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  1. Sagamemnon

    Pain Domination

    I think it's underplayed. Its a solid set (IMO) and can be very great for support. I think other sets get pushed into the limelight. It's popularish on a MM. But like many good sets sorta sits in the shadow of the big 3.

    I think the thing that detours a lot of corruptor players is the Toggle Healing AUra pulses green numbers ALOT.

    It has great healing, good debuffs, good buffs. Painbringer slotted up can turn your friends into juggernauts.

    I like the set, it's a different flavor and once you figure it out a lot of fun and very strong. It plays best at mid to close range tho. I went Sonic/Pain for them and lotsa -resists. Electric/Pain could be potent, with the upcoming crashless nuke and instasnipes. Pain gets a nice to hit buff. May not be a dps juggernaut but should be fairly survivable and the Pain debuff is PBAOE which pairs nicely before Hail of Bullets. Psi goes well for complimentary debuffing and great single target damage even against robots it's still pretty strong.

    Dark/Pain has some benefits in that all that -to hit, an extra heal make your even more durable. You get Moonbeam too, which is a great snipe.

    This might be painful to read to some but Dual Pistols/Pain was very good for debuffing, the -dmg from DP compliments the resist/heal nature of many secondaries like Pain/Sonic/Thermal.

    Ultimatly I like pain, it has no annoying shields to reapply. Good smattering of powers with interesting abilities to pair with a wide array of Blast or Pet sets.
  2. Debuff, then hold, then immob. Works like a charm. Slot your immob and hold for damage. YOu don't need much more then the base duration of it anyhow when you are lvling.

    You get posses early. Bingo lvl'ing just got easier. Confuse person A, hold person B while immobing person A.

    At 18 you get haunt and more damage goodness.

    Alternatively you could pick up darks cone immob, proc it to heaven and back. 4 Procs plus Acc/End/Rech and it's fairly nice.
  3. Earth/TRick Arrow:

    See that mob over there, allow me to corner myself. Quicksand, Volcanic Gas, Disruption Arrow, Earthquake, Oil Slick Arrow. Go downstairs make sandwich. Come back to dead mob and I never even took a shot. Hell I don't think they even know what happened. I imagine they are in jail, goin WTF was that??? Faster if I take the time to step forward launching Acid Arrows. Spice (Epic/Patron) to taste.

    Gravity/Dark!!: Hear me out..
    Singularity and Fluffy!!! Need I say more?? The best lockdown and damage pet combined with the best pet for keepin you safe. It should be criminal!!!
  4. If you need the set bonuses I would say keep it as is. However one thing I wanna point out that might be interesting, is if you are getting the sorcery set. TPing into a mob with the Time Toggle Debuff is very effective.

    Personally I slot distortion field with PROCS, and I am usually not one who is fond of procs. But in the case of time the ability to have 4 procs in an AOE patch that is otherwise kinda meh (personal opinion) works. I frequently see several different numbers over the heads of enemies on initial casting. For last 2 slots I END/RECH/Hold from Lockdown for dmg bonus with the proc, and then End/RECH/slow from one of the slow sets. Or some variation there of, and I generally use that on all my time toons, not the optimal setting for sure, but a helluva lotta fun with 3 dmg procs and the hold proc. Not sure how that changes with the PPM change but I think it would be even better, if Arcanaville could just explain it to me in a way that my no supercomputer brain can handle cuz I look at the formulas and suddenly feel like I should be a tex avery cartoon twiddling my lips

    I have a currently Low lvl Beast/Time and she is doesn't have it fully slotted yet but she shaping up quite nicely.
  5. Time has several control tools to cover Gravity's lack there of. Tho Singularity may fling mobs out of your Hold Patch. Singularity won't benefit from the heals but I do believe he benefits from the +DEF power, and the -to hit aura on enemies which should make him even more of a force. Add that he does really good damage, which will be improved with the -RES and -Regen in time.

    Chrono Shift will help with recharge to bring up your AOE hold and Stun more frequently. Wormholing mobs into the distortion field should be good times.

    Give it a go!
  6. Sagamemnon

    /nature affinity

    Dark/Nature sounds like a blast. Personally I am leaning towards a earth reclaiming character with Fire/Nature. With the proc in bonfire and natures strong debuffs/buffs looks like a great pairing and very visually pretty.
  7. Sagamemnon


    Time Manipulation is flat out amazing. I love this set beyond all reason. I am a controller fan at heart and this set screams it.

    Ice/Time will be very strong. The only thing about TIME is it can be very slot intensive to get full benefit out of and is very clicky. Seriously time is one busy set. The heal isn't strong but works really well when used proactively as you start to take damage, the initial debuff is vital for some of the juicer tidbits. The other problem with time depending on your view, is it almost always screams to be paired with Power Boost or Power Build UP, which limits your epic/patron powers. I don't think they are really needed but the benefit they provide is very VERY strong for a set like time. SO it is tough to argue against them.

    Time is IMO one of the best jack of all trades sets bar none. It puts other sets to shame and really does make the case for giving buffs to sets like trick arrow and others. AOE heal over Time, AOE hold patch mostly for debuffing, AOE debuff, Huge +DEF click, 2 powers with -regen, a potential mag 4 stun, and a nice debuff toggle, Chrono Shift is just icing on a stellar cake. I don't even bother slotting it with anything other then recharge tbo, as I don't find I need the minor heal/recovery buffs.

    Add in all the mitigation goodness, damage of ice and you would have a very strong toon but a very busy one and potential very blue bar piggy. If your looking between Pain and Time I can't honestly say go Pain instead of time, even tho I want to. TIme is a set that must be played to behold, then try pain once you've pimped out time. Pain is much less active tho and is still a very solid set that merits something to look into, depending on your personal play preference. I am having a hard time myself deciding between Psi/Pain and Psi/Time as I've not yet made time on a corruptor. I have 3 trollers, 1 MM and a defender all rocking time, and the defender is rounding 40s so I am holding back a bit on a time corruptor or atleast I'm trying to resist the urge.

    Can't go wrong with either! But yeah try Ice/Time that just sounds too good to pass up.
  8. Sagamemnon



    Great healing.
    Team Buff.
    PBAOE debuff.

    Pain is very strong, it gets knocked a lot but it's a great set and doesn't require a lot of slots.
    Painbringer is fine with only a recharge, and your heal toggle is great with only 2 heal ios, since it costs so little end already. Pain is also a very light activation set, which leaves plenty of time for blasting. Your team buff lasts a long time and enemy debuff power is on decent timers, which leaves only firing off heals when needed.

    If you are looking for a set you haven't tried, I would strongly suggest looking at pain.
  9. Might I suggest picking up scorpion shield at 35 instead of 41. The reasons for this a two fold. First it would give you the shield on lvl 30+ Tfs. Citadel, Leviathan, Manticore, Katie Hannon. So you would have better defense while pushing through the last 15 lvls and get it on a couple of TFS. 2ndly Trip Mine is not really as vital on a team as most will not stop to let you place a few of em, so they are only really good for toe bombing and between layering traps with dark blast I am not sure they are worth the time to drop even in a team setting. Ymmv and bear in mind I am one who almost never takes trip mine to begin with so I might be a bit biased.

    Generally I find very situation, it's great in those situations but I find them few and far between. Again just my thoughts on the power choices, you could easily pick up trip mine at 38.
  10. Personal Preference:

    Lightning Storm: Decimations 5x, Last slot fills out End/REch woes
    This power bleeds blue, IMO it's strength is in having multiples out for added damage.
    I've seen some interesting proc use in it tho. But you would give up either DMG/END/RECH.

    Freezing Rain: Rech/End first, Damage PRocs next.
    This is another power that I find I want up often and less endurance expensive.
    Not so much for it's damage potential but it's debuff awesomeness.

    Tornado: Franken slotting
    Dam/Endx2, Dam/REch x2, KB-KD proc, End/REch

    But then I am almost always not building for capped defense or such so take that into consideration. I am certain there are better slotting ways for paticular set bonuses but personally I think all 3 are great powers and deserve to be used as frequently as possible rather then as set mules, YMMV.
  11. Just a notice, do you intend on using Lightning Storm a lot? Your end redux could use more help in if so. It's very expensive on end and in prolonged fights on teams can easily begin to bleed your blue bar even with cardiac. Personally I've always felt the strenght of that power is to have it up often and for cheap rather then going overboard on damage. I know your prolly slotting for set bonuses tho but to me you have way to much wasted DMG in that power. Again just a different Pov. You might get more mileage out of a bit more franken slotting in it. Off the top of my head I believe it costs a whopping 31 end to use, even with max end redux that only brings it to roughly 15 end which is still a big hit, especially leveling not to mention that from my play experience it causes AV/EB scatter soon as they get hit with it, the AI freaks out and can easily start hoofing it. I had to chase Recluse all over his map on my Arch/Storm corr.
  12. Water/Nature!! in about 3 months!! when we get nature!! not sure on Defender or Corruptor, tryin to weigh the pros and cons for each AT.

    Storm/Water defenders look tasty, getting Lightning Storm at 32 instead of 38.
    Water/Pain Corruptor doesn't seem be a popular choice, but I am looking at some interesting possiblities with the combo.
  13. Doms are the least played AT, thus the least invested time wise. I see half as many doms as I do stalkers and I see way too few stalkers. They are a unique AT with MMs but I don't think it is as hard to make sets for them as it is claimed. They could easily make a DEVICE control set, hell all the required powers are already in the game. Webnade, Stun Grenades, Gun Drone, etc. However everything created now has to have some great visual flare that devices lacks, atleast from a graphic p.o.v.

    Assault sets can easily be put together with minimal thought. The question is if its worth the time. With most new sets being PREMIUM sets they want to make sure there is something to entice people to buy them. Be that a gimmick, animations, and what not. I can't believe that with all the time they have given melee sets with new animations, models, mechanics, that they seriously couldn't put together a solid Device Control/Riot Control what ever you wanna call it set for way less investment then it took to animate Staff. But I would rather have them make a new device set with better looking grenades/boomerangs/bolos what ever they choose, if they ever get around to one.

    We could go on for months about all the things that people want to see/have for their AT. Doms are unique but I don't think that should really exclude them from getting atleast half as much time as other ats get simply because there are 4 melee ATs, which are all fairly similar with the only variation being what kind of Chocolate you want. At the lvl 50 game I don't even think the flavors make a difference. However if your making a product you want to go for the largest target audience to justify the massive amount of hours/manpower used. That is just how it is. So any lovin is good lovin so I'll take what I can get for control sets.

    Would I love to see new control sets? hell yes! But I also want those new sets to get the attention they deserve and not just something thrown together to appease the masses. Maybe issue 25 will be: All your control belongs to us!! Wait that didn't work out so well when they said it for bases, nvm.
  14. Sagamemnon

    For Icon

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.954

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Defender
    Primary Power Set: Radiation Emission
    Secondary Power Set: Ice Blast
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Radiant Aura
    • (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    • (3) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge
    • (3) Doctored Wounds - Endurance/Recharge
    • (7) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance
    • (11) Doctored Wounds - Recharge
    • (43) Harmonized Healing - Heal/Endurance
    Level 1: Ice Bolt
    • (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (34) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
    • (37) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage
    • (37) Decimation - Damage/Endurance
    • (37) Decimation - Damage/Recharge
    Level 2: Ice Blast
    • (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (9) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
    • (13) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage
    • (15) Decimation - Damage/Endurance
    • (17) Decimation - Damage/Recharge
    • (48) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    Level 4: Accelerate Metabolism
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (5) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (50) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Endurance
    • (50) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod
    Level 6: Hover
    • (A) Karma - Knockback Protection
    • (7) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
    Level 8: Frost Breath
    • (A) Detonation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (9) Defender's Bastion - Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE Heal
    • (13) Defender's Bastion - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (15) Defender's Bastion - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (19) Defender's Bastion - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (23) Defender's Bastion - Damage/Recharge
    Level 10: Mutation
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 12: Lingering Radiation
    • (A) Accuracy IO
    • (27) Tempered Readiness - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
    • (31) Pacing of the Turtle - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
    • (40) Impeded Swiftness - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
    • (50) Tempered Readiness - Accuracy/Endurance
    Level 14: Fly
    • (A) Empty
    Level 16: Hasten
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (17) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 18: Freeze Ray
    • (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold
    • (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Endurance/Recharge/Hold
    • (27) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (33) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Hold
    • (46) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold
    • (48) Lockdown - Endurance/Recharge/Hold
    Level 20: Ice Storm
    • (A) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
    • (21) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
    • (21) Detonation - Damage/Endurance
    • (23) Detonation - Damage/Recharge
    • (33) Tempered Readiness - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
    • (34) Impeded Swiftness - Chance of Damage(Smashing)
    Level 22: Radiation Infection
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (43) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 24: Enervating Field
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (43) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 26: Aim
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 28: Bitter Ice Blast
    • (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (29) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
    • (29) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage
    • (31) Decimation - Damage/Endurance
    • (31) Decimation - Damage/Recharge
    • (48) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    Level 30: Choking Cloud
    • (A) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold
    • (39) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold
    • (39) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (39) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (40) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic)
    • (40) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic)
    Level 32: Maneuvers
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
    • (33) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
    • (34) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    Level 35: Power Sink
    • (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod
    • (36) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge
    • (36) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod
    • (36) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge
    Level 38: Tactics
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 41: Charged Armor
    • (A) Empty
    • (42) Empty
    • (42) Empty
    • (42) Empty
    Level 44: Summon Adept
    • (A) Call to Arms - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
    • (45) Call to Arms - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (45) Call to Arms - Damage/Endurance
    • (45) Call to Arms - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (46) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
    • (46) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    Level 47: Vengeance
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    Level 49: Fallout
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 2: Swift
    • (A) Empty
    Level 2: Health
    • (A) Miracle - +Recovery
    • (25) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
    Level 2: Hurdle
    • (A) Empty
    Level 2: Stamina
    • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
    • (5) Performance Shifter - EndMod
    • (11) Endurance Modification IO
    • (25) Endurance Modification IO
    Level 1: Brawl
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Sprint
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Vigilance
    Level 2: Rest
    • (A) Empty
    Level 4: Ninja Run
  15. Sagamemnon

    Which combos

    Also forgot to add. Dark Affinity has 2 great powers, tho on longish timers, to further help survival. The click DEF/RES is very handy just before you use flashfires to take that alpha. Since you in melee anyways the RECOVERY/REGENERATION click will help sustain you with all those corpses bound to be at your feet.
  16. Sagamemnon

    Which combos

    Depends greatly on your playstyle. Both combos will be really good.

    Personally I think Fire gets the most out of Dark Affiinity. Great heal to keep you alive verses Times so so heal. Tar Pit makes things in your hot feet melt blistering fast very early on. Gobs of -to hit and some nice -dmg to further help keep you alive. This is very important since Fire Control is the weaker of the 2 control sets for safety. You also get fluffy which will help with heals and debuffs. True time has a nice debuff aura to go with hot feet and some great defense boosts if you plan on building for defense since you gonna be in melee most of your career. Time is agreat set but I think Dark Affinity just covers the survivability gap in fire control, better. Given the choice of the 2.
  17. Not going to go into more build advice/slotting etc. I think that has been very well covered by the others. The only thing I wish to do is give some interesting ideas to also ponder.

    Dimension Shift + Storm, Now I know many will lambast the idea but hear me out.

    With Dimension Shifts new mechanic you can do some interesting combos when paired with storm.

    Battle going south? Drop dimension shift away from mob, step inside recoup.

    With the manuevering power of STORM you can split trouble mobs and segregate them. You can control which mobs phase and which don't.

    The STF has several yummy possibilities with foiling recluse's pylons. Drop it on the green pylon BOOM he can slept/confused/etc. While the team takes out the red pylon.

    So many interesting and fun combos with this pairing. If you are willing to play with it. I am not by any means saying you will drop jaws and convert non believers but it can be very strategic. With the glory of dual builds you can play around with it on the 2nd one at your leisure.

    Just thoughts as I said the others have given you very solid and awesome build/slotting advice.
  18. All are viable options. Some things to keep in mind. Even if you got the gremlins defense to 45% they are still minus 1 level to you. Don't discount Darks heal, it can keep your gremlins alive so +DEF and/or +RES is still a good thing. It comes down to a matter of preferences.

    Bear in mind Fluffy also heals and debuffs to hit. This helps keep them alive if that is a factor in your build.

    Personally if I use gremlins I am using them for damage since things are fairly well held in place, drained, and debuffed. I am after them for extra damage and don't really care if they live long if I can just resummon. With the heal from me, fluffy, and all the -to hit and +def I personally wouldn't slot them with all 4 of the uniques. Since I feel fairly confident I can keep them alive if need be in most content, even against EBs and some AV's and in the cases where they are gonna die fast I don't think an extra 10% Def or 10% Res will make the difference between life and death for them. Again for my slotting set up, you can't go wrong with extra DEF/RES, but I wouldn't sacrifice damage for minor survival of the gremlins.

    Slot for whatever you want to achieve most with the gremlins. For fluffy I find a good mix of sets to achieve some nice Acc/Heal/End redux/Rech works best for me. Usually using 4x Acc To hit debuff set, and 2 Heal/end/redux.

    Edited: For the record I currently have this same combo live just not at 50 yet.
  19. Mine was 50 way back, recently ran through Itrials. I find it is now worse for wear then most other debuff/control combos. The extra -res from Trick Arrow and the Dmg from tar pit are still amazing. On lamda she really shines getting glowies. Mass confuse mob around glowy smash and laydown debuffs while they tear each other and it apart. Being able to sleep full groups for a very long time is also great for halting ambushes. Being able to drop the -res arrow in air and around corners is great. Poison Gas Arrow is now reasonably useful, OSA is great for escape phase if you put it at doors and light it, most thing will be dead before they even get out the gate.

    I find that on itrials most debuff/buff sets really don't get noticed even if your doing a lot. Especially if the sets are low GRFX.
  20. Sure fire way: Use Teleport

    Get to edge of stairs from left or right path, just before cut scene trigger. Make sure you can reach the spawn point of romi with your teleport. Teleport to said spawn point, you effectively trigger romi before cut scene and thus nicti don't attach.

    Not sure if bug or not, so at some point in the future this may no longer work. As it sits right now this definatly works. Also I have had a few friends actually manage to super leap and fall to spawn point, but this is not reliable and was mostly dumb luck.
  21. What about Dark/Kinetics? Can you put shields on the haunts? or the sonic -res power?
  22. Sagamemnon

    dark/km advice.

    I have a Dark/KM at lvl 50 fully Incarnated. I took OG over Fear, the reason being the fear sucks endurance and is of nominal effect in higher lvls. Nominal for me that is. Add that OG needs no extra slots, in a slot hungry build. I built for some defense and recharge. Took Darkest Night for Epic/patron, it is just too nice to stack that much -dmg and to hit on top of some great defense and all the -dmg from each of your attacks.

    Took Cardiac for the End Redux and Resists bump. Reactive for the extra -res/Dot. Barrier to push defense into the stratusphere.

    She is a great toon to play and very surivivable. I have no purples/pvp ios in her either.
  23. Sagamemnon

    Psychic Blast

    Thanks for the input, I am leaning towards Psi/Time atm. I really like all the tools in the tool box that time offers.
  24. Sagamemnon

    Psychic Blast

    Just wondering how good/bad the set feels and plays on a corruptor. I know its not much in way of AOE but it has really good range and 2 of the powers seem to do a very good amount of DPA, bettern then most other blast attacks. I know it PSI and when you face robots it goes way down, but on a corr I figure you get some nice -res depending on your 2ndary.

    I have a hard time being objective since my Fortunata is so dam good and pretty much PSI Blast. But she lacks any kind of fun buff/debuffing like Storm, Time, Traps.
  25. Mind/Psi is a very different beast. It is IMO much stronger then a Psi/mental blaster. You have way more lockdown tools and drain psyche on a dom is much stronger. Psi Assault still has a very good T9, not as abusingly good as before but still dam good.

    Some enemies might make you cringe but on a dom you have the safety net of being able to lockdown and survive spawns that might make a blaster dead.

    Fortunatas are even more powerful (IMO). They get a mag 4 stun! That will take a boss out of the fight and best part is it will always be mag 4, unlock domination boosted mez powers. Their hold does more damage then most single target blaster attacks. Their leadership secondary powers are mighty. Seriously Forts are like a dom on steroids. You get a good aoe dart attack that has some nice but small -regen and the single target dart as well. You also get psi-nado and a whole host of other fun powers to build as you wish. Solid damage, great lock down power, and great buffs.

    Doms get the benefit of having double mag mez tho. Which may or may not tip the scales in your eyes.