Any regrets?

Ad Astra



Have you ever done something in game and regretted it completely? If so, what is it? Prevent others from doing the same mistake!

Mine was about 2 years ago, i was funding a major summer long event and with the prizes stated i actually ended up quite a bit short of the funds needed.

My main character at the time that i was playing was a level 45 warshade [shadow waster] that i was loving because of how strong he was. Yet to fund the competition fully i decided to respec him and sell ALL of his enhancements [was mostly generic IOs with a few obvious special ones].
Well the competition went great, everybody was happy, i went to play my warshade and well . . . . he was nerfed beyond saving! I had got so used to being a god as him that i just couldnt play him anymore unslotted and he had no money on him to buy more IOs! [i have this strange thing where i dont transfer money over to fund characters. They have to fund themselves!]

Thus, he has stayed on the shelf for 2 years now coming out now and then and each time making me let out a little "sniff" at how good he used to be . . . . . . .

Dont unslot your characters!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Well, look at the bright side, when i17 comes out you can have another character lend him some cash for new IOs and he can work to pay that character back.

My regret is having spent my 2 free character slots on Victory and Freedom instead of on Virtue. I've made friends on Virtue and so those two slots would have come in handy for more characters, I don't even have any characters left on Victory.



If I'd joined the game just *one month* earlier, I would get the first anniversary badge on my first few characters. As it is, I joined in June and that badge is Lost Forever.

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
If I'd joined the game just *one month* earlier, I would get the first anniversary badge on my first few characters. As it is, I joined in June and that badge is Lost Forever.
I'm in exactly the same situation
And I still think they should make the 5th Column gladiator be tied to just having any two anniversary badges

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My regret, being the badger that I am.
I had for a short while an account on the US, then I took quite a break. I got reintroduced to the game by a friend, who told of RP events that they had done and I was.. oh yea RP, Got to join.
So I went and looked at the pages again and noticed... I was one month late for transferring chars from my US account over to EU.

Another was to have played AO for between 2-3 years, when I could have played CoX from that time (and gotten plenty of nice Vet badges).

Another that people can learn from is:
I teamed like crazy on my emp defender. I rushed forward doing no contacts in a few zones, like Talos. That is one thing I regret bitterly when I play her.
Thus I learned to make certain to have a contact in every zone upwards. (Thank goodness for the "No-XP" button)
Reason, for buying inspirations in every zone.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



My regret is being so tied to my self-imposed rules and tournament system for playing.

Rather than go into all the convoluted silliness (which covers over 2 dozen spreadsheets); suffice it to say that if the developers change the game significantly I feel like re-writing my rules to incorporate the new play-elements. When this happens I delete ALL my characters... no matter how many... no matter how high a level... and start them all over at level 1.

The last time I did this was when Mission Architect was brought out. I have a strong, gut sinking feeling that Going Rogue will see me doing yet another system-wide reboot.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Thankfully I joined the very month they were handing out Celebrant!
My main now has all 5 anniversary badges! ;P
He's the only one though, being my badger and all.

My regrets mirror the OP's to an extent.
When I finally reached 50 on my main, a task that took me more than 4 years (I'm such a casual soloer) I decided I'd vetspec and start the process of IOing him. He was pretty broke though, sitting on about 11 million and some change. So I thought it'd be a good idea to just outright sell all my enhancements and start fresh.
He sat unenhanced for months as I slowly gathered the funds. I ended up being so disgusted with the whole deal I just broke down and went back to SO's....

Did I mention that I put a slot in brawl on my 1st toon?
I regretted that until the freespecs started flowing like candy.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



*sells LoTG +rech recipe to vendor*



what do I regret?

Making an alt.....
then another....
then another....
then another....

ppl! stick to your main! Don't waste your time trying out everything at once when you could be levelling your main up to 50 and get that EAT! Oh wait, they'll be available at 20 now won't they?! aaaaaaaaaaaaa curses!!!!!



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
My regret is being so tied to my self-imposed rules and tournament system for playing.

Rather than go into all the convoluted silliness (which covers over 2 dozen spreadsheets); suffice it to say that if the developers change the game significantly I feel like re-writing my rules to incorporate the new play-elements. When this happens I delete ALL my characters... no matter how many... no matter how high a level... and start them all over at level 1.

The last time I did this was when Mission Architect was brought out. I have a strong, gut sinking feeling that Going Rogue will see me doing yet another system-wide reboot.

What?? You can't just say something like that and then not explain it...can you?



Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
What?? You can't just say something like that and then not explain it...can you?
Yeah, I'm kinda wondering what exactly he meant by that too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
My regret is being so tied to my self-imposed rules and tournament system for playing.

Rather than go into all the convoluted silliness (which covers over 2 dozen spreadsheets); suffice it to say that if the developers change the game significantly I feel like re-writing my rules to incorporate the new play-elements. When this happens I delete ALL my characters... no matter how many... no matter how high a level... and start them all over at level 1.

The last time I did this was when Mission Architect was brought out. I have a strong, gut sinking feeling that Going Rogue will see me doing yet another system-wide reboot.
Let me get this right, when inventions [im guessing?] and mission architect came out, you deleted all your characters to start them off again?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I regret not rotating through all my characters every time an Anniversary badge was available.
Now I got at least one character that I'll never play, but won't delete because he's got that stinking 1st anniv. badge and they're not global, yet.



lol, with ya on that one, BBQ. One dusty old rad/rad corr and one even dustier nin/pain mm got the 5-year jubliant badge, and they're not going anywhere.



Not taking it upon myself to start teaming earlier. I bought this game pretty much at launch and played for a bit but then quit because it just felt kind of stale. Restarted during a free weekend, played a for a bit then quit for a year or two again. Restarted again last May during a free weekend then... actually started setting my LFT flag and contacting people who were looking for more. Finding out about global channels and joining teams and task forces. It's pushing a year now since I rejoined and I'm still interested in the game, largely because I'm treating it like a social event rather than a single player game.

If people like playing it solo, that's fine. But I was personally more worried about not knowing "enough" that I'd be a liability in a team or not playing well enough or whatever. I'm glad I finally just took the plunge (which was painless) and regret not having done so way back in the day.



beyeajus doesn't know the disease:

what do I regret?

Making an alt.....
then another....
then another....
then another....

ppl! stick to your main! Don't waste your time trying out everything at once when you could be levelling your main up to 50 and get that EAT! Oh wait, they'll be available at 20 now won't they?! aaaaaaaaaaaaa curses!!!!!
I do that. Within the first month, I had 48 characters. Currently, I think my count is over 100. I took almost two years and over 800 ingame hours to get Decorum to 50, and here four years in, still only have three of them.

And I love it. I'm in no hurry. This game's about the journey, not the destination.

Hello, my name is Steven, and I am an altoholic.

As to regrets, most of mine are stuff I didn't do. Coinciding with my slow leveling, I never had a character high enough to do the old-style Hamidon raid. Yes, I know a lot of people say I didn't miss anything more than turning my back and mashing the one button over and over, but still, I'd have liked to experienced it just the once.

But as regrets go, that's not really a big one, is it?

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Another that people can learn from is:
I teamed like crazy on my emp defender. I rushed forward doing no contacts in a few zones, like Talos. That is one thing I regret bitterly when I play her.
Thus I learned to make certain to have a contact in every zone upwards. (Thank goodness for the "No-XP" button)
Reason, for buying inspirations in every zone.
I had the same issue with my Emp Defender and my 1st Controller. It really, really bugged me for a long time. But I've gotten over it now because I have Base storage along with insp sellers readily available at Oroborus and AE buildings. The last couple of new characters I am playing have not made it a priority to open their Contact's full insp store, which required a distinct mental shift to make it happen.

The other thing I regret was trying to be a completist on 2 characters when Croatoa came out. Keeping myself in perma-Debt so that I could finish all my Contact's story missions solo burnt me out. I stalled out at about 35 after finishing up Croatoa. These 2 characters languished on the shelf for years. Perhaps it was due to both of them being Defenders, so their low damage dragged every fight out. After a couple of years, I finally made a push, ditched the completist concept and got the Dark/Dark to 50 on regular team play. However, I still can't gather up the enthusiasm to play the Rad/Rad even now with any frequency.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Mine? Not getting a PC when I finished basic training. The week I graduated is when City Of Heroes launched.

I didn't get a PC till 2006.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
My regret is being so tied to my self-imposed rules and tournament system for playing.

Rather than go into all the convoluted silliness (which covers over 2 dozen spreadsheets); suffice it to say that if the developers change the game significantly I feel like re-writing my rules to incorporate the new play-elements. When this happens I delete ALL my characters... no matter how many... no matter how high a level... and start them all over at level 1.

The last time I did this was when Mission Architect was brought out. I have a strong, gut sinking feeling that Going Rogue will see me doing yet another system-wide reboot.
I desperately need you to explain this. In fact, I want to see the spreadsheets for myself.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
If I'd joined the game just *one month* earlier, I would get the first anniversary badge on my first few characters. As it is, I joined in June and that badge is Lost Forever.
I have it worse than that. I joined the game just in time to get that badge. I got it on several characters.

At the time however, I was a total noob and did not really know anything about badges, so I was not aware that it was available for a limited time and then it'd be lost forever. So when I finally decided which character I wanted to play (my ill/emp troller) I deleted the other characters that were "wasting space". And that ill/emp troller was created just a couple of days after Celebrant stopped awarding.

It's the only badge (save veterans and the attached Gladiator) I don't have -- and it's my own damn fault. If it were a global badge, I'd have it. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
My regret is having spent my 2 free character slots on Victory and Freedom instead of on Virtue. I've made friends on Virtue and so those two slots would have come in handy for more characters, I don't even have any characters left on Victory.
I put all 4 of mine on Virtue, would like those on Freedom now. Plus the free transfers, not sure if I regret any of those yet...



I always regret not standing up for myself more in this game.

Then again, I would get into alot of trouble if I did "fight back", so to speak.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



There was this one Pocket D....that involved a Mastermind catgirl and her robots.....*weeps*