Is it true...?





I really-really wanted to know if Virtue was the server with the most amount of homosexuals? Please don't get upset with me for asking but the reason why I'm asking is mostly because I'd like to join a group/team where I'll be sure to be accepted.

Thank you very much



Whether or not it was, it will be now.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Whether or not it was, it will be now.

What you mean "it will be now."? Does that mean it's being taken' over as we speak? xD



Offering a serious reply; I'd say you're going to find the CoH community very accepting, regardless of which server you try. There are occasional lapses that one might encounter anywhere, but if one were to find an unfriendly or intolerant reaction, and especially a harassing reaction, then that would be a problem that /gignore or even a petition would be best suited to addressing. I don't have the text in front of me, but harassment of this sort would surely be considered a violation.

Historically, I believe the Victory server has been considered the unofficial GLTB friendly server (that's what the Paragon Wiki states on ). But again, you should enjoy playing CoH on any server you choose to try, including Virtue.



I believe that someone might have just called all roleplayers gay, and thus dubbed Virtue the gayest server as a result.

But Victory is where the LGBT community squats (no pun intended) as far as I know.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Thank you very much guys,
I'm a new player so it's a problem for me to start on a different server



Even so, this is the RP server, which USUALLY means openminded people. Lemmie put it this way: the only time I've ever heard anyone gay-bash, it was in a PuG, and he was asked to stop repeatedly. When he didn't, the leader booted him, and most of us thanked him for doing so.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



For me any player in the game is asexual, this is a game, what ever you do in RL is not my business.

What i mean is that i dont want to know the sex, the religion, the color of the skin, the ... you get my point.

Sure, sometime you get to know more, a kid act like a kid, you know its a kid. Or you get hints "... have to log my husband/wife just got home ...".

I'm pretty open myself, i have all sort of RL friends. But it dont matter for me, in game. Anyone that would like to express his sexual orientation , religion, etc, im fine with, but wont change anything to me. If you are fun to play with you fall in my friend list, if you act like a jerk you fall on my ignore list, :P

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There are some gay/lesbian-centric super groups around as well. Not sure where they are, or how active, but hunting them down might be a start. But like others have said, I can't remember ever seeing any anti-gay stuff while playing.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
There are some gay/lesbian-centric super groups around as well. Not sure where they are, or how active, but hunting them down might be a start. But like others have said, I can't remember ever seeing any anti-gay stuff while playing.
Sadly, I've seen some anti-variousgroups since I've been here, but notably less here than in the outside world, oddly. Virtue is generally pretty tolerant, but we can't guarantee that it'll be 100% hate-free.

But you're more likely to be discriminated against if you're a catgirl than if you're gay.



I agree 100% with xeaon. People who are unable to separate RL from the game need help. Seriously.

I play both genders. I play various orientations, beliefs, etc. They are characters - nothing more, nothing less. Ultimately, it's for entertainment.

A mature (as opposed to immature) RPer won't care who or what the player is. Oh, I want to get to know you, sure. But it won't matter to me if you're a 35-year old bald guy living in his mother's basement playing a smokin' hot red-headed lesbian catgirl. The only thing that matters to me is can my lesbian demon girl have her number? lol

(Before you start judging, remember...dockworkers need love too.)

(Oh, and I was kidding...I don't have a lesbian demon girl...yet.)



Originally Posted by The Infamous Gamer View Post
I really-really wanted to know if Virtue was the server with the most amount of homosexuals?
As you can clearly tell from the replies on this thread, yes it is.



Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
Offering a serious reply; I'd say you're going to find the CoH community very accepting, regardless of which server you try. There are occasional lapses that one might encounter anywhere, but if one were to find an unfriendly or intolerant reaction, and especially a harassing reaction, then that would be a problem that /gignore or even a petition would be best suited to addressing. I don't have the text in front of me, but harassment of this sort would surely be considered a violation.

Historically, I believe the Victory server has been considered the unofficial GLTB friendly server (that's what the Paragon Wiki states on ). But again, you should enjoy playing CoH on any server you choose to try, including Virtue.
I'm fairly certain that's not paragon wiki. And looking through my url list is.

Originally Posted by RedSwitchblade View Post
I believe that someone might have just called all roleplayers gay, and thus dubbed Virtue the gayest server as a result.
Thus is the opinion of an overt PVPer.

Originally Posted by xeaon View Post
For me any player in the game is asexual, this is a game, what ever you do in RL is not my business.
This does and if not should apply to the net in general with exception to sites that state otherwise (such as support/activist groups and even recreation hypnosis sites that are 18+ (depending on where you live ofc).



Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
I'm fairly certain that's not paragon wiki. And looking through my url list is.
They're the same site. is an alias for, has been ever since Paragon Wiki joined the Titan Network.

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled thread.

War Cat, EarthShade, BrightShard, Chakat Streak, Chakamil Silverspot, Mindora, Diabolesse, Jasper Baen
KGBSS8: Agent Ravage, Pestilence Girl, Umbral Claw, Howlback, Dr. Glit
Young Phalanx: Necril, Blazing Witch



Originally Posted by The Infamous Gamer View Post

I really-really wanted to know if Virtue was the server with the most amount of homosexuals? Please don't get upset with me for asking but the reason why I'm asking is mostly because I'd like to join a group/team where I'll be sure to be accepted.

Thank you very much
Hi and welcome! While I may be straight, I'm also a channel operator on the Pride global channel which allows me some insight to answer your question. Short version is Victory and Virtue are agreed to have nearly equal amounts of Pride members.

So how do you join Pride you ask? Just type /chanjoin Pride while ingame. We'd love to see you there!

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
Offering a serious reply; I'd say you're going to find the CoH community very accepting, regardless of which server you try.
This. One of my favorite quotes about this community came from the "What my 6 year old learned" thread.

Originally Posted by Evitron
Really reminds me why the City of franchise is my absolute favorite- the best community in the entire realm of MMO's.

Let's take for example the last City Scoop couples-feature. If you had a gay couple prominently featured anywhere else, like on the WoW forums, then everyone would be crying 'lolghey' or some junk like that. Here, everyone's just like 'awesome, let's all head to pocket d and grab a beer' or something.

And here, we have a little 6 year old girl who can manage to play the game and be a better sport than most 21 year olds in online games. Truly, this is simultaneously extremely hilarious and extremely saddening. (Plus it's teaching her things! And people say video games aren't good for anything.) And to this little girl, again, the community is like 'awesome, let's head to pocket d and grab a juice box'.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Mrwrk View Post
But you're more likely to be discriminated against if you're a catgirl than if you're gay.
Two differences.
1. Catgirls aren't real.
2. You're only a catgirl if you choose to play one.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Originally Posted by The Infamous Gamer View Post

I really-really wanted to know if Virtue was the server with the most amount of homosexuals? Please don't get upset with me for asking but the reason why I'm asking is mostly because I'd like to join a group/team where I'll be sure to be accepted.

Thank you very much
Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
Hi and welcome! While I may be straight, I'm also a channel operator on the Pride global channel which allows me some insight to answer your question. Short version is Victory and Virtue are agreed to have nearly equal amounts of Pride members.

So how do you join Pride you ask? Just type /chanjoin Pride while ingame. We'd love to see you there!
Comparing the two bolded sections above, then adding in the fact that Virtue has a higher overall population than Victory, I would say that Victory would likely have a higher percentage than Virtue.
But really? Either server is fine.



Heh, so far what's been said about the community being pretty accepting in general is true - In all the years playing the game I can't say I've seen any gay bashing going on (unless you take offense at the occasional "Man, that's so gay!" comment), and that's on the various servers I've played on over time.

Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html



I'd imagine the gay bashers are also srs bsns pvpers, not just the roleplay bashers



Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
Two differences.
1. Catgirls aren't real.
2. You're only a catgirl if you choose to play one.
And yet people can still be a pillock towards you.

I'm not about to start up a Catgirl Rights group (oddly enough I mistyped that as Catgirl Tights at first.) or try to say that catgirl-playing peoples issues are remotely as important as human rights. I'm saying people will be more likely to be a very real knob in the unreal world about this unreal thing than they will be about something important.

That's a marginally good thing, right? Not stellar, 'cause people are still (occasionally) being knobs, but at least it's less crucial to an important issue.




Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
Two differences.
1. Catgirls aren't real.
2. You're only a catgirl if you choose to play one.
Recent scientific studies have suggested that the disease commonly known as "Catgirl" may not actually be a choice, but a bacterial infection deep at the cellular level. This is why they must be killed with fire, it's the only way to be sure the contagion doesn't spread.

So remember folks, do yourself and your pet Catgirl a favor, have her spayed, preferably with fire.



One of my toons is a tiny mouse girl so totally not a cat girl here.

But no RPer or not Virtue tends to be well populated. Finding groups is never overly hard (unless your on redside but that just how redside rolls). Finding regulars to hang out with no matter what your playstyle or lifestyle is is pretty easy. About the only thing suffering around here is PvP and yet there are even some of those if you look hard enough. All in all when suggesting servers to friend that want to try the game out Virtue is always my first suggestion.



Originally Posted by The Great Potato View Post
Recent scientific studies have suggested that the disease commonly known as "Catgirl" may not actually be a choice, but a bacterial infection deep at the cellular level. This is why they must be killed with fire, it's the only way to be sure the contagion doesn't spread.

So remember folks, do yourself and your pet Catgirl a favor, have her spayed, preferably with fire.