What kinds of costume pieces would you like to see?




Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Colors don't say anything about your morals, only action. If you have an IQ over 50, you should know that.

Wait, didn't you start a thread about morals, and stuck your foot in your mouth repeatedly? Or got called on some idiotic things you said? Something like that.
No - I don't start many threads.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Hard Kisses View Post
-an aura that makes you appear to be bleeding, from like nosebleeds to hellraiser amounts. and let there be bloody footprints when you walk and puddles of blood when you idle.
I'd vote for this over moving hair any day.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I'd vote for this over moving hair any day.
I think the hair is more T friendly that pools of blood

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It wouldn't even have to be a blood pool aura, just a dripping water one. We could tint it red. That would get around the 'T' rating. That way your sensitive stomach can handle it.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
I just don't see moving hair bringing in new players. And since you're the only one asking for it, you're in the .0000000001% of the playerbase. Learn to deal with disappointment. Better they give us stuff that'll bring in more revenue and players.
Oh yes, because we all know that the Dev's are giving us moving tails because it was the one thing keeping us from getting all those WoW subscribers.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
You can't just argue that anything remotely real doesn't fit into a super hero game, or I declare that our hair should be made out of pudding and have the consistency of Mars upon Orion's Belt of Jupiter's foreskin and a funny hat.
I, for one, Welcome our new 3 Musketeers bar Hair overlords.


Also, before I forget... We totally need "Doves" and "Cherry Blossoms" combat Auras.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
You show me the percentages of the playerbase that asked for certain things against what was actually put in the game, and I may be swayed. But I just can't believe moving hair is that fraggin' important. Not when new designs, armor, helms, hair styles, gloves, and the like are asked for more. If the playerbase asking for moving hair had that many members, it would have happened long before now.
Oh yes, because we all know that Power and Weapon Customization took 4 years because nobody really cared about it.



Skeletal Body parts, perhaps even with optional torn rags, ala the skeletal robotic arm we have now



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Also, before I forget... We totally need "Doves" and "Cherry Blossoms" combat Auras.
Read this, then thought of the Dual Pistols Hero-Con demo, and thought:

We really need a flock of Devs power. (and no, that's not a typo)

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I want the new animated tails system to be used to give us a huge ringlets hairstyle:

Also some big ribbons added to the belt and head details. ^_^



A belly jacket! Kinda like the Minivest, but only closed! Not open!

Better sleeves for the jackets.

The Butterfly belt on Robes to be ported over to everything else!

Fox Tails!

Belly tee's that can have patterns on them!

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The BrandX Collection



A "gun hand". Gatling, ray gun, cannon with laser sight options.

Runes combat aura; when you use a power, runes appear either in front or you or surrounding you.

Bird head.

Energy style wings. Think Tyrael from Diablo II.

Dragonfly wings.

Back tentacles; a variation on Crab backpacks might work.

A giant moving Rularuu eyeball chest piece.

Robot & undead skeleton chests and legs.

Insect head.

Animated versions of the Wasp antenna.

Belts, wristpieces with blinking lights.

Shoulder Tesla coils, like Freakshow get.

Shoulder radar dishes.

Steampunk & high-tech versions of gatling gun pistols for Dual Pistols. Preferably ones that actually have a spinning-barrels animation.

Animated tail with extra eyeballs or tentacles.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
It wouldn't even have to be a blood pool aura, just a dripping water one. We could tint it red. That would get around the 'T' rating. That way your sensitive stomach can handle it.
exactly. "green" or "blue" colored blood doesnt seem to upset anyone. alot of gore nowadays is considered PG-13 content. I think the T-rating is mostly there for profanity and sexuality, and not so much the blood and guts factor.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
A "gun hand". Gatling, ray gun, cannon with laser sight options.
YES!!! then i can make my "Machine Girl" rip-off



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
You show me the percentages of the playerbase that asked for certain things against what was actually put in the game, and I may be swayed. But I just can't believe moving hair is that fraggin' important. Not when new designs, armor, helms, hair styles, gloves, and the like are asked for more. If the playerbase asking for moving hair had that many members, it would have happened long before now.
I'm not going to debate what the playerbase of this one single MMO wants or not for new character costume features. But I will point out that one of the main video demos provided by Nvidia for its new line of GeForce GTX 470/480 GPU's uses the example of moving hair to demonstrate its new DX11 tessellation capabilities. Just do a Google search of "Nvidia 480 hair" and it's all over the place. Apparently this major GPU company sees "moving hair" as a key example of what people in general want to see from next-generation video hardware. Just saying...

Obviously moving hair represents a fairly hard trick for older video hardware to handle real-time. That's pretty much why it "hasn't happened long before now." But with the continuing improvement in GPU technology it seems pretty likely that game players are going to be getting things like moving hair as a commonplace detail in the not too distant future. It's possible that older games like CoX may never get updated enough to feature it specifically, but I would expect just about every new game from now on to provide some solution for it now that the GPU technology is finally getting good enough to handle it.

In any event even trying to take a stand against moving hair for game characters now or in the future is basically pointless all things considered.

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While technically this is all something that should probably go in Jay's megathread, it would be remiss of me not to mention that I still want the Decorated Military Formal jacket that the male models can get to be ported to Huge and Female.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I know this is ridiculously simple, but I've wanted it forever.

I want a mask that sits ON your face, and isn't painted onto it:

I want to be able to color it. I'm sick of my eyebrows showing through the darned thing when I choose the Rounded, Pointed, or Diamond masks with any color but black.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'm not going to debate what the playerbase of this one single MMO wants or not for new character costume features. But I will point out that one of the main video demos provided by Nvidia for its new line of GeForce GTX 470/480 GPU's uses the example of moving hair to demonstrate its new DX11 tessellation capabilities. Just do a Google search of "Nvidia 480 hair" and it's all over the place. Apparently this major GPU company sees "moving hair" as a key example of what people in general want to see from next-generation video hardware. Just saying...

Obviously moving hair represents a fairly hard trick for older video hardware to handle real-time. That's pretty much why it "hasn't happened long before now." But with the continuing improvement in GPU technology it seems pretty likely that game players are going to be getting things like moving hair as a commonplace detail in the not too distant future. It's possible that older games like CoX may never get updated enough to feature it specifically, but I would expect just about every new game from now on to provide some solution for it now that the GPU technology is finally getting good enough to handle it.

In any event even trying to take a stand against moving hair for game characters now or in the future is basically pointless all things considered.
Yes - the tide towards moving hair in games is flowing like hair in the wind

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Oh yes, because we all know that Power and Weapon Customization took 4 years because nobody really cared about it.
Wasn't that more of a "lets move on to the next project cause were done with spending money on it" Cyptic kinda thing.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Oh yes, because we all know that the Dev's are giving us moving tails because it was the one thing keeping us from getting all those WoW subscribers.
Moving tails are just as dumb as moving hair. As if we didn't already have too many catgirls/catbois to deal with on Virtue....



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Moving tails are just as dumb as moving hair. As if we didn't already have too many catgirls/catbois to deal with on Virtue....
So you mean you're really only against this stuff because you don't like it, not because you think it wouldn't be popular?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Nope. I just can't see how giving us moving hair & tails is going to bring in more players or make the company more money. And I think that's what the Devs should be focusing on. Giving us new costume pieces, designs, outfits, etc. instead of appeasing a small, vocal minority. The forums are at most, 10% of the complete playerbase, and I don't see the majority of that 10% going, "Oooo, moving hair! Oooo swishy tails!" I could be wrong, but I doubt it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So you mean you're really only against this stuff because you don't like it, not because you think it wouldn't be popular?
Clearly, you aren't non-conforming enough like the rest of us.

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Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Nope. I just can't see how giving us moving hair & tails is going to bring in more players or make the company more money. And I think that's what the Devs should be focusing on. Giving us new costume pieces, designs, outfits, etc. instead of appeasing a small, vocal minority. The forums are at most, 10% of the complete playerbase, and I don't see the majority of that 10% going, "Oooo, moving hair! Oooo swishy tails!" I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
It doesn't just have to be a forum thing - players coming to CoH from other games that do have moving hair and tails might expect CoH to have them too.
The more games that have them, the more people are going to expect them as a standard feature - it's important that we keep up with other MMOs as much as possible.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Clearly, you aren't non-conforming enough like the rest of us.
Well, our hair conforms - that's the problem

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork