What kinds of costume pieces would you like to see?




I think it's funny how this thread has turned into a discussion about moving hair.



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
I think it's funny how this thread has turned into a discussion about moving hair.
Well, it's a part of our avatars, so it's a costume part by default

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, it's a part of our avatars, so it's a costume part by default
True... But the moving hair isn't a specific costume piece.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Actually, because most "real" hair doesn't conform in this way, you could say that its conformity is rather non-conformist.
Hair is like information - it wants to be free, yo.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
True... But the moving hair isn't a specific costume piece.
What if it's long, and might cause clipping problems? That makes it a valid topic regarding costume parts

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Hair is like information - it wants to be free, yo.
Hair, much like information, doesn't actually want anything.

However, I want information to be free, because it makes blackmailing the authorities that much easier after dismembering foes.

@Morac | Twitter
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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Hair, much like information, doesn't actually want anything.

However, I want information to be free, because it makes blackmailing the authorities that much easier after dismembering foes.
Well, you could always not do it in the first place

As for costume parts, I think anything with lights that'd blink on and off would be awesome.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, you could always not do it in the first place
Not... dismember... people? What is this nonsense!? You might as well just ask me to give up genocide while you are at it!

Not do it. Yeesh.

@Morac | Twitter
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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Not... dismember... people? What is this nonsense!? You might as well just ask me to give up genocide while you are at it.
That would also be nice, yes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
You, madame, go too far.
I think it sounds more like you're the one who goes too far

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What if it's long, and might cause clipping problems? That makes it a valid topic regarding costume parts
And what if the moving hair you are so seriously fapping for clips so bad with hoods, hats, capes, and the like that great costumes are ruined because of it? If they do give us this horrendous idea, we'll have the option to turn off the moving.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
And what if the moving hair you are so seriously fapping for clips so bad with hoods, hats, capes, and the like that great costumes are ruined because of it? If they do give us this horrendous idea, we'll have the option to turn off the moving.
I think it'd be like the animated tails, where you could chose to keep the old ones, or upgrade to the moving ones.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
The real question is whether GG would give up her cape in favour of animated hair. Because animated hair would certainly be implemented with a cape rig, and only one cape rig per model.
Not true - the wedding veil cotume part can be worn with a cape, just like Ghost Widow can have her hair as well as her asscloak.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
The real question is whether GG would give up her cape in favour of animated hair. Because animated hair would certainly be implemented with a cape rig, and only one cape rig per model.
I have a Controller who has a cape with the Bolero robe/thing before they changed it so that you can't do that anymore. So it's definitely possible, they just don't want to hand out that option for whatever reason. Furthermore, you can still use a cape alongside the Butler's Tux jacket.



Hmm.... true. I had forgotten about those two ("those two" being the two rigs from the wedding pack. I don't really consider the bolero to be a breaking of the policy because of the subsequent removal of the combined option).

Still, I'm pretty sure animated hair will be proceeded by either a change in policy at Paragon Studios (which I don't view as too likely), or a reworking of the costume system to disallow such overlaps.

@Morac | Twitter
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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I have a Controller who has a cape with the Bolero robe/thing before they changed it so that you can't do that anymore. So it's definitely possible, they just don't want to hand out that option for whatever reason.
Two or more capes/capelike systems are a significant hit to game performance, according to BaB.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Two or more capes/capelike systems are a significant hit to game performance, according to BaB.
Yet they're pushing out Ultra Mode with the next issue, aren't they? I think BaB is just lying because he's lazy~




Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Ultra mode can be turned off. Cape-rigs can't.
Make it part of Ultra Mode then.

of course, the hair would have to reflect everything, to keep up with Ultra Mode standards.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Make it part of Ultra Mode then.

of course, the hair would have to reflect everything, to keep up with Ultra Mode standards.
That.... is not actually possible. Ultra mode is a shader/reflections upgrade. Cape-rigs are something entirely different.

Theoretically, they could add an option to turn off capes, but that still wouldn't make it part of ultra mode.

@Morac | Twitter
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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
That.... is not actually possible. Ultra mode is a shader/reflections upgrade. Cape-rigs are something entirely different.

Theoretically, they could add an option to turn off capes, but that still wouldn't make it part of ultra mode.
*sigh* Fine, when activating Ultra Mode, add an algorithm that also turns 'hair' on or off.

Gotta be so **** specific.