...
Obviously I hope we're all here to have fun in the game. For some, it's all and only about the experience points and loot earned, and while that's certainly a valid way to see the game, I daresay it's a minority view. Basically, what do you enjoy doing that is its own reward? It CAN fill up the bank account, xp bar, or salvage/recipe tray at the end, but that's not the actual point. Badge collecting is a common example, I wager: "Sure, the badges are worth xp upon the finding, and getting the right ones leads to other stuff, but I just dig collecting them in general." RPing. Build planning just for the sake of it, to create the perfect weapon. Being EEEEVIL. That sort of thing.
I thoroughly enjoyed flying around Founders Falls with my AR/Elec and playing anti-sniper. They actually are quite good xp, but if that was what I was after she had plenty of AoE she could dish out to large spawns, which would be tons better xp and more loot too. However, the real fun was either catching enemy snipers totally unaware, or figuring out where that bullet just came from and sending one back, preferably into that punk's right eye. (Heck, for that matter, snipes in general in this game are considered iffy at best, but hers was 6-slotted and used even if there were "better" attacks to open up with. Total joy to stealthily drop that one dude who wandered a bit far from his buddies.)
Another example is playing Professional Assassin: "Defeat" ONLY the targets that are absolutely necessary for mission completion. Stalkers are obviously the best for this, but my Ice/Devices Blaster is purpose-built for it. Sadly (imo) the game discourages this in a lot of missions, and in truth it's better from a rewards standpoint to Tab-Target-Attack until the map's empty. To me though it's FAR more fun to get in, drop a bomb under the bad guy, then get out without the mooks being the wiser until it's too late. "We're all clear, Boss. ...Boss?" In my imagination I have all the reward I need.