What kinds of costume pieces would you like to see?




Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Why try and tie it to Ultra mode at all?
I totally knew you'd say that.

Gosh darnit, I don't care how you do it man, I JUST WANT PRETTY SPARKLY HAIR!



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I totally knew you'd say that.

Gosh darnit, I don't care how you do it man, I JUST WANT PRETTY SPARKLY HAIR!
Vampire hair?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Nope. I just can't see how giving us moving hair & tails is going to bring in more players or make the company more money. And I think that's what the Devs should be focusing on. Giving us new costume pieces, designs, outfits, etc. instead of appeasing a small, vocal minority. The forums are at most, 10% of the complete playerbase, and I don't see the majority of that 10% going, "Oooo, moving hair! Oooo swishy tails!" I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
Except the "vast majority" of players almost never agree on what costume parts they *WANT*. Take a look at when they added the more Asian themed costume pieces, which some loved, and others whined about "OMG WE R BEKOMIN CITY OF ANIME!!!!!!!111111misskittywilleatyoursoul1111111" . To sit here and try to claim that something shouldn't be added to the costume system simply because "Only a vocal minority" wants it is idiotic.



I want Sold Wings that expand out. Kinda like the Ascendant Shields.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I would like to see more Japanese style anime armor,helms,gloves...etc...etc! Magic medalions and bracers. Glow added to the armors and bracers peices.

Chest armor with the shoulders attached with head wear optional. Shoulder Harnesses with gun holster optional.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Originally Posted by Obscure Blade
Two or more capes/capelike systems are a significant hit to game performance, according to BaB.
Yet they're pushing out Ultra Mode with the next issue, aren't they? I think BaB is just lying because he's lazy~

As said, entirely different. First, they don't use the same animation systems; BaBs also mentioned that we can have both capes and animated tails because animated tails don't cause the performance problems capes do, because they aren't animated like capes. And on top of that, Ultra Mode is client side; it doesn't affect the performance of the game itself.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
As said, entirely different. First, they don't use the same animation systems; BaBs also mentioned that we can have both capes and animated tails because animated tails don't cause the performance problems capes do, because they aren't animated like capes. And on top of that, Ultra Mode is client side; it doesn't affect the performance of the game itself.
While I appreciate the information, I've kind of stopped accepting "system limitations" as an excuse the last four or five times they proved themselves wrong.

Everything is a matter of time, and I'm pretty patient.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
As said, entirely different. First, they don't use the same animation systems; BaBs also mentioned that we can have both capes and animated tails because animated tails don't cause the performance problems capes do, because they aren't animated like capes. And on top of that, Ultra Mode is client side; it doesn't affect the performance of the game itself.
Are cape animations calculated server side? Interesting.

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Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
I think it's funny how this thread has turned into a discussion about moving hair.
It's the GG Effect™. One could almost form an axiom from it.

As the number of posts in a thread rises, the probability of GG entering that thread and demanding "MOVING HAIR NAO!" rises exponentially.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
While I appreciate the information, I've kind of stopped accepting "system limitations" as an excuse the last four or five times they proved themselves wrong.

Everything is a matter of time, and I'm pretty patient.
Oh yes, I missed this. There is a difference between "the engine can't do it" and "letting the engine do it would be a bad idea". Power customization was the former. Multiple cape-rigs, at least according to Paragon Studio's official policy, is the latter.

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I would like:

More Steampunk items and clothing!

Back details similiar to what some of the Carnies wear!

Someone to jump over into the Aion teams cubicals and grab all their outfits and port them over!

More skin colors...when you hit color tintable for pwrs why not have those options for skin...instead of yea 3 options of red, blue, green



Not much. Just cornrows and dreadlock hairstyles for female toons



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
I know this is ridiculously simple, but I've wanted it forever.

I want a mask that sits ON your face, and isn't painted onto it:

I want to be able to color it. I'm sick of my eyebrows showing through the darned thing when I choose the Rounded, Pointed, or Diamond masks with any color but black.
This! Opaque masks FTW.



Costume colors and patterns that match from head-to-toe.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I've said this before and I'll say it again: chest emblems available on capes.

There. I've said it.



Originally Posted by Cyberforce View Post
I've said this before and I'll say it again: chest emblems available on capes.

There. I've said it.
Chest emblems on your back would be nice as well.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Chest emblems on your back would be nice as well.
Wouldn't those be back emblems then?

Maybe they could just call them "emblems" and let you place them on chests, backs, capes, shoulder pads and so on?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
More than anything, I'd really like to see extra back options. A jetpack that has variable Sky Raider or Longbow visuals, etc.
Rad-Bit requests a Clockwork Winder as a back detail.

That would complete him.

Hair is like information - it wants to be free, yo.
Don't anthropomorphize hair. It hates that.



Weapons worn on the back/hip/etc. Quivers, holsters, scabbards, etc. More animal/beast options. Robes.



Originally Posted by Mr_Zek View Post
Weapons worn on the back/hip/etc. Quivers, holsters, scabbards, etc. More animal/beast options. Robes.
I think the big problem for back items is how they make them work with weapons - like if you carry your sword on your back, it'll still be there even when you draw your weapon.
Unless they make some new system that can add and remove costume parts depending on what powers you activate, then they might decide that it won't look good enough just leaving the weapon in place.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the big problem for back items is how they make them work with weapons - like if you carry your sword on your back, it'll still be there even when you draw your weapon.
Unless they make some new system that can add and remove costume parts depending on what powers you activate, then they might decide that it won't look good enough just leaving the weapon in place.
A lot of NPC's have weapons on their back that they never draw. Good enough for them == good enough for us?

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Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Bare feet looking like bare feet instead of bare feet-like clubs.
Oh man, this. A thousand times this. The same goes for hands (doubly so, because at least with feet the "zombie" option doesn't look too bad).

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Oh yes, I missed this. There is a difference between "the engine can't do it" and "letting the engine do it would be a bad idea". Power customization was the former. Multiple cape-rigs, at least according to Paragon Studio's official policy, is the latter.
If the argument is that multiple cape-rigs would cause performance issues, then give it an on/off switch so as to evade such problems on older computers.

Paragon Studio's Official policy has changed often with the years. One of the concerns with Power Customization is that it would cause undue stress upon the server, but it was then discovered to be false. There is nothing to say that the engine cannot improve to where multiple cape rigs would be possible. In fact, I would contend that it already is, considering we can already do it.

As time goes on what the system can and can't do changes, typically for the better. The 'never possible' of today becomes the triviality of tomorrow, and that's not just gushy optimism; I've watched it happen my entire life.

Finally, there's nothing declaring that it has to be another cape rig. You could just as well make movable hair work in the same manner as you do wings, though I imagine this would be the less preferred option.

*EDIT* - The impossible is possible tonight~



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Oh man, this. A thousand times this. The same goes for hands (doubly so, because at least with feet the "zombie" option doesn't look too bad).
If it weren't for that decaying skin I would never use the actual bare feet again.

Seriously, who designed our ankles?

Originally Posted by Golden Girl
I think the big problem for back items is how they make them work with weapons - like if you carry your sword on your back, it'll still be there even when you draw your weapon.
Unless they make some new system that can add and remove costume parts depending on what powers you activate, then they might decide that it won't look good enough just leaving the weapon in place.
I recall reading that the biggest problem about adding back items is how they sit on our characters. For example, HUGE characters tend to have back items lodged in their spin, and skinny/short characters have them floating a few dozen (exaggeration) feet behind their behind.

As far as deactivating the effect when certain powers are activated, Combat Auras already kind of sort of do something like this. Replace 'activate' with 'deactivate' and I think you're in business.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
If it weren't for that decaying skin I would never use the actual bare feet again.

Seriously, who designed our ankles?

I recall reading that the biggest problem about adding back items is how they sit on our characters. For example, HUGE characters tend to have back items lodged in their spin, and skinny/short characters have them floating a few dozen (exaggeration) feet behind their behind.

As far as deactivating the effect when certain powers are activated, Combat Auras already kind of sort of do something like this. Replace 'activate' with 'deactivate' and I think you're in business.
I concur on the better bare feet option.

Also, small hole in using combat auras, combat auras will activate when a power is in use or in this case, make a weapon disappear...
So... There's gonna be those awkward times when you used Practice Brawler, your weapon's not in its scabbard, nor in your hands.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.