Let's Discuss: Kinetic Melee




Just wanna clarify the animation time section of my OP. I wasn't saying that DP animation times are longer than those of similar sets. I was referring to the perception I've seen expressed by other players. I've played the set a bit myself and can't deny that it feels clunky to me.

Getting back to Kin Melee, I think it goes without saying that the animation times will probably be normalized to fit with the other melee sets. Big differences in animation time are usually limited to the upper tier attacks (Except in the case of specially designed sets like Energy Melee). My main concern is with overall theme of the set. By that I mean whether it'll be loaded for up front damage or focused on utility.

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
He's saying the cast times are nearly the same as other sets but since he animation involves many movements, a player's perception might be skewed to think the cast times are longer.

I have no idea if the cast times are longer or shorter compared to like Primary/Secondary.
DP attacks are very slow in comparison to other sets. They are twirly and full of dance moves and some people may be impressed by moon-walking halfway across the map just to shoot once, but others won't be.

The set breaks down like this:
Pistols = same as all other t1's at 1 sec
Dual Wield = same as most at 1.67 sec, slower than fireblast, iceblast, aimed shot if you are a corruptor
Empty Clips (cone) = slower than everything at 2.5 sec except frostbreath/firebreath. Does way less damage than either of those attacks though, so much lower DPA.
Bullet Rain (taoe) = slower than everything at 2.4 sec. Next slowest is explosive arrow at 1.83 sec
Suppress Fire (mez) = at 1.67 is pretty decent. Faster than bitter freeze ray, telsa cage and stunning shot, slower than freezeray and screech
Executioner (high dam) = 2.57 is much slower than other high damage st attacks except shout from sonic.
Piercing (high dam, -res) = 2.5 sec. Unique attack, no real equivalent in other sets. It isn't fast though.
Hail = slow like rain of arrows, faster than full auto, but requires melee range.

The set is slower than any other overall and has the potential to be even slower still if you pair it with anything that causes frequent redraw. It is visually flamboyant though, which is of high value to some people.

I would not be at all surprised if this set receives some trimming in animation times down the road once the shiny wears off. It is slow like old archery.



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
you'd run the risk of having Kinetic Melee become the new Super Strength, a set that supercharges itself without the need for any outside assistance.
It's actually the opposite. Brutes would get less benefit from it than any others due to their low base stats, and proportionally even less since they are buffed to start with.

That is true of SS too. It's just that Scrappers and Stalkers don't get SS.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



So, is there an actual list of the powers that are being circulated or is this all speculation.... I found a list floating around on the internets and was curious where it came from. It 'Seems' to be viable. Sounds ambiguous enough to be a power description that CoH is known for. Damage:Moderate, Recharge:Medium and all that.

Would it be bad if I posted what I found?

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



I think it's a bit premature to speculate about a set that's still in beta testing. I won't go into more details, but the set looks promising. That said, it's most definately a work in progress. The Beta testers have done a terrific job. Let's see what the final version is before we discuss the ins and outs.



As for right now, KM looks unplayable to me because if any of the powers in the set has knockback, I won't play it. Plus, the animations look long.



Originally Posted by Atheism View Post
As for right now, KM looks unplayable to me because if any of the powers in the set has knockback, I won't play it. Plus, the animations look long.
so you won't play SS, stone, elec, claws, WM, axe, or DB. You are missing out on a lot of the melee attack sets.




Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
It would not surprise me if Kinetic Melee is something along those lines, less about "OMG MASSIVE DAMAGE" and more with all kinds of ways to ruin someone's day if you're smart about it.
The best way to ruin someone's day is to kill them.



1. As for a power list, I havent seen any, but the video, I see eight distinct moves and if you throw in confront I think you can conceptualize.

2. The empowerment stacking 5x? That's a lot of time building-up. This set may have been developed to try allowing control over how damage is "packaged." For quicker light attacks - building-up 1-2x or for others 4-5x like the lightening dude in Big Trouble in Little China until *wham* (make it big) attack. Im not saying build-up makes the animation times longer or shorter; more of an issue of "how much time do I wanna spend preparing?"

3. If 2 is right, high-maintainace secondaries like /regen will fall out of favor for me- too much time not killing. Although with -dam and KD, regen based sets would be good.

4. Still need more data.

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