What kinds of costume pieces would you like to see?




I'd really like to see the following.

1.) Small headset mics. They already have some in the game on the recon officers in hazard zones.

2.) Back details besides capes. Back packs, scabbards etc.

3.) More holster options for pistols, chest, thighs ,hips etc.

4.) More textured tights. Also tights with piping to give them a more realistic look. (Look at foreshadow for the sort of thing I'm talking about.)

5.) More body armor, sleek and stylish. Think Iron Man or Batman from TDK movie.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I'd like to see more bulky costume pieces like the Cyborg and Enforcer sets, but not nessesarily all tech. Try floating slabs of runes, with or without the runes of them so they can just be rocks to give more variety for tech/mutant/science types (I'm thinking a normal human sized Granite armour, one with markings in it and one without).

As said, back details. Pre existing jet packs, a steampunk pack, magic jet pack (rings like the Magic medical transporter held onto the back which makes a flame?), flat tech wings which pop out like Buzz Lightyear's when you enter flight, turbines, clockwork gears, clockwork winder, the ring/jewel from chest details, Cyborg/Enforcer/Vanguard additions, a sword/dagger stuck in you (what if the stone came to life after it had Excalibur taken out of it? *shrugs*)..


Tenebrous Tentacles sticking out of your back (maybe grabbing the group ahead of you as a Super Speed animation?), sword/s, gun/s, a/some sword/s and gun/s, rocket launcher, guitar, backpacks which're big, small, leather, cloth, for traveling tech or arcane.....

*sips Relentless*

Power generators in both Tech and Arcane (you can get inspiration from the Base items, doesn't have to be all new and fancy), tech generator with jacob's ladder like the Freakshow, just a jacob's ladder strapped to your back, a volley of arrows stuck in you, chainsaw, helicopter propeller which animates in flight like Inspector Gadget, toolbox, steampunk boiler, scrap metal in a net, fish is a fishing net with or without fishing rod, teleport pack like the Sky Raiders, an arcane and steampunk teleport pack too, half of the Forcefield Generator attached to your back and for that matter also the Triange Beacon, fold up chair (won't somebody think of the wrestlers!?), general melee weapons from Axe to.. Well, I don't know any melee weapons that start with Z but you get the idea..

Hmm.. Think that's all I can think of for back items. The only other thing I'd like to see added would be for most Auras to have an alternate In Combat version, so they're only active when you're in a fight like the Cyborg auras.

Ooh wait! I also want to be able to have a giant inflatable alligator attached to my back.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



skinny jeans.
more belts.
more shoes.
more tattoo options.
more things that would look cool on T-shirts. T-shirts even.
i want a "flying V" as an option for Axe ATs.
more guns.
lotsa more guns.
an aura that makes me look like im bleeding all over.
moshing/pogo'ing/windmills for dance emotes.
pole/chair dancing emotes. (stripper day-jobs?)
more bikini options.
fishnets for males...i want to make Frankenfurter.
a propeller hat and mickey mouse ears.
grills. gold/silver/platinum/iced...
moving hair.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't jump too far ahead - I don't think they're even available for female avatars yet
That's because Frilly Panties for women would be degrading, objectifying the female characters as if they were nothing more then eye candy for us men to get our sick sexual thrills from.



A "None" option for ears would be nice. If nothing else, it would solve some mask problems.

A Zorro-type mask - a mask-bandanna that covers the top of the head and is tied in the back; I think some TMNT depictions use that style of mask as well. With both long and short tie styles.

Large collars.

And whatever costume pieces get added, they should be colourable. It's extremely irritating when there's an awesome costume piece/weapon (like the Robotic Claw piece and the matching feet, or the DP revolvers) but you can't properly colour it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
That's because Frilly Panties for women would be degrading, objectifying the female characters as if they were nothing more then eye candy for us men to get our sick sexual thrills from.
Pffft. As is they aren't already? There are some girls on Virtue who earn extra influence being "eye candy".



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No, not at all
I'd just like us to have improved avatars
Hair ain't gonna do that. Only new, more interesting designs, outfits, and clothing options. Flowing hair will only be freakin' distracting. Not to mention all the damnable valley girls and dumb blondes that'll flip their hair saying nonsense like, "OMG, did you see that?" or "Like, seriously." or "Oooo, something shiny!" or "Do these jeans make my hair look fat?" or "Like you know, I'm stupid, but I have such flowing, golden flaxen hair...."



I'd like being able to have a tail and a belt please.



Originally Posted by Sterling View Post
I'd like being able to have a tail and a belt please.
That's already on the way.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's already on the way.
Ah thanks for letting me know, especially for letting me know in a non-"why didn't you know that already newb" way. That is great news for my Draconian inspired scrapper. Having to stop in the middle of a fight to pull your pants up is both annoying and embarrasing.

Hmm...since I am already making this post I may as well put two cents in towards suspenders and chaps. Don't think I have heard anything about those items yet.



Ooh and I forgot to add, why is it the ladies have the market cornered on skirts. Why can't the males have them too, they get to wear trouseurs after all .

The kilt is ok if you make both colours the same but I'd like more skirt options for males please.


P.S and since we (me) are on the subject of kilts why don't they add the proper kilt instead of just the modern version.



Originally Posted by Mechafang View Post
Ooh and I forgot to add, why is it the ladies have the market cornered on skirts. Why can't the males have them too, they get to wear trouseurs after all .

The kilt is ok if you make both colours the same but I'd like more skirt options for males please.


P.S and since we (me) are on the subject of kilts why don't they add the proper kilt instead of just the modern version.
Then give us the Baron stuff.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Only if we can have your classic witch hat, my wizard needs a proper hat to go wizarding in.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
A "None" option for ears would be nice. If nothing else, it would solve some mask problems.

Also option to remove the human ears when using animal ears... like kitty ears. Would make me open up my choise in hairstyles more as i don't like it when i see two pairs of ears :|

And i would love to see some form of loincloth.

And some paws.

And thigh holsters for dual pistols.

And two color tintable "with skin" option. I want striped panties ><.



Not really a costme piece as much as an aura. I'd like a whole set of the HUD like armor.



Originally Posted by Sterling View Post
Ah thanks for letting me know, especially for letting me know in a non-"why didn't you know that already newb" way. That is great news for my Draconian inspired scrapper. Having to stop in the middle of a fight to pull your pants up is both annoying and embarrasing.
The tails will be animated too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Hair ain't gonna do that. Only new, more interesting designs, outfits, and clothing options. Flowing hair will only be freakin' distracting. Not to mention all the damnable valley girls and dumb blondes that'll flip their hair saying nonsense like, "OMG, did you see that?" or "Like, seriously." or "Oooo, something shiny!" or "Do these jeans make my hair look fat?" or "Like you know, I'm stupid, but I have such flowing, golden flaxen hair...."
But real hair moves, and that isn't distracting - so it would be fine for our avatars
It does have to be like the whole hair that move - just things like the back and the bangs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



More bracer options, leather, metallic, and with or without mounted gems. Pieces that can be added to the thighs, though that would probably mean adding new catagory for them. More robotic looking robotic body parts. Translucent body parts so you can have a see through, though not invisible, character.



Tentacle or inhuman arms.

More creature heads...avian,aquatic,etc.

Robes...CoT and Liches have them why can't we?

The ability to look incorporeal...like the ghost pirates.

More options for helmets..want to put horns,wings,and sunglasses at the same time.



Paws are nice...
More Monstrous heads...
Costume parts without symmetry... (Gladiator´s shoulders are an example, but also costumes with only one sleeve...)
Back options (from backpacks to school backpacks to jets to radio units and etc etc etc)... actually even a shinny armor piece for the backs would be nice (like the front parts from enforcer, vanguard, valk).
A single-shoulder piece with light animation (small shoulder laser designator turret, for an example).

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Id like to see the same things people have been asking for since the game began, that is:

Fur capes
More fishman type stuff
neck collars like widows have
more animal parts like paws/claws etc
More animal heads that dont look so tacky
hoodies on males and females, with hoods down not up
headsets like the arena attendants have etc
headset pieces that looks like tech based HUD's with a screen, kinda like foreshadows
NPC costume pieces unlocked from getting the defeat badge associated with it (just clothing, not faces etc)
Oh and animated hair lol



I'd like a really frigg'n big cloak, one that would make Spawn, Moon Knight, Dr. Strange and well Cloak jealous.

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