What kinds of costume pieces would you like to see?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But real hair moves, and that isn't distracting - so it would be fine for our avatars
It does have to be like the whole hair that move - just things like the back and the bangs.
Well, you better hope CO has moving hair, because that's the only way I see the Devs...hopefully....giving a flying fig about moving hair. I'd hope moving hair is on page 65 of the 66 page book, "What the players want". Right after 'clippable toenails'.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Well, you better hope CO has moving hair, because that's the only way I see the Devs...hopefully....giving a flying fig about moving hair. I'd hope moving hair is on page 65 of the 66 page book, "What the players want". Right after 'clippable toenails'.
CoH2 might have it

As long as my hair can move in the Paragon breeze, I'll be happy

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Also would also like these sexy draws as a costume option for;

my robotic toons.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
CoH2 might have it
Keep burying your head the sand there, Sunshine. We'll tell you when to come up for air.

As long as my hair can move in the Paragon breeze, I'll be happy
*hands GG a hair dryer* Point it at your screen, and hope for the best.

I just don't see moving hair bringing in new players. And since you're the only one asking for it, you're in the .0000000001% of the playerbase. Learn to deal with disappointment. Better they give us stuff that'll bring in more revenue and players.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Keep burying your head the sand there, Sunshine. We'll tell you when to come up for air.

*hands GG a hair dryer* Point it at your screen, and hope for the best.

I just don't see moving hair bringing in new players. And since you're the only one asking for it, you're in the .0000000001% of the playerbase. Learn to deal with disappointment. Better they give us stuff that'll bring in more revenue and players.
Well, I'm not the only one wanting it - and a new game engine would be a good chance to add lots more details to our avatars

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Hair ain't gonna do that. Only new, more interesting designs, outfits, and clothing options. Flowing hair will only be freakin' distracting. Not to mention all the damnable valley girls and dumb blondes that'll flip their hair saying nonsense like, "OMG, did you see that?" or "Like, seriously." or "Oooo, something shiny!" or "Do these jeans make my hair look fat?" or "Like you know, I'm stupid, but I have such flowing, golden flaxen hair...."
They're going to do that if you give them new costume designs too, you know.

Flowing hair would add a level of realism that this game is lacking. It's not a bad idea just because GG said it.



I am for animated hair as well. That said, I'm not so sure THIS engine would do it to our satisfaction. Ghost Widow famously has moving hair, but as I understand it that's basically a cape on the back of her head. It suffices for her particular hairstyle, but how would it look on all my Low Ponytail wearers? And just what did she (the NPC model) have to give up for it? I guarantee you some costume options were locked out in exchange for that head-cape.

City of 2 for animated hair.



I just don't see moving hair making that big a difference to people. 'Realism'? Really? In a game with furries, catgirls, people who shoot flames from their hands, lasers from their eyes, and can fly? Please. Might as well ask them to get rid of the mitten condition our hand are in.

And yes, it is a bad idea because GG likes it. Find a new spokesperson, then we'll talk.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
I just don't see moving hair making that big a difference to people. 'Realism'? Really? In a game with furries, catgirls, people who shoot flames from their hands, lasers from their eyes, and can fly? Please. Might as well ask them to get rid of the mitten condition our hand are in.
More detailed hands is also a must have thing for our avatars - along with turning waists, turning necks, more realistic bust shapes and animated faces

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



*facepalm* Guess we better ditch our Devs and hire those ******* from WoW to give the "playerbase" what they want. Or we may have another "mass exodus" like we did for ED, GDN, AE, or whatever else people on here ***** about.

I like the way the game looks, except for the mitten hands, but I'm not gonna hump the Devs legs or bring it up every other day till I get what I want.



Well, if they heard what we'd like, we have a slightly better chance of getting it added

Like the neckline option for the tights was something I'd wanted for quite a while, and Sexy Jay eventually PM'ed me for an example of what I meant, so I gave him one, and then necklines showed up in the next Issue - so they do listen to us - from time to time

And we've had lots of other costume stuff added that we've asked for too - animated tails are just the most recent example.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
I just don't see moving hair making that big a difference to people. 'Realism'? Really? In a game with furries, catgirls, people who shoot flames from their hands, lasers from their eyes, and can fly? Please. Might as well ask them to get rid of the mitten condition our hand are in.

And yes, it is a bad idea because GG likes it. Find a new spokesperson, then we'll talk.
If our characters were fashioned after amoeba's, sure, but they aren't. They're fashioned after humans, and humans don't have stiff blocky hair. I'd also get rid of the meat mittens too.

You can't just argue that anything remotely real doesn't fit into a super hero game, or I declare that our hair should be made out of pudding and have the consistency of Mars upon Orion's Belt of Jupiter's foreskin and a funny hat.

And she isn't my spokesperson, she just keeps AGREEING with what I'm saying. It's like some kind of super advanced trolling method where I can't do anything because her infamy is obliterating me.



You show me the percentages of the playerbase that asked for certain things against what was actually put in the game, and I may be swayed. But I just can't believe moving hair is that fraggin' important. Not when new designs, armor, helms, hair styles, gloves, and the like are asked for more. If the playerbase asking for moving hair had that many members, it would have happened long before now.

I mean, it seems she's taking all the credit for whatever neckline options we're soon getting, so maybe she SHOULD be the spokesperson for all the stuff people want ingame. Seems she's got the pull with Sexy Jay others don't.



Necklines aren't coming soon - we've already had them added several Issues ago

EDIT: They were added in July 2007, for Issue 10.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



*shrug* Such a HUGE addition. *swoon* Must've missed it along with the new belt buckles or...wait. Sorry. Haven't gotten those yet. Well, I'm sure the necklines are there somewhere. I'll find them eventually, I'm sure.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
*shrug* Such a HUGE addition. *swoon* Must've missed it along with the new belt buckles or...wait. Sorry. Haven't gotten those yet. Well, I'm sure the necklines are there somewhere. I'll find them eventually, I'm sure.
They look like this

Just a simple "V", but it was very nice of him to make them

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They look like this

Just a simple "V", but it was very nice of him to make them
Okay, I laughed.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
You show me the percentages of the playerbase that asked for certain things against what was actually put in the game, and I may be swayed. But I just can't believe moving hair is that fraggin' important. Not when new designs, armor, helms, hair styles, gloves, and the like are asked for more. If the playerbase asking for moving hair had that many members, it would have happened long before now.

I mean, it seems she's taking all the credit for whatever neckline options we're soon getting, so maybe she SHOULD be the spokesperson for all the stuff people want ingame. Seems she's got the pull with Sexy Jay others don't.
Problem is that it's (allegedly) difficult to implement. And you'll have to just take my word for it that people want it, I'm not going on a scavenger hunt through the forums just to prove it's popularity.

Where exactly it stands on the "Want it Nao" list, I have no idea, but that doesn't mean it's not a worthwhile goal.



Well, if they only come on the female bodies, that explains it. I only play male creations.

Wait, is she a Hero, Villain, or Villain who's trying to be a Hero? I can't tell by the clothes she's wearing. I think that's Icon, but it could be a bug in the game. Better make her look more like a Hero.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Well, if they only come on the female bodies, that explains it. I only play male creations.

Wait, is she a Hero, Villain, or Villain who's trying to be a Hero? I can't tell by the clothes she's wearing. I think that's Icon, but it could be a bug in the game. Better make her look more like a Hero.
Although you can't see it, the back of my cape is also black, which just adds to the moral confusion.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yes. That is Icon.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Although you can't see it, the back of my cape is also black, which just adds to the moral confusion.
Colors don't say anything about your morals, only action. If you have an IQ over 50, you should know that.

Wait, didn't you start a thread about morals, and stuck your foot in your mouth repeatedly? Or got called on some idiotic things you said? Something like that.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Wait, didn't you start a thread about morals, and stuck your foot in your mouth repeatedly? Or got called on some idiotic things you said? Something like that.
That doesn't sound at ALL like something GG would do.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



-an aura that makes you appear to be bleeding, from like nosebleeds to hellraiser amounts. and let there be bloody footprints when you walk and puddles of blood when you idle.

more aura and skinny jeans.



Originally Posted by Hard Kisses View Post
-an aura that makes you appear to be bleeding, from like nosebleeds to hellraiser amounts. and let there be bloody footprints when you walk and puddles of blood when you idle.
T rated = very little blood - and certainly not pools of it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork