Let's Discuss: Kinetic Melee




Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
What current trends? Oh, you mean DP?

Because Willpower, Shields and Demon Summoning all kick pretty hard ***, lol.

Where is this trend?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Something that i am still curious about is what damage type(s) will Kinetic Melee use? As i recall it was referred to as "Telekinetic Melee" at least once during the presentation. Also, one of the most popular sets a couple years back when the players were polled as to what new sets they'd like to see was a Psychic Melee/Psychic Blades set. It seems quite possible that Kinetic Melee will use a mix of Smashing and Psy damage.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Something that i am still curious about is what damage type(s) will Kinetic Melee use? As i recall it was referred to as "Telekinetic Melee" at least once during the presentation. Also, one of the most popular sets a couple years back when the players were polled as to what new sets they'd like to see was a Psychic Melee/Psychic Blades set. It seems quite possible that Kinetic Melee will use a mix of Smashing and Psy damage.
Hmmm...I'm going to guess it's a Smashing/Psy mix. But they could just as easy go straight smashing if they wanted to.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I want the AS to do 100 mag KB.



I don't see why it would be psychic, Kinetic Energy is predominately defined as energy involved in physical movement. No brains required.

I imagine it'll be smashing, with a chance of energy.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't see why it would be psychic, Kinetic Energy is predominately defined as energy involved in physical movement. No brains required.

I imagine it'll be smashing, with a chance of energy.
Because TeleKINETIC Thrust, in Mental Manipulation, is Smashing/Psi damage, perhaps?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Because TeleKINETIC Thrust, in Mental Manipulation, is Smashing/Psi damage, perhaps?
True but the Psy damage comes from the TELE portion. Kinetic energy has no inherent relation with mental energy or manipulation.

I'm expecting pure Smashing because kinetic energy is simply a physical force generated by an object in motion.

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Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
True but the Psy damage comes from the TELE portion. Kinetic energy has no inherent relation with mental energy or manipulation.

I'm expecting pure Smashing because kinetic energy is simply a physical force generated by an object in motion.
Possibly, but since it's related to Tai Chi one could argue that the damage type be combined with Energy Damage.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Because TeleKINETIC Thrust, in Mental Manipulation, is Smashing/Psi damage, perhaps?
TELEkinetic defines that the power is manifested from some focused mental energy. The smashing part comes from the fact that it is physically repelling you. That said, the rest of the set is entirely psychic or buffs/controls.

Kinetic melee is the polar opposite of Telekinesis. It is brought on by physical movement, and the ability to manipulate the energies produced by them, which is what most martial arts are about; Figuring out how to best optimize the transfer of energy from their bodies to their target. The 'One-Inch-Punch' is a good example of this science.



I could see successful hits providing +recharge, like that force feedback proc. That would indirectly buff damage, and it fits the kinetic theme.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
What current trends? Oh, you mean DP?

Because Willpower, Shields and Demon Summoning all kick pretty hard ***, lol.
Yeah, I meant DP obviously. Long flashy animations that lead to an underperforming set. Like I said, I fully hope that I'm totally wrong...

Willpower isn't exactly a current trend, nor is SD really, but with SD, from what castle has recently posted, it's not going to kick pretty hard threestars for very long, lol.

Haven't tried DS, but i"m not sure you could make a weak MM set could you? Maybe hamster summoning or something.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Yeah, I meant DP obviously. Long flashy animations that lead to an underperforming set. Like I said, I fully hope that I'm totally wrong...

Willpower isn't exactly a current trend, nor is SD really, but with SD, from what castle has recently posted, it's not going to kick pretty hard threestars for very long, lol.

Haven't tried DS, but i"m not sure you could make a weak MM set could you? Maybe hamster summoning or something.
I know what you mean, since dual blades/pistols both seem more style than substance, but otherwise, sets seem to be generally improving. DS, for instance, is not only adequate, but one of the best MM primaries now.

So hopefully KM will have some power to go with its flashiness.



Originally Posted by Shrikefire View Post
I know what you mean, since dual blades/pistols both seem more style than substance, but otherwise, sets seem to be generally improving. DS, for instance, is not only adequate, but one of the best MM primaries now.

So hopefully KM will have some power to go with its flashiness.
Actually, dual blades can be pretty top notch. If demon summoning is a top set like you say, then hopefully dual pistols was just a... mistake, lol? We'll see 'soon' enough I guess, so probably some time in late december...



Dual Pistols still is not the most under-performing set, animation times considered. The change to Hail of Bullets is only helping bring it more forward on top of that. Executioner's Shot is the only real 'lag' in the set, and that has more to do with it's range than anything else.

I wasn't overly impressed with Demon Summoning from a mastermind standpoint, it seems about in line with the rest of the primaries. It actually kind of seemed... bad from the teams I was on; My stalker was able to do far more damage far more quickly than any of the deamon summoners I've played with. I'm willing to bet that is mostly due to people playing as Master Mind who really don't know how to play a Master Mind, however.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
My stalker was able to do far more damage far more quickly
Isn't that exactly as it should be? Like a Blaster, a Stalker is all about DMG (or should be). Or is this a backhanded jab at Stalker damage? Saying that they do such pathetic damage that it is cruel to compare an MM to a Stalker? I think I missed something.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Isn't that exactly as it should be? Like a Blaster, a Stalker is all about DMG (or should be). Or is this a backhanded jab at Stalker damage? Saying that they do such pathetic damage that it is cruel to compare an MM to a Stalker? I think I missed something.
Perhaps I'm not stressing the correct word enough...

My stalker was able to do FAR more damage FAR more quickly.

The level of damage I was doing over the DS felt out of place to what I'm used too. It really has nothing to do with Stalker, that's just what I was playing when I noted the observation. I often felt like the demons were just standing there, being really bright and obscuring, and given how few people understand MM, they may very well have been doing just that. My Corr also seems to be doing better overall damage, and she was loldualpistols.

I'm not going to pass final judgment until I play one myself, of course.



Originally Posted by Shrikefire View Post
I know what you mean, since dual blades/pistols both seem more style than substance, but otherwise, sets seem to be generally improving. DS, for instance, is not only adequate, but one of the best MM primaries now.

So hopefully KM will have some power to go with its flashiness.
don't underestimate Dual Blades my good sir



I dont know, I guess pirouettes really just throw me off from judging a powerset properly :P



All this backtalk about Dual Pistols...wasn't the set particularly good on ATs like Defender (during Beta, my Dark/DP made it seemingly impossible to die solo). Just because the set might not shine on every AT doesn't mean they're bad, just not overpowered with damage. Besides that, I don't really see the set struggle at anything.



Originally Posted by Shrikefire View Post
I dont know, I guess pirouettes really just throw me off from judging a powerset properly :P
it's a good DPS set once you trim the fat



Okay, first off, don't believe everything Mids tells you about DPS. Especially when Dual Blades is concerned. Those numbers don't include the combos or the way damage mitigation (like AoE knockdowns) keep you alive. Someone who knows how to use the set will rock your socks off while slicing them into tiny little pieces (though this is true of any set).

Second. The trend right now with power design seems to be moving away from the earlier stuff, which had an attack chain, some unique or utility powers, and a tier 9 nuke or godmode that might work but is as likely to get you killed because your Endurance is gone (and with Unstoppable, so is your HP). Look at Dual Blades, Shield, Willpower, Dual Pistols, and Demon Summoning. I always find myself going "Damn, this all looks like it'll come in handy." Dual Blades is the most extreme example, of course. But there does seem a leaning towards more interesting tricks that require a bit more thought, and more leaning towards picking good ground and positioning yourself.

I think this is a good thing. I despise nukes and tier 9 godmodes (especially you, Unstoppable), as I'll never use them in a fight. But I'm cool with using Strength of Will or One with the Shield, as there isn't much pain with the crash. I want more power sets with tricks up their sleeves rather than just big numbers. I want to ruin your day and look like a badass doing it. Maybe I won't have the biggest red numbers appearing. But if I'm smart, I'll still be standing, and useful, and be having an interesting time.

So that's what I want Kin Melee to be. Do I expect huge damage? Not really. Fire Melee will still be the king of the DPS mountain (as it should be). Do I expect something kinda quirky, maybe a bit more challenging, but worth it when mastered? Yes.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Judging by the little bit we've seen and how powers are built often leaning to some sort of style, I can see Kinetic Melee being a bit more of an outlier. Maybe not in some ways unlike Dark Melee. It's not just about raw damage, but has a whole bag of tricks backing it up like Siphon, Dark Consumption, and Soul Drain.
Which is funny, 'cause with the right build Dark Melee can deal more raw damage than any other Scrapper or Brute powerset.


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Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post

One of the primary concerns as of late has been the apparent trend toward long flashy animations in new powersets. Dual Pistols is the primary example when this issue comes up. Many worry that these long animation times will come with insufficient damage numbers to compensate. Thus leaving Kinetic Melee with sub par overall DPS. There's not much argument to make on the matter. Only a Dev can shed any light on the actual numbers and its unlikely that'll happen. We'll probably end up having to wait for open beta.
I don't think DP animation is any longer than any other ranged powerset.
It's more complex but since you move quicker it equals to the same amount of time.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
I don't think DP animation is any longer than any other ranged powerset.
It's more complex but since you move quicker it equals to the same amount of time.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
He's saying the cast times are nearly the same as other sets but since he animation involves many movements, a player's perception might be skewed to think the cast times are longer.

I have no idea if the cast times are longer or shorter compared to like Primary/Secondary.