Live Patch Notes - 5/12/10




I don't even really like the LGTF as it is - this would just give me more reason to avoid it.

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
So you are saying the design intent of the mission with the Weakened Hamidon is to either take forever OR demand 5pts of hold from each task force member on a perma basis?
He said he set it to match the original design, not the original design intent. The original design apparently mandated 50 points of protection. Its almost certainly the case that such a high level of protection doesn't match the intended team requirements of the TF.


How about just keeping the hold resistance and dropping the hold protect? Could even up the hold resistance and it'd still be doable but more difficult.
Actually, I was thinking almost the reverse. I think it might make more sense for the greens to have negative hold resistance and still high (but maybe not that high) hold protection. Negative hold resistance would mean holds would last longer, so they could stack higher. Having high hold resistance means holds will last less long, and that means it might be impossible to perma-hold the greens without enough hold casters. And if the hold flickers off for even a single combat tick, the mito will be freed to use its heals.

Negative hold resistance means a smaller number of mezzers could eventually overlap enough holds to overcome protection, which means holding the green would take more effort but that accumulated effort could come from less actual hold casters. It would open the door for three mezzers to be able to hold the mito fast, two to take longer, but even one could do it eventually, just with more effort.

Not sure off the top of my head if there are any indesirable side effects to self-debuffing hold resistance like that, but I can't think of any off the top of my head at the moment.

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Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
im fairly sure that if you havent changed to the costume or logged on to the character yet, that they should not have any problems hereafter, however if you have logged on to a toon you may have to fix a costume or 2 since it would have defaulted to original and thats just power customization (which is relatively cheap from remaking your entire costume)
Unfortunately this doesn't solve the problem of the missing Warrior costume pieces on female characters. I can either fix the powers and /lose/ the costume pieces that I paid for in the Martial Arts Booster pack that are now MIA ingame, or keep the broken power customization and /not/ lose the costume pieces.

Is there an ETA on when the Warrior pieces are going to be back ingame?

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I've done the LGTF a dozen or more times, and not a single time did we ever hold the greens. We just attacked them and they died. They needed more damage, more quickly than the other mitos, but they died. So apparently I've done it wrong a dozen times, and was really supposed to never succeed once? I appreciate all you've done for us Castle, but I'm pretty sure you're in the wrong here. It was plenty challenging before... I had a couple teams that could not kill the Hamidon in its old form.

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
That is probably a bug. Bug it. All mitos die when hami dies in raids.
Not in the LGTF. It's always been that the team has to defeat the mitos as well as hami. We powered through it before this patch but it wasn't very pretty nor fun, and it was a regular 20 min LGtf team so we were lucky to have a lot of zone hami leaders on our team.

With the current patch this TF will be harder than the LRSF.



I say someone at Paragon Studio should make Castle join a PUG LGTF. And he's not allowed to leave work that day until the LGTF is done. Oh, and no GM/dev powers allowed.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



I'm afraid I can't get behind the design that if you don't have several controllers/dominators on the team you can't complete the TF. It seems that this change, even if the hold protection on the greens is reduced, means that either you bring plenty of holds or you don't bother starting the TF.

Any TF that REQUIRES a specific power in order to complete is poorly designed. Hard is ok, but impossible without a specific team composition is inexcusable. I'd guess that MAYBE 8 blasters MIGHT be able to overpower the Green's heals and regen but little else could.

I've no doubt that 8 Fire/Rad controllers could take it's lunch money but the majority of teams aren't on that level.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Perhaps. Probably, in fact. I made it match the original design. If needed (and judging by reactions, it probably is) I'll drop the protection some in a future update. It will never be as easy as it was when the green mito's perma-held themselves though.
That was easy?


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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Perhaps. Probably, in fact. I made it match the original design. If needed (and judging by reactions, it probably is) I'll drop the protection some in a future update. It will never be as easy as it was when the green mito's perma-held themselves though.
So you are just going to leave it. Will you PL and slot a permahold mind/ or fire/ dom for me? Thanks

EDIT: Would use it to help victims of dumb game design.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
So, no fix for the Enhancement numbers being 6 pixels tall?
Haven't seen any redname even acknowledge its a problem, why would they fix it ):

And the numbers of recipes when sellingthem to vendor are even smaller



So any adjustments made with a critter easier then paper said it should be. Now that it's fixed it may be harder then desired but that fix will come after play testing prooves it.



Well, warning all my friends that our favorite TF is undoable. REALLY not happy about this. I always looked at the Hami mission as the most challenging part of the TF, but one of the coolest missions to do as well.

Seriously, if the TF is too easy, then relook at the rewards. People do this TF over and over because it is FUN. Because it is co-op, high level, and just plain fun. WHY screw with that?

I seriously hope this is reconsidered. Until then, I will miss the LGTF, but will consider it offline until it is do-able by a normal team again.

@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
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"Fixing" a "mistake" without actually testing the "fix"?
If you're gonna fix something, then fix it right.
Fixing something halfass, and saying "oh, I'll fix it again later" is just ...
Bad form, Castle.
Bad form.

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I am the shining light in the darkness!
*heh* Well go shine in a LGTF and come back and tell us how easy it is. Since you're insisting that damage spiking alone is enough i'd request you not do it with more than one Dominator and Controller on the team. After all, you've explained how they're not actually needed.
Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Are the mitos supposed to die when the nucleus dies as in the raid version?
Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Not a clue. I'd have to ask the mission writer. I assume it works like a standard encounter, rather than like the Hamidon Zone Event, though.
Challenging then. Well i for one look forward to hearing from T_C_S regarding how simple it was to do with several Stalkers and a few reds.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by Incarnadine View Post
Well, warning all my friends that our favorite TF is undoable. REALLY not happy about this. I always looked at the Hami mission as the most challenging part of the TF, but one of the coolest missions to do as well.

Seriously, if the TF is too easy, then relook at the rewards. People do this TF over and over because it is FUN. Because it is co-op, high level, and just plain fun. WHY screw with that?

I seriously hope this is reconsidered. Until then, I will miss the LGTF, but will consider it offline until it is do-able by a normal team again.
don't even do that. the original version of the TF was, in no way, exploitable or broken to provoke such a hard nerf, I and i think im safe in saying all of the player base, thought the TF was perfectly challenging and fine as is(er was). the rewards don't need to be changed and if the devs want the difficulty to be adjusted then A) this is not the way to do it and B) increase the merits for the harder task.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
So..the bug for entering Cim is fixed? Then WHY did I just enter..and get stuck? AGain? Really, good stuff. Then I zoned out via the vet base tp...and spawned UNDER my base. I assumed since I was in the floor when I left Cim.
Anyone else still getting it?
Yup, just happened to me. Definitely still a problem.



The Greens should be hard but not overly difficult to take down. And if you can hold them (say mag 10), then they should be easy to take down.

Making anything nigh unkillable unless you have a mez for a TF is just wrong. LGTF isn't even an elite TF like LRSF or STF is. It's supposed to be a level 45 TF akin to the difficulty of a Numina.

Also, this is a Weakened Hamidon. The Yellows are weakened. The Blues are Weakened. Hamidon is Weakened. So... why are the Greens nigh unkillable without a gimmick?

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Castle, is it possible the mission writer actually _intended_ for the Green Mitos to have -50 Hold Protection? Could that possibly have been the specific mechanic employed to fully simulate that Hamidon was in a weakened state?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Perhaps. Probably, in fact. I made it match the original design. If needed (and judging by reactions, it probably is) I'll drop the protection some in a future update. It will never be as easy as it was when the green mito's perma-held themselves though.
Errrrm it's a weakened Hamidon for a reason.

Here we go changing something years after it's implemented incorrectly.

Next issue we'll find out we're not supposed to have ever had travel powers.

Here's a unique idea, have your **** reviewed and QA'd. Yes yes it's a lot of stuff but make it someone's job to code review this ****. Outsource it to India if you need to.

Oh oh and impact analysis. Yeah impact analysis would be splendid.



So I'd like to take a moment here to remind the Developers, specifically _Castle_, of a promise that has been made time and time again.

No TF or SF will ever require a specific AT, because having to spend an hour or two just to find that one specific person just so you can do the TF makes the game not fun.

I've honestly lost track of how many times that's been said. And here we are, being told that now, requiring Controllers/Dominators in at least 2 slots to complete a TF is fun.

Yeah. Nice try. I'm not going to waste time on fluff.
You screwed up. Big. Admit you made a mistake. Quit making excuses. Fix it now.
I17's numerous continuing issues have already burned up most of your good will; making excuses like this is not refilling the tanks.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Stalker = best ST DPS

So far from right it hurts, this is bad even for you.

And while I am here.

Pvp fixes. Do them. So I can stop posting in every set of patch noted asking about them. Or at least tell me to f' off so I can leave it alone.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Shaking my head right now. mag 54 mez protection means that the team that can mez them can mez almost any target in the game. Is that really where you want to set the bar? Really?

I think this would and should have been realized in about 30 seconds of testing from someone with no prior knowledge of mez mechanics in this game and instantly identifiable as a potential problem to anyone with knowledge of the mechanic in relation to the AT's found in the game.

Such high protection is probably fine for the raid version ( ~30 is better though) and was very likely fine for the old raid version that had upwards of 100+ people. For an 8 person TF though...

It's absolutely fine if you want them to have very high mez protection as one avenue to defeating the encounter. But because that will require specific team formations (which is a no no for TF design) it means you need to provide one or more alternative methods to defeating the encounter.

Now I don't see you spending the time to rework the encounter for multiple approaches so that doesn't leave much room for employing ridiculously high barriers to entry for the single approach that is employable.

Thanks in advance for the hotfix that will be coming in the next few days.



I'm not one to bash the devs, but this is seriously one of the most boneheaded "fixes" I can think of. Talk about completely missing the point. How is it possible no one on the team said, "Hey, this is supposed to be the WEAKENED Hamidon, isn't it?"

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Perhaps. Probably, in fact. I made it match the original design. If needed (and judging by reactions, it probably is) I'll drop the protection some in a future update. It will never be as easy as it was when the green mito's perma-held themselves though.
Generally a fix should be to put it back to where it was before it was broken. "Matching the original design" isn't a good idea since I would suspect that the original spec got tweaked after a whole bunch of QA.

Again, I would like stress that fixes like this could have been caught by a simple heads up on test, so that players could go over things and see if they work before it hits live.

Something like: "Hey I patched the Green Mitos so they aren't perma unholdable anymore but they don't work like before i17 went live. Anyone care to check the game balance on it?"

Was there any grumbling from other people within Paragon Studios about the balance of the LGTF? Normally a task force has the most challenging mission last but they way this is working now makes the Hamidon encounter the most difficult and the Honoree a wimp in comparison.