Thought exercise - GR Crashing the BM
It's not just the market. There are more teams and more content over in Paragon compared to the Isles. I know a lot of people who are moving characters simply because they love the Villain ATs, but hate the CoV experience.
Caveat: Everyone I know likes how CoV stories rarely have you running to different zones like CoH still does.
There are many more reasons to move from Red to Blue than the other way around. The market is only one of them. Task forces, zones, enemy groups, etc. Longbow gets really, really, really, really, really boring. And that's just before level 20.
In terms of trying to crash the market to force a fix, I wonder if the Devs would care. It seems like their data mining about wealth is more of a driver of their behavior than the actual market performance/behavior. Additionally, based on their arguments, the worse the redside market gets the LESS likely they are to merge. Since it is the very imbalance in total funds that they claim to be concerned about.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Right now, I see Vigilante as the key place to be. You have access to the Blueside market for anything your little heart desires, with access to content on both sides.
If most people recognize that Vigilante poses the maximum experience and move, then I can see that the BM could feasibly crash.
I do not see the Devs merging the markets. If they were going to get over their stubborn position on it, they would be merging with GR.
Once you shift into the Blueside, I doubt that many would want to go back to the desolate wasteland from whence they came.
Force a needed repair? Nah. Let it tank, I get to say "I told you so" then.
I believe the point is that there won't be any/many redside farmers left(or much of anyone else for that matter). I'm certainly planning on moving.
I believe the point is that there won't be any/many redside farmers left(or much of anyone else for that matter). I'm certainly planning on moving.
Sorry I read that as preemptive player action. Agree on the abandoning redside. For the most part I already have. Between the unspecified bonus for having a pure alignment, the fact that it was obvious the devs weren't going to allow a defacto merger, and the new bit that your inf stays put, there just wasn't much point
I think there's a chance that the BM could pick up for a period after GR, depending largely on how easy it is for Vigilante characters to access missions and SFs redside. If it's easy for Vigilantes, then they'll stay as Vigilantes and have no effect beyond maybe increasing the numbers of SFs and arcs run. However, if it's made difficult, and switching the whole way makes it a lot easier, then badge hunters and blueside players wanting to take a tour through redside content might switch all the way to villain/rogue. Since I'd expect 'content tourists' to generally be higher-level, already IOed characters, with little interest in hording IOs redside, then they could end up dropping a reasonable amount of stuff on the BM. For a short while, anyway.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Well I can't stand trying to play redside with the scarcity of IOs or the long wait time between sales and purchases on anything that isn't the best stuff even though apart from things like Striga and Croatoa I prefer the red content.
So I still need to wait and see how this will all play out. If a vigilante can initiate red content not just join someone running it, then all my villains will be going blue. If a vigilante can join a redsider but not initiate it then I'll need to decide how badly I want to do mayhems and such.
But I suspect all the patron arcs hate plus the red market hate is going to result in an exodus in July.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
If vigilantes can indeed start villain content then I can see Red Side market being dead. If vigilantes can not start SFs/Arcs, then I see people making most of their toons vigilantes with a few Rogues to start said SFs/Arcs.
Sadly neither case is good for the Black Market which is already on its death bed. Low player base over all, combined with red side having as few as 1/2-1/4 of the players that blue side has at any given time. Now you got most of that minority already planning to split to blue side and red side will be much much worse.
Add in the fact that the new Incarnate system and high lvl stuff is in the new land and very few heroes will probably cross to red side for some time. That is until they are done with all the newness that praetoria brings, then its likely that they'll go after those red side badges.
I am not entirely in favor of a market merger with going rogue. If the markets were merged I would want it to be in a free issue/update, not for the people who bought rogue. That will bring a whole new slew of troubles tho, I imagine.
As is I think red side will crash and burn and everyone becoming vigilantes, especially if they can start red side content. Which I am seriously hoping is not the case. I think that only villains/rogues should only be able to start SFs/Do contacts for their side. Not a popular thought I know.
i dont think the redside market is that bad, and i know i personally will make all my toons villain or rogue, all my heros are becoming villains regardless of how the market plays out or consequences because i like villainside more, including the market

Just want folks to keep in mind that if they did reverse themselves, and decided to do a merger, there is no way in hell it'd be here with GR or even issue 19.
The announced Incarnate system (and all the work probably involved with making sure the first "true" endgame system of the game isn't full of fail) pretty much put a nail in the coffin for the idea of getting a merger anytime soon. With GR releasing in JULY, and issue 19 coming after it being focused on including more content for GR, and the devs probably wanting more data mining data to see what ACTUAL EFFECT GR has on the game, I'd say pretty much any chance of a merger is dead for this year.
Unless of course a miracle happens and they hire 75 new people before July. In this economy.
EDIT: Not trying to bring the "dooooooooOOOooom". Just keeping the discussion realistic.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

To add fuel to the speculation, I asked Positron at the PAX East meet-up what he thought of the intention of many villain players to go Hero or Vigilante just to access the blue market. His response was, paraphrased here, that "when the time comes to do that, they may find that they won't need to" for that particular reason, referring back to their intentions to address market shortcomings. Make of that what you will.
The BM is not a dust bowl, See my latest thread and fix your perception issue, please. BM is fine, but may suffer if the uninformed masses cry doom and leave.
Sorry I read that as preemptive player action. Agree on the abandoning redside. For the most part I already have. Between the unspecified bonus for having a pure alignment, the fact that it was obvious the devs weren't going to allow a defacto merger, and the new bit that your inf stays put, there just wasn't much point
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
you're right, dust is plentiful in a Dust Bowl.
Nothing is plentiful on the BM.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
It's not just the market. There are more teams and more content over in Paragon compared to the Isles. I know a lot of people who are moving characters simply because they love the Villain ATs, but hate the CoV experience.
a whole lot of that blue side content is absolute garbage.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
you're right, dust is plentiful in a Dust Bowl.
Nothing is plentiful on the BM. |
Only reason I did not buy them all at once (not supply issues) was because I did not have enough infamy

Just that, discuss....
What other aspects of GR and the lengthy cool down for side switching could occur?
1) The BM is all ready a comparative dust bowl.
2) You won't be able to take your inf over to the robust side so once there you'll have to marketeer to earn influence or have one of your other toons email it too you.
3) Once you are in the robust market area what is the real draw to returning to the other side?
With all this in mind, what is the likelyhood that GR could cause a complete crash of the Black Market?
If this is the case, what are the chances that the devs may actually step in and fix or merge the markets?
The most market tear question worthy of all is, would it be worth our effort to attempt to exploit the potential of crashing the BM to force a needed repair?
Thoughts? Comments?
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson